You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
4.9 KiB

from flask import Flask, render_template, Response, abort, url_for, request
# from weasyprint import HTML
import os
from pagedjs import make_pdf_from_url
from settings import DEBUG, HTML_TMP_DIR, SITEURL
import tempfile
from import safe_join
from dreaming_trees import call_trees, open_dreams, part_of_speech, convert_token_to_text, replace_pos, highlight_word, in_between
# create list of dictionaries with Forest, ha, Tree_1, Tree_2, Tree_3, CO2 in tonnes, ratio
file = "data_trees.csv"
data = call_trees(file)
# open file with dreams
textfile = "dreams_selection_till_p47.txt"
dreaming = open_dreams(textfile)
app = Flask(__name__)
Everything you print here, shows up in the terminal.
If you want to have it show up in the html pages add the texts there in html.
import your script mentioning the different functions
add this for commands in script with functions
if __name__ == '__main__':
-> if you call script by its own name, it will execute the commands,
otherwise it will only activate the functions to be called elsewhere
Shows the index page of the application
# @app.route('/')
# def index():
# return render_template('index.html')
Shows the first form or view in Flask
the app.route is the webaddress
you need to create the template in templates, and specify what variables you want to use in that template
def step_1():
locations = []
for element in data:
return render_template('step1.html', locations=locations)
Shows the second form
You need to get the chosen variable from the first template, by using request
And again, specify the variables you will be using in the template
@app.route('/step2', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def step_2():
location = request.form['location']
trees = [data[int(location)]['Tree_0'], data[int(location)]['Tree_1'], data[int(location)]['Tree_2']]
return render_template('step2.html', location=location, trees=trees)
This is where the book generation happens.
Get the different variables the reader has chosen by using the request function.
Declare all variable you want to use in the book template.
Specify these variables in html = render.template('book.html'...)
@app.route('/generate', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def generate ():
location = request.form['location']
place = data[int(location)]['Forest']
tree = request.form['tree']
name_tree = "Tree_"+tree
dream_tree = data[int(location)][name_tree]
selected_description = name_tree + "_description"
description_tree = data[int(location)][selected_description]
doc, tokens, verbs, nouns, adjectives, articles = part_of_speech(dreaming)
tokenized_text = convert_token_to_text(doc)
if float(data[int(location)]["CO2"]) < 1:
# if ration is <1
# replace articles and nouns by spaces of same length
article_text = replace_pos(tokenized_text, articles)
final_textlist = replace_pos(article_text, nouns)
final_text = " ".join(final_textlist)
elif float(data[int(location)]["CO2"]) > 110000:
verb_text = highlight_word(tokenized_text, verbs)
final_textlist = highlight_word(verb_text, nouns)
final_text = " ".join(final_textlist)
final_textlist = in_between(tokenized_text, nouns)
final_text = " ".join(final_textlist)
Insert your own Python code in this function.
# Rendering of the template. Forward generated data to the template
# using named arguments, for example, if a variable chapters was generated
# you can add it to the function like so:
# html = render_template('book.html', DEBUG=DEBUG, chapters=chapters)
html = render_template('book.html', DEBUG=DEBUG, tree=tree, dream_tree=dream_tree, location=location, \
description_tree=description_tree, final_text=final_text, place=place)
if (DEBUG):
return html
pdf = make_pdf(html)
r = Response(pdf, mimetype='application/pdf')
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="Dreaming with {} in {}.pdf"'.format(dream_tree, place)
return r
Proxy(?) for pagedjs, it stores the provided html in a separate file.
Now pagedjs can connect to the application through HTTP.
This way static files, like fonts, images and css can be served in a regular way.
def make_pdf (html):
if not os.path.exists(HTML_TMP_DIR):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='book_', dir=HTML_TMP_DIR, delete=False) as tmpfile:
bookname = os.path.basename(
url = SITEURL + url_for('show_book', bookname=bookname)
# Generate the pdf with pagedjs
return make_pdf_from_url(url)
View for pagedjs. It loads the generated HTML from the tmp dir and returns it.
def show_book (bookname):
bookpath = safe_join(HTML_TMP_DIR, bookname)
if os.path.exists(bookpath):
with open(bookpath, 'r') as h:
html =
return html