From cae79701f7bd181f70fa13e9d0237678921c05ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ana mertens Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:31:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] English literary texts --- data/benito_english.txt | 6281 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ data/emilia_english.txt | 6585 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 12866 insertions(+) create mode 100644 data/benito_english.txt create mode 100644 data/emilia_english.txt diff --git a/data/benito_english.txt b/data/benito_english.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da93024 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/benito_english.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6281 @@ +The sun had set. After the brief interval of twilight the night fell +calm and dark, and in its gloomy bosom the last sounds of a sleepy +world died gently away. The traveller went forward on his way, +hastening his step as night came on; the path he followed was narrow +and worn by the constant tread of men and beasts, and led gently up a +hill on whose verdant slopes grew picturesque clumps of wild cherry +trees, beeches and oaks.--The reader perceives that we are in the north +of Spain. + +Our traveller was a man of middle age, strongly built, tall and +broad-shouldered; his movements were brisk and resolute, his step +firm, his manner somewhat rugged, his eye bold and bright; his pace +was nimble, considering that he was decidedly stout, and he was--the +reader may at once be told, though somewhat prematurely--as good a +soul as you may meet with anywhere. He was dressed, as a man in easy +circumstances should be dressed for a journey in spring weather, with +one of those round shady hats, which, from their ugly shape, have been +nicknamed mushrooms (_hongo_), a pair of field-glasses hanging to a +strap, and a knotted stick which, when he did not use it to support his +steps, served to push aside the brambles when they flung their thorny +branches across so as to catch his dress. + +He presently stopped, and gazing round the dim horizon, he seemed vexed +and puzzled. He evidently was not sure of his way and was looking +round for some passing native of the district who might give him such +topographical information as might enable him to reach his destination. + +"I cannot be mistaken," he said to himself. "They told me to cross the +river by the stepping-stones--and I did so--then to walk on, straight +on. And there, to my right, I do in fact, see that detestable town +which I should call _Villafangosa_ by reason of the enormous amount of +mud that chokes the streets.--Well then, I can but go 'on, straight +on'--I rather like the phrase, and if I bore arms, I would adopt it +for my motto--in order to find myself at last at the famous mines of +Socartes." + +But before he had gone much farther, he added: "I have lost my way, +beyond a doubt I have lost my way.--This, Teodoro Golfin, is the +result of your 'on, straight on.' Bah! these blockheads do not know +the meaning of words; either they meant to laugh at you or else +they did not know the way to the mines of Socartes. A huge mining +establishment must be evident to the senses, with its buildings and +chimneys, its noise of hammers and snorting of furnaces, neighing of +horses and clattering of machinery--and I neither see, nor hear, nor +smell anything. I might be in a desert! How absolutely solitary! If I +believed in witches, I could fancy that Fate intended me this night to +have the honor of making acquaintance with some. Deuce take it! why is +there no one to be seen in these parts? And it will be half an hour +yet before the moon rises. Ah! treacherous Luna, it is you who are to +blame for my misadventure.--If only I could see what sort of place I +am in.--However, what could I expect?" and he shrugged his shoulders +with the air of a vigorous man who scorns danger. "What, Golfin, after +having wandered all round the world are you going to give in now? The +peasants were right after all: 'on, straight on.' The universal law of +locomotion cannot fail me here." + +And he bravely set out to test the law, and went on about a kilometre +farther, following the paths which seemed to start from under his feet, +crossing each other and breaking off at a short distance, in a thousand +angles which puzzled and tired him. Stout as his resolution was, at +last he grew weary of his vain efforts. The paths, which had at first +all led upwards, began to slope downwards as they crossed each other, +and at last he came to so steep a slope that he could only hope to get +to the bottom by rolling down it. + +"A pretty state of things!" he exclaimed, trying to console himself for +this provoking situation by his sense of the ridiculous. "Where have +you got to now my friend? This is a perfect abyss. Is anything to be +seen at the bottom. No, nothing, absolutely nothing--the hill-side has +disappeared, the earth has been dug away. There is nothing to be seen +but stones and barren soil tinged red with iron. I have reached the +mines, no doubt of that--and yet there is not a living soul to be seen, +no smoky chimneys; no noise, not a train in the distance, not even a +dog barking. What am I to do? Out there the path seems to slope up +again.--Shall I follow that? Shall I leave the beaten track? Shall I go +back again? Oh! this is absurd! Either I am not myself or I will reach +Socartes to-night, and be welcomed by my worthy brother! 'On, straight +on.'" + +He took a step, and his foot sank in the soft and crumbling soil. +"What next, ye ruling stars? Am I to be swallowed up alive? If only +that lazy moon would favor us with a little light we might see each +other's faces--and, upon my soul, I can hardly expect to find Paradise +at the bottom of this hole. It seems to be the crater of some extinct +volcano.... Nothing could be easier than a slide down this beautiful +precipice. What have we here?... A stone; capital--a good seat while I +smoke a cigar and wait for the moon to rise." + +The philosophical Golfin seated himself as calmly as if it were a +bench by a promenade, and was preparing for his smoke, when he heard a +voice--yes, beyond a doubt, a human voice, at some little distance--a +plaintive air, or to speak more accurately, a melancholy chant of a +single phrase, of which the last cadence was prolonged into a "dying +fall," and which at last sank into the silence of the night, so softly +that the ear could not detect when it ceased. + +"Come," said the listener, well pleased, "there are some human beings +about. That was a girl's voice; yes, certainly a girl's, and a lovely +voice too. I like the popular airs of this country-side. Now it has +stopped.... Hark! it will soon begin again.... Yes, I hear it once +more. What a beautiful voice, and what a pathetic air! You might +believe that it rose from the bowels of the earth, and that Señor +Golfin, the most matter-of-fact and least superstitious man in this +world, was going to make acquaintance with sylphs, nymphs, gnomes, +dryads, and all the rabble rout that obey the mysterious spirit of the +place.--But, if I am not mistaken, the voice is going farther away--the +fair singer is departing.... Hi, girl, child, stop--wait a minute!..." + +The voice which had for a few minutes so charmed the lost wanderer with +its enchanting strains was dying away in the dark void, and at the +shouts of Golfin it was suddenly silent. Beyond a doubt the mysterious +gnome, who was solacing its underground loneliness by singing its +plaintive loves, had taken fright at this rough interruption by a human +being, and fled to the deepest caverns of the earth, where precious +gems lay hidden, jealous of their own splendor. + +"This is a pleasant state of things--" muttered Golfin, thinking that +after all he could do no better than light his cigar.--"There seems no +reason why it should not go on for a hundred years. I can smoke and +wait. It was a clever idea of mine that I could walk up alone to the +mines of Socartes. My luggage will have got there before me--a signal +proof of the advantages of 'on, straight on.'" + +A light breeze at this instant sprang up, and Golfin fancied he +heard the sound of footsteps at the bottom of the unknown--or +imaginary--abyss before him; he listened sharply, and in a minute felt +quite certain that some one was walking below. He stood up and shouted: + +"Girl, man, or whoever you are, can I get to the mines of Socartes by +this road?" + +He had not done speaking when he heard a dog barking wildly, and then a +manly voice saying: "Choto, Choto! come here!" + +"Hi there!" cried the traveller. "My good friend--man, boy, demon, or +whatever you are, call back your dog, for I am a man of peace." + +"Choto, Choto!..." + +Golfin could make out the form of a large, black dog coming towards +him, but after sniffing round him it retired at its master's call; +and at that moment the traveller could distinguish a figure, a man, +standing as immovable as a stone image, at about ten paces below him, +on a slanting pathway which seemed to cut across the steep incline. +This path, and the human form standing there, became quite clear now to +Golfin, who, looking up to the sky, exclaimed: + +"Thank God! here is the mad moon at last; now we can see where we are. +I had not the faintest notion that a path existed so close to me, why, +it is quite a road. Tell me, my friend, do you know whether the mines +of Socartes are hereabout?" + +"Yes, Señor, these are the mines of Socartes; but we are at some +distance from the works." + +The voice which spoke thus was youthful and pleasant, with the +attractive inflection that indicates a polite readiness to be of +service. The doctor was well pleased at detecting this, and still +better pleased at observing the soft light, which was spreading through +the darkness and bringing resurrection to earth and sky, as though +calling them forth from nothingness. + +"_Fiat lux!_" he said, going forward down the slope. "I feel as if I +had just emerged into existence from primeval chaos.... Indeed, my good +friend, I am truly grateful to you for the information you have given +me, and for the farther information you no doubt will give me. I left +Villamojada as the sun was setting.--They told me to go on, straight +on...." + +"Are you going to the works?" asked the strange youth, without stirring +from the spot or looking up towards the doctor, who was now quite near +him. + +"Yes, Señor; but I have certainly lost my way." + +"Well, this is not the entrance to the mines. The entrance is by the +steps at Rabagones, from which the road runs and the tram-way that +they are making. If you had gone that way you would have reached the +works in ten minutes. From here it is a long way, and a very bad road. +We are at the outer circle of the mining galleries, and shall have to +go through passages and tunnels, down ladders, through cuttings, up +slopes, and then down the inclined plane; in short, cross the mines +from this side to the other, where the workshops are and the furnaces, +the machines and the smelting-house." + +"Well, I seem to have been uncommonly stupid," said Golfin, laughing. + +"I will guide you with much pleasure, for I know every inch of the +place." + +Golfin, whose feet sank in the loose earth, slipping here and tottering +there, had at last reached the solid ground of the path, and his first +idea was to look closely at the good-natured lad who addressed him. +For a minute or two he was speechless with surprise. + +"You!" he said, in a low voice. + +"I am blind, it is true, Señor," said the boy. "But I can run without +seeing from one end to the other of the mines of Socartes. This stick I +carry prevents my stumbling, and Choto is always with me, when I have +not got Nela with me, who is my guide. So, follow me, Señor, and allow +me to guide you." + + + + +CHAPTER II. + +GUIDED RIGHT. + + +"And were you born blind?" asked Golfin, with eager interest, arising +not only from compassion. + +"Yes, Señor, born blind," replied the lad, with perfect simplicity. +"I only know the world by fancy, feeling and hearing. I have learned +to understand that the most wonderful portion of the universe is that +which is unknown to me. I know that the eyes of other people are not +like mine, since they are able to distinguish things by them--but the +power seems to me so extraordinary, that I cannot even imagine the +possibility of its existence." + +"Who knows ..." Golfin began. "But what strange scene is this, my +friend? What a wonderful place we are in!" + +The traveller, who had been walking by the side of his companion, +stood still in astonishment at the weird view which lay before him. +They were in a deep basin resembling the crater of a volcano; the +ground at the bottom was broken and rough, and the sloping sides still +more so. Round the margin and in the middle of the vast caldron, +which looked even larger than it was in the deceptive chiaroscuro of +the moonlit night, stood colossal figures, deformed caricatures of +humanity, monsters lying prone with their feet in the air, with arms +spread in despair, stunted growths, distorted faces such as we see in +the whimsical wreathing of floating clouds--but all still, silent, and +turned to stone. In color they were mummy-like, a reddish bistre; their +action suggested the delirium of fever arrested by sudden death. It was +as though giant forms had petrified in the midst of some demoniacal +orgy, and their gestures and the burlesque grimaces of the monstrous +heads had been stricken into fixity, like the motionless attitudes of +sculpture. The silence which prevailed in this volcanic-looking hollow +was itself terrifying. One might fancy that the cries and shrieks of a +thousand voices had been petrified too, and had been held there locked +in stone for ages. + +"Where are we, my young friend?" asked Golfin. "This place is like a +nightmare." + +"This part of the mine is called La Terrible," replied the blind boy, +not appreciating his companion's frame of mind. "It was worked till +about two years ago when the ore was exhausted, and now the mining +is carried on in other parts which are more profitable. The strange +objects that surprise you so much are the blocks of stone which we call +_cretácea_, and which consist of hardened ferruginous clay, after the +ore has been extracted. I have been told that the effect is sublime, +particularly in the moonlight; but I do not understand such things." + +"A wonderful effect,--yes--" said the stranger, who still stood gazing +at the scene, "but which to me is more terrible than pleasing, for it +reminds me of the horrors of neuralgia.--Shall I tell you what it is +like? It is as if I were standing inside a monstrous brain suffering +from a fearful headache. Those figures are like the images which +present themselves to the tortured brain, and become confounded with +the hideous fancies and visions created by a fevered mind." + +"Choto, Choto, here!" called the blind lad. "Take care now, Señor, how +you walk; we are going into a gallery." And, in fact, Golfin saw that +his guide, feeling with his stick, was making his way towards a narrow +entrance distinguished by three stout posts. + +The dog went in first, snuffing at the black cavern; the blind boy +followed him with the calm indifference of a man who dwells in +perpetual darkness. Golfin followed, not without some instinctive +trepidation and repugnance at an underground expedition. + +"It is really wonderful," he said, "that you should go in and out of +such a place without stumbling." + +"I have lived all my life in these places, and know them as well as my +own home. Here it is very cold; wrap yourself up if have you a cloak +with you. We shall soon be out at the other end." He walked on, feeling +his way with his hand along the wall, which was formed of upright +beams, and saying: + +"Mind you do not stumble over the ruts in the path; they bring the +mineral along here from the diggings above. Are you cold?" + +"Tell me," said the doctor, gaily. "Are you quite certain that the +earth has not swallowed us up? This passage is the gullet of some +monstrous insectivorous brute into whose stomach we miserable worms +have inadvertently crept.--Do you often take a walk in this delectable +spot?" + +"Yes, often, and at all hours, and I think the place delightful. Now we +are in the most arid part--the ground here is pure sand--now we are on +the stones again. Here there is a constant drip of sulphurous water, +and down there we have a block of rock in which there are petrified +shells. There are layers of slate over there. Do you hear that toad +croaking? we are near the opening now; the rascal sits there every +night; I know him quite well. He has a hoarse, slow voice." + +"Who--the toad?" + +"Yes, Señor; we are near the end now." + +"So I see; it looks like an eye staring at us--that is the mouth of the +corridor." + +No sooner were they out in the air again, than the first thing that +struck the doctor's ear was the same melancholy song as he had heard +before. The blind boy heard it too; he turned round to his companion +and said, smiling with pride and pleasure: + +"Do you hear her?" + +"I heard that voice before and it charmed me wonderfully. Who is the +singer?" + +Instead of answering, the blind boy stopped and shouted with all +the force of his lungs: "Nela! Nela!" and the name was repeated by +a hundred echoes, some quite close, others faint and distant. Then, +putting his hands to his mouth for a speaking-trumpet, he called out: + +"Do not come to me, I am going that way. Wait for me at the forge--at +the forge!" + +He turned to the doctor again and explained: + +"Nela is a girl who goes about with me; she is my guide--my +_Lazarillo_. When it was dusk we were coming home together from the +great meadow--it was rather cool, so, as my father forbids my walking +out at night without a cloak, I waited in Romolinos' cabin, and Nela +ran home to fetch it for me. After staying some little time in the hut, +I remembered that I had a friend coming to see me at home and I had not +patience to wait for Nela, so I set out with Choto. I was just going +down La Terrible when I met you. We shall soon be at the forge now and +there we must part, for my father is not pleased when I go home late, +and Nela will show you the way to the works." + +"Many thanks, my little friend." + +The tunnel had brought them out at a spot even more wonderful than that +they had left. It was an enormous gulf or chasm in the earth, looking +like the result of an earthquake; but it had not been rent by the +fierce throbs of planetary fires, but slowly wrought by the laborious +pick of the miner. It looked like the interior of a huge shipwrecked +vessel, stranded on the shore, and broken across the waist by the +breakers, so as to bend it at an obtuse angle. You could fancy you saw +its ribs laid bare, and their ends standing up in an irregular file on +one side. Within the hollow hull lay huge stones, like the relics of a +cargo tossed about by the waves, and the deceptive light of the moon +lent so much aid to the fancy that Golfin could have believed that he +saw among the relics of a ship's fittings, corpses half devoured by +fishes, mummies, skeletons--all dead, silent, half-destroyed and still, +as if they had long been lying in the infinite sepulchre of the ocean. +And the illusion was perfect when he presently heard a sound of waters, +and a regular splash like the dash of ripples in the hollow of a rock, +or through the skeleton timbers of a wrecked vessel. + +"There is water hereabouts," he said to his guide. + +"The noise you hear,"--replied the other, stopping,--"and which sounds +like--what shall I say--like the gurgle you make when you gargle your +throat?..." + +"Exactly--and where is that gurgle? Is it some rivulet that runs near +here?" + +"No, Señor; over there to the left there is a slope, and beyond it a +wide mouth opens in the ground, a cavern, an abyss without any known +bottom. La Trascava they call it. Some say that it runs down to the sea +at Ficóbriga, and others think that a river flows at the bottom of it +which goes round and round, like a wheel, and never comes out anywhere. +I fancy it must be like a whirlpool. Some again say that down there is +a constant gust of air coming out of the interior of the earth--as we +blow when we whistle--and that this blast meets a current of water; +then they quarrel, and struggle, and fight, and produce that noise that +we hear up here." + +"And has no one ever been down into this cavern?" + +"It can only be got into in one way." + +"How?" + +"By jumping into it. Those who have gone in have never come out again; +and it is a great pity, for they might have told us what goes on in +there. The other end of the cavern is a long way off from this, for +two years ago, when some miners were working they came upon a rift in +the rock where they heard the very same sound of water as you hear now. +This rift must, no doubt, communicate with the inside galleries, out +of which the blast blows and into which the water rushes. By daylight +you can see it plainly, for you need only go a few steps to the left +to reach the spot and there is a comfortable seat there. Some people +are frightened to go there, but Nela and I sit there to listen to +the voice down inside the cavern--for really, Señor, we can fancy we +hear it talking. Nela declares and swears that she hears words, and +can distinguish them quite plainly. I must confess I never heard any +words; but it goes on murmuring like a soliloquy or a meditation, and +sometimes it is sad and sometimes gay--sometimes angry, and sometimes +good-humored and jolly." + +"And yet I can make nothing of it but a gurgle," said the doctor +laughing. + +"It sounds so from this spot.--But we must not stop now, it is getting +late. You must be prepared to go through another gallery." + +"Another?" + +"Yes--and this one branches off into two in the middle. Beyond that +there is a labyrinth of turns and zigzags, because the miners have to +make galleries which, when they are worked out, are deserted and left +to their fate. Go on Choto." + +Choto slipped into a little opening that looked scarcely bigger than +a rabbit-hole, followed by the doctor and his guide, who felt his way +along the dark, narrow, crooked passage with his stick. There could be +no better evidence of the delicacy and subtlety of the sense of touch, +extending beyond the skin of a human hand through a piece of senseless +wood. They went forwards, at first in a curve, and then round corner +after corner, and all the way between walls of damp, and half-rotten +planking. + +"Do you know what this reminds me of?" said the doctor, perceiving that +his guide took pleasure in similes and comparisons. "Of nothing so +much as the thoughts of perverse man. We represent the consciousness +of evil, when he looks into his conscience and sees himself in all his +vileness." + +Golfin fancied that he had used a metaphor rather above his companion's +comprehension; but the blind boy proved that he was mistaken, for he +said at once: + +"For those to whom that inner world looks dark and gloomy, these +galleries must be dismal indeed; but I, who live in perpetual darkness, +find here something which has an affinity with my own nature. I can +walk here as you would in the broadest road. If it were not for the +want of air in some parts and the excessive damp in others, I should +prefer these subterranean passages to any place I know." + +"That is an idea of brooding fancy." + +"I feel as if there were in my brain a narrow passage--a +rabbit-hole--like this that we are walking in, and there my ideas run +riot grandly." + +"Ah! what a pity that you should never have seen the azure vault of +the sky at mid-day!" the doctor exclaimed involuntarily. "Tell me, +does this dark hole--in which your ideas run riot so grandly--lead out +anywhere?" + +"Oh yes! we shall be outside quite soon now. The vault of the sky you +said--I fancy it must be a perfect, equal curve, which looks as if we +could touch it with our hands, but we cannot really." + +As he spoke they got out of the tunnel; Golfin drawing a deep breath of +relief, like a man who has cast off a burthen, exclaimed as he looked +up at the heavens: + +"Thank God that I see you once more stars of the firmament. Never have +you seemed to me more beautiful than at this moment." + +"As I was going along," said the blind boy, holding out his hand +which held a stone, "I picked up this piece of crystal--now do you +mean to say that these crystals, which to my touch are so sharply cut, +so smooth and so neatly packed side by side, are not a very beautiful +thing? They seem so to me at any rate." And as he spoke he broke off +some of the crystals. + +"My dear fellow," said the doctor with great feeling and compassion, +"it is sad indeed that you should not be able to know that this stone +is hardly worth looking at, while over our heads there hang the myriads +of marvellous lamps that sparkle in the heavens." The boy threw back +his head and said in a voice of deep regret: + +"Is it true that you are there, you little stars?" + +"God is infinitely great and merciful," said Golfin, laying his hand on +his young companion's shoulder. "Who knows--who can say--much stranger +things have happened--are happening every day." As he spoke, he looked +close into his face, trying to see the lad's eyes by the dim light; +fixed and sightless, he turned them in the direction in which he heard +the speaker's voice. + +"There is no hope," Golfin muttered. + +They had come out on an open space. The moon, rising higher and +higher, illuminated undulating meadows and high slopes, which looked +like the ramparts of some immense fortification.--To the left, on a +level plateau, the doctor saw a group of white houses crowning the +slope. + +"There, to the left," said the boy, "is my home--up at the top. Do +you know that those three houses are what remain of the village of +Aldeacorba de Suso. All the rest has been pulled down at different +times in order to dig mines; all the soil underneath is iron ore, and +our fore-fathers lived over millions of wealth without knowing it." + +He was still speaking when a girl came running to meet them, a tiny +scrap of a child, swift of foot and slightly built. + +"Nela, Nela!" cried the blind boy. "Have you brought me a cloak?" + +"Here it is," said the girl, putting it over his shoulders. + +"Is this the songstress? Do you know you have a lovely voice?" + +"Oh!" exclaimed the boy, in a tone of innocent admiration, "she sings +beautifully! Now, Mariquilla, you must show this gentleman the way to +the works, and I must go home. I can hear my father's voice already; +he is coming to look for me, and he will be sure to scold me.... I am +here, I am coming!" + +"Make haste in, my boy!" said Golfin, shaking hands with him. "The air +is fresh, and you might take cold. Many thanks for your company. I hope +we may be good friends, for I shall be here some little time. I am the +brother of Cárlos Golfin, the engineer of the mines." + +"Oh! indeed.... Don Cárlos is a great friend of my father's. He has +been expecting you these two days." + +"I arrived this evening at the station at Villamojada, and they told +me that Socartes was not far, and that I could come up on foot. So, as +I like to see the country and get exercise, and as they told me it was +'on, straight on,' I set out, and sent my luggage in a cart. You saw +how I had lost my way--but there is no evil out of which good does not +come.... I have made your acquaintance, and we shall be friends, very +good friends perhaps. Go in, good-bye; get home quickly, for the autumn +evenings are not good for you. The little Señora here will be so good +as to guide me." + +"It is not more than a quarter of an hour's walk to the works, quite a +short way. But take care not to stumble over the rails, and look out +as you cross the inclined plane. There often are trucks on the road, +and in this damp weather the ground is like soap.--Good-bye, Caballero, +and my very good friend.--Good-night." He went up the slope by a +narrow flight of steps cut in the soil and squared by beams of wood; +Golfin went straight on, guided by Nela. Does what they said deserve a +separate chapter? In case it should, I will give it one. + + + + +CHAPTER III. + +A DIALOGUE WHICH EXPLAINS MUCH. + + +"Wait a moment my child, do not go so fast," said Golfin, himself +standing still. "I want to light a cigar." + +The night was so still, that no precautions were needed in striking the +light to guard it from the wind, and when the doctor had lighted his +cigar he held the wax match in front of Nela, saying kindly: + +"Show me your face, little one." + +He looked in the child's face with astonishment; her black eyes +shone with a red spot, like a spark, for the instant while the +match lasted. She looked a child, for she was but a tiny creature, +extremely thin and undeveloped; but she seemed like a little woman, +for her eyes had not a childlike expression, and her face had the +mature look of a nature which has gone through experience and acquired +judgment--or will have acquired it soon. In spite of this anomaly, +she was well-proportioned and her small head sat gracefully on her +lean little body. You might have said she was a woman seen through a +diminishing-glass; or, again, that she was a child with the eyes and +expression of a grown-up person. In your uncertainty, it was hard to +say whether she was astonishingly forward or lamentably backward. + +"How old are you?" asked Golfin, shaking his fingers free of the match +which was beginning to burn them. + +"They say I am sixteen," said Nela, gazing in her turn at the doctor. + +"Sixteen!" exclaimed Golfin. "Much less than that, child! You are +twelve at most to judge by appearances." + +"Holy Virgin! They say I am quite a phenomenon," said the girl in a +tone of weariness of the subject. + +"A phenomenon!" repeated Golfin laying his hand on her hair. "Well, +perhaps so. Now, come along--show me the way." + +Nela set out resolutely, keeping but a little way in front of the +traveller but rather on one side of him, to show her just appreciation +of such illustrious company. Her nimble little feet, which were bare, +were evidently familiar with the ground they trod, with the stones, the +puddles and the thistles. She wore a plain frock of scanty breadth, +and the rudimentary simplicity of her garb, as well as the loose flow +of her thick, short hair, which fell in natural waves, had a stamp of +savage independence rather than of abject poverty. Her speech, on the +other hand, struck Golfin by its modest propriety, indicating a formed +and thoughtful mind. Her voice had a gentle inflection of kindliness, +which could not be the result of education, and her glance was restless +and shy, whenever she was not looking at the sky or the earth. + +"Tell me," said Golfin. "Do you live in the mines? Are you the child of +any of the workmen employed here?" + +"They say I have neither father nor mother." + +"Poor little girl! and you work in the mines?" + +"No, Señor. I am of no use at all," she replied without raising her +eyes. + +"Well, you are modest, at any rate." + +The doctor bent down to look closely at her face; it was small +and freckled all over with little mole-like spots. Her forehead +was narrow, her nose sharp but not ill-shaped, her eyes black and +brilliant, but their light shone but sadly. Her hair, naturally of +a golden brown, was dull for want of care, and from exposure to the +sun, wind and dust. Her lips were so thin as to be hardly visible, and +always wore a smile, but it was like the faint smile of the dead who +have died dreaming of Heaven. Nela's mouth was, strictly speaking, +ugly, still it deserved a word of praise from the point of view +expressed in the line from Polo de Medina: "A mouth is sweet that asks +for nothing."[1] In fact, neither in word, look, or smile, did the poor +child betray any of the degrading habits of the beggar. Golfin stroked +the sad little face, holding it under the chin and almost encircling it +with his big fingers. + +"Poor little body!" he said. "Providence has not been over-generous to +you. Who do you live with?" + +"With Señor Centeno, the overseer of the beasts belonging to the mines?" + +"You do not seem to have been born in luxury.--Who were your parents?" + +"They say my mother sold peppers in the market at Villamojada. She was +not married. She had me one All-Saints' day, and then she went to be +wet-nurse at Madrid." + +"A highly estimable woman!" muttered Golfin ironically. + +"And no one knows who your father was?" + +"Yes, Señor," said Nela with some pride. "My father was the first who +ever lighted the lamps of Villamojada." + +"Wonderful!" + +"I ought to tell you," said the little girl with the gravity +befitting the dignity of history, "that when the town council first +had lamps hung up in the streets, my father was entrusted with the +care of lighting and cleaning them. I was nursed by a sister of my +mother's--not that she was married either, as they tell me. My father +had quarrelled with her--they all lived together as I have heard--and +when he went out to light the lamps he used to put me in his basket, +with his lamp-chimneys and cottons and oil. One day when he went up to +light the lamp on the bridge, he put the basket on the parapet, and I +rolled out and fell into the river." + +"And you were not drowned!" + +"No, Señor; for I fell on the stones. Holy Mother of God! I was a dear +little thing before that, they tell me." + +"Yes, I am sure you were," said the stranger with an impulse of +loving-kindness. "And so you are still.--But tell me what next. Have +you lived long in the mines?" + +"Thirteen years, they say. My mother took me back after my tumble. +My father fell ill, and as my mother would not do anything for him, +because he was wicked to her, he was taken to the hospital where they +say he died. Meanwhile my mother came to work in the mines. They say +the overseer discharged her one day because she drank so much." + +"And your mother went.... Go on, I take a real interest in the good +woman; she went...." + +"She went to a very big hole over there," said the child, standing +still and speaking with intense pathos, "and she threw herself in." + +"The devil she did! That was coming to a bad end. I suppose she did not +come out again?" + +"No, Señor," said Nela with perfect simplicity. "She is there still." + +"And since that catastrophe, poor child," said Golfin kindly, "you +have stayed at work here. Mining work is very hard labor and you have +taken the hue of the soil; you are thin and ill-nourished. This life is +enough to ruin the strongest constitution." + +"No, Señor; I do not labor. They say I am not good for anything and +never shall be." + +"God forbid, silly child! why you are a treasure." + +"No indeed," insisted the girl, "I cannot work at all. If I take up +ever so small a load, I fall down, and if I am set to any hard work I +faint away before long." + +"You are as God made you--and if you fell into the hands of any one who +knew how to treat you, you would work very well." + +"No, Señor, no indeed," she repeated as energetically as though it were +in her own praise that she spoke, "I am no good to any one--only in the +way." + +"Then you are a mere vagabond?" + +"No, Señor, for I attend on Pablo." + +"And who is Pablo?" + +"That young blind gentleman, whom you met in La Terrible. I have been +his guide for the last year and a half. I take him everywhere; we go +for long walks in the fields." + +"He seems a good fellow, this Pablo." + +Nela again stood still and looked up at the doctor, and her face glowed +with enthusiasm as she exclaimed: + +"Holy Virgin! He is the best and dearest creature in the whole world! +Poor fellow!--and he is cleverer without eyes than all those who can +see." + +"Yes, I liked your master. Does he belong to the place?" + +"Yes, Señor; he is the only son of Don Francisco Penáguilas, a very +kind and very rich gentleman who lives in the houses at Aldeacorba." + +"Tell me, why are you called Nela? What does it mean?" + +The child shrugged her shoulders, and after a pause, she said: + +"My mother's name was María Canela, and so she was called Nela; they +say it is a dog's name. My name is María." + +"Mariquita." + +"María Nela they call me, or sometimes Canela's girl, and some say +Marianela, and some merely Nela." + +"And your master, is he fond of you?" + +"Yes, Señor; he is very good to me. He says he sees with my eyes, for I +take him everywhere, and tell him what everything is like." + +"Everything that he cannot see?" The stranger seemed much interested in +this conversation. + +"Yes--I tell him everything. He asks me what a star is like, and I +tell him all about it in such a way that it is the same to him as +if he could see it. I explain it all--what the planets are like, +and the clouds, and the sky, and the water, and the lightning, the +weather-cocks, the butterflies, the mists, the snails, and the shapes +and faces of men and animals. I tell him what is ugly and what is +pretty, and so he gets to understand everything." + +"I see; your work is no trifle. What is ugly and what is pretty! There +is nothing.... You decide upon that question? Tell me, can you read?" + +"No, Señor.--I tell you I am good for nothing." + +She said this in a tone of perfect conviction, and the gesture that +emphasized her protestation seemed to add: "You must be a great +blockhead to fancy that I am good for anything." + +"Would you not be glad if your friend, by the grace of God, should +recover his sight?" + +The girl did not answer at once, but after a pause she said: + +"It is impossible." + +"No, not impossible, only difficult and doubtful." + +"The engineer who manages the mines did give my master's father some +hope of it." + +"Don Cárlos Golfin?" + +"Yes, Señor. Don Cárlos has a brother who is an eye-doctor, and they +say he gives sight to the blind, and makes those who squint look +straight." + +"What a clever man!" + +"Yes; and when the eye-doctor wrote to Don Cárlos that he was coming to +see him, his brother wrote to him to bring his instruments with him to +try if he could make Pablo see." + +"And has this good man been here yet?" + +"No, sir; for he is always travelling about in England and America, and +it seems it will be some time yet before he comes. Pablo laughs at it +all, and says no man can give him what the Holy Virgin has denied him +from his birth." + +"Well--perhaps he is right. But are we not nearly there? For I see some +chimneys which pour forth smoke darker than the bottomless pit, and a +light too, which looks like a forge." + +"Yes--here we are. Those are the roasting furnaces, which burn day and +night. There, in front, are the machines for washing the ore; they only +work by day. To the right-hand is the chemical workshop, and down +there, last of all, the counting-house and offices." + +The place seemed to lie in fact as Marianela indicated. In the absence +of any wind a mist hung over the spot, shrouding the buildings in +heavy, gaseous fog, and giving them a confused and fantastic outline +against the moonlit sky. + +"This is a pleasanter place to see for once than to live in," said +Golfin, hastening onwards. "The cloud of vapor wraps round everything, +and the lights have dim circles round them, like the moon on a sultry +night. Which is the office?" + +"Here, we are almost there." + +After passing in front of the furnaces, where the heat made them hurry +on, the doctor perceived a house which was no less dingy and smoky than +the others, and at the same instant he heard a piano being played with +a vigor bordering on frenzy. + +"We have music here. I recognize my sister-in-law's touch and +execution." + +"It is Señorita Sofía who is playing," said María. + +The lights of a busy household shone in the windows, and the balcony on +the ground-floor was wide open. A small spark was visible, the spark of +a cigar. Before the doctor could reach the spot, the spark flew off, +describing a parabola of fire, and breaking into a thousand twinkling +specks--the smoker had shaken the end off. + +"There is that everlasting smoker!" cried the doctor, in a tone of +affectionate delight. "Cárlos, Cárlos!" + +"Teodoro!" exclaimed a voice from the balcony. The piano ceased like a +singing-bird scared by a noise. Steps sounded through the house. The +doctor gave his guide a silver coin, and ran up to the door. + + + + +CHAPTER IV. + +STONY HEARTS. + + +Retracing her steps and jumping over the obstacles in her path, Nela +made her way to a house on the left of the machine-sheds, and close to +the stables where the sixty mules belonging to the establishment stood +in grave meditation. The residence of the overseer, though of modern +construction, was neither elegant nor even commodious. The roof was +low, and it was too small by far to give adequate shelter to the parent +couple of the Centenos--to their four children--to their cat--and to +Nela into the bargain; but it figured, nevertheless, on the parchment +plans of the settlement under the ostentatious name of "overseer's +residence." + +Inside, the house seemed to afford a practical illustration of the +saying which we have already heard so emphatically stated by Marianela; +namely, that she, Marianela, was of no good to anyone, only in the way. +Somehow, in there, room was found for everything--for the father and +mother, for their sons and their sons' tools, for a heap of rubbish, +of the use of which no irrefragable proof has been found, for the cat, +for the dish off which the cat was fed, for Tanasio's guitar, for the +materials of which Tanasio made his _garrotes_--a kind of lidless +hamper--for half a dozen old mule-halters, for the blackbird's cage, +for two useless old boilers, for an altar--at which Dame Centeno +worshipped the Divinity with offerings of artificial flowers and some +patriarchal tapers, a perennial settlement for flies--in short, for +everything and everybody excepting little María Canela. Constantly some +one was heard to say: "You cannot take a step without falling over that +confounded child, Nela!" or else: + +"Get into your corner, do.--What a plague the creature is; she does +nothing, and lets no one else do anything." + +The house consisted of three rooms and a loft. The first of these +served not only as dining-room and drawing-room, but also as the +bedroom of the two elders; in the second slept the two young ladies, +already grown-up women, and named _La Mariuca_ and _La Pepina_. +Tanasio, the eldest of all, stored himself in the garret, and Celipin, +the youngest of the family and nearly twelve years old, had a bed +in the kitchen--the innermost room, the dingiest, dampest and least +habitable of the three rooms which composed the mansion of the Centenos. + +Nela, during the many years of her residence there, had inhabited +various nooks and corners, going from one to another, according to +the exigencies of the moment, to make way for the thousand objects +which served only to curtail the last scanty accommodation left for +human beings. On some occasion--the precise facts are unknown to +history--Tanasio, whose feet were as crippled as his brain, and who +devoted himself to the manufacture of large hampers made of hazel +rods, had placed in the kitchen a pile of at least half a dozen of +these bulky trophies of his art. Marianela looked on, casting her eyes +sadly around, and finding no corner left into which to creep; but the +predicament itself inspired her with a happy idea, which she at once +acted upon. She simply got into one of the baskets, and there passed +the night in sound and blissful sleep. In fact, it was comfortable +enough, and when it was cold she pulled another basket on the top. From +that time, so long as there were _garrotes_ (a local name for these +coarse, open baskets) to be found, she never was at a loss for a crib, +and the others would say of the child: "She sleeps like a jewel." + +During meals, in the midst of a noisy discussion on the morning's work, +a voice would suddenly say in rough tones: "Here!" and Nela would have +a plate given her by one of the family, big or small, and would seat +herself against the big chest to eat what she had got, in silence. +But towards the end of the meal sometimes the master's harsh bleating +voice would be lifted up saying, with a perfunctory air of benevolence: +"Mother, you have given poor Nela nothing." And then _Señana_, a +compound name abbreviated from Señora Ana, would move her head about as +if trying to see some minute and remote object between the bodies of +her own children, saying as she did so: "What, are you there? I thought +you had stayed at Aldeacorba." + +At night, after supper, the family repeated the Paternoster over +their beads and then, staggering like bacchantes, and rubbing their +eyes with their fists, Mariuca and Pepina went to their beds, which +were snug and comfortable and covered with patchwork quilts. In a few +minutes a duet of contralto snoring was heard which lasted without +intermission till morning dawned. Tanasio went up to the higher regions +and Celipin curled himself round on a heap of rags, not far from the +basket into which Nela disappeared from sight. + +The family thus being disposed of, the parents sat up for a while in +the living-room, and while Centeno, seating himself with a stretch +close to the little table and taking up a newspaper, made a series of +grimaces to convey his bold intention of reading it, his wife took a +stocking full of money out of the family chest, and after counting it +and adding or taking out a few pieces, carefully restored it to its +place. Then she took out sundry paper packets containing gold pieces +and transferred some from one parcel to another. Meanwhile such remarks +as these were made. "Mariuca's petticoat cost thirty-two _reales_. +I gave Tanasio the six _reales_ he had to pay. We only want eleven +_duros_[2] to make up the five hundred." + +Or, on the other hand: + +"The deputies agreed."--"Yesterday a conference was held, etc...." + +Señana's fingers did her sums, while her husband's forefinger passed +doubtfully and waveringly along the lines, to guide his eye and mind +through the labyrinth of letters. And these sentences gradually died +away into monosyllables; one yawned, then the other, and at last all +sunk into silence, after extinguishing the lamp by which the overseer +of the mules had been cultivating his mind. + +One night, when all was quiet, a creaking of baskets became audible +in the kitchen. It was not perfectly dark there, for the shutters of +the little window were never shut, and Celipin Centeno, who was not +yet asleep, saw the topmost baskets, which were packed one inside the +other, rising slowly like a gaping oyster-shell, and out of the opening +peeped the nose and black eyes of Nela. + +"Celipin," she said, "Celipinillo, are you asleep?" and she put a hand +out. + +"No, I am awake; Nela, you look like a mussel in its shell. What do you +want?" + +"Here, take this, it is a _peseta_[3] that a gentleman gave me this +evening--the brother of Don Cárlos. How much have you got now? This is +something like a present; now I have given you something better than +coppers!" + +"Give it here and thank you very much, Nela," said the boy, sitting up +to reach the money. "You have given me nearly thirty-two _reales_ now, +a copper at a time.[4] I have it all safe here, inside my shirt, in the +little bag you gave me. You are a real good girl." + +"I do not want money for anything; but take good care of it, for +if Señana were to find it, she would think you would get into some +mischief with it and thrash you with the big stick." + +"No, no, it is not to get into mischief," said the boy vehemently, and +clenching the money to his breast with one hand, while he supported +himself on the other. "It is to make myself a rich man, Nela, a clever +man like some I know. On Sunday, if they will let me go to Villamojada, +I must buy a spelling-book to learn to read, although they will not +teach me here. Who cares! I will learn by myself. Do you know, Nela, +they say that Don Cárlos is the son of a man who swept the streets in +Madrid, and he, all by himself, learnt everything he knows." + +"And so you think you can do the same, noodle." + +"I believe you! If father will not take me away from these confounded +mines, I will find some other way; ah! you shall see what sort of a +man I am. I was never meant for that Nela. You just wait till I have +collected a good sum, and then you will see--you will see how I will +find a place in the town there, or take the train to Madrid, or a +steamboat to carry me over to the islands out there, or get a place as +a servant to some one who will let me study." + +"Dear Mother of Heaven!" exclaimed Nela, opening her oyster-shell still +wider and putting out her whole head. "How quiet you have kept all +these sly plans." + +"Do you take me for a fool? I tell you what Nela, I am in a mad rage. +I cannot live like this; I shall die in the mines. Drat it all! Why, +I spend my nights in crying, and my hands are all knocked to pieces +and--but do not be frightened, Nela, at what I am going to say, and do +not think me wicked--I would not say it to any other living soul...." + +"Well?" + +"I do not love father and mother--not as I ought." + +"Oh! if you say such things I will never give you another _real_. +Celipin, for God's sake, think of what you are saying." + +"I cannot help it. Why, just look how we go on here. We are not +human beings, we are brutes. Sometimes I almost think we are less +than the mules, and I ask myself if I am in any way better than a +donkey--fetching a basket of the ore and pitching it into a truck; +shoving the truck up to the furnaces; stirring the mineral with a stick +to wash it!--Oh dear, oh dear!" ... and the hapless boy began to sob +bitterly. "Drat--drat it all! but if you spend years upon years in work +like this, you are bound to go to the bad at last, your very brains +turn to iron-stone.--No, I was never meant for this. I tell my father +to let me go away and learn something, and he answers that we are poor, +and that I am too full of fancies.--We are nothing, nothing but brutes +grinding out a living day by day.--Why do you say nothing?" + +But Nela did not answer--perhaps she was comparing the boy's hard lot +with her own, and finding her own much the worse of the two. + +"What do you want me to say?" she replied at last. "I can never be any +good to any one--I am nobody. I can say nothing to you.... But do not +think such wicked things--about your father I mean." + +"You only say so to comfort me; but you know quite well it is true, and +I do believe you are crying." + +"I ... no." + +"Yes, you are, I am sure." + +"Every one has something to cry for," said María in a broken voice. +"But it is very late, Celipin; we must go to sleep." + +"No indeed, not if I know it!" + +"Yes, child; go to sleep and do not think of such miserable things. +Good-night." + +The shell closed and all was silent. + +We hear a great deal said about the hard and narrow materialism of +cities, a dry rot which, amid all the splendor and pleasures of +civilization, eats into the moral cohesion of society; but there is +a worse and deeper disease; the parochial materialism of country +villages--which ossifies millions of living beings, crushes every +noble ambition in their souls and shuts them into the petty round of a +mechanical existence, reducing them to the meanest animal instincts. +There are many more blatant evils in the social order as, for instance, +speculation, usury, the worship of mammon among men of high culture; +but above all these, broods a monster which secretly and silently +ruins more than all else, and that is the greed of the peasant. The +covetous peasant acknowledges no moral law, has no religion, no clear +notions of right and wrong; they are all inextricably mixed up in his +mind with a strange compound of superstition and calculating avarice. +Behind an air of hypocritical simplicity, there lies a sinister +arithmetic which, for keenness and intelligibility, far transcends the +methods of the best mathematicians. A peasant who has taken a fancy to +hoard copper coin, and dreams of changing it presently into silver and +then the silver into gold, is the most ignoble creature in creation; he +is capable of every form and device of malice known to man, combined +with an absence of feeling that is appalling. His soul shrinks and +shrivels till it is nothing more than a minim measure. Ignorance, +coarseness, and squalor complete the abominable compound and deprive it +of all the means of veiling the desolation within. He can only count on +his fingers, but he is capable of reducing to figures all moral sense, +conscience and the soul itself. + +Señana and Centeno, who, after many struggles, had contrived to earn +their "morsel of bread" in the mines of Socartes, were able to make, +with the added toil of their four children, a daily wage which they +would have regarded as a princely fortune in the days when they +wandered from fair to fair selling pots and pipkins. It should be +mentioned with regard to the intellectual powers of Centeno, that +his head, in the opinion of many persons, rivalled the steam-hammer +in the workshops for sheer hardness; with no disparagement to that +of dame Ana, his wife, who seemed to be a woman of much prudence and +discrimination, and who governed her household as carefully as the +wisest prince could govern his dominions. She bagged the wages, earned +by her husband and children, with the best grace in the world, and they +amounted to a neat little sum; and each time the money was brought +home, she felt as if the very sacrament itself were being carried in, +so intense was her delight at the mere sight of coin. + +Señana afforded her children very little comfort in return for the +fortune she was accumulating by the labor of their hands; however, as +they never complained of the utter and debasing misery in which they +lived, as they betrayed no wish for emancipation, nor for a breath of +any nobler life worthier of intelligent beings, Señana let the days +slip on. Many indeed had slipped away before her children slept in +beds, and many, many more before their brawny limbs were covered with +decent garments. She gave them regular and wholesome meals, following +in this respect the rules most in vogue; but eating in her house was a +melancholy ceremony nevertheless, a mere doling out of fodder, as it +were, to human animals. + +So far as mental nourishment was concerned, Señana firmly believed +that her husband's erudition, acquired by much miscellaneous reading, +was amply sufficient to credit the whole family with learning, and for +that reason she forbore to cram the minds of her progeny even with the +amount of instruction which is given in schools. The elder ones helped +her, and the youngest lived free of pedagogues, buried alive for twelve +hours out of every twenty-four in brutalizing toil in the mines, so +that the whole family swam at large and at leisure in the vast and +stagnant ocean of dulness. + +The two girls, Mariuca and Pepina, were not destitute of charms, though +youth and robust growth were the chief. One of them read fluently, but +not the other, and, so far as knowledge of the world was concerned, it +is easy to suppose that some rudimentary information, at least, was +not lacking to girls who lived with a perfect chorus of nymphs of all +ages and every grade of respectability--or the contrary--perpetually +employed in mechanical work which left their tongues free to wag. +Mariuca and Pepina were buxom and well grown, and as erect and strong +as Amazons. They wore short petticoats, displaying half the calf of the +leg which, as well as their broad feet, was bare, and their rough heads +might have supported an architrave as stoutly as those of Caryatides. +The russet dust of the iron ore which colored them from head to foot, +like all in the mines, gave them the appearance of massive figures in +terra-cotta. + +Tanasio was a lethargic being; his want of character and ambition +verged on idiocy. Confined to the house from his earliest years, +incapable of taking any exercise, of feeling either annoyance or +pleasure, or of fulfilling any task, the boy, who was born to be a +machine, had sunk into something not superior to the roughest tool. +The day which found such a creature able to originate an idea, would +infallibly see the total subversion of the order of nature; for, +hitherto, no stone has been known to think. + +The relation of this family to their mother was that of abject +submission on their part, and unlimited despotism on hers. The only +child who ever dared to show symptoms of rebellion was the little +one. Señana, with her narrow capacities, could not at all understand +this diabolical ambition to be something better than a stone. Was +there--did he suppose--any happier or more exemplary life than that of +a stone? She would not admit that it might be changed, even for that +of a rolling stone. Señana loved her children--but there are so many +ways of loving. She placed them above every other consideration--so +long as they submitted to work perpetually in the mines, to pour all +their earnings into one bowl, to obey her blindly, to cherish no wild +aspirations nor wish to appear in fine clothes, not to marry too +young, nor to learn any mischievous trash and cram their heads with +school-work, since "poor folks"--she would say--"must always remain +poor and behave as such, and not be wanting to jabber in the style of +the rich city folks, who were eaten up with vices and rotten with sin." + +I have described the manners and customs which prevailed in the +Centeno's house in order that the reader may understand the life to +which Nela was doomed, a helpless, forsaken creature, alone, useless, +incapable of earning a day's wages; alike without a past and without a +future, with no right to anything on earth beyond a bare subsistence. +Señana gave her this, and firmly believed that her generosity was +nothing short of heroic. Many a time would she say, as she filled +Nela's little platter: "What a reward I am laying up for myself +hereafter in Heaven!" And she believed it as if it were Gospel. No true +light could penetrate her thick skull as to the saintly exercise of +charity; she could never have understood that a kind word, a caress, a +loving and gentle action, which may make a wretch forget his misery, +are infinitely more precious--aye, and more heroic--than the broken +meat left from a bad meal. It was but a chance that she did not give +them to the cat, who, at least, was far more kindly spoken to. Nela +never heard herself addressed as _michita_, little pet, precious +darling--nor by any other of the sweet and endearing names that were +lavished on the cat. + +Nothing ever suggested to Nela that she was born of human beings, +like the other inhabitants of the house. She was never punished; but +she felt that this immunity arose from their contemptuous pity for +her feeble frame, and certainly not from any special esteem or care +for her person. No one had ever taught her that she had a soul ready +to bring forth good fruit if she cultivated it with care, nor that +she bore within herself, like other mortals, that spark of the divine +fire which is called human intelligence, and that this spark might be +fanned to beneficent light and flame. No one had ever told her that +her grotesque smallness included in itself the germ of every noble and +delicate sentiment, and that those tiny buds might open out to lovely +flowers, with no more cultivation than a herb that we glance at now and +again. No one had told her that she had a right, by the very sternness +of Nature in creating her, to certain tender cares which the strong can +dispense with--the healthy and those who have parents and a home; since +under the laws of Christian jurisprudence the helpless, the poor, the +orphan, and the destitute, are all alike worthy of protection. + +On the other hand, everything combined to impress upon her, her +absolute resemblance to a rolling stone, which has not even a shape of +its own, but takes that which the waters give it or the kick of the man +that spurns it. Everything told her that her place in the house was +something below the cat, whose sleek back received the only caresses +ever bestowed on anyone, and the blackbird that hopped about its cage. +And of them, at any rate, no one said in heartless compassion: "Poor +creature! it is a pity she did not die!" + + + + +CHAPTER V. + +LABOR AND A LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. + + +The smoke of the furnaces, which all night through were wide awake and +panting out their hot, hoarse breath, caught a silvery gleam as its +wreaths rolled into the distance; the faint smile of dawn fell upon the +remotest peaks of the mountains, and, by degrees, the hills that guard +Socartes came out of the darkness, the huge slopes of rust-colored +earth and the blackened buildings. The bell of the works rang out +shrilly its call "to work, to work," and hundreds of sleepy souls came +out of the houses, huts, hovels, holes even. Doors creaked on their +hinges; the mules came reluctantly out of the stables, making their way +to their watering-place, and the whole establishment, which had just +now looked like a city of the dead lighted up by the infernal glare of +the furnaces, came to life and began to stir its thousand arms. + +The steam soon was seething in the boilers of the great steam-engine, +which supplied the motive power both for the workshops and the +washing-mills. The water, which performed the principal part in the +operations, began to flow through the raised conduits from which it +fell on the cylinders. Files of men and women just risen from their +beds, made their way down to the scene of labor, and at length the +cylindrical sieves began to revolve with hideous groaning; the water +rushed from one to the other, pulverizing the dark earth which tumbled +on in muddy eddies and cataracts, from trough to trough, till it +settled at last in a fine chocolate-brown powder. The sound was as of +a thousand hungry jaws chewing grit and sand; the play of light on +water and soil made it as dazzling as a kaleidoscope, and the clatter +was like some enormous hollow drum, filled with pebbles and potsherds. +It was impossible to look on without turning giddy at the incessant +whirl of a vast skein, as it were, of threads of water, some clear and +transparent, others stained red by the ferruginous clay; nor could any +human brain that was not accustomed to the spectacle, picture to itself +this mad struggle of toothed wheels which never ceased biting at each +other, of cogs, that met, and caught, and rolled away again, of screws +which, as they turned, shrieked in pitiless clamor for oil. + +The washing was all done in the open air. The connecting belts came +humming down from the machinery sheds; other belts began to revolve, +and at the same time a rhythmical stamping was heard, a slow and awful +tramp like a giant's step, or a fearful throbbing inside mother earth. +This was the great hammer which had begun to beat; its stupendous blows +moulded the iron like a paste, and those huge wheels, and beams, which +look as if made to last forever, began to twist and writhe like the +limbs of men in torment, while the hammer, with its monotonous impact, +created new forms as strong as the rocks which are the work of ages. +For the results of labor have a strange resemblance to the results of +patience. + +Men so black, that they look like hewn and animated coal, gathered +round the fiery objects that were taken from the forges, and seizing +them with those prolonged hands known as tongs, set to work to hammer +them. It is a strange kind of sculpture, this, which has fire for +its inspiring genius and a steam-hammer for its chisel. Wheels and +axle-trees for thousands of trucks, and the damaged portions of the +washing-machinery, were repaired here, and picks, spades and barrows +were made. At the back of the workshops saws hissed through blocks of +timber, and the iron, which had been formed for labor by fire of wood, +now cut through the sturdy fibre of trees hewn by the axe from their +native spot. + +Meanwhile, the mules had been harnessed to long trains of trucks which +carried off the waste earth to add it to the slopes already made, or +fetched the mineral to be washed. They looked like immense reptiles, +crawling up and down to meet each other, and always passing close +but without any jar or collision. They crept into the mouths of the +tunnels, and their resemblance was really perfect to the wriggling +creatures that shelter in such damp clefts and caves; and when the +recalcitrant mules kicked and shied in the bowels of the earth, it was +easy to fancy the Saurians were fighting and screaming at each other. +In the deepest recesses of all, hundreds of men were tearing up the +earth with picks, inch by inch, to win the hidden treasure; these were +the sculptors of the strange and enormous figures which stood in awful +gravity and silence to confront the man who should venture to invade +their mysterious domain. The miners hewed down here, bored holes there, +dug farther on in one place, scraped down the wall in another, broke +up the limestone, chipped out the pretty flakes of mica and shale, +pounded down the calcareous clay, picked out the hematite and pyrites, +crushed the fine, white marble--rolling and stirring it incessantly +till it should yield zinc silicate--for zinc may be called the silver +of Europe, which, being a metal of which you cannot make saucepans, +is destined to become the fount of wealth and civilization. Is it not +on zinc that Belgium has hoisted her standard of moral and political +greatness? Aye, tin even has its epic! + +The sky was clear and bright; the sun rose unclouded on the scene, +and the wide settlement of Socartes flashed from dark neutrality into +redness. The sculptured rocks, the heaps of ore, the hillocks of waste +soil that rose on every side like Babylonian mounds, were red; the +ground, the trucks and carts, the machinery, the water and the laborers +that gave life to Socartes. The brick-colored tone was universal, with +faint shades of difference in the earth and the houses, the metal and +the people's garments. The women at work at the washing looked like a +crowd of nymphs, come down in the world, and cast in red ironstone. +A rivulet of crimson fluid ran through the bottom conduit to join a +crimson river--you might fancy it the sweat of these toiling men and +machines, of muscles and of iron. + +Nela stepped out of the house. Even she, though she did not work in +the mines, was faintly tinged with the universal ruddle, for the +finely-powdered metal spared no one. In her hand she held a hunch of +bread which Señana had given her for breakfast, and as she ate it she +walked on quickly, lost in thought and not lingering to amuse herself. +She had soon passed the workshops and, going up the inclined plane and +the steps before mentioned, she reached the houses of Aldeacorba. The +first of these was a handsome and stately mansion, large, well-built, +and cheerful looking, but lately restored and painted; with stone +boundary walls, decorated eaves and a broad escutcheon surrounded +by granite foliage. And the escutcheon itself would be less missed +than the climbing vine, whose long and leafy branches looked like +whiskers--growing, as whiskers do, on each side of a face, of which +the two windows served as eyes, while the escutcheon was the nose and +the long balcony the mouth, always widely grinning. And to complete +this whimsical air of personality, a beam stuck out from the balcony +intended to attach a rope to support an awning, and with this addition +the face was seen as smoking a cigar. The roof was in the shape of a +cap and in it there was a window that might represent the tassel. The +chimneys could only be the ears. It was one of those faces in which a +physiognomist reads plainly, peace of mind, ease of circumstance and a +quiet conscience. + +In front of it was a little court-yard enclosed by a wall of adobe, +and on one side was a pretty orchard. As Nela went in she met the cows +coming out to pasture, and after exchanging a few words with their +driver--a formidable youth, about four feet high and ten years old--she +went straight up to a stout gentleman, whiskered, grey-haired and +florid, with a kind face and pleasant smile, and a half-military and +half-rustic air; he was in his shirt sleeves and braces, and his hairy +arms were bared to the elbow. Before the little girl addressed him, he +looked up at the house and called out: "Here is Nela, my boy!" + +A lad at once made his appearance, remarkably tall, grave and erect, +his head held somewhat stiffly and his eyes fixed and vacant like +lenses. His face was like marble, carved with exquisite sharpness, and +his skin was as fine and soft as a girl's; there was not a feature or a +line which was not of that supremely beautiful type of manliness which +was the outcome of a thousand years of Hellenic thought. Those eyes +even, so purely sculpturesque in their lack of sight, were large, grand +and brilliant. Their fixity lost its strangeness when you remembered +that behind them all was night. In the absence of the faculty which is +the cause and origin of facial expression, this blind Antinous had the +cold serenity of marble, endowed with form by the genius of sculpture +and with life by a vital spark. A breath, a ray of warmth, a mere +sensation would suffice to animate the beautiful stone which, while it +possessed every charm of form, was devoid of that consciousness of its +own beauty, which is born of the faculty of seeing it. + +He looked about twenty, and his strong and graceful frame was in +every respect worthy of the incomparable head that crowned it. Never +was a more lamentable injustice done by Nature, than to this perfect +example of humanity as to beauty, blest, on one hand, with every +gift, and bereft, on the other, of the sense by which man has most in +common with his fellow-man and gains familiarity with all the marvels +of creation at large. The injustice was such, that these splendid +gifts were useless--it was as though after creating all things the +Creator had left them in darkness, so that he could not himself take +pleasure in his works. And to make the privation more conspicuous, the +young man had mental lights of the highest order and a very superior +intelligence. To have this and to lack the faculty of conceiving the +idea of visibility, of form as distinct from mere matter, and at the +same time to be as beautiful as an angel; to have all the faculties of +a man and be as blind as a vegetable! It was strange and hard. We, +alas! know not the secret of these terrible injustices; if we did, +then indeed the gates would be open to us which hide the primordial +secrets of moral and physical duty; we should understand the fathomless +mysteries of inherited woe, of evil and of death, and might take +measure of the dark shadow which always haunts life and all that is +good in it. + +Don Francisco Penáguilas, the young man's father, was more than good, +he was admirable; judicious, kind, genial, honorable and magnanimous, +and well educated too. No one disliked him; he was the most respected +of all the rich land-owners in the country side, and more than one +delicate question had been settled by the mediation--always equitable +and intelligent--of the _Señor de Aldeacorba de Suso_. The house in +which we now find him had been the home of his infancy. In his youth +he had been to America, and on returning to Spain without having made +his fortune, he had joined the National Guard. He then returned to his +native town where, having inherited a good fortune, he devoted himself +to husbandry and to breeding cattle, and at the period of our story he +had just come into another and even larger sum. + +His wife, who was an Andalusian, had died very young, leaving him +the one son who, from his birth, was found to be deprived of the most +precious of the five senses. This was the one drop which embittered +the tender father's cup. What was the use of reminding him that he +was wealthy, that fortune favored all his undertakings and smiled on +his house? For whose sake did he care about it all? For one who could +see neither the thriving beasts, the flowery meadows, the overflowing +granaries, nor the orchard with its abundant crop. Don Francisco would +gladly have given his own eyes to his son, and have remained blind for +the rest of his days, if such an act of generosity were possible in +this work-a-day world; but, as it was not, Don Francisco could only +carry his devotion into practice by giving the hapless youth every +pleasure which could alleviate the gloom of the darkness in which +he lived. For him he was indefatigable in the cares and the endless +trifling details of forethought and affection of which mothers have the +secret--and fathers sometimes, when the mother is no more. He never +contradicted his son in anything which might console or entertain +him within the limits of propriety and morality. He amused him with +narratives and reading, watched him with studious anxiety, considering +his health, his legitimate amusements, his instruction and his +Christian education; for, said Señor de Penáguilas, whose principles +were strictly orthodox: "I would not have my son doubly blind." + +Now, as he came out of the house, he said affectionately: + +"Do not go too far to-day, and do not run--good-bye." + +He watched them from the gate till they had turned the corner of the +garden wall, and then he went indoors, for he had many things to do; to +write to his brother Manuel, to buy a cow, to prune a tree, and to see +whether the guinea-hen had laid. + + + + +CHAPTER VI. + +ABSURDITIES. + + +Pablo and Marianela went out into the country, preceded by Choto, who +ran on and danced round them, leaping with delight, and sharing his +caresses with great impartiality between his master and his master's +guide. + +"Nela," said Pablo,--"it is a lovely day; the air is soft and fresh, +and the sun warm without being scorching. Where shall we go?" + +"Let us go straight on through the meadows," replied Nela, poking her +hand into one of the pockets of the lad's coat. "What have you brought +me to-day?" + +"Search and you will find," said Pablo laughing. + +"Ah! Holy Virgin! chocolate! how I love chocolate!--nuts--and something +done up in paper. What is it? Oh, Blessed Virgin! a sweetie! Do not I +like sweeties! How rich I am! We do not have such good things to eat at +home, Pablo. There is no luxury in our food; there is no luxury in our +clothes either, to be sure. In fact, no luxury of any sort." + +"Where shall we go to-day?" repeated the blind lad. + +"Wherever you like, child of my heart," replied Nela, eating the +sugar-plum and tearing up the paper it had been wrapped in. "I hear and +obey, king of the world." + +The child's black eyes sparkled with happiness; her sprightly little +birdlike face smiled and wrinkled with satisfaction, and was not still +for an instant, as though fitful flashes came and went there like +dimpling light on wavelets in a pool. This helpless little creature, +whose spirit seemed imprisoned and confined in the feeble body, +expanded and rose elastic when she was alone with her master and +friend. With him she at once became original, bright and intelligent; +she had feeling, grace, refinement and fancy. When she left him, the +dark doors of a prison seemed to close on her once more. + +"But I tell you we will go wherever you like," remarked the blind +youth. "I like to do what you like. If you wish we will go to the clump +of trees beyond Saldeoro--but just as you like." + +"Yes, yes, delightful!" exclaimed Nela, clapping her hands. "And as +there is no hurry, we can sit down whenever we are tired." + +"There is a nice place near the spring--do you remember, Nela? And +there are some large tree-trunks, which seem to have been left there on +purpose for us to sit upon, and we hear so many, many birds singing, +that it is quite glorious." + +"And we can go past the mill-stream that, you say, talks and mumbles +the words out like a tipsy man. Oh! what a lovely day and how happy I +am!" + +"Is the sun very bright, Nela? Though if you say 'yes,' I shall be none +the wiser, since _bright_ has no meaning for me." + +"It is very bright indeed, _Señorito mio_. But what does it matter +that you cannot see it? The sun is not at all pretty; you cannot look +in its face." + +"Why not?" + +"Because it hurts." + +"Hurts what?" + +"Hurts the eyes. How do you feel when you are happy?" + +"When I am out with you, just we two together in the fields?" + +"Yes." + +"Oh! I feel inside me a sort of freshness, a springing up of something +sweet and soothing...." + +"That is just it; now you know how the sun shines bright." + +"What with freshness?" + +"No, no--silly boy." + +"What then?" + +"Oh, like that." + +"Like that? But what is that?" + +"Like that," Nela insisted again. + +"I see, it is a thing that cannot be explained in words. Do you know I +used to have a notion of day and of night. It was daytime when people +talked, it was night when people were silent and the cocks crowed. Now +I estimate it differently; it is day when you and I are together, and +it is night when we are apart." + +"Ah, Holy Mother!" exclaimed the girl, shaking back the elf-locks that +hung over her forehead.--"To me, who can see, it is exactly the same." + +"I mean to ask my father to let you come and live in our house, so that +I may always have you with me." + +"Good, good!" cried Marianela clapping her hands once more. And as she +spoke, she skipped on a little way in front and picking up her skirts +with a great deal of grace began to dance. + +"What are you about?" asked the blind boy. + +"Child of my heart, I am dancing, I felt so happy that I thought I must +dance." + +However, they now had to get over a little fence, and she slipped her +hand into his. After surmounting this obstacle, they went along a lane +hedged in on each side by luxuriant ivy and brambles. Nela held the +branches back that they might not scratch her companion's face, and at +last, after going down-hill for a considerable time, they went up a +slope shaded by chestnut and walnut trees. When they had reached the +top Pablo said: + +"If you do not mind we will sit down here. I hear some people going +past." + +"They are the people returning from the market at Homedes. To-day is +Wednesday. The high-road runs just below and we can rest here before +going on." + +"It is the best thing we can do. Choto, come here." + +The trio seated themselves. + +"The place is full of flowers," said Nela. "What beauties!" + +"Pick me some. Though I cannot see them, I like to hold them in my +hand. I fancy I can hear them." + +"Here are some lovely ones." + +"As I hold them in my hand I fancy that they make me feel and +understand--I cannot tell you how--that they are pretty and gay. There +is something inside me, that they seem to belong to, and that answers +to them. Do you know, Nela, I fancy that I can really see, inside, as +it were." + +"Oh! yes, I quite understand--we have everything inside us there. The +sun, the flowers, the moon and wide blue sky, with all the stars--we +have them all there; I mean that besides all the beautiful things +outside us, and around us, we carry others with us in our minds. Here +you have a flower--and another, and another--six, all quite different. +Now, what do you think flowers are?" + +"Flowers," said the blind youth, puzzled and lifting them to his face. +"Flowers are I fancy as if the earth smiled; but, in truth, I know very +little about plants and flowers." + +"Merciful Mother! what terrible ignorance!" cried Nela, stroking her +friend's hands. "Flowers are the stars of the earth." + +"What an extravagant fancy! And what are the stars then?" + +"The stars are the eyes of those who have gone to Heaven and look down +on us." + +"Well, but then the flowers...." + +"Are the eyes of those who are dead and have not gone straight to +Heaven," said the girl, with all the decision and conviction of a +Doctor of Theology. "The dead are buried in the ground; but as they +cannot lie still there without just peeping out at the world, they put +forth something which takes the form of a flower. When, in a field +there are many, many flowers, it is because--once upon a time, long +ago, a great many people were buried there." + +"No, no," said Pablo very seriously. "Do not believe such nonsense. Our +holy religion teaches us that the spirit quits the flesh and that our +mortal life comes to an end. What is buried, Nela, is a mere shell of +useless clay which can neither think, nor feel, nor even see." + +"The books say so--but Señana says that books are full of lies." + +"But faith and reason say so too, dear Nela. Your imagination makes you +believe a number of foolish things, but by degrees I will show you your +errors, and you will have true and right ideas about everything in this +world and the other." + +"Aye, aye! I know, lessons at three for a penny!--And you wanted to +make me believe that the sun stands still and the earth spins round and +round it! How can you know, you who cannot see. Merciful Heaven! May I +die on the spot, if the earth is not as steady as a rock and the sun +running on. _Señorito mio_, I do not set up for learning, but I have +spent many hours of the day and night in looking at the sky, and I know +how the machine works.--The earth is below and full of islands, some +large and some small. The sun comes up on this side and goes down out +there. It is God Almighty's palace." + +"Foolish child!" + +"But why not? Ah! you have never seen a fine day and clear sky; why, +child, you could fancy blessing was dropping down from it. I do not +think there could be wicked people--nobody could be wicked--if they +would only turn up their faces and see the great eye that looks down +upon us." + +"Your religion is full of superstition, my little Nela. I will teach +you something better." + +"Nobody has taught me anything," said María very simply. "But I myself, +whoever may object, have found out in my own head a great many ideas +that comfort me, and so when a good idea occurs to me, I say: 'Of +course, it must be so; it cannot be otherwise.' At night, when I am +alone at home, I wonder what will become of us when we die, and I think +how much the Holy Virgin loves us." + +"Yes, she is our loving Mother." + +"And I look up at the sky and I feel her close over my head, just as +when you go up to any one, you feel the warmth of their breath. She +looks at us night and day through all the lovely things there are in +the world--do not laugh at me." + +"Those lovely things...?" + +"Are her eyes, of course. Oh! you would understand it if you had eyes +yourself. You have not seen a white cloud, a tree, a flower, running +water, a little child, a little lamb, the sparkling dew, the moon +sailing across the sky, and the stars, which are the eyes of the good +men who are dead...." + +"They would not want to go up there if they lie under the ground +throwing out flowers." + +"Only hear this all-knowing fellow! Why they stay down there only till +they are purified of sin, and then they mount and fly up there. Yes, +I believe it, simpleton. Why, what can the stars be if they are not +the souls of those who are saved? Do not you know that stars sometimes +come down? I, I myself, have seen them fall; down, down, leaving a ray +of light behind them. Yes, Señor, the stars come down when they have +something to tell us here below." + +"Oh, Nela!" Pablo exclaimed eagerly. "Your wild imaginings, absurd as +they are, charm and captivate me, for they betray the innocence of your +soul and the strength of your fancy. All your errors even are part of +an earnest disposition to know the truth, and of great gifts, which +would be very superior talents if they were cultivated by reason and +education. You must acquire one precious accomplishment of which I am +deprived--you must positively learn to read." + +"To read!--And who is to teach me?" + +"My father will; I will ask him to teach you. You know he never refuses +me anything. What a pity it is you should live in such a wretched way; +your mind is a mine of treasures. You are goodness and sweetness +itself and have a lovely imagination. God has given you a large share +of all the gifts that are in his store and part of himself; I know +it well--I cannot see what is outside, but I can see within, and I +know all the wonders of your spirit that you have shown me since you +have been my guide.--It is a year and a half now, and it seems like +yesterday, that we first began our walks together--and yet, no; I +have known you a thousand years. How is it that there is such a close +relationship between your feelings and mine? Just now, for instance, +you have talked all sorts of extravagant nonsense, and I, who know the +truth about the world and religion, I was stirred to enthusiasm as I +listened to you. I feel as if it were a voice speaking in my own heart." + +"Holy Mother!" exclaimed the girl, folding her hands. "And can he see +something else that I feel?" + +"What is that?" + +"That I was put into the world expressly to be your _lazarillo_, and +that my eyes would be of no use at all, if it were not to guide you and +to tell you how beautiful the world is." + +The blind boy turned his head suddenly and eagerly, and putting out his +hands to touch the child by his side, he said anxiously: + +"Tell me, Nela--what are you like?" + +But Nela did not answer; the question was a stab to her heart. + + + + +CHAPTER VII. + +MORE ABSURDITIES. + + +By this time they were rested, and they went on till they reached the +beginning of the grove beyond Saldeoro. Here they turned off into a +clump of ancient walnut trees, of which the trunks and roots made +a sort of step-ladder in the soil, with mossy hollows and backs so +perfect for seats, that the hand of man could have made no better. From +the top of the slope trickled a thread of water, tumbling from stone +to stone, till it fell exhausted into a little basin constructed to be +a reservoir to feed the conduit by which the neighboring houses were +supplied. Before them the land sloped gently away, affording a lovely +panorama of green hills with scattered groves and villas, and meadow +plains where hundreds of cattle grazed and wandered peacefully. Quite +in the background, between two lofty heights which were the farthest +limit of the land, lay a wide segment of purely blue sea. It was such a +landscape as makes a man feel to the utmost his relations to infinity +and eternity. + +Pablo had seated himself on the trunk of a tree, resting his left arm +on the edge of the basin; with his right hand he pulled at the boughs +which hung low enough to touch his forehead, on which now and again the +sunbeams played, as the boughs stirred. + +"What are you doing, Nela?" asked he, after a pause, not hearing the +steps, the voice, nor even the breathing of his companion. "What are +you about, and where are you?" + +"Here I am," said Nela, laying her hand on his shoulder. "I was looking +at the sea." + +"Ah! it must be a long way off." + +"It is visible between the hills of Ficóbriga." + +"Very large--immensely large--so wide that you might look all day, and +not have done looking--is it not?" + +"There is only a piece to be seen from here--like the bit you cut off +with your teeth when you put a slice of bread in your mouth." + +"Yes, yes--I understand. Every one says there is nothing in the world +so beautiful as the sea, because it is so grandly simple.--Listen, +Nela, to what I am going to say--but what are you doing?" Nela had +grasped a bough of the tree with both hands, and was swinging by it +lightly and gracefully. + +"Here I am, _Señorito mio_. I was wondering why God should not give us +human creatures wings to fly like birds. How delightful it would be +just to give a flap and a whisk, and up we should go, and in one flight +we should be at the top of that peak between Ficóbriga and the sea." + +"But though God has not given us wings he has given us thought +instead, which flies faster than any bird, since it can fly up to God +himself.--Tell me, child, of what good would wings be to me, if God had +denied me the gift of thought?" + +"But I should like to have both. And if I had wings I would pick you +up in my little beak to take you out of this world, and carry you up +ever so much higher than the clouds." The blind lad put out his hand to +stroke Nela's hair. + +"Sit down by me; are you not tired?" + +"Just a little," she said, sitting down and laying her head with +childlike confidence on her master's shoulder. + +"You are breathing fast, Nelilla, you are very tired; it is with trying +to fly.--Well, what I want to say to you is this: Talking of the sea +put me in mind of a thing my father read to me last night. You know +that ever since I was old enough, my father has been in the habit of +reading to me every evening different books of science, or history, +or art, or mere amusement. I might say that these readings make up +all I know of life. The Lord, to compensate me for being blind, has +given me a very good memory, and it has turned these readings to good +account; for though there has been no regular method in them, I have +contrived to put some order into the ideas that have penetrated to my +understanding. How I have enjoyed listening and learning about the +admirable laws and order of the universe, the harmonious circling of +the stars, the motion of atoms, and above all, those grand principles +which govern our souls and minds. I have enjoyed history too, which is +a true account of all the things men have done in former times; for +though, my child, they have always done the same wicked and foolish +things, they have nevertheless gone on improving, some of them doing +their utmost--but without ever succeeding--to attain that perfection +which belongs to God alone. And finally, my father has read me some +deeper and more mysterious things that cannot be understood at once, +but when they are thought over and considered they occupy and charm +the mind. He does not enjoy that sort of reading very much, as he does +not altogether follow it, and it has tired me sometimes, while at +other times it has delighted me. And there is no doubt that when you +have an author who explains himself clearly, such subjects are very +interesting. They deal with cause and effect, the rationale of all we +think, and how we think, and teach us about the essential nature of +things." + +Nela did not seem to understand a single word of what her friend was +saying, but she listened attentively with her mouth wide open; to +inhale, if possible, the essences and causes of which her master was +discoursing, opening her beak like a bird watching the movements of a +fly he wants to catch. + +"Well, then," he went on, "last night he was reading me some pages +about Beauty. The author, in discussing Beauty, said that it was the +outcome and radiance of goodness and truth, with many other ingenious +comparisons so well thought out and expressed, that it was a pleasure +to listen." + +"And was that book," said Nela, anxious to prove herself equal to the +occasion, "like one father Centeno has.... _The thousand and I don't +know how many nights_?" + +"No, no, goose-cap; it is a book on Beauty in the abstract, you will +not understand--on ideal Beauty--and yet you must understand that +there is a sort of Beauty which cannot be seen, nor touched, nor +perceived by any of our senses." + +"For example, like the Virgin Mary," interrupted Nela, "whom we cannot +see nor touch, because her pictures are not herself, but only her +likeness." + +"You are quite right; it is just like that. Thinking over this, my +father shut the book, and talked of one thing and another. We spoke +then of beauty of form, and my father said: 'This unfortunately you can +never understand.' But I said I could. I said that there could only be +one type, and that would apply to all." + +Nela, caring little enough for such subtleties, had taken the flowers +out of her companion's hands, and was arranging their colors to her +taste. + +"I have a clear idea about this," the blind lad went on, vehemently, +"an idea that I have been quite in love with for some months. Yes, I +am sure, quite sure of it; I want no eyes to see that, and I said to +my father, I have an ideal of enchanting beauty, a type which includes +every possible perfection, and that type is Nela. My father began to +laugh, and said 'yes.'" + +Nela turned as scarlet as a poppy, and could not answer a word. During +a short spasm of terror and pain, she felt as if the blind boy were +looking at her. + +"Yes, you are the most perfect beauty imaginable," Pablo went on, +eagerly. "How could it be possible that your goodness, and innocence, +and freshness and grace--your imagination, your sweet and lovely soul, +which have all combined to enliven and comfort my dark and melancholy +life--how, I say, could it be possible that they should not be embodied +in a person as lovely? Nela, Nela," and his voice trembled with +anxiety.--"Tell me--are you not beautiful--very pretty?" + +Nela was silent; she instinctively put her hands up, and stuck into her +hair some of the half-faded flowers she had gathered in the meadows. + +"You will not say? You are modest. Indeed, if you were not, you would +not be the sweet little soul that you are; the logic of Beauty would be +at fault, and that cannot be. You do not answer?" + +"I ..." murmured Nela timidly, not ceasing her occupation, "I do not +know--they say that I was very pretty as a baby--but now...." + +"You are still?" + +María, in her utter confusion, could only say: + +"Now--well, you know that people talk nonsense--and make stupid +mistakes--sometimes those who have eyes see least." + +"Yes indeed, well said! Come here and kiss me." + +Nela did not instantly obey, for having succeeded in fixing a sort of +garland of flowers in her hair, she now felt an eager wish to see the +effect of the adornment in the clear mirror of the reservoir. For the +first time in her life she felt an impulse of vanity, and leaning on +her hands, she bent over the basin. + +"What are you doing?" asked the blind lad. + +"I am looking at myself in the water, which is just like a +looking-glass," she replied, confessing her vanity with perfect +simplicity. + +"You need not do that. You are as lovely as the angels round the throne +of God." He had fired himself with enthusiastic imaginings. + +"The water is ruffled now," said the girl, "and I cannot see myself +plainly. It is trembling as much as I am. There, now it is quieter, now +it is still again.--I can see myself now, very well." + +"And see how pretty you are! Come here, my child?" added the blind +youth, holding out his arms. + +"I ... pretty!" she said, in anxious confusion. "Well, what I see in +the pool is not so ugly as they say. The fact is, there are a great +many people who do not know how to see." + +"Aye, a great many." + +"If only I were dressed as other girls are!" exclaimed Nela, with a +touch of pride. + +"You shall be." + +"And the book said I was beautiful?" asked Nela, appealing to every +source of conviction. + +"I say so, and I always speak the truth!" cried the boy, carried away +by his eager imagination. + +"Maybe it is so," said Nela, moving away from her not too flattering +contemplation. "Maybe that men are very stupid, and do not see things +as they really are." + +"Human nature is liable to a thousand errors." + +"I do believe it," said Mariquilla, greatly comforted by her friend's +words. "What can they see to laugh at in me?" + +"Oh! how miserable is the lot of man!" cried the blind boy, driven to +wild absurdity by his raving fancy. "The gift of sight may lead him +into many errors--may betray him into a misapprehension of abstract +truth--and abstract truth proves that you are beautiful, without any +stain or blemish of ugliness. If any one tells me the contrary, I will +give him the lie. Away with their theories of form. Oh, fool! into +what sins your eyes may mislead you! Nela, come here, I want to have +you by my side and kiss your beloved head." + +She threw herself into his arms. + +"Sweet, lovely darling!" he exclaimed, clasping her passionately to his +breast. "With all my soul I love you!" + +Nela did not speak. Her heart was full of innocent and tender devotion, +overflowing with pure delight. The youth, trembling and throbbing, held +her more closely than ever, saying: + +"I love you more than my life. Angel of God, love me too or I shall +die!" + +María freed herself from his embrace, and he remained lost in +bewilderment. She, the tiny woman, felt an overwhelming and +irresistible impulse to look at her face once more in the water. She +gently stole up to the edge, and there against the green background +she saw the insignificant little face, with its black eyes, its dull +coloring, its sharp nose--not altogether ugly that nose--the short, +unkempt hair, and the birdlike, eager expression. She leaned farther +over the stone brim to see her body; it was pitiably made and mean. The +flowers in her hair fell into the water, making circles in it, and the +image wavered. She, poor child, felt as if her heart were being torn +up by the roots, and she staggered backwards, murmuring: + +"Mother of God! how hideous I am!" + +"What are you saying, Nela? I thought you spoke." + +"I did not say anything--son of my soul.--I was only thinking.--Yes, it +is high time we should turn homewards. It will soon be dinner-time." + +"Well, come along, you shall dine with me, and bye-and-by we will go +out again. Give me your hand; I will not have you leave me." + +When they reached home, Don Francisco was in the forecourt with two +other gentlemen; Marianela recognized the engineer of the mines and the +stranger who had lost his way in La Terrible the night before. + +"Here are the _Señor ingeniero_," said she, "and his brother--the +gentleman of last evening." + +All three men gazed with evident interest at the blind youth as he +approached. + +"We have been expecting you some time, my son," said the father, taking +his hand and introducing him to the doctor. + +"Let us go indoors," said the engineer. + +"Blessings on all men of science with good hearts!" exclaimed Don +Francisco, turning to the doctor. "Walk in, gentlemen; happy is the +hour when you enter my house." + +"Now, let us study the case," murmured Golfin. + +When Pablo and the two visitors had gone in, Don Francisco turned to +Mariquilla, who was standing transfixed and doubtful in the middle of +the court-yard, and said kindly: + +"You see, Nela, you may as well go home. My son will not be able to go +out this afternoon." And then, seeing that still she did not move, he +added: + +"You may run round to the kitchen. Dorotea will give you something +nice." + + + + +CHAPTER VIII. + +AND YET MORE. + + +The following day Pablo and his guide set out at the same hour; but, +as the sky was overcast and a disagreeable breeze was blowing which +threatened to become a south-westerly gale, they decided on making +their walk a short one. Crossing the village green of Aldeacorba, they +went along the great slope above the mines to the west, intending to +go down into the excavations. + +"Nela, I must tell you something that will make you leap with joy," +said the blind lad when they were at some distance from the house. "My +heart is bursting with happiness.--I feel as if the whole Universe, all +the sciences, history, philosophy, natural history--all that I have +ever learnt had got inside me, and was dancing in procession. You saw +those two gentlemen who were waiting for me yesterday...." + +"Don Cárlos and his brother...." + +"He is a famous doctor who has been all over America, making wonderful +cures.--He is come to see his brother, and as Don Cárlos is a great +friend of my father's, he asked his brother to examine me. How kind +and gentle he is! First he sat talking to me; he asked me a number +of questions, and told me all sorts of pleasant and amusing stories. +Then he told me to sit quite still; I felt his fingers on my eyelids, +and after a long time he said something I did not understand--medical +terms, and my father never read me anything about medicine. Then he +led me close to the window, and while he examined my eyes with some +instrument the room was as quiet.--Then he said to my father: "It is +worth trying." They said more, but in a low voice that I might not +hear, and I think they talked partly by signs. When the visitors were +gone, my father said to me: 'Son of my soul, I cannot conceal from you +the joy that is in me. This man, this angel from Heaven, has given +me a hope--a very faint hope--but we cling most to a hope when it is +smallest. I try to give it up by telling myself it is impossible--no, +almost impossible--but it sticks to me like a burr.'--This was what my +father said, and I could hear in his voice that he was crying. What are +you doing, Nela? Are you dancing?" + +"No.--Here I am, close to you!" + +"But you used to dance when I told you anything that made me happy. +Where shall we go to-day?" + +"It is a dull day--we will go as far as Trascava, that is a sheltered +spot, and then go down into La Terrible." + +"Very well, just as you like.--Oh, Nela! If only it could be true; if +God would have pity on me, and grant me the joy of seeing you. Even +if I could only see for one day, and were blind again the next, how I +would thank Him." + +Nela said nothing. After feeling at first intensely happy, she now +walked on thoughtfully, with her eyes fixed on the ground. + +"Many wonderful things happen in the world," Pablo went on. "And God's +mercy works in strange ways--strikes as suddenly as his wrath. It comes +upon us unexpectedly, after long punishment and torment, just as his +anger falls on us in the midst of happiness which has seemed secure and +eternal--do you not think so?" + +"Yes--what you hope will be accomplished." + +"How do you know?" + +"My heart tells me so." + +"Your heart tells you! And why should not such warnings come true?" +cried Pablo, fervently. "Yes--such chosen souls as yours can, in some +cases, foresee the issue. I have noticed it in myself, for, as I am +not diverted from self-inspection by seeing things outside me, I have +perceived sometimes that I had a whispered presentiment that was quite +inexplicable. Then when some event or other has come to pass, I have +said to myself with astonishment: 'I knew all this beforehand.'" + +"The same thing happens to me," replied Nela. "Yesterday you told me +you loved me dearly, and when I got home I said to myself: 'It is very +strange, but I knew something of this.'" + +"It is wonderful, dear little one, how perfectly our souls are one. +United by our own wish and will, nothing is wanting but a bond of +union. That bond shall be tied if I really gain the precious sense +that I have never enjoyed. The idea of seeing would never have taken +possession of my mind if I did not cherish above all things the idea +that through it I should love you better. The acquisition of that power +can be nothing to me but the faculty of admiring in a new kind of way +what I already admire so truly by the way of love.--But I fancy you are +sad to-day." + +"Yes, I am; and to tell you the truth, I do not know why. I am very +happy and very sad, both at once. The day is so gloomy--it would be +better if it never were day at all, always night." + +"Nay, nay, things are good as they are. Day and night! If God ever +grant me to know the difference, how happy I shall be! Why are you +stopping?" + +"We have come to a dangerous bit. We must turn aside a little way to +get to the path." + +"Ah! La Trascava! This slippery grass slopes down till it is lost in +the chasm. Whatever falls down there does not come up again. Let us go +away, Nela; I do not like this place." + +"Silly boy, it is a long way from this to the mouth of the chasm. And +it is very pretty here to-day." + +Nela stood still and detained her companion by the arm, looking down +at the mouth of the gulf which opened in the earth, in shape like a +funnel. The sloping sides of this narrow, deep basin were covered by +extremely fine turf; at the very bottom a large oblong rock lay on the +grass among brambles, fennel shrubs and rushes, and an immense variety +of gay-colored flowers. The stone looked like a large tongue. You felt, +rather than saw, that by the side of it there was an opening, an abyss, +hidden by plants, such as Don Quixote had to cut away when he slid into +the cavern of Montesinos. + +Nela seemed never tired of looking. + +"Why do you say that the horrible Trascava looks pretty?" asked Pablo. + +"Because it is so full of flowers. Last week they were all dead and +over, but now they have bloomed afresh, and it really is lovely to +look at. And there are such numbers of birds there, and of butterflies +too, sucking honey from the flowers. Choto, Choto, come here--do not +frighten the poor little birds." + +The dog, who had run down the slope, came galloping back at Nela's +call, and the fluttering republic of birds returned to take possession +of their common property. + +"I have a perfect horror of the place," said Pablo, pulling the girl's +arm. "Now, shall we go as far as the mines? I know the way there, and +feel on my own ground; we will go round behind el Barco.--Choto, go on +in front, do not get under my feet." + +They went down a path cut into steps and soon reached the basin formed +by digging out the earth and ore. Leaving the zone of vegetation, +they suddenly crossed the boundary line of a geological zone, so to +speak, an enormous trench, whose sides, wrought by the pick and shovel, +displayed an interesting section of stratification, where the different +layers showed the greatest variety of colors and earths. This was the +place where Teodoro Golfin had fancied himself in the hull of a wrecked +vessel, worn away by the waves--and its popular name _el Barco_ (the +ship), had been suggested by that very resemblance. By day, however, +the spectator was chiefly struck by the sections of the strata with +their sulphurous and carboniferous veins, black sedimentary deposits, +lignites, in which jet frequently occurred, streaks of ferruginous +earth that looked as if they had been mixed with blood, and large, +even layers of slate, split in a thousand places by human devices, +bristling with splinters and riven into fissures and clefts, looking +like wounds seen through a strong magnifier; while a thread of water, +stained with oxide of iron, that flowed down the middle, might be taken +for blood. + +"Where is our seat?" asked the young man. "Let us go there; we shall be +sheltered from the wind." + +Out of the bottom of the great cutting they went up by a rough +foot-path, that had been made between broken stones and earth overgrown +with rank fennel, and at the top they sat down under the shelter of +an enormous crag, rent across the middle. The two halves of the rock, +standing opposite each other, with their jagged faces, looked for all +the world like two yawning jaws trying to meet and close. + +"How pleasant it is here!" Pablo said. "Sometimes there is a +disagreeable draught through this chasm, but I do not feel it to-day. +What we hear is the trickling water down inside the bowels of La +Trascava." + +"It is very quiet to-day," observed Nela. "Would you like to lie down?" + +"That is a good idea! Last night I could not sleep, for thinking of +all my father had said to me, of the doctor, of my eyes.--All night I +felt as if a hand went into my eyes and opened a closed and moss-grown +door." As he spoke he stretched himself at full length and laid his +head on Nela's knees. + +"A door," he went on, "which was quite in my inmost feeling, opened, +as I tell you, showing a way into a room where the idea that haunts me +was shut up. Oh! Nela of my heart, best beloved, idolized darling, if +only God would grant me the sense I lack. Then I should think myself +the happiest of men--for I am almost that already, merely from having +you to be the friend and companion of my life. Very little is needed +to make us two one--nothing but to see you and rejoice in your beauty, +with that joy in seeing which I cannot even comprehend, since I have +only a vague conception of it. I have a questioning spirit only because +I have no power to see for myself. I fancy it will be like a new way +of loving you. I think of nothing but your beauty, still, there is +something in it which I cannot realize as my own." + +"Hark!" said Nela suddenly, with evident interest in something quite +distinct from what her friend was saying. "Do not you hear?" + +"What?" + +"Down in there--La Trascava--it is talking." + +"Superstitious child! water cannot talk, my Nela. What language could a +driblet of water speak? There are but two things which speak, my sweet: +the tongue and the conscience." + +"And La Trascava," said Nela, turning paler. "It is a whisper only: +'Yes, yes, yes,' it says. And sometimes I can hear my mother's voice, +saying quite plainly. 'My little girl, it is very pleasant down here.'" + +"It is all your fancy. Well, fancy talks too; I forgot that. My +imagination sometimes chatters so fast, that I have to tell it to be +silent. Its voice is loud, persistent, intolerable; that of conscience +is deep, calm, convincing; there is no answering or refuting it." + +"Now it sounds as if it were crying," said Nela, still listening to the +bubbling water. "It is dying away little by little." + +Suddenly a light gust came up from the chasm. + +"There, it sighed deeply--did not you hear? Now I hear the voice again; +it is speaking low, and it says to me in a whisper, a tiny whisper in +my ear...." + +"Well, what does it say?" + +"Nothing," said María shortly, after a pause. "You say it is all +nonsense--you may be right." + +"I will get all these absurd ideas out of your head," said the blind +youth taking her hand. "We are going to live together all our lives. +Oh! Heavenly Father! If I am never to enjoy the blessing of which +Thou didst deprive me at my birth, why hast Thou allowed me to hope? +Hapless wretch that I am, if I am not born anew under the hands of +Doctor Golfin. A new birth indeed--a new life! Oh! my darling, I swear +to you by the image of God that exists in my soul, glorious, real and +immutable, that you and I will never part by my will. I shall have +eyes, Nela, eyes to delight in your presence, and then I will marry +you. You will be my beloved wife--life of my life, and the joy and +pride of my soul.--And do you say nothing to this even?" + +Nela bent her head down over the lad's handsome face; she wished to +speak, but could not for emotion. + +"And if God will not after all vouchsafe me this mercy," added Pablo, +"still you will not leave me, still you will be my wife--unless it +horrifies you to think of marrying a blind man. Indeed, my dearest, I +ought not to inflict such a burden on you. You will meet some good +man who will love you, and who will make you happy. Your wonderful +kindness, your noble feelings, your sweet face, must win many hearts +and inspire the purest love in all who have to do with you--your future +cannot fail to be bright and happy. I swear to you that I shall love +you as long as I live; seeing or blind, I devote myself to you before +God in the fullest, most perfect, and most unbounded love.--Will you +not speak to me, Nela?" + +"Yes--I love you dearly--very, very dearly ..." said Nela, putting her +face close to his. "But do not be anxious to see me. Perhaps I am not +so nice as you fancy." + +As she spoke, Nela felt in her pocket and brought out a piece of +silvered glass, a dull and useless fragment of a cheap mirror, which +had been broken a week since in the Centeno household. In this she +looked at herself. The image was all awry, and in consequence of the +small size of the looking-glass she was obliged to study it a bit at +a time, first one eye and then her forehead, till, holding it farther +off, she could command a view of half her face at once. But alas! the +result of her investigations was sad enough--as she looked in the +glass, the tears started from her eyes. + +"Nela, I felt a drop on my forehead--it is raining." + +"Yes, my child, it seems to be raining," said Nela with a gulping sob. + +"No--you are crying.--Something in my heart tells me so. You are +goodness itself; your soul and mine are united by some divine and +mysterious bond; they can never be parted--is it not true? they are two +halves of one whole.--Are they not?" + +"Quite true." + +"Your tears give me a plainer answer than words could. You love me do +you not, and will always love me, just the same whether I recover my +sight or remain blind?" + +"The same, just the same!" cried Nela vehemently. + +"And will always stay with me?" + +"Always." + +"Then listen," cried the blind lad in passionate rapture. "If I had to +choose between remaining blind and losing you, I would choose...." + +"You would choose to remain blind! Oh! merciful Mother of Heaven! how +happy--how happy I am!" + +"I would choose not to see your sweet face with these eyes, for I can +see it in my soul as clearly as truth. You live here, in my heart, and +to me you are more lovely and enchanting than anything on earth." + +"Oh! yes, yes," cried Nela half-crazed. "I must be beautiful--I must be +lovely!" + +"Listen," said Pablo, "I have a presentiment, a sure anticipation. It +is as though the voice of God within me promised me that I should have +my sight, that I shall see you, that we shall be happy. Do you not feel +it yourself?" + +"I--yes, I feel sure you will see...." + +"I shall see your face--what happiness!" cried the blind boy in the +high-pitched ecstatic tone, which was peculiar to him in moments of +excitement.--"But I see it already, I see it now in my heart as plainly +as the truth in my soul." + +"Yes, yes, oh! yes," Nela repeated wildly, with wide-open eyes and +quivering lips. "It is true, I am, I must be, beautiful!" + +"Bless you, sweet one!" + +"And you," she said gravely, kissing his forehead. "Now, are you not +sleepy?" + +"Yes, I am beginning to be sleepy. I did not sleep all night. And I am +so comfortable here." + +"Then sleep, my child...." + +And she began to sing a lullaby. In a few minutes he was asleep; but +Nela sat listening to the voice of La Trascava, which said: "Daughter +come ... daughter come." + + + + +CHAPTER IX. + +THE BROTHERS GOLFIN. + + +Teodoro Golfin did not waste his time at Socartes. The first day +after his arrival he spent several hours in his brother's laboratory, +and during the following days he went from one part of the mines to +another, examining and admiring all he saw--here the awful might of +natural forces, and there the power and enterprise of human skill. At +night, when all was still in the busy village, and nothing was awake +but the snorting furnaces, the worthy doctor, who was an enthusiastic +musician, listened with delight to his sister-in-law's piano; Señora +Sofía, was Don Cárlos' wife, but their children were all dead. + +The two brothers were devotedly attached to each other. Born in the +humblest rank of life, they had struggled hard in early youth to rise +above ignorance and poverty, often on the point of giving way to the +difficulties that beset them; but the impetus of manly determination +was so strong in them, that at length, gasping for breath, they +reached the longed-for land, rising superior to the beating waves +in which vulgar souls splash and struggle in a perpetual state of +shipwreck. + +Teodoro, who was the eldest, was a medical man before Cárlos was +qualified as an engineer, and he helped him to the utmost so long as +the younger brother needed it, and when he saw him fairly started, he +took the step to which his enterprising spirit had long aspired, and +set out for South America. There he practised with other celebrated +physicians, gaining fame and wealth. After a short visit at home, in +Spain, he returned to the New World, and even after a second voyage +home he went back again; but during each of these expeditions he +made a short tour in Europe to avail himself of the advances made in +ophthalmic science which he particularly cultivated. + +He was a man of unpolished manners, dark and with an expression at +once intelligent and sensual; his lips were thick, his skin opaque +and hairy, his eyes bright and keen; his frame was robust and his +constitution sound, though somewhat injured by the South American +climate. His large, round face, his prominent brow, his short, +rebellious hair, the flash of his eyes and his thick, square hands, had +led to his being spoken of as "the black lion." In truth, he was like +a lion, and like the king of beasts, he never lost an opportunity of +asserting the estimation in which he held himself. However, this vanity +of a really distinguished man was the most pardonable of vanities, +for it consisted chiefly in his persistently displaying his two great +titles of fame and honor, namely: his devotion to surgery and the +lowness of his origin. He spoke incorrectly, from his utter inability +to elaborate phrases with ease and elegance. His rapid and broken +sentences followed the course of his ideas, which were as swift as the +electric spark. + +"We," Teodoro would say, "although we have sprung from the grass by +the way-side, which is the lowest origin conceivable, have grown into +stalwart trees. Long live labor and human enterprise! I cannot but +think that we Golfins, though Heaven knows where we came from, must +have some English blood in our veins. Even our name seems to me to be +of purely Saxon origin. I give it this etymology, _Gold-find_, or, as +you may say, Gold-finders. Well, and my brother finds it in the bowels +of the earth, while I find it in that marvellous miniature universe: +the human eye." + +At the period of our story he had just arrived via New York and +Liverpool, and, as he declared, he now meant to remain at home; but no +one believed it, for he had said so many times before and had not kept +his word. + +His brother Cárlos was a gentler being, placid, studious, a slave to +his duties, and devoted to mineralogy and metallurgy to the point of +caring far more for these two branches of learning than for his wife's +society. But the couple lived, nevertheless, in perfect harmony; or, +as Teodoro said, in an isomorphous state, crystallizing on the same +system. As for himself, when matrimony was spoken of, he would say: + +"To me, marriage would be an epigenesis, a pseudo-morphous +crystallization, that is to say, a mode of crystallization which would +not harmonize with my nature." + +Sofía was a very good woman, who had been very handsome, but whose +beauty was daily losing character and expression from her unfortunate +tendency to stoutness. She had been told that an atmosphere charged +with coal smoke had a tendency to reduce fat, and for this reason she +had come to live at the mines, without ever leaving them the whole +year through. The horrible air, charged with dust, calamine and smoke, +annoyed her much however. She had no child alive, and her principal +occupation consisted in playing the piano and in organizing societies +of benevolent ladies for giving the poor help in their homes, and for +maintaining hospitals and schools. + +At Madrid, for many years her energy had been prodigious, a real model +for all who feel prompted to acts of charity. With the help of two or +three ladies of rank, equally devoted to their humble and suffering +neighbors, she had organized more than twenty dramatic performances, +and as many fancy balls, six bull-fights and two cock-fights, all for +the benefit of the poor. + +Among her other manias, which were apt to be but transient, however, +was one which perhaps is less commendable than that for helping the +needy, and which consisted in surrounding herself with dogs and cats, +devoting herself to these animals with an affection really worthy to be +called love. Lately, since she had lived at Socartes, she had kept a +toy-terrier which had been brought to her as a commission from England +by Ulises Buli, the head of the machinery department. This was a +delicate and slender creature, as tricky and amusing as a child. It was +called Líli, and had cost a small fortune in London--as dogs go. + +On fine days the trio walked out together; when it was wet they played +and sang, for Sofía had a modest pipe which, at Socartes, passed +for singing. The deputy engineer had a deep bass voice, and Teodoro +likewise was _basso profondo_. Cárlos could sing but a little higher, +so that the whole effect was somewhat like a priestly choir, in which +Sofía's treble came out as if she were a priestess being carried off +to be immolated. All the pieces they sang were--or at any rate sounded +like--priests offering a sacrifice, and a priestess being sacrificed. + +On the days when they walked far they took with them a sort of picnic +afternoon meal. One evening--it was at the end of September, and six +days after the doctor's arrival at the mines--the party were returning +homewards in the following order: Líli, Sofía, Teodoro, Cárlos. The +path was too narrow to allow of their walking two and two. Líli wore a +little sky-blue coat or gaberdine with his mistress's initials worked +upon it; Sofía carried her parasol like a gun over her shoulder, and +Teodoro had his stick in precisely the same position with his hat +hanging on the end of it; it was one of his favorite whims to walk out +bare-headed. They were passing above La Trascava when Líli, leaving the +path, with his elastic little legs like springs, began to run on the +turf that covered the slope to the chasm. First he ran, but then he +slipped on the grass. Sofía gave a cry of terror. Her first impulse, +prompted by an almost maternal feeling, was to run after the little +beast that was in no real danger; but her husband stopped her, saying: +"The devil may have Líli if he wants him--but he will come back. It is +impossible to go down, the turf here is so slippery." + +"Líli, Líli," cried Sofía, hoping that her touching appeal would arrest +the creature on the road to perdition, and bring him back to the path +of virtue and duty. But the tenderest adjurations had no effect on the +rebellious soul of Líli, who went lower and lower. From time to time he +looked up at his mistress with his bright, black eyes, which seemed to +say: "For mercy's sake do not be so foolish." + +At the large, moss-grown, white rock, which lay like a lid at the +very mouth of the chasm, Líli stopped. All stood with their eyes +fixed on the spot, and they at once perceived something moving there. +They supposed it to be some beast of prey hiding behind the rock; but +Sofía gave another shriek of astonishment rather than of terror, and +exclaimed: + +"It is Nela.--Nela what are you doing there?" + +On hearing her name called, the girl appeared greatly disturbed, and +colored deeply. + +"What are you doing there, mad child?" repeated the lady. "Take up Líli +and bring him back to me. Heaven have mercy on us! but what next will +that creature be doing? Just look at the place she has put herself in! +It is all your fault that Líli went down there--what an example to set +the poor little animal. It is all your fault that he behaved in this +naughty, wilful way." + +"That child is a perfect limb of mischief," said Don Cárlos to his +brother. "Only look at the place she has got to." + +While, on the top of the slope, they were thus discussing her, Nela, +down at the bottom, was trying to catch Líli, who, more wilful and +daring than he had ever been before in the whole course of his +monotonous existence, constantly eluded her grasp. His mistress shouted +to him in vain to "be good and behave himself," while he, ignoring +the most elementary principles of duty, went on leaping and frisking, +looking up at her, from time to time, with consummate impudence, as +though to say: "My good lady, just go on with your walk and leave me in +peace." + +At last, however, the sportive little beast got entangled among the +briars which grew in the hollow, and there his little great-coat got +him into dire trouble; the poor dog, finding it impossible to escape +from the brushwood, began to bark lamentably for help. + +"He will be lost, he will be killed!" wailed the Señora. "Nela, Nela, +if you will only save him, I will give you a fine, big dog. Save +him--go carefully--hold fast." + +Nela went boldly to the rescue; setting her foot on the brambles and +stout-stemmed creepers that grew over the rift, and holding on by one +hand to the rock, she put out the other to take hold of Líli's tail, +by which she pulled him out of the tangle in which he had been caught. +Then, patting and coaxing him, she mounted in triumph to the top of the +slope. + +"It is your fault, all your fault," said Sofía crossly, and boxing +the dog's ears very gently. "What on earth made you go down into that +hole--you know he goes after you wherever he finds you--hussy that you +are!" + +And then she kissed her recovered treasure and gave him one or two mild +slaps, and after having assured herself that his precious skin was +whole, she pulled his little coat straight, which had got dragged over +his head, and gave him to Nela, saying: + +"Take him, and carry him in your arms, for he must be tired, and +such a long scamper may do him harm. But take care of him--go on in +front.--Take great care of him--you see I am close behind to keep an +eye on you." + +The family party set out again, with Nela leading the way. Líli looked +at his mistress over Nela's shoulder, and seemed to say: "My good +mistress, what a simpleton you are!" + +Teodoro Golfin had said not a word during the whole of Líli's agitating +escapade, but when they had started on their way once more and were +crossing the fields, where the three could walk abreast without +inconvenience, the doctor said to his brother's wife: + +"I cannot but think, dear Sofía, that you are unreasonably devoted to +the little dog. To be sure a dog that cost two hundred _duros_, is +indeed a dog among dogs. Still, I cannot but ask myself how it is that +you have spent time and money in making a great-coat for his highness +the terrier, while it has never occurred to you to buy a pair of shoes +for Nela." + +"Shoes for Nela!" exclaimed Sofía laughing. "What for, I should like +to know. She would have worn them through in two days. You may laugh +at me as much as you please--well, I admit that my affection for Líli +amounts to an extravagance; still, you cannot accuse me of want of +charity.--Nor indeed, I must say, should I ever allow you to take +such a liberty," and as she spoke she drew herself up with a solemn +look of offended dignity. "As to knowing how to exercise charity +with due prudence and judgment, I believe I may hold my own with +any one, be it whom it may--for charity does not consist merely in +giving without rhyme or reason, not knowing whether your alms are well +or ill-bestowed. Do you suppose you can teach me anything? My dear +Teodoro, I am quite as experienced in such matters as you are in the +treatment of eyes." + +"I know, I know, my dear.--You have done wonders. You need not tell me +for the fiftieth time of all the dramatic entertainments, balls and +bull-fights, you have got up for the benefit of the poor, nor of the +lotteries, which have brought in large sums; though, after providing +food for any number of idle vagabonds, there has been but a small +fraction left for the sick and suffering! All these facts only go to +prove to my mind the singular state of a society, which cannot be +charitable without dancing, bull-fights or lottery tickets.--No, we +need not discuss all that; I know and admire those heroic achievements; +they have their good side, and that not a small one. But you and your +gay friends very rarely put yourself in connection with any poor soul, +to learn from his own lips the cause and history of his misery, or to +discern what kind of wretchedness it is that oppresses him--for there +are, actually, some troubles so extraordinary that the gift of a few +coppers can do nothing to alleviate them, no, nor even a morsel of +bread." + +"Here we have our philosopher well astride on his hobby," said Sofía +spitefully. "Pray how do you know what I have ever done, or what I +ought to do?" + +"Nay, do not be vexed," said Golfin; "for all my discourse tends to a +single point, and that is that Nela should have shoes." + +"Very well, then to-morrow morning I will buy her a pair." + +"No--for I will buy them myself this evening. Do not poach on my +preserves, Señora." + +"Here--Nela," cried the lady, seeing that she had gone some distance +ahead. "Do not go so fast; keep in sight that I may see what you are +about." + +"Poor little creature!" said her husband. "Who could guess she was +sixteen years old!" + +"She is dreadfully stunted, miserable little thing!" exclaimed +Sofía. "I cannot help asking, why God should permit such creatures to +live? And again I ask myself, what in the world can be done for her? +Nothing--nothing, but to feed and clothe her after a fashion--but you +see, she tears everything she puts on. She cannot labor because she +faints away--she has not strength enough to do any kind of work. She +skips from stone to stone, or climbs the trees, playing and chattering +the whole day long and singing like the birds; what clothes she has are +soon reduced to rags...." + +"And yet," said Cárlos, "I have noticed that she is very intelligent. +There is a great deal of acuteness and cleverness under that simple +exterior and wild rusticity. No, no, Nela is no fool by a long way. +If any one had taken the trouble to teach her anything, she would +have learnt it better, perhaps, than most children. Would you believe +it? Nela has a great imagination; but lacking, as she does, the most +rudimentary knowledge, it has of course, made her sentimental and +superstitious." + +"In point of fact she is in the condition of all primitive races," said +Teodoro. "She is at the pastoral stage of civilization." + +"Only yesterday," Cárlos went on, "I was passing by La Trascava and I +saw her sitting exactly where we found her again just now. I called her +and made her come to me, and I asked her what she was doing there; and +with the most perfect simplicity she told me she was talking with her +mother.--You know, perhaps, that Nela's mother threw herself into that +chasm." + +"That is to say that she killed herself," said Sofía. "She was a +woman of bad character and worse feeling, from all I have heard of +her. Cárlos was not living here then, but they say she drank like a +stoker. And I ask you: Do these vile creatures, who end a life of sin +by committing the greatest crime of all--Suicide--deserve any pity from +the human race? There are things too horrible to contemplate--wretches +that ought never to have been born. Teodoro may argue as much as he +likes, but I cannot help asking you...." + +"Ask nothing, my dear sister," said Teodoro warmly. "For I could only +reply that the suicide deserves our deepest and fullest pity. So far as +abuse goes, heap it on her by all means, and as much as you please; but +at the same time it might be as well to enquire what were the causes +that brought her to such a fearful extremity of desperation--and I may +add that if society had not wholly abandoned her and left her no way +out but the yawning door of that hideous abyss which seemed to invite +her...." + +"Abandoned by society! Well, some must be ..." said Sofía flippantly. +"Society cannot take care of every one. Look at the statistics of +population--only look, and you will see how many poor there are to +provide for. Besides, supposing society does overlook some--what is +religion for?" + +"I am speaking of those poor wretches who add to all their other +miseries, ignorance, which is the greatest of all. An ignorant soul, +debased and superstitious, has none but the vaguest and absurdest +ideas of God. The sense of something Great and Unknown, instead of +withholding him, impels him to crime. It is rarely indeed that the +thought of religion is of any good to those who vegetate in stolid +ignorance. No intelligent friend ever goes near them, neither master +nor priest; the only superior they ever come into contact with, is the +judge who tries them. + +"It is strange to see how inexorably you condemn what, after all, is +your own work!" he went on, twisting the stick on which his hat was +still mounted. "You stand looking straight before you, seeing at the +very threshold of your own comfortable homes a crowd of neglected +creatures, deprived of everything that childhood needs, from parents +to playthings--you see them, I say, without its ever occurring to you +to raise them an inch in the world, by telling them that they too are +human beings, and giving them some of the ideas they so deplorably +lack, without ever dreaming of ennobling them by lifting them out of +their brutalizing, mechanical toil, to some intelligent work; you see +them dwelling in filthy hovels, ill-fed, sinking lower day by day in +their savage squalor, and it never occurs to you to spare for them a +little of the comfort and luxury that surround you! You save all your +energies to declaim against murder, robbery and suicide, without ever +reflecting that you are, in fact, keeping open school for these three +crimes." + +"You seem to forget that there are houses of refuge, hospitals, +asylums ..." said Sofía tartly. "Read statistics, Teodoro, and you will +see the number of miserable creatures.... Read statistics." + +"I do not read statistics, my dear sister, and your statistics count +for nothing with me. Asylums are good--not that they can ever solve the +great problem of orphanage. A hapless orphan, dropped in the streets +or in the fields, bereft of all personal affection, and cared for only +by a town council--rarely, indeed, is the vacuum filled which yawns +in his soul for the love of a parent--not to speak of the vacuum where +self-respect, honor, and responsibility ought to be, and so rarely are +found. And on that point I have an idea of my own--but, perhaps, it +will appear to you absurd...." + +"Tell us, at any rate." + +"The problem of orphanhood, and the miseries of infancy, will never +be completely and finally solved, any more than the rest of our great +social problems; still, it will be lightened when custom, supported by +law--yes, by law, you see I am in earnest--when custom and law insist +that every orphan, whatever its birth--do not laugh--has a right to +claim adoption by some married couple in easy circumstances, and who +have no children. By this plan, there will be no childless parents, and +no fatherless children." + +"Yes, by this plan," retorted Sofía, "we should be parents to Nela!" + +"And why not?" said Teodoro. "At the same time you would not waste +two hundred _duros_ in buying a dog, nor the livelong blessed day in +talking nonsense to his highness, Master Líli." + +"And why are rich bachelors to be exempt under this delightful law? Why +should not they also be burthened, each with his orphan?" + +"I have no objection ..." said the doctor; he was looking at the +ground. "But what is this? Blood?" + +They all looked down, and at regular intervals they saw small spots of +blood. + +"Mercy!" cried Sofía, covering her eyes. "It is Nela--see, it is where +she has trodden; these are her footmarks." + +"Oh yes! I see. It was when she went into the brambles to fetch your +precious dog. Nela, come here." + +Nela, whose right foot was bleeding a good deal, came hobbling back +again. + +"Give me my poor Líli," said the lady, taking the dog out of the ragged +child's arms. "Do not hurt him; does it hurt you much? Poor little +thing.--Oh! how it is bleeding.--I cannot bear to look at it." And +Sofía turned her back to spare her sensitive nerves, hugging Líli more +closely. + +"Let us see what has happened," said Teodoro, lifting Nela up and +seating her on a high stone that was at hand. Then, putting on his +spectacles, he said: "It is quite a trifle, only a few scratches; there +is a thorn in here I rather think.--That hurts you? Yes, just so, here +is the villain.--Wait a minute. Now, Sofía if you cannot look on at a +surgical operation, you had better walk on." + +While his sister went slowly forward to save her nervous system this +terrible shock, Golfin took a small case out of his pocket and a pair +of tweezers out of the case, and in less than a winking the thorn was +extracted. + +"That is a brave little woman," he said to Nela, who had not even +winced. "Now we will tie this foot up." And he bound it round with his +handkerchief. Marianela jumped down to walk and Cárlos offered her his +hand. + +"No, no--come here," said Teodoro. He took the little girl under the +arms, and with a rapid and dexterous twist perched her on his right +shoulder. + +"If you do not feel safe hold on to my hair," he said. "It will not +come off. Now, you must carry the stick with the hat." + +"What a ridiculous sight!" said Sofía, in fits of laughter as they came +up with her. "Teodoro, with Nela on his shoulder, and then the stick +and Gessler's hat on the top...." + + + + +CHAPTER X. + +NOBODY'S CHILDREN. + + +"There you see a man ready for anything and everything, my dear Sofía," +said Teodoro. "It is the result of our education, is it not, Cárlos? +of having had no coddling in our childhood, and having been accustomed +from our tenderest infancy to the idea that no one could be our +inferior? Men who have made themselves, as we have done, who, without +any mortal help nor any safeguard but strong will and high ambition, +have been able to triumph in the struggle for existence--the devil's +in it, but they are the only people who really know how to help the +helpless! I will not tell you half the things I have been able to do +in my life--treating my neighbor as myself--for fear of falling into +an ugly trick of singing my own praises; for fear too of making you +envious, in spite of your raffles and benevolent lotteries--enough of +that." + +"Nay, tell us, or tell us some other time." + +"No, no, such things should be kept secret for modesty's sake. I am +bound to confess that I cannot boast of any considerable store of that +lovely grace; I am not lacking in vanity, and one of the things I am +vainest of, is of having been a beggar, of having asked charity from +door to door, of having walked barefoot with my brother Cárlos, and +slept in corners under door-ways, without a roof, without shelter, +without a home of any kind. Some wonderful spirit of energy and +determination burned within me--whence it came I know not; but I felt +that before us lay two paths, one to prison and one to glory. I took my +poor little brother on my shoulders--just as I am carrying Nela--and +I said: 'Our Father which art in Heaven--save us!' And he saved us. I +learnt to read, and then I taught my brother; I served many masters, +who gave me food and let me go to school. I saved my pittance. I bought +a money-box, and scraped enough together to buy some books. How I +began medicine, I do not know; but somehow I did, while my brother was +earning a living as an errand boy in a shop." + +"What are you talking about?" exclaimed Sofía much annoyed, for this +was a theme she particularly disliked. "I cannot help asking; what +is the use of recalling all these childish details? Besides, you +exaggerate them greatly." + +"I exaggerate nothing," said Teodoro with triumphant jollity. "Just +listen, Señora, and say nothing. I speak of what I know with the +authority of experience. Hear me all ye poor, all ye helpless ones, +and ye forsaken little ones! I took to medicine, God knows how; I +learnt, God knows how. A worthy man--blessings on his memory! gave +me good counsel and helped me with money; I loved the science, but +how could I study without ceasing to work for my living? This was +a terrible dilemma. Do you remember, Cárlos, when we both went +to ask for employment in the barber's shop, in the old _calle de +Cofreros_?[5] Never in our lives had either of us had a razor in +his hand, but we had to earn our bread by shaving. At first we only +looked on--do you remember Cárlos--and then we wielded the noble +instruments ourselves.--Bleeding was the making of us. Then I began +to study anatomy; a noble, a glorious science! but my school-work +became a serious matter, and I had to give up working for the worthy +barber.--He cried, positively cried, the day I left him; he gave me +two _duros_, and his wife made me a present of a pair of her husband's +old trousers.--Then I went as a valet. God was always merciful in +giving me good masters. My love of study interested these dear, kind +people, and they allowed me as much spare time as possible. I sat up +to study; nay, I studied in my sleep. I was like a monomaniac, for +while I did the washing, I repeated the names of the different parts of +the human frame. I remember, that as I brushed my master's clothes, I +studied muscular anatomy--as I folded a sleeve I would say to myself: +'_deltoid_, _biceps_, _supinator_, _flexor_, _cubitalis_;' and over his +trousers I would repeat, '_glutaeus_, _psoas_, _gemellus_, _tibialis_.' +In that house they used to give me broken food, which I carried to +my brother, who was living with a worthy man who bought and sold old +clothes. Do you remember, Cárlos?" + +"I remember well," said Cárlos with feeling. "And I am grateful to the +good soul who gave me a roof over my head in return for some trifling +service in keeping his accounts. And it was there that I was so lucky +as to come across the retired Colonel, who taught me the elements of +mathematics." + +"Well! you have not a rag that you blush to display to all the world!" +snorted Sofía. + +"My brother asked me for bread," Teodoro went coolly on, "and my answer +was: 'Bread? work at mathematics.' One day my master gave me tickets of +admission to the Theatre de la Cruz; I took my brother, and we enjoyed +it enormously, but Cárlos caught a cold and inflammation of the lungs. +That was a dreadful, a terrible business; it was a blow at the very +root of our existence, a shot in our backbone. But who is cast down? +On we had to go.--He must be cured. A physician who had taken a great +fancy to me, undertook to doctor him." + +"It was nothing less than a miracle that he saved my life in that +squalid hole--a perfect museum of old clothes, old iron, and old +leather." + +"God was on our side--I see it plainly. Oh! I knew very well in whom +I trusted," Teodoro went on, with the fervid rapid eloquence, which +was as characteristic of the man, as his black elf-locks and leonine +countenance. "But, for my brother to have medicine, I had to do without +clothes. The Pharmacopeia did not admit of tailors' bills--nay, +prescription after prescription--first my cloak went, then my overcoat, +then my shoes were turned into pills. However, my master stood by me. +I got some clothes once more, and my brother was outside the house +again. The doctor said: 'He will get quite well in the country.'--'The +country,' said I, and I thought it over; then he may go to the School +of Mines. My brother was a good mathematician, I taught him some +chemistry, he soon took a fancy to rocks and stones, and before he +went into the school he had begun going out into the fields to pick +up pebbles. Well, I meanwhile went on my way, beaten by winds and +waves; every day I knew something more of medicine. A famous operator +took me as his assistant; then I was no longer a mere menial--I was a +servant to science. My master fell ill, I nursed him like a Brother of +Charity--but he died, leaving me a legacy. God bless me! but it was a +fortune! It consisted of a walking-stick, a machine for making cigars, +a hunting-horn, and four thousand _reales_ in money. My brother bought +books and I bought some clothes, and as soon as I was decently dressed, +I began to get patients. It really seemed as if folks fell ill on +purpose to give me employment. On--straight on! Years and years went +by; at last, after many miseries I saw, far off, the way to a refuge. +Still, my brother and I sailed on without any too severe toil, and we +were never melancholy; God smiled upon our souls. Well, indeed, for us! +God held out his hand to us, as it were. I began to study the eye and +soon could operate for cataract, but I wanted something more than this. +I was earning money, no doubt, but my brother cost me all I earned. At +last, however, Cárlos passed out of the schools. Three cheers for the +brave--none but the brave win the day. I saw him settled at Riotinto +with a good salary, and then off I went to America. I was a sort of +Columbus, the Columbus of labor; a sort of Cortés; I discovered a New +World for myself, and having discovered it, I conquered it." + +"You are your own trumpeter," said Sofía laughing. + +"If there are still heroes to be found you are one of them," said +Cárlos with eager admiration for his brother. + +"Well, set to work now, noble Demi-god," said Sofía, "crown your +achievement by working a miracle, and restore to sight a man blind from +his birth.--Look, there is Don Francisco coming out to meet us." + +And, in fact, mounting the ridge which shuts in the mines to the west, +they had come to Aldeacorba, and past the house of Penáguilas, who, +pulling on his coat in the utmost haste now came hurrying towards them. +Darkness was falling fast. + + + + +CHAPTER XI. + +THE PATRIARCH OF ALDEACORBA. + + +"The cows are just being milked," he began, without wishing them +good-evening. "I thought you would all like some milk. I hope to see +you well, Señora Sofía--and you Don Teodoro. The sight of you is good +for sore eyes. But what is the matter with María Canela--a little lame +paw? How long have you been so spoiled, little one?" + +The whole party turned into the court-yard. They could hear the deep +lowing of the cows, which had just been driven to their stables, and +the homely sound, with the fresh country smell of the hay, which the +laborers were carrying from the lofts, soothed the senses and the mind. +The doctor seated Nela on a stone bench, while she, speechless with +surprise and respect, dared not budge an inch, but could only wonder at +this delightful state of things. + +"And where is Pablo?" the engineer enquired. + +"He is just gone down into the garden," said Señor de Penáguilas, as he +offered Sofía a rustic seat. "You might run off and join him Nela." + +"No, no, I do not wish her to go yet," said Teodoro detaining her. +"Besides, she is going to have some milk with us." + +"Do you wish to see my son this evening?" asked Penáguilas. + +"No, yesterday's examination was quite satisfactory," replied Golfin. +"The operation can be performed." + +"And successfully?" + +"Ah!--as to that I cannot say. How great a pleasure it would be to give +sight to a young fellow who so richly deserves it, I need not tell you! +Your son has a most superior intelligence, a brilliant imagination, and +a most delightful nature. His total ignorance of the outer, visible +world, only throws his beautiful qualities into relief; they stand out +in conspicuous simplicity, with the naked charm and dignity of a work +of Nature, untouched and unspoiled by the hand of man. He is full of +idealism, it affects all his thoughts--a grand and beautiful idealism. +It reminds me of a colossal mass of unwrought marble--a block as it +lies in the quarry. He knows nothing of reality, he lives a charmed +life, a life of pure illusion. If we could but give him sight! Still, +I say to myself--supposing that by giving him sight we should make him +a man instead of an angel.--It is a question that raises doubts in my +mind. However, we are bound to try to make a man of him; it is the +duty of science; we will drag him out of the world of fancy into that +of reality, and then, with his powerful mind, he would rapidly gain +accurate information and sound judgment. He would soon acquire the +invaluable power of estimating the true relative value of things." + +Three cups of milk were now brought in, white, warm, fragrant, and +frothy to the very rim. Penáguilas handed a cup first to Sofía, and the +two gentlemen took the others; but Teodoro Golfin offered his to Nela, +who was overwhelmed with bashfulness and refused to touch it. + +"Come, little woman," said Sofía, "do not be so rude; take what is +given you." + +"Another cup of milk for Don Teodoro," said Don Francisco to the +servant. And then they heard the milk as it flowed into the pails from +the full udders of the cows. + +"He will appreciate the true relative value of things," said Don +Francisco, repeating the doctor's last words, which had made a deep +impression on his mind. "That is an admirable observation, Don Teodoro. +And with regard to the subject under discussion, I must explain to you +the doubts I have felt for some days past. But I may as well sit down." +And Don Francisco seated himself on a stool he had in his hand. The +others had already been accommodated with chairs brought out of the +house, and Nela was still perched on the stone bench. The milk she had +drunk as she was bidden had left a thin white moustache on her upper +lip. + +"I must tell you Don Teodoro that for some days I have been very uneasy +at the excited state in which my son has been; I attribute it to the +hope that has been held out to him--but still, there is something +else--something more than that. You know that I am in the habit of +reading to him out of various books. I believe that this reading has +done much to fire his imagination and instruct his mind, and that many +ideas have been developed in his brain, which are, as it were, above +the comprehension of a blind man. I do not know whether I am making +myself clear." + +"Perfectly." + +"There is no end to his discussions and arguments; I am astounded +by the depth and acuteness of his remarks, though I feel that his +knowledge is mixed up with a thousand misconceptions, from want of +method and from his ignorance of the visible world." + +"It could not be otherwise." + +"But the strangest thing is that, carried away by his +imagination--which is like a young Hercules fettered with chains within +a dungeon, and struggling to burst its bonds and break down walls...." + +"Good, very good, well said." + +"His imagination, I was saying, cannot rest in the darkness of his +sense, and strives to reach our world of daylight, making up for his +want of sight by the boldness of its assumptions. Pablo has a wonderful +spirit of enquiry, but it is like a noble bird whose wings are clipped. +For some few days he has been almost delirious; he does not sleep and +his passion for information has been almost madness. At all hours of +the day he asks for some new book, and at every pause he makes the +keenest observations, but with such a mixture of simple innocence, +that he makes me laugh. He asserts and maintains the absurdest things, +and if I contradict him--I am really afraid of his going out of his +mind--of his brain softening. If you could only see how melancholy and +how disputatious he sometimes is. He takes up an idea and, come what +may, it is impossible to get it out of his head. Now, for some days, he +has had a fixed idea, which is as touching as it is preposterous. He +will have it that Nela is pretty." + +They all laughed, and Nela turned scarlet. + +"That Nela is pretty!" exclaimed Teodoro kindly. "Well, and so she is." + +"Oh! sweetly pretty, particularly with that moustache!" said Sofía. + +"She has a dear little face of her own," repeated Teodoro, putting his +hand under her chin; "Sofía, lend me your handkerchief. Come, we will +get rid of the moustache." + +Teodoro returned the handkerchief to Sofía after wiping Nela's face. +Don Francisco told the girl to go and join the blind boy, and she +hobbled away. + +"And if I contradict him," he then went on, "my son tells me that, +perhaps the gift of sight has weakened my perception of the true aspect +of things--a quaint paradox!" + +"Do not contradict him at all, and for the present discontinue +your readings. For a few days we must adopt a regimen of absolute +tranquillity. The brain must be treated with the utmost consideration +before attempting any operation of this kind." + +"If it is indeed God's will that my son should receive his sight," +said Penáguilas devoutly, "I shall regard you as the greatest and most +beneficent of men. The darkness of his eyes is the darkness of my life; +that black shadow has saddened all my days, and clouds all the wealth +and ease of which I am master. For I am rich--but of what use are +riches? How can I care for the things he cannot see. Only a month ago I +fell heir to a fine fortune--you know, Don Cárlos, my cousin Faustino +died at Matamoros. He had no children, so my brother Manuel and I +are his heirs. It is throwing pearls before swine--not as regards my +brother, who has a daughter, a sweet girl, old enough to marry--but so +far as I am concerned, a wretched man who can never see his son enjoy +the best pleasures of a respectable and easy position." + +A long silence followed, interrupted only by the gentle lowing of the +cows in the adjoining stable. + +"And then," added the worthy father in melancholy tones, "he knows +nothing of the pleasures of work, the greatest pleasure of all. +Ignorant, as he is, of the beauties of Nature, what can he know of +the delights of the country or the charms of agriculture? I cannot +imagine how God can bear to deprive a human creature of the pleasure +of admiring a fat beast, a tree loaded with pears, or a green pasture; +of seeing the fruits of the earth in their abundance; of sending out +the laborers to their day's toil, and reading the signs of the weather +in the sky. For him life is simply a fevered dream--it is lonely too; +solitary, for he can never have the comfort of a family round him. When +I die what family will the poor blind boy have? He will not want to +marry, nor will he find a woman of good family who would engage herself +to him, in spite of his wealth; nor, indeed, could I advise him to +marry. So that when Don Teodoro gave me a hope, I felt as if heaven was +opened to me; I had visions of a young and happy and sensible marriage; +cherubs--my grandchildren--fluttered round me; I saw my tombstone +graced and fragrant with the blossoms of a future generation, and the +loving care which even after death should follow me to the grave.--You +cannot enter into all this; you cannot know how my brother, who is as +good as gold, God bless him!--as soon as he heard of my hopes, began +to plot and plan and dream.--Here, this is what he says"--and he took +out a parcel of letters which he turned over for a few minutes without +finding the one he wanted.--"Well, to make a long story short, he +was beside himself with delight and he said to me: 'I will marry my +Florentina to your Pablo, and so we shall get compound interest on +the half million of _pesos_ left by cousin Faustino.'--I can see him, +poor old Manuel, rubbing his hands and strutting about as his way is +when he has hit on a good idea. I am expecting him and his daughter +to arrive at any hour; they are coming to stay with me for the 4th of +October, and to see what comes of this attempt to bless my son with the +light of day." + +By this time it was growing dark and the party of four became aware of +a most appetizing vapor issuing from the house, and announcing a savory +farm-supper. The village patriarch, who seemed the very incarnation of +the spirit of the place--a tranquil melancholy--spoke again presently: +"My brother's happiness and my own depends on my having a son, whom I +may propose as a husband for his daughter, who is as sweet and fair as +the Holy Virgin, as we see her represented when the angel of the Lord +comes to say: 'The Lord is with thee.' My blind boy is not the man--but +my Pablo, with his eyesight, would realize my fondest dreams and bring +the blessing of God into my house." + +They were all silent, deeply impressed by the worthy father's simple +and pathetic utterances, and he himself raised his rough, brown hand, +hardened by labor, to wipe away a tear. + +"What have you to say to all this?" Cárlos asked his brother. + +"I can say no more than that I have conscientiously examined the +case, and can find no sufficient reason for saying it is hopeless, +as the other distinguished operators have said whom our good friend +has consulted. I cannot pledge myself to succeed, nor can I think it +impossible. The examination I made yesterday revealed no defect or +injury in the retina, and no disease in the optic nerve. If the retina +is perfect, all that is needed is the removal of some impediment in +front of it. The crystalline lens often becomes opaque--sometimes hard +and stony--and this is what does the mischief. If all the other parts +of the organ are healthy and work--but, in the commonwealth of the eye, +many individual portions are only too ready to become atrophied by +idleness." + +"So that, in short, it amounts simply to congenital cataract," said +Penáguilas eagerly. + +"Oh no, Señor; if it were no more than that, it would be a happy thing +for us! All that would be needed would be to get rid of the part that +does its duty so badly. It ought to let the light in and instead of +that, it is congested, degenerate, stony, and as opaque as a wall. +No--there is something more than that, Don Francisco. The iris is +defective, the pupil must be taken in hand.--Still, I can laugh all +these details to scorn if, when I enter into possession, as it were, of +this dormant organ, I only find the choroid and the retina uninjured. +If, on the other hand, when I have removed the opaque lens and let the +light in, I find complete amaurosis--if it were only partial, that +would be something--but if it is total.... When the nerve of sight is +dead we can do nothing. The deep mysteries of life are closed against +us. There is nothing for it but patience. This case is to me a most +interesting one; there are symptoms which lead me to believe that the +internal function is unimpaired. The retina, as Sovereign lord, seems +quite disposed to receive the light I shall introduce to it, and that +high functionary, the vitreous humor, will probably find it no novelty. +If from long want of exercise it has sunk into a state of incipient +glaucoma--a kind of melancholy--we will treat it for that. All will +then be well in that darkened chamber. But there is another thing to +be considered. A fissured iris, and an ordinary cataract usually admit +some gleam of light, and our patient sees not a glimmer. This made +me hesitate. In fact, the sclerotic too is very much thickened; the +impediments to the admission of light are many and serious.... However, +we shall see, Don Francisco. Have you courage for anything?" + +"Courage! What should I have courage for?" asked Don Francisco. + +"Sir, you will want all your courage if...." + +"Well, if...?" + +"If, after undergoing a painful operation, your son is still as blind +as before. I said to you, plainly: The case is not desperate; shall I +operate?" + +"And I answered, and I answer once more; Yes--operate; and God's will +be done. Onwards!" + +"Aye, onwards! You have taken my motto." + +Don Francisco rose and wrung the surgeon's hands, that were so like a +lion's paws. + +"In this climate the operation may be favorably performed early in +October," Golfin went on. "To-morrow we will decide on the regimen to +which we must subject our patient. Meanwhile we will be going, for it +is fresh up on this hill." + +Penáguilas pressed shelter and supper on his friends, but they would +not accept. They set out homewards with Nela, whom Teodoro insisted +on taking with him, and Don Francisco kept them company as far as the +works. + +Soothed by the silence and beauty of the night, they fell into +conversation on lighter themes--on the yield and profits of the +mines, and other local matters. The Golfins having reached home, Don +Francisco turned back alone and heavy-hearted, walking slowly, with +his eyes fixed on the ground. He was thinking of the terrible days of +doubt and hope, of expectation and anxiety which were coming on him. +Presently he was met by Choto, and the pair lazily climbed the wooden +stair. The moon gave them light, and the old man's shadow went up in +front of him, broken by the steps into a zigzag monster that leaped +from plank to plank. The dog trotted by its side and Don Francisco, in +the absence of any other mortal to whom he could confide the thoughts +that wearied his brain, presently said: + +"Oh Choto! will it succeed?" + + + + +CHAPTER XII. + +DOCTOR CELIPIN. + + +That worthy, Señor Centeno, having refreshed his mind with the dull +columns of his newspaper, and 'Señana,' his wife, after enjoying the +more intoxicating delights of counting and feeling the coin in the +stocking, had taken themselves to bed. Children first and parents +after, they had all marched off to their respective couches. First +there was the mumbled Litany, sounding like some muttered gibberish; +then yawns, while the sluggard fingers made the sign of the cross--and +then the stony-hearted family slept. + +When the house was as still as the grave itself, a soft rustling began +to be audible in the kitchen, like the stirring of bats coming out of +their hiding nooks to see life. The hampers opened and Celipin heard +these words: + +"Celipin--look here; I have got something nice for you to-night." + +Celipin could see nothing, but he put out his hand and took from +Nela's two _duros_. Having assured himself of their genuineness by +touch--since he could hardly have done so by sight--he remained +speechless with astonishment. + +"Don Teodoro gave them to me," added the girl, "to buy myself a pair of +shoes. But I do not want shoes; so I give them to you, and so you will +get on faster." + +"Hurrah! You are as good as the Holy Virgin, Nela--I want very little +more now, and when I have got another half-dozen or so of _reales_--you +shall see what Celipin is made of." + +"Aye, and listen to me, child; the man who gave me that money ran about +the streets barefoot begging when he was a boy, and now...." + +"You do not mean it! Don Teodoro? And now he has such lots of money. +They say six mules could not carry it all." + +"Yes, and he slept in the streets, and was an errand boy, and had no +breeches--in short, was poorer than a rat. And his brother, Don Cárlos, +lived in an old-clothes shop." + +"Lord save us! What wonderful things we live to hear of! Well, I will +go and find an old-clothes shop where I can live." + +"Well, and after that he became a barber to earn a living and be able +to study." + +"Ah...! Look here then; I have a great mind to go straight into a +barber's shop; I shall soon have to shave myself, and I am brisk and +quick enough, thank God!--Only wait till I get to Madrid--shaving on +one hand and studying on the other, at the end of two months I will +know everything. Look here, it has just struck me that I am made to +be a doctor.--Yes, a doctor, what with feeling pulses and looking at +tongues, that is the way to fill your pockets." + +"Don Teodoro," Nela went on, "had much less than you, for you will +soon have five _duros_, and with five _duros_, you can get almost +everything. Don Teodoro and Don Cárlos were like the birds that fly +about without house or home, all alone in the world. Well, by managing +well, they got learned. Don Teodoro studied dead bodies, and Don +Cárlos studied stones, and so they learnt to be gentlemen, and men of +importance. And that is why Don Teodoro is such a friend to the poor. +Celipin, you should have seen him this evening when he jumped me upon +his shoulder--and then he gave me his cup of milk and looked at me as +if I were a lady." + +"All strong, active men, are the same," said Celipin sharply. "You will +see how brave and fine I shall look when I wear a long cloak and a high +hat; and I will wear those stockings on my hands--gloves they call +them, and never take them off excepting to feel a pulse--I will have a +stick with a gilt knob and will wear such clothes! nothing shall ever +touch my skin but fine linen. Lord love you child! but you will laugh +to see me!" + +"Do not be fancying that you can rise to such things at once--you who +are as bare as an egg," said the girl. "You must go step by step, +learning one thing to-day and another to-morrow. I advise you, before +you learn to cure sick folks, to learn to write; and so you ought, if +it is only to leave a letter for your mother, asking her to forgive +you, and telling her that you are gone away from home to improve +yourself, to make your way like Don Teodoro, and become a clever +doctor." + +"Do not talk nonsense child. Who does not know that writing comes +first? Only let me get a pen in my hand, and you will see me flourish +away at the letters, and what beautiful fine strokes I will make +up and down, like Don Francisco Penáguilas' name at the end of a +letter.--Write? do not talk to me--in four days you will see what +letters I will write.--Aye, you shall hear them read and see what +grand ideas I can hatch out, and set them down too, in such fine words +as will make you all look foolish. Bless you child! but you have no +notion how clever I can be. I feel it inside my head here, buzzing +and humming, _burumbum, burumbum,_ like the water in the boiler of +a steam-engine. It will not let me sleep, and I feel as if all the +sciences in the world came rushing in and flapped blindly about like +bats, wanting me to study them.--All the sciences--I must learn them +all; I must not leave out one.--Well, you will see." + +"But there must be a great many. Pablo Penáguilas knows them all, and +he told me that there are a great, great many, and that a man's whole +lifetime is not enough to learn even one." + +"Never do you believe him.--Well, you will see what I can do." + +"And the best of all is what Don Cárlos learns; why, only think, he +picks up a stone and makes brass of it; indeed, they do say he makes +silver, and even gold. Learn that science, Celipillo." + +"Do not you be mistaken, Nela; there is nothing like knowing how to +take a wrist and look at a tongue, and tell in a minute in what corner +of a body the mischief lies. They say that Don Teodoro can take a man's +eye out and put him in a new one, that he can see with as well as if he +had been born with it. Just think what it is to see a man dying, and to +make him hale and sound again only by making him swallow half-a-dozen +flies, let us say, stewed down on a Monday with hazel twigs gathered +by a maid named Juana--I say that is something worth doing.--Yes, you +shall see, you shall see what I will do. Doctor Celipin de Socartes. I +tell you my fame will reach as far as Havana." + +"Good, good!" cried Nela, delighted. "But remember, you must be a good +boy, because the reason your parents have taught you nothing, is only +because they were not clever enough, and so, as you are clever, you +must pray for them to the Holy Virgin, and not forget to send them +some of all the money you are going to get." + +"I will be sure to send them some. You see, it is not because I owe +them any grudge that I am going to run away; and before long, very +soon, you will see a porter come up from the station so loaded with +big parcels that he can hardly stand, and what will they be? Why, +petticoats for mother and the girls, and a tall hat for father--and +you--I will send you a pair of ear-rings." + +"You are in a hurry with your presents," said Nela, smothering a laugh. +"Ear-rings for me!" + +"Stop; I have just got another idea. Shall I tell you? It is that you +should come with me; two of us together we should help each other to +earn money and to learn. For you are clever too, I am too sharp not to +see that; and you can learn to be a lady as I can to be a gentleman. Oh +Lord! how I should laugh to see you playing the piano like Doña Sofía." + +"What a simpleton you are! Why I am no good for anything. If I went +with you, I should only be a clog and burden to you." + +"But they say now that Don Pablo is going to be made to see, and when +he can see, you will have nothing to do in Socartes. What do you think +of my plan? Why do not you answer?" + +There was a long pause, during which Nela made no answer. Celipin asked +her again but got no answer. + +"Go to sleep, Celipin," she said from the bottom of the baskets. "I am +dreadfully sleepy." + +"If my brain will let me sleep, God save us!" + +And a minute later he was dreaming of himself in the semblance of +Don Teodoro Golfin, fixing new eyes in old sockets, splitting open +fragments of rock, and snatching sick men from the jaws of death by +means of doses of flies, stewed on a Monday, with hazel twigs picked +by a maiden. He saw himself dressed with gorgeous garments, his hands +encased in perfumed gloves, and riding in a coach drawn by swans +instead of horses, invited by Kings and courted by Queens, attending +ladies of distinction, lauded by nobles, and carried in triumph by all +the peoples of the earth. + + + + +CHAPTER XIII. + +BETWEEN TWO BASKETS. + + +Nela had shut herself into her baskets to be alone; we will follow her, +however, and look in upon her thoughts. But first we must give a little +more of her history. + +Having entirely lacked all instruction in her infancy, having equally +lacked all those soft endearments, which unfailingly open the mind +to recognize certain truths, Marianela's powerful imagination had +conceived a strange set of ideas, a wild and fanciful theogony, and +a highly whimsical scheme of cause and effect. Teodoro Golfin's +comparison of Nela's mind with the early stage of a primitive race was +a particularly happy one. In her, as in them, the fascination of the +marvellous was the predominant sense; she believed in supernatural +agencies, apart from the one and supreme God, and saw in all natural +objects an abstract personality, by no means cut off from all +communication with men. In spite of all this, however, Nela had some +knowledge of the Gospel. It had never been taught her, to be sure, but +she had heard such things talked of. She saw that people went to a +function they called the Mass, and she understood the idea of a sublime +sacrifice; but beyond this her notions could not go. The contagion of +a common feeling had accustomed her mind to reverence the image of +the Crucified God; she knew it should be kissed, and she even could +repeat some prayers that she had learnt mechanically; she knew whatever +she wanted she could ask of God--but this was all. The absolute +neglect in which her whole nature had been left until the time of her +acquaintance with Pablo Penáguilas was the cause of this confusion, +and her friendship with this strange being, who, shut up in darkness, +nevertheless with his mind's eye boldly investigated all the problems +of life, had come to her too late. Nela's system of philosophy, of her +own fabrication, had already petrified--a strange compound of paganism +and sentimentality. At the same time it must be said that Marianela, +though her spirit ranged so far outside the common atmosphere, was well +endowed with good sense, and could form a sound judgment on the things +of daily life, as has been seen in the advice she gave to Celipin. +This, no doubt, was due to the native soundness of her mind. + +The strongest instinct of her nature was her love, nay her secret +passion, for physical beauty wherever she saw it. Nothing could be +more natural than this impulse in a human soul growing up in total +solitude, so far as society and teaching were concerned, and in +constant intercourse, in close intimacy we may say, with Nature and all +its sublime or gracious beauty--light, color, eloquent inarticulate +voices, and infinite variety of form. And Marianela's admiration had +assumed the guise of worship; in obedience to a law, which also governs +the primitive race, she had personified all the beauty she saw around +her and worshipped it in a single incarnation, ideal but human. This +divinity of her imagination she called the Virgin Mary, a conception +she had derived from the domain of religious thought, of which she knew +so little. And the Virgin Mary would not have become her cherished +ideal, if she had not joined to her moral perfections all the physical +gifts of beauty and grace; if her aspect had not been noble and +attractive, at once human and divine; if it had not seemed to Nela the +epitome in which were concentrated all the glory of light, the sober +peace of darkness, the music of running waters, the grace and sweetness +of flowers, the freshness of the dew, the low complaining of the wind, +the spotless purity of the mountain snow, the loving glances of the +stars, and the solemn majesty of the clouds, as they ride across the +vault of heaven. + +The person of God himself she conceived of as terrible and austere, +inspiring respect rather than love. All that was gracious was bestowed +by the Virgin, and she was the giver of all that human creatures could +ask for. God frowned, while She smiled; God chastised, but She forgave; +this last notion was by no means a strange one. It is accepted with +almost absolute faith among the laboring classes of the rural parts of +Spain. Nor is it at all uncommon, when we find a strong imagination +joined to extreme ignorance, to meet with the fusion which existed +in Nela's mind of all the beauties of Nature with the beautiful +personification which combines all the æsthetic charms of the Christian +ideal. If the darkness in which Nela dwelt had only been more complete, +if she had but been rather more destitute of religious notions, she +would have been an utter pagan and have worshipped the moon, the woods, +the rivers, fire and the sun. This was Nela as her life in Socartes +had made her, and such she remained till she was fifteen. After that, +her comradeship with Pablo and her frequent talk with the lad, whose +ideas were so broad and so sound, had somewhat modified her tone of +thought. But she still allowed supreme sovereignty to physical beauty; +she still superstitiously adored the Virgin as the embodiment of all +the loveliness of Nature, and, in a way, of all moral law; crowning her +system with the most extraordinary ideas as to death and the life to +come. + + * * * * * + +Curling herself up in her basket, Marianela's reflections took this +form: + +"Holy Mother of God! Why--why did you not make me beautiful? Why did +you not look down on me as soon as I was born? For the more I look +at myself, the uglier I seem to grow. Oh! why am I in this world at +all? Of what good can I be? Who can care for me? One single soul, Lady +Mother, only one, and he only because he cannot see me. What is to +become of me when he sees me and casts me off? for it is impossible +that he should ever love me when he sees my miserable little body, my +freckled face, my ugly mouth, my sharp nose, my dirty brown skin--all +my hideous little self--of no good to any one but to kick perhaps. What +is that? Only Nela--nothing at all. She is of no use to any one but the +blind boy. If his eyes are opened, if he turns and looks at me, I shall +drop down dead. + +"He is the only being to whom 'Nela' is anything more important than +the cats and the birds. He loves me. Loves me as lovers love their +sweet-hearts, as God intends human beings to love each other.--Oh Lady +Mother! now that you are going to work a miracle and let him see, make +me beautiful or strike me dead, for I shall not be wanted any more in +this world. I am good for nothing and ever shall be, excepting to one +person. Am I sorry then that he should be able to see?--No, no, not +that, no. I want him to see; I would give my own eyes for him to see +with his; I would give my life. I hope Don Teodoro can work the miracle +as they say. Blessings on all wise men! What I do not want is that my +master should ever see me. Before I will let him see me, oh Mother! I +will bury myself alive, I will throw myself into the river.--Yes, the +earth shall cover my ugliness. I ought never to have been born." + +She writhed in her narrow basket, and then she went on: + +"All my heart and thought are for him. That poor, blind man, who has +taken it into his head to be fond of me--he is the first being in +the world to me next to the Virgin Mary. Oh! If only I were tall and +handsome; if I had the figure, and the face, and the color--above +all, the color--of other girls! If I could only make a lady of myself +and dress myself up.--And then my greatest joy would be to think that +his eyes liked to look at me. If I were like other girls, even like +Mariuca--how soon I would find a way of getting taught and being made +a lady of. Oh Mother Mary, Queen of the world! The only creature that +loves me, I am going to lose: he will leave me. Why did you ever let +him love me, and let me love him? It ought not--never--to have been." + +The tears poured down her cheeks; she folded her arms and turned over, +and even when half asleep she still was speaking to herself: + +"Oh, how much I love you, child of my soul! Love me too, love me very +much. It is Nela who is no good to any one.--Love me very much. Let me +give you a kiss--here on your head.--But do not open your eyes, do not +look at me. Shut them--so." + + + + +CHAPTER XIV. + +HOW THE VIRGIN MARY APPEARED TO NELA. + + +The thoughts which fade and fly as sleep overcomes us, very commonly +lurk in some hole or corner ready to take us by storm again as soon +as we wake. Thus it was that Mariquilla, who, having fallen asleep +with her head full of strange fancies of the Virgin, of the blind lad, +and of her own ugliness which, she longed so wildly to see changed +into wonderful loveliness, woke with the same ideas in her brain when +Señana's call roused her in her basket. As soon as her eyes were open, +Nela put up her usual prayer to the Virgin Mother--a sort of Litany, +compounded of the ordinary Litany to the Virgin and of certain clauses +of her own devising, and forming altogether an address which would look +strange enough if it were written down. Among other things, Nela's +prayer said: + +"Thou didst appear to me in my dreams last night, oh Lady! and promise +to comfort me to-day. Now I am awake, and still I feel as if I saw thy +face just before me, and far lovelier than all the grand and lovely +things in the world." And as she spoke she turned and gazed round her. +Noticing in herself the utter vagueness with which she did so, she +thought to herself: "Something has come over me." + +"What is the matter, Nela?" asked Señana, seeing the girl stand with +her eyes wide open and fixed on a spot in space. "Do you see a vision, +simpleton?" + +But Nela did not answer, her mind was absorbed in self contemplation. + +"What ails me?" she asked herself. "It cannot be anything evil, or +wicked, for I do not feel the black ugly figure of a devil inside me, +but something heavenly: a beautiful face, a smile and a look which--if +I am in my right mind--are those of the Virgin Mary herself. Oh Lady +Mother! Can it be true that thou wilt give me comfort to-day? And +how?--By giving me what I prayed for last night?" + +"Now then, brat!" screamed Señana in her harsh tones, like a cracked +bell. "Go and wash your ugly little snout." + +Nela went at once. Her spirit had felt a shock as of a sudden gleam +of great hope. She looked at herself in the quivering surface of the +water, and her heart shrank within her. + +"No difference," she muttered. "As ugly as ever; the same child's face +with a woman's years and a woman's heart!" + +But after washing herself she went through the same experience as +before--a sort of agony of anticipation, and, in spite of her narrow +vocabulary, Nela could classify these feelings as presentiments. + +"Pablo and I," said she to herself, "have often talked of how we feel +when something sad or something pleasant is going to happen. Pablo told +me that just before an earthquake people have strange sensations; there +is something in the air, and the beasts feel it too. Is there going to +be an earthquake, I wonder?" And she knelt down and felt the ground +with her hand. + +"I cannot tell. But something is going to happen, and I cannot doubt +that it will be something good.--The Virgin told me last night that +to-day she would comfort me. What has come over me? The Heavenly Queen +seems to be close to me. I cannot see her, but I feel her--before +me--behind me...." + +She went close by the machines for washing the ore towards the inclined +plane, looking about her with eager eyes. There was nothing to be seen +but the arms and wheels of iron, toiling with fiendish shrieks amid the +hideous confusion of whirling cylinders, lashing the water to powder, +as it seemed, and breathing out dust and smoke. Presently, when she +had gone some little distance, she stopped; putting her hand to her +forehead, and fixing her eyes on the ground in all the bewilderment of +doubt: "The question is," said she to herself, "am I happy or am I sad?" + +She looked up at the sky, half wondering to see it appear the same as +on other days--and it was a lovely day--and then she walked on faster, +to reach Aldeacorba as soon as possible. Instead of going through +the gallery in the mines and up the wooden steps, she kept above the +hollow way, along by the gutter that bordered the inclined tram-way, +intending to get out into the fields, and walk straight on by the level +road to the village. This way was much the prettiest, and she almost +always chose it, for that reason. It went by lanes full of sweet and +gay flowers, where crowds of bees and butterflies fluttered and sipped; +there were thickets of bramble loaded with the black fruit beloved +of children; clumps of cherry-trees overgrown with honeysuckles, and +enormous ilex, tall, spreading, densely shady, and proud, it would +seem, of their wide, black shadows. + +Here Nela went more slowly, uneasy in herself, puzzled at her own +sensations, and at the anxious excitement that stirred in her. Her +rapid fancy presently hit upon a formula to express the state of her +feelings, and remembering having heard it said of such and such a one, +"the devil is in him," she said to herself: "The angels are in me, +the Virgin Mary is with me this day. What I feel are the wings of her +angels fluttering inside me. Thou art near me, Lady Mother, I see you +and yet I do not see you--as we see with our eyes shut." + +She shut her eyes, and then she opened them again. She had just passed +a grove of trees and turned an angle of the road to go to a place where +she knew of a bramble copse, the greenest, prettiest, and most fruitful +in all the neighborhood. There were luxuriant ferns too, honeysuckle, +wild vine, and other climbing plants, all clinging and tangled together +in mutual dependence. + +Nela heard a rustle in the brushwood close to her, and turning round +she saw--Merciful Heaven! There, in a frame of greenery, stood the +Immaculate Virgin herself--the face, the eyes, which in their gaze +seemed to have all the calm beauty of the sky. Nela stood silent, +petrified; with a feeling at once of devotion and terror. She could +not stir, nor cry out, nor hardly breathe, nor take her eyes off this +beatific vision. + +It stood among the verdure, the face and figure to the waist perfectly +displayed. This was--yes, certainly--the very presence of the Maiden +of Nazareth, whose moral loveliness every painter has endeavored to +express by means of physical beauty, from St. Luke downwards through +eighteen centuries. Have not men indeed seen that sacred form with +the eyes of sense--with the eyes of Albert Dürer--of Rafael--of Van +Eyck--of Bartolomé Murillo? It was under the Rafaelesque aspect that +she now appeared to Nela, the most realistic of all, if realism can +mean the nearest approach of perfect human beauty to an artistic +representation of divine goodness. The oval of her face was less +narrow than the Seville painter's type, and had more of the tender +roundness of the Italian form. Her eyes, which were finely shaped, were +gentleness itself, with a softness and sweetness as far removed from +indifference, as from the lightning glow of the eyes of Andalucia; the +brows that overarched them were delicately curved, and as fine as if +they had been traced with a paint-brush. Her forehead was unshadowed +by any cloud of weariness or sadness, and her lips, which were rather +full, parted in a smile that revealed the pearliest teeth that ever bit +into the apples of Paradise. And so, without in the least intending +it, I have compared her to our Mother Eve--wide as the distance is +between her who yielded to the Serpent and her who set her heel on +his head; but the beauty of a lovely girl is enough to betray us into +such unlucky blunders. To put a finishing touch to this imperfect +description of the divine vision which had so utterly dismayed poor +Marianela, it must be said that her complexion was of that faded rose +color, or warm clear brown which gives an enchanting glow to the faces +of those glorious pictures which successive generations, of believers +and heretics alike, have worshipped in ecstasy. + +After the first shock of surprise was over, the first thing that Nela +observed, and which confused her judgment greatly, was that the fair +Virgin wore a blue ribbon round her throat, a detail she had never +before seen in any picture or dream of the Virgin Mary; then she +perceived that her shoulders and bosom were covered by a dress in every +respect similar to that worn by other ladies; but the thing which +puzzled and disturbed her most was that the fair creature was picking +blackberries--and eating them. + +She was beginning to draw accurate inferences from this remarkable +behavior, when she heard a loud man's voice calling: + +"Florentina, Florentina!" + +"I am here, Papa--here, eating blackberries." + +"Naughty child--how can you like to eat blackberries? What next whim +will you take? Have I not told you that they are only fit for the poor +children that run about the country, and not for a young lady who has +been properly brought up.--Do you hear? And lived in good society." + +Nela saw the speaker come towards them. He was a man of advanced middle +age and medium height, rotund, and with a ruddy countenance that seemed +to radiate satisfaction as the sun radiates light. His legs were thin, +his nose was large, and his person decorated with a variety of splendid +objects, among which a thick watch-chain was conspicuous, while he wore +a broad-brimmed hat of fine black felt. + +"Come, come, child," said Don Manuel Penáguilas, for he it was, +"respectable people do not eat blackberries nor skip and jump about +like that. There, you have torn your dress--I do not care about the +dress, for I can buy you another as I bought you that--I only speak +because the people here who see you might think you had no dress but +the one you have on." + +Nela, who by this time understood the case, looked at the young lady's +dress. It was good and handsome, but her face betrayed unmistakably +the transition--and a rapid one--from the position of a rich peasant's +daughter to that of a fine lady. Every detail of her attire, from her +shoes to her comb, stamped her as the daughter of the people in holiday +clothes. But the girl's natural grace and beauty were so transcendent, +that no deficiency, as measured by any conventional standard of +elegance, could dim them. It was not to be denied, however, that her +whole individuality cried out for a short peasant's skirt, hair dressed +in plaits with a bunch of poppies to adorn it with affected simplicity, +a sleeveless bodice, a coral necklace--in short, the costume which +good taste and the nature of things would have suggested, without any +admixture of the devices of the fine lady. + +As the young girl came out from among the brambles, Don Manuel +perceived Nela, at the moment when she had just recovered from her +delusion, and he called out as he turned to her: + +"Hallo! and who are you? Why, look Florentina, it is Nela, the little +body that waits upon your cousin. You remember--I spoke of her to you? +And how are you now-a-days?" + +"Very well, Señor Don Manuel. And you.--How are you, Señor?" asked +Mariquilla without taking her eyes off Florentina. + +"Perfectly well--as you see. This is my daughter.--Well, what do you +think of her?" + +Florentina had just set out on a butterfly chase. + +"My dear child, where are you going? What do you want now?" said the +father, visibly annoyed. "Now do you think it looks well that you +should be running after an insect like some poor child? You must not be +so wild, my child. Young ladies brought up in good society do not do +such things--never do such things...." + +It was a trick with Don Manuel to repeat the last clause of his +sentences to give them emphasis. + +"Ah! do not be cross, Papa," said the girl, returning from her +fruitless chase to shelter herself under the protecting brim of the +paternal hat. "You know how much I love the country and that I am half +crazy when I see trees and flowers and meadows. And in that dismal town +of Campó I never see anything of the kind...." + +"Oh! but you must not say anything against Santa Irene de Campó; it is +a famous town where you find every comfort and convenience, and a great +deal of very distinguished society. It stands in the foremost ranks +of civilization--yes, of civilization. You can admire the beauties +of Nature while you walk properly by my side. I admire them too, but +without cutting capers or turning somersaults. You can tell when a +young person has moved in good society only by her way of walking and +looking at the scene around her. This way of calling out at every +minute: Ah! Oh! Look there, Papa!--How pretty!--and pointing to a fern, +perhaps, or an oak-tree, or a rock--a thorn-bush even, a brook--is not +at all in good taste--people will think you have lived in a desert. So +come and walk by me.--Nela will show us the way home, for, to tell you +the truth, I do not know where we are." + +"If we turn to the left, past that old house," said Nela readily, "we +shall be there directly.--But here comes Don Francisco." + +And, in fact, Don Francisco came on towards them, calling out: "The +chocolate is getting cold." + +"What would you have my good fellow.--This child was so anxious +to scamper across the country that she would not wait, so we went +springing from bush to bush like goats--just like goats from bush to +bush." + +"Well come in now, come home. Nela do you come too, and have some +chocolate," said Penáguilas, laying a hand on the child's head. "Well, +and what do you think of my niece? Is not she pretty?--Florentina, when +you have had your chocolate, Nela will take you and Pablo for a walk, +and you will see all the beauties of the neighborhood--the mines, the +wood, the river...." + +Florentina sent a kind glance to the hapless little creature who, as +she ran by her side, seemed to have been formed by Nature expressly as +a foil and contrast to one of the loveliest and most perfect of her +creations. + +When they reached the house the table was ready laid with the chocolate +pots full of the thick and nutritious beverage, and a small hillock of +slices of bread. There too were the _mantequilla_ (a sort of cake), +duly decked with fern leaves, and no lack of other household dainties. +The bright glasses of crystal water reflected and magnified all these +gastronomical objects. + +"Here we have something to support life," said Don Francisco, seating +himself. + +"And you will have some chocolate too, Nela," said Pablo. He had +hardly spoken when Florentina had offered her the chocolate pot, and +everything that was on the table was pressed on her acceptance. She +refused at first, but the Señorita insisted with so much kindness +and gentle grace, that she had at last no choice. Don Manuel cast +side glances at his daughter, not feeling perfectly satisfied with +her advance in the arts and manners of the best society, since one of +the most important points, in his estimation, consisted in a delicate +appreciation of the shades of civility due to different people +according to their rank and position, "showing to each neither more nor +less than was appropriate by the rules of social distinction; since, by +this means, each would keep his place, while true dignity would hold +its own and observe that happy medium of courtesy, which was not too +haughty or reserved to the rich, nor too humble and condescending to +the poor--not too humble to the poor." + +When they had done breakfast, Don Francisco said: + +"Now, you children, go out for a walk. Pablo, this is the last day that +Don Teodoro will allow you to walk out. You three go and have a run, +while my brother and I go over the farm.--Fly away birds!" + +There was no need to speak twice; the beauty of the day was invitation +enough, and the three young people set out for the fields. + + + + +CHAPTER XV. + +THE THREE CHILDREN. + + +The town-bred damsel thoroughly enjoyed the open and smiling meadows +without the trammels of her father's social dogmas, and as soon as they +were at some little distance from the house she took to running and +leaping, swinging now and then from the branches of the trees as she +passed them. She pinched the blackberries with the tips of her fingers, +and when she thought them ripe she would pick three, one for each mouth. + +"This is for you, cousin," she said, putting it to his lips, "and this +is for you, Nela, and this little one is for me." + +Then as the birds flew across she could not resist the temptation to +wave her arms as if she too could fly. "Where are the little rascals +off to I wonder?" she said. She must need gather a branch from every +oak-tree and split open the acorns to see what was in them, then she +bit into one, and finding it bitter, tossed it away. No botanist, mad +on Latin names and classification, could have been so eager to collect +all the flowers that grew under her feet, as if to bid her welcome to +their native soil, and she gathered enough in half an hour to adorn +every button-hole in her cousin's cloak, to make a garland for Nela's +hair, and then one for her own. + +"My cousin would like to see the mines," said Pablo. "Do not you think +we might go down?" + +"Yes, let us go down--this way, Señorita." + +"Oh! but I do not like to go through tunnels, they frighten me +dreadfully. I really cannot go through a tunnel ..." said Florentina, +following them. "Cousin, do you and Nela walk about here often? Oh! but +this is beautiful--I could live here all my life. Blessings on the man +who is going to give you the power of enjoying this lovely world!" + +"God grant it! And it will all look much more lovely to me who have +never seen it, than to you who are tired of it all. But do not suppose, +Florentina, that I do not understand what beauty is; I can feel it in +my own fashion, and my fancy almost, almost makes up for my want of +sight." + +"That is strange.--But say what you will," replied Florentina, "we will +have some good fun when you can see." + +"Maybe," said the blind boy, "that I may not find much to say that day." + +Nela meanwhile was absolutely speechless. + +When they had reached the crater of La Terrible, Florentina was greatly +struck by the grand spectacle of the limestone rocks, left on the +ground after the ore had been extracted. She compared them to huge +masses of sugar loaves piled one on another; then, after looking a +second time, she said they were like gigantic dogs and cats turned to +stone at the critical moment of a furious fight. + +"Let us sit down on this slope," she said, "and we shall see the trains +go by with the mineral, and besides we can see these stones which are +very curious. That large rock in the middle has a wide mouth--do you +see, Nela?--and out of the mouth sticks a toothpick; it is a tree +that has grown all alone there. It looks as if it were laughing at +us, for it has eyes too; and there, farther on, is one with a hump, +another smoking a pipe, and two pulling each other's hair; there is +one yawning, another asleep and drunk, and another head downwards +supporting a cathedral on his feet; then there is one playing the +guitar, with a dog's head and coffee-pot on it like a cap." + +"What you are saying," observed the blind man, "proves to me how +differently things are seen by different eyes, and that the precious +gift of sight sometimes travesties them strangely, changing their +natural form into something whimsical and unreal; for, after all, what +you see before you are neither cats nor men, toothpicks, cathedrals, +nor coffee-pots, but merely limestone rocks and masses of calcareous +stone stained with oxide of iron. And it is your eye that burlesques so +simple a fact." + +"You are right, cousin; and for that very reason I say it is our +imagination that sees, and not our eyes. Nevertheless our sight is +useful--to inform us, for instance, of certain things which poor people +have not got and which we who are rich can give them." And as she spoke +she touched Nela's dress. + +"Why does not this dear little Nela wear better clothes?" she went on. +"I have a number of frocks and I will give her one--and a new one too, +into the bargain." Marianela, covered with blushes and confusion, did +not raise her eyes. + +"That is a thing I can never understand: why some have so much and +others so little. I get quite angry with Papa when I hear him abusing +those who wish that everything should be divided so that all should +have an equal share. What do they call those people, Pablo?" + +"Socialists--communists ..." said the lad smiling. + +"Well, those are the people for me. I vote for a redistribution, so +that the rich should give the poor all they have too much of. Why +should this orphan go barefoot when I wear shoes? Even wicked people +ought not to be destitute, much less good ones. Now, I know that Nela +is very good, you told me so last evening, and your father said so too. +And she has no parents, no one to care for her. How is it that there +are so many, many, miserable creatures in the world? My bread burns my +mouth when I remember how many there are who have none at all. Poor +little Nela! such a good child, and so forlorn! It seems impossible +that to this day you should have lived without being loved, without +any one to give you a kiss nor to cuddle and pet you as we pet little +children--my heart aches to think of it." + +Marianela was as completely petrified with astonishment as at the first +sight of the apparition. Then she had seen the Virgin Mary, now she +heard her very words. + +"Listen, little one," the Holy Maiden went on, "and you, Pablo, listen +too. I must help and comfort Nela--not as we help the beggars by the +road, but as we try to help a brother whom we find unexpectedly. Did +you not tell me that she has been your companion, your _lazarillo_, +your guide through the darkness? That you saw with her eyes and trod +in her steps? Nela is mine as much as yours then, and I shall take +charge of her. I will dress her and give her everything she can want +to live decently, and teach her a hundred things to make her useful in +the house. Papa told me that perhaps I might always have to live here; +and, if so, Nela will live with me; with me she will learn to read, +to say her prayers, to sew and to cook; she will learn so many things +that she will know as much as I do. What do you think of my plan? She +will soon be nothing short of a young lady. My father will not prevent +me I know. Indeed, last evening he said to me: 'Florentinilla perhaps, +perhaps, before long I shall not rule you any longer; you may have to +obey another master....' Well, be that as it may, Nela shall be my +friend. Will you love me? dearly? You have lived so neglected--as the +wild flowers grow in the fields--that you do not even know how to say +thank you--but never mind I will teach you; oh! I have to teach you so +many things." + +Marianela, who had been making stupendous efforts not to cry as she +listened to these splendid promises, could at last hold in no longer +and, after screwing up her face for a minute, burst into tears. The +blind boy sat silent, lost in thought. + +"Florentina," he said presently, "you speak and think differently from +most other people. Your goodness is as infinite and as enthusiastic as +that which has filled the world with martyrs and peopled heaven with +saints." + +"What an extravagant way of putting it!" said the girl laughing, and +she rose to gather a flower that had attracted her attention at some +little distance. + +"Is she gone?" asked Pablo. + +"Yes," said Nela, gulping down her tears. + +"Do you know?" said Pablo, "I fancy my cousin must be rather pretty. +When she arrived last evening I felt the greatest antipathy towards +her; I cannot tell you what a dislike I took to her. But to-day I fancy +I can see her, and that she must be rather pretty." + +Nela began to cry again. + +"She is like an angel!" she said with a flood of tears. "She looks as +if she had just come straight from Heaven. Body and soul she is exactly +like the Holy Virgin Mary." + +"Oh! do not exaggerate," said Pablo uneasily. "She cannot be so lovely +as you say. Do not imagine that because I have no eyes I cannot feel +who is beautiful and who is not." + +"No, no, you cannot feel it, you do not understand.--Oh! you are +mistaken, quite mistaken." + +"No, no. She cannot be so beautiful," the blind lad insisted, turning +very pale as he spoke. "Nela, darling of my heart, do you know what my +father told me? That if I recover my sight I am to marry Florentina." + +Nela could not answer; her tears continued to flow in silence, pouring +down her burning cheeks and dropping on her hands. But not even the +bitterest tears could give expression or relief to her intense grief. +It was immeasurable, infinite, that was all she knew. + +"I know why you are crying so much," the blind youth said holding +her hands very tightly in his own. "But my father will not insist on +making me marry against my will. For me there is no wife in the world +but you. When my eyes can see, they will care for no beauty but your +heavenly face; all others will be but shades, too remote and dim to +attract my gaze. Oh God! what is a human face like? How does the soul +stand revealed in flesh? If light cannot avail to give another aspect +to thought and fancy, of what use is it at all? That which we conceive +of and that which is--are they not one and the same thing? Are not the +idea and the form the same to each other as fire and heat? Can they be +separated? And can you cease to be the fairest in the world to me, the +sweetest and best beloved, when I am lord of the vast domain of the +visible?" + +Florentina now rejoined them, and they talked as they went home; but +nothing more was said of sufficient interest to be set down here. + + + + +CHAPTER XVI. + +THE VOW. + + +Nothing of importance occurred on the two following days, but then +there came one on which the deed was done, the wonderful, crowning, +fateful deed. Teodoro Golfin, in whose hands the surgeon's knife was +as the chisel of a Genius, had attempted to amend one of Nature's most +delicate works. Unflinching and calm he took possession, as it were, in +virtue of his science and experience, of the marvellous speck in which +the glorious scheme of the Universe is epitomized and concentrated. The +task before him was nothing less than to stand face to face with the +mystery of Life; to investigate and discover the causes which hindered +a living eye from taking cognizance of things visible. For this a firm +soul was needed and a tender hand. The delicate tissue of the cornea +must be divided, the crystalline lens removed, carefully avoiding the +hyaloid membrane and the vitreous humor; the dimensions of the pupil +must be increased by an incision, and the condition of the inner +chamber of the eye ascertained by induction or by examination. + +Few words were spoken after this daring expedition into a microcosm--an +enterprise not less bold than the attempt to measure the distance +between the stars, or to gauge the infinite realms of space. Those +who were present sat in silent suspense, as they might await the +resurrection of a dead man or the creation of a new world. Golfin said +nothing definite either: + +"Iris contractile," he muttered. "Retina sensitive.... Nerves living +and sound...." And yet the function, the fact, the act of seeing--where +was that? + +"Time will show," said Don Teodoro, as he carefully adjusted the +bandages. "Patience." + +And his leonine face expressed neither disappointment nor triumph, +neither hope nor doubt. Science had done all she could; it was almost +like an act of creation, like many others she has enabled us to +perform in this nineteenth century. Nature, thus boldly defied and +resenting such an intrusion on her secrets, held her peace. + +The patient was strictly forbidden to see any one but his father, +who waited on him; no one else was admitted. Nela went several times +to enquire for the invalid; but she never crossed the threshold, she +waited outside till Don Manuel should come out, or his daughter, or +some member of the household. The young lady, after giving her the +fullest information and painting in lively colors the anxiety they all +felt, would go out to walk with her. One day Florentina insisted that +Nela should show her where she lived, and they went down to Centeno's +hovel; the squalid interior horrified and disgusted Florentina; above +all, the baskets which served as the orphan's bed. + +"Well, Nela will very soon come to live with me," said Florentina, +getting out of the stuffy hole as fast as she could, "and then she will +have a bedroom just like mine, and will dress and feed as I do." + +Dame Centeno and her two girls stood open-mouthed with astonishment at +this speech. They began to think that the hapless and neglected orphan +must have found her father in some Prince or King, as the orphans do in +the tales. + +When they had left the house behind them Florentina said to her +companion: "Pray to God day and night that He may grant my dear cousin +the blessing which we all enjoy and which He has denied to him. What an +anxious state we live in! If he gains his sight a thousand delightful +things will follow and many difficulties will be removed. I have made a +solemn vow to the Virgin; I have promised that if she grants my cousin +his sight I will take under my care the very poorest creature I can +find, and give her all that can make her entirely forget her poverty, +making her my own equal in every respect, as happy and as comfortable +as I am. And it is not enough merely to give her clothes, or set her +down to a table with plenty of soup and meat. No, there is another +charity which is worth more than all the broken food and frippery in +the world--kindness, respect, consideration, and a name. I will give +her these too, and teach her to respect herself. I have found the +person I want, María--it is you. I have promised the Holy Virgin from +the bottom of my soul that if she will bestow the gift of sight on my +cousin, you shall be my sister. You shall be the same as myself, in my +house, exactly like my sister." As she spoke Nela's Virgin clasped the +girl in her arms and kissed her on the forehead. + +It is impossible to give any idea of the poor little vagabond's +feelings in this crowning hour of her life. An instinctive dread kept +her away from the house at Aldeacorba, a dread that was dimly mixed up +with the personality of her young benefactress, like the figures we see +in a nightmare; while, at the same time, she felt tender admiration and +reverence for her. Now and again, in her innocent bewilderment, she +fancied it must be the Virgin Mary in her actual presence; in no other +way could she conceive of the kind-heartedness which smiled upon her, +like the realms of Paradise, from the open soul of Florentina, with +its purity, tenderness, gentleness, and gracious consolations. Nela's +honest instinct made her feel and understand at once that she could not +hate her self-constituted sister. Hate her! How could she? She felt +she must love her with all the strength of her soul. Her aversion and +repulsion sank to the bottom like a sediment after fermentation, and +there decomposed and vanished, their elements recombining to intensify +the admiration and respect she felt for her benefactress. Still, though +the feeling had disappeared, the cause remained--the sentiment which, +as it could no longer flourish singly in her soul, with that masterful +exclusiveness which is characteristic of such passions, revenged +itself by producing that utter dejection which is the very demon of +melancholy. + +At Centeno's they remarked that Nela did not eat, that she seemed +wearier than usual, that for long intervals she sat as silent and +motionless as a statue, and that she sang no longer, day or night. Her +incapacity for exertion had become absolute helplessness, and Tanasio, +having sent her to buy him some tobacco, she sat down in the road and +remained there for the rest of the day. + +One morning, just a week after the operation had been performed, she +went up to the engineer's house, and Sofía said to her: "A gift for +good news Nela! Have you heard? They have taken off the bandages +to-day, and they say he can see, that he will see quite well. Ulysses, +the foreman of the works, has just been to tell us. Teodoro has not +been here, but my husband has gone to Aldeacorba--we shall know the +truth very soon." + +Nela, as she heard it, felt more dead than alive, and crossing her +hands she exclaimed: "Blessed be the Holy Virgin who has worked this +wonder!--She, she alone has done it." + +"You are glad little one?--No wonder, for now Señorita Florentina +will keep her promise," said Sofía in a bantering tone. "Allow me to +congratulate you, Señorita Doña Nela.--Why it is like a lottery! What +a big prize, Nelilla! And yet you may not be grateful--no, you will +not. I never yet knew any poor who were grateful. They are all proud, +and the more you give them the more they ask.--Well, it is a settled +thing that Pablo is to marry his cousin, and it is a very good match; +they are a handsome pair and she seems no fool--and she has a sweet +pretty face; what a pity to spoil such a face and figure by dressing so +villanously! No, no, if I want to dress well I will not apply to the +dressmaker at Santa Irene de Campó." + +As she spoke Don Cárlos came in; he was radiant with satisfaction and +delight. + +"A complete success!" he shouted as he reached the door. "Next to God +stands my brother Teodoro!" + +"It is quite certain?" + +"As sure as daylight--I never believed it could be.--And what a +triumph, Sofía! What a triumph! It is my greatest pride and happiness +to be my brother's brother. He is the king of men.--Yes, as I say: +First God, and then Teodoro!" + + + + +CHAPTER XVII. + +A FUGITIVE. + + +The wonderful good news flew through Socartes. Nothing else was talked +of in the smelting-houses, in the workshops, in the washing-mills, on +the tram-way, in the deepest diggings, and on the top of the hill, +in the bowels of the earth or the open light of heaven. Various +interesting commentaries were added: that in Aldeacorba it was thought +for a moment that Don Francisco was out of his wits with joy; that Don +Manuel meant to celebrate the happy event by giving a grand banquet to +all the hands employed in the mines; and, finally, that Don Teodoro +was a great man, whom all blind men, present or to come, might indeed +esteem, "as the apple of their eye." + +Nela could not venture to go to the house at Aldeacorba. A mysterious +force seemed to hold her back. She wandered all day round and about the +mines, gazing from afar at the Penáguilas' house, which in her eyes, +looked transformed. Her spirit was full of a strange compound of the +sincerest joy and an overwhelming shamefacedness, of noble devotion and +with it the unendurable aching, so to speak, of an intensely sensitive +self-consciousness. + +She found some surcease from the turmoil of her brain in that motherly +solitude which had contributed so largely to the formation of her +character, and in dreaming over the beauty of Nature, which always +lifted her soul to closer communion with the Divinity. The clouds in +the sky and the flowers of the field affected her mind as others are +affected by the pomp of altars, the eloquence of preachers and the +study of the meditations of the mystics. In the solitude of the open +country she thought and said a thousand things that she never dreamed +were aspirations and prayers. She looked towards Aldeacorba, and said +to herself: + +"I will never go there again.--All is over and done.--Of what use can I +be now?" + +With all her ignorance she understood that the struggle in her soul +arose from her incapacity to hate any one; on the contrary, she +was constrained to love her friend and her enemy alike, and just +as thistles turned into flowers under the miraculous touch of some +Christian martyr, Nela perceived that her jealousy and aversion were +graciously blossoming into admiration and gratitude. That which could +undergo no change was the feeling we have described as self-conscious +shame, and which urged her to keep herself quite apart from any events +which might henceforth occur in Aldeacorba. It was a special aspect of +the sentiment which in civilized and educated persons is called _amour +propre_, which includes in itself the capacity for self-depreciation. +The connection, however, between her feeling and that which has so +large a share in the actions of cultivated persons, consisted in the +fact that both were founded on a punctilious sense of dignity. If +Marianela could have expressed herself in their language she would have +said: + +"My dignity will not allow me to submit to the horrible degradation +you would put upon me. It is God's will that I should endure this +humiliation--so be it; but I cannot stand by and see myself deposed and +discrowned. May his blessings fall on the head of her who, by a law of +nature, must fill the place I once occupied--but I have not the courage +to put her there with my own hands." + +But not being able to utter her pain in these words, she could only +say: "I will never go to Aldeacorba again--I will never let him see me. +I will run away with Celipin, or I will go to my mother. I am of no use +now to any one." + +Still, even while she said this, it struck her as very sad that she +should have to give up the divine protection of that Heavenly Maiden +who had appeared to her in the darkest hour of her life, and cast her +sheltering mantle over her! To think that after seeing the vision +realized which had so often appeared to her in dreams of thrilling +beatitude, she must renounce it--to have heard herself called by a +gentle voice, that offered her a sister's love, a happy home, position, +a name, and a luxurious existence--and then be unable to obey the +invitation with joy, alacrity and thankfulness--to reject the hand +which would snatch her from a life of degradation and misery, and +make a lady of the wretched vagabond, raising her from the rank of a +domestic animal to that of a loved and respected woman!... + +"Woe, woe!" she cried, clutching her bosom as if her fingers were +talons: "I cannot, never, never.... Nothing in the world shall ever +take me to Aldeacorba! Virgin, mother of my soul, take me, take me.... +Mother, will you not come and fetch me!" + +As night came on, she went home; on her way she met Celipin with a +stick in his hand and his cap hung on the end of it. + +"Look here, Nelilla," said the boy: "Is not this how Don Teodoro +carries his hat? Just now I was passing the pool at Hinojales and +I looked at my reflection in the water. My! was not I surprised--I +thought I looked just like Don Teodoro Golfin. Some day this week we +will set out to become learned and useful persons. I have got as much +money now as I want, and you will see, no one will dare to laugh at +Señor de Celipin." + +For three days Nela kept out of the way, wandering about the +neighborhood of the mines, following the course of the river along its +rugged banks, or hiding herself in the quiet recesses of the wood of +Saldeoro. The nights she spent in her basket, but she could not sleep. +One night she timidly called her companion: + +"Celipin--when?" and Celipin replied with all the solemnity befitting a +regular expedition: + +"To-morrow." + +The two adventurers rose at day-break, and both went their way; Celipin +to his work, and Nela to carry a message from Señana to the engineer's +housekeeper. On her return she found Señorita Florentina, who was +waiting for her at Centeno's house. María was surprised and alarmed at +seeing her, though her instinct told her of the end and object of this +visit. + +"Nela, my little sister," said the girl with engaging gentleness: "Why +are you behaving so strangely? Why have you not been near us all these +days? Come, Pablo wishes to see you. Do you not know that now he can +say: 'I want to see this thing or the other?' Do you not know that my +cousin is no longer blind?" + +"Yes--I know it," said Nela, taking the hand Florentina held out to her +and covering it with kisses. + +"Come along then; come at once. He is always asking for 'Señora Nela.' +And to-day you must be there when Don Teodoro takes the bandage off--it +is the fourth time. Oh! the first day--when he first tried it! What a +day that was! When we knew for certain that my cousin was born again, +as I may say, to the light of day--we almost died of joy.--And the +first face he saw was mine.--Come along, quickly." But María drew her +hand out of her Virgin's clasp. + +"Have you forgotten my promise, my vow?" Florentina went on, "or did +you think I was talking at random? But indeed, nothing I can do seems +enough to show our Mother of Mercies my gratitude for the grace she +has shown us. I should like that, on this day, not a creature that +the whole world contains should be sad. I should like to divide my +happiness, and fling it abroad on all sides, as the sower casts the +seed; I should like to go into every wretched dwelling and say: 'All +your troubles are ended. I have a remedy for them all.'--But it is +impossible; no one can do that but God. Still, as my powers are not +equal to my will, let me at any rate do what I can--and these are not +mere words, Nela. Come with me, away from this hovel; bid farewell to +everything that has made part of your misery and your loneliness. For +you may have an affection, even for your wretchedness, my child." + +Marianela did not, however, say good-bye to anything; and as none +of the family were indoors at that hour, she did not wait for them. +Florentina went out, leading by the hand the poor little girl whom her +noble impulses and christian feeling had adopted to be her equal; and +Nela allowed herself to be led, from sheer incapacity to offer any +resistance. She felt as though some superhuman power had taken her in +hand and was carrying her along, fatally and inevitably, as the angels +bear a soul away to Heaven. + +They took the path by Hinojales, where the vagabond child had seen +Florentina for the first time. As they turned into the lane the young +lady said to her companion. + +"Why have you not been to the house? My uncle says that you have so +much natural modesty and delicacy that it is a pity you should not have +been educated. Was it delicacy that kept you from coming to ask for +what, by God's mercy, you had so happily gained? Without doubt my uncle +is right.... You should have seen the poor dear man that day--he said +he should not be sorry to die!--Do you see? My eyes are still red with +crying so much. And last night my uncle and my father and I never went +to sleep; we were making plans for all the family and building castles +in the air all night--Why do you say nothing? Why are you so silent? +Are you not as glad as I am?" + +Nela looked up in the girl's bright face and made a faint effort to +resist the gentle hand that held hers. + +"Come along--what is the matter? You look at me so strangely Nela." + +She did indeed; the hapless child's eyes wandering vaguely from one +object to another, ended by fixing themselves on the Virgin of her +fancy, with a strange glitter of apprehension. + +"Why does your hand tremble so?" Florentina went on. "Are you ill? +You are as pale as death and your teeth are chattering. If you are +ill I will cure you, I myself can cure you. From this day you will +have some one to care for you, and pet you, and make much of you. +And I shall not be alone you know, for Pablo is very fond of you--he +told me so. We both love you dearly and he and I shall be like one +person.--He wants to see you. Just fancy how full of curiosity a man +must be who has never seen anything at all; but you cannot think +how--from being so clever as he is, and having an imagination which +seems to have given him a number of ideas which blind people scarcely +ever have--from the first moment he knew what was pretty and what was +ugly. A bit of scarlet sealing-wax pleased him at once and a piece +of coal he thought hideous. He admired the beauty of the sky and was +disgusted at the sight of a frog. Everything that is beautiful excites +him to an enthusiasm that is almost delirium; everything ugly fills him +with horror, and makes him tremble as we do when we are frightened. +My appearance must have pleased him, for he exclaimed as soon as he +saw me: "Oh! cousin, how pretty you are! Thank God for having bestowed +sight on me so that I can see you!" + +Nela had gently withdrawn her hand from Florentina's grasp and fell on +the ground as if suddenly stricken to death. The young girl bent over +her, saying in coaxing tones: "Oh! what is it ails you? Why do you +look at me so?" Marianela fixed her eyes on the Holy Virgin's face with +a miserable stare; still their expression was not one of aversion, but +rather a gaze of agonized entreaty, like the last look of a dying man +imploring mercy from the image of the Saviour, and believing it to be +God himself. + +"Señora," murmured the child, "I do not hate you--no indeed I do not +hate you. On the contrary, I love you dearly--I adore you." And taking +up the hem of Florentina's dress she pressed it to her dry lips and +kissed it fervently. + +"But whoever supposed you would hate me?" said the young girl greatly +bewildered. "I know that you love me. But you frighten me--get up." + +"I do love you, dearly, dearly; I adore you," repeated Nela, kissing +the feet of her benefactress. "And yet I cannot--I cannot...." + +"What cannot you do--for God's sake! get up." Florentina put out +her arms to help her up; but Nela rose without any assistance, and +springing away to a safe distance, she repeated, bursting into a flood +of tears: + +"I cannot Señorita, I cannot." + +"What?--in Heaven's name! what has come over you?" + +"I cannot go there." And she pointed to Aldeacorba, where the roof of +Don Francisco's house was visible among the trees. + +"And why?" + +"The Blessed Virgin knows," replied the child with prompt decision. +"May the Holy Virgin bless you!" She made a cross with her fingers and +kissed it; she was registering a vow. + +Florentina took a step towards her and María, understanding the loving +impulse, flew to meet her; she laid her head against her friend's +bosom, and murmured as she sobbed: "Kiss me--for God's sake! give me +one kiss!" + +Florentina kissed her tenderly, and then freeing herself with a start, +or rather a wild and sudden leap, the child--or woman--fled to a brake +close at hand; the brushwood seemed to open and swallow her up. + +"Nela, Nela--little sister!" cried Florentina in much distress. + +"Farewell, child of my eyes!" said Nela, turning round to look at her +once more; and she vanished in the copse. + +Florentina listened to the rustle of the branches, as the hunter +listens to the rush of the prey that has escaped him. Then all was +silent; not a sound was to be heard but the vague monotone that fills +the atmosphere at noon in the open country--a sound which seems to +be the whisper of our own thoughts as they go forth towards all that +surrounds us. Florentina stood amazed, powerless, speechless, deeply +distressed--as if she had just seen some fond illusion snatched from +her gaze. She did not know what to think of it all, and even her +unbounded kind-heartedness, which often crippled her judgment, could +supply no explanation. + +She had been standing in the same spot for some little time, her head +drooping, her cheeks tingling, and her blue eyes full of tears, when +Teodoro Golfin happened to come upon her, making his way at an easy +pace from Aldeacorba homewards. The doctor was greatly astonished to +find the young lady alone and with an expression of vexation and regret +which, far from diminishing her beauty, added to it and made it more +interesting. + +"What ails the girl?" he exclaimed with some anxiety. "Why, Florentina, +what is the matter?" + +"A dreadful thing, Señor Golfin," said Florentina, wiping her eyes. "I +was thinking--considering how many terrible things there are in the +world." + +"And what are these terrible things, Señorita? Where have you been? +Can anything have happened to you?" + +"Provoking things--and of all things there is one which is more +provoking than all the rest." + +"What is that?" + +"Ingratitude, Señor." And pointing to the copse of bramble and fern, +she added: "It was in that direction." + +She went up to the highest spot at hand to see farther into the +distance. "Quite out of sight!" she said with a sigh. + +"Quite," said the surgeon laughing. "Don Manuel told me that you were +devoting yourself to collecting butterflies. They are ungrateful +creatures indeed not to wish to be caught by you." + +"It is not that--I will tell you all about it if you are going to +Aldeacorba." + +"I was not going, as I have just come away, fair damsel; but if you +will tell me all about it--be it what it may--I will go back again. I +am all ears for your story." + + + + +CHAPTER XVIII. + +NELA DECIDES THAT SHE MUST GO. + + +Nela wandered about alone all day, and at night she prowled round +the house at Aldeacorba, creeping as near to it as she dared without +running the risk of being discovered; whenever she heard footsteps +she stole away like a thief. Then she went down into the crater of La +Terrible, whose grewsome aspect somehow suited her gloomy mood; she +lingered there some time looking up at the stone giants that stood +round it, and then she climbed up one of them to see the lights of +Aldeacorba. There they were, sparkling above the slopes of the mine +against the dark background of earth and sky. After gazing at them for +a while as if her hungry eyes had never seen lights before, she quitted +La Terrible and went towards La Trascava. But before she reached it she +heard footsteps, and turning round, she saw Master Celipin coming along +the path at a brisk determined pace. He had a small bundle hanging +from a stick over his shoulder, and his step, as well as his air and +attitude, announced a full determination never to stop till he should +have paced the whole circumference of the globe. + +"Celipe!--Where are you going?" cried Nela, detaining him. + +"Nela ... you out here! We thought you were with Señorita Florentina, +eating ham, and turkey, and partridges all day long, and drinking +lemonade and syrups. What are you doing here?" + +"And you--where are you off to?" + +"You ask me that, now? Why do you ask me since you know quite well," +answered the boy, jerking the stick and bundle. "You know very well +that I am going to learn all I can and make money. Did I not tell you +it would be to-night?--And here I am, as glad as can be--a little +sorry, too, when I think that father and mother will cry. You see, +Nela, the Blessed Virgin favored us to-night, for father and mother +began to snore sooner than usual; and I had my bundle ready, and I +climbed up to the window and got out of it.--Now are you coming or not?" + +"Yes, I am coming," said Nela with sudden decision, taking the arm of +the adventurous Celipin. + +"We will take the train, and we will go in the train as far as we can," +said Celipin with liberal enthusiasm. "And then we must beg till we get +to Madrid, where the King of Spain lives; and when once we have got +there, you can go as a servant in the house of some Marquis or Count, +and I will go into another, and at the same time I can study, and you +can have a heap of fine things. And I can teach you a little of all I +learn--only a little, not too much; for you women have no need to be as +learned as we doctors must be." + +Before Celipin had ended his speech, they had set out on their road, +trotting on as fast as though they already saw in the distance the +turrets of the city "where the King of Spain lives." + +"Let us get out of the regular path," said Celipin, his practical +talents rising to the occasion: "If they see us they will lay hands +upon us and give us a good thrashing." + +But Nela drew her hand away from her fellow-adventurer's, and sitting +down on a stone, she said: "I am not going." + +"Nela! what a little fool you are! You have not a brave heart like +mine; a heart as big as the rocks in La Terrible!" said Celipin, with a +braggart air. "What the devil are you afraid of? Why will you not come?" + +"I--oh!--why should I?" + +"Do not you know that Don Golfin said that the work here is turning us +all to stones? I do not want to be a stone--not I." + +"I--why should I go?" repeated Nela with disconsolate bitterness. "You +have time enough--for me, it is too late." + +And Nela's head sunk on her breast and she sat for some time insensible +to the persuasive eloquence of the Hippocrates of the future. The idea +that she was about to cross the boundary of the spot of earth where +she had lived so long, and where her mother slept the sleep of the +dead, made her feel as if she were being torn up by the roots. The +beauty of the place in all its variety seemed to claim her by a sort +of relationship; the rare and fleeting joys, nay, the very misery she +had known there; the memory of her friend and of the happy hours when +they had walked in the woods or sat by the spring at Saldeoro; all +the feelings of admiration or of sympathy, of love or of gratitude, +which had grown and blossomed in her soul among these scenes--these +flowers--these clouds--these rustling trees--these frowning +rocks--inseparable as it were from the loveliness or the grandeur, +the progress and the immutability of all these works of nature, were +so many roots from her heart, and dragging them up from the soil was +bitter anguish. + +"No--I am not going," she repeated. + +And Celipin argued and talked as if, having by some miracle reached the +goal of his career, he belonged to all the academies present and to +come. + +"You are going home then?" he asked, seeing that his oratory was as +unavailing as that of the academies themselves commonly is. + +"No." + +"You are going to Aldeacorba?" + +"No; not there either." + +"Then you will go to where Señora Florentina lives." + +"No, no--not there." + +"The devil's in it--but where are you going then?" + +Nela did not answer; she sat looking at the ground with an expression +of dismay, as if she saw there the fragments of the most beautiful and +precious thing on earth--fallen and lying broken at her feet. + +"Well then, Nela," said Celipin, exhausted with his long harangue, "I +must leave you and be off, for they might follow me, and find me. Would +you like me to give you a _peseta_ as a parting gift to-night?" + +"No, Celipin, I want nothing.--Go, you will be a rich man yet. Take +care of yourself and do not forget Socartes and your father and mother." + +The traveller had a sensation highly improper in a man of so much +importance and dignity--a strong disposition to cry; but swallowing +down this inopportune emotion, he said: + +"How should I ever forget Socartes? You need not have said that--I +shall never forget my father and mother, nor you, for you helped me to +do this.--Good-bye, Nelilla--hark! I hear footsteps!" + +Celipin shouldered his staff with a resolution that symbolized his +courage to defy all the dangers of the wide world; but his valorous +display was wasted, for a dog only came running up to them. + +"It is Choto," said Nela, trembling all over. + +"A bad sign!" muttered Celipin, setting forward; and he disappeared in +the darkness. + +A stone was lost to geology, and the world would be the richer by a +great man! + +Nela shivered as the dog leaped upon her and caressed her. The +affectionate creature, after jumping round and round her, whining and +barking with so much expression that it was almost like speaking, +set off running as fast as he could towards Aldeacorba. You might +have thought he was in chase of some wild game. Choto--unlike some +orators--seemed to speak when he barked. + + * * * * * + +Just at this time Teodoro Golfin was coming away from the Penáguilas'. +He was met by Choto, who, with voluble haste, told him--I know not +what. It was a fervent, fitful address, delivered between his gasps +for breath and gushes of eager anxiety. Golfin, though he understood +several languages, was not strong in the canine tongue, and paid no +particular heed. Choto leaped up and round him, jerking out barks +from his moist jaws, some short and sharp as insults, others soft and +coaxing, and then again threats. Teodoro meanwhile stood still, his +attention was struck by the dog's manner; and Choto, seeing that he had +made himself understood to a certain extent, began to run in a contrary +direction to Golfin's homeward road. The doctor followed him. "Very +well," he muttered, "that way then." + +Choto retraced his steps, as if to make sure that Golfin was following +him, and then he trotted on again. At some little distance from the +house Golfin heard a voice saying: + +"Well, Choto, what is it you want?" + +He suspected at once that it was Nela. He paused and listened, hidden +in the shadow of a beech-tree, and soon perceived a little figure +standing out from the stone wall and walking very slowly. The shadows +of the brambles prevented his seeing her very distinctly. He set out +to follow her at some little distance, quitting the path and walking +on the turf, so as to make no noise. Beyond a doubt it was Nela. He +recognized her perfectly when they got upon open ground, where there +were no dark shadows cast by trees or shrubs. + +The girl now went faster and faster; at last she began to run, and +Golfin ran too. After this unequal race had gone on for some distance, +Nela sat down on a stone. At her feet was the sloping basin of La +Trascava, black and hideous in the gloom. Golfin waited a moment; then +he very softly went nearer to the girl. Choto was seated in front of +her, squatted on his hind quarters, with his fore paw stretched out, +and gazing at her with the gravity of a sphinx. Nela stared into the +depths below, and suddenly starting to her feet she began to go quickly +down the slope--slipping rather than running. With one bound Teodoro +stood by the abyss, roaring in stentorian tones: "Nela! Nela!" + +He looked down, but could see nothing in the dark chasm; he could hear +Choto whining as he ran round and round the ridge, lower and lower in +spirals, as if he were being sucked in by some eddy in the dreadful +gulf. Teodoro thought of going down himself and cautiously took a step +or two; then he called again, and a voice from below answered: "Señor." + +"Come up this minute." + +No answer. + +"Come up, I say." + +Presently he could just see the child's face in the lowest visible +depths of the horrible chasm. Choto, after snuffing at the opening, +came up again, round and round the basin as before; Nela too was +climbing up, but very slowly. Indeed, she stopped, and repeated feebly: +"Señor?..." + +"I tell you come up. What are you doing here?" + +Nela came a little further. + +"Come--quickly. I have something to tell you." + +"To tell me?" + +"Yes--something I must tell you at once." + +Nela crawled up; but Teodoro did not feel sure that he had triumphed +till he had seized her hand and held it tightly to lead her away with +him. + + + + +CHAPTER XIX. + +NELA IS TAMED. + + +They walked on a short distance without speaking. Teodoro Golfin, +for all his learning, wisdom, and eloquence, felt as ignorant and +as helpless as Nela, and less disposed for speech than usual. She +followed him unresistingly, and he accommodated his steps to those of +the child-woman, like a man taking a boy to school. At a turn in the +road where three enormous white stones stood up, weather-worn till +they looked like bleached skeletons, the doctor sat down, and placing +Nela in front of him, as if she were on her trial for some grave +delinquency, he held her by both hands and said solemnly: + +"What were you going to do there?" + +"I--where?" + +"Down there. You know very well what I mean. Answer me plainly, as you +would answer your confessor or your father." + +"I have no father," replied Nela with a faintly mutinous accent. + +"That is true--but suppose me to be your father, and answer me. What +were you going to do?" + +"My mother is down there," she answered dully. + +"Your mother is dead. Do you not know that dead people are gone to +another world, or altogether away?" + +"She is there," said Nela positively, and looking back towards the spot +she had left. + +"And you thought you would go to her. Is that it? That is to say, you +meant to kill yourself." + +"Yes, Señor, that is it." + +"And do you not know that your mother committed a great sin in killing +herself, and you would do the same if you followed her example? Were +you never taught that?" + +"I do not think anyone ever told me anything of the kind. And if I want +to kill myself, who is to prevent me?" + +"But you yourself--without being told--cannot you feel that God cannot +be pleased with us for getting rid of our lives? Poor child--left to +your own instincts without any teaching, or religion, or loving and +disinterested guidance!--What ideas can you have of God, of a future +life, of death? What makes you fancy your mother is there? Do you call +a few lifeless bones your mother! Can you believe that she is still +alive, thinking of you and loving you down in that pit? Did no one +ever tell you that when once our souls have left our bodies they never +return to them again? Do you not know that a tomb, a grave, whatever it +may be, never contains anything but dust and foul corruption? What do +you think God is like? Like some grand and solemn man who sits above +us with his arms folded, and who allows us to play with our lives, +while, in His place, we see some sprite, hobgoblin or fetich of our +fancy?--Your master, Nela, who is so wise and good, did he never talk +to you about such things?" + +"Oh! yes he did.--But it is of no use to tell me them now...." + +"Of no use now--when you want to kill yourself? Tell me, silly child, +did you think that by throwing yourself into that hole you would be any +better off?" + +"Yes, Señor." + +"In what way?" + +"I should feel none of the things I feel now, but something else, much +better--and I should be with my mother." + +"I see you are more silly than wicked," said Golfin laughing. "Now, be +quite honest with me. Do you owe me any grudge?" + +"No indeed. I owe no one any grudge--least of all you, Señor, who have +been so kind to me, and have made my master see." + +"Very good--but that is not all; I not only want you to like me, but +you must trust me and tell me all your little secrets. Strange little +secrets are hidden in your mind, little woman, and you must tell them +all to me--every one. You will see, I shall not be hard upon you; I +shall make a very kind father confessor." + +Nela smiled a forlorn smile; then bending her head, she fell on her +knees. + +"No, silly child, that is not the way; sit down by me--come here," said +Golfin, gently drawing her to a seat by his side. "I fancy you were +going crazy for want of some one to whom you could tell everything; +is it not so? And you are to conceal nothing. You are indeed alone in +the world, poor child.--Come, Nela, let us see; tell me first of all +why--now be very attentive--why you took it into your head that you +wanted to kill yourself?" + +Nela did not answer. + +"I saw you happy enough, and content with life to all appearance, only +a few days since. Why have you suddenly gone mad in a single night?" + +"I want to go to my mother--" replied Nela, after hesitating a moment. +"I do not want to live any longer. Of what good am I in the world? Is +it not much better that I should die? And if God will not make me die, +I will kill myself, my own way." + +"This notion that you are of no use is at the bottom of all your +miseries, poor little creature! Curses on him--or on them, for they are +many--who ever put it into your head. They are all equally responsible +for the neglect, the isolation, and the ignorance in which you lived. +You are of no use! God knows what you might have been if you had fallen +into other hands! A refined nature is yours, perhaps an exquisitely +superior one.--But good Heavens! If you put a harp into clumsy hands +what can they do with it but break it.--Because your fragile frame is +not strong enough to break stones and carry earth like those brutes in +human form Mariuca and Pepina, who shall say that you are of no use? +Were we all born to toil like mere animals? Are you to be forbidden to +have any intelligence, any feeling, any of the gifts of nature which +no one has ever cultivated in you? Nonsense! You are of some use; you +might be of great good if you only fell into hands that could mould you +and train you." + +Nela, whose intuition gathered the purport of this speech, though the +words were beyond her, was deeply impressed. She kept her eyes fixed on +Teodoro Golfin's rugged, shrewd, and expressive countenance. Her heart +was full of astonishment and gratitude. + +"Still there is a mystery about you," the dusky, leonine doctor went +on: "The most perfect opportunity was offered you to escape from your +miserable lot, and you refused it. Florentina, who is an angel if ever +there was one, was ready to adopt you as a friend and a sister; I never +knew an instance of greater kindness and generosity.--And what have you +done? Fled from her like a wild thing.--This is sheer ingratitude--or +some other feeling which I cannot at all comprehend." + +"No, no, no," cried Nela, much distressed, "I am not ungrateful. I +adore Señorita Florentina; she seems to me not to be made of flesh and +blood like the rest of us; I do not deserve even to look upon her...." + +"Well, my child, you may mean what you say; but from your behavior we +can only conclude that you are ungrateful--most ungrateful...." + +"No, no," sobbed Nela. "I am not, indeed I am not ungrateful. I was +afraid--I knew--that you would all think me ungrateful, and that was +the only thing that troubled me when I was going to kill myself.--But I +am so stupid; I did not know how to ask pardon of the Señorita before I +ran away, nor how to explain it all." + +"I will make your peace with Florentina; and even if you wish never to +see her again, I will undertake to tell her and convince her that you +were not ungrateful. Now, open your heart to me and tell me everything; +what makes you so miserable and desperate? However wretched a human +being may be--however great his misery and loneliness, he does not take +his own life unless he has some overpowering reason for hating it." + +"No, Señor--so it seems to me." + +"Then you hate your life?" + +Nela was silent for a minute. Then, crossing her arms, she exclaimed +vehemently. + +"No--no. I do not hate it; on the contrary, I want to find it!" + +"A pretty way you were going to work to look for it!" + +"I thought that when you were dead you would have everything you could +not get here. If not, why is death always, always calling us to come? +I have dreams, and when I dream I see all who are dead happy and at +peace." + +"You believe in dreams?" + +"Yes, Señor.--I look at the trees and the rocks that I have seen here +ever since I was born, and in their face...." + +"Come, come--the trees and rocks have faces?" + +"Yes--everything that is lovely can see and speak.--And they say to me: +'Come to us--die, and you will live quite happy.'" + +"What a lamentable fancy!" Golfin muttered to himself. "A perfectly +pagan spirit!" + +And he added aloud: + +"But if you want to live, why did you not accept Florentina's offer? I +come back to the same question." + +"Because--because--what the Señorita offered me was worse than death!" +cried Nela vehemently. + +"How unjustly you think of her kind charity. There are, of course, +beings so wretched that they prefer a low and vagabond existence to +the dignity of a superior position. You are accustomed to a free life +in direct contact with nature, and you prefer this debased freedom to +the sweet affections of home life. Have you been so happy then in this +mode of life?" + +"I was beginning to be happy...." + +"And when did you cease to be happy?" After a long pause, Nela replied: + +"When you came here." + +"I--what harm have I done you?" + +"None, none--nothing but the greatest good." + +"I have given your master his sight," said Golfin, looking at Nela's +face with the narrow attention of a physiologist. "Do you not thank me +for that?" + +"Much, Señor, very much," and she gazed up at him with eyes full of +tears. + +Golfin watched her closely, so as not to miss the slightest change +of expression which might guide him to a comprehension of the girl's +feelings, as he went on: + +"Your master told me that he loved you dearly, when he was blind; and +now that he can see, he constantly asks for Nela. He knows very well +that for him the whole outer world was filled by one person--Nela; and +the sight which has been mercifully bestowed on him is of no value to +him, unless he can use it to see Nela." + +"To see Nela--but he never shall see Nela--Nela will never let him see +her!" she exclaimed excitedly. + +"Why not?" + +"Because she is so ugly.--He may have cared for María Canela when his +eyes were shut; but now that they are open and he can see the Señorita, +he can never, never care for a poor little dwarf." + +"Who knows but...." + +"It is impossible," she said positively. + +"It is your fancy--you cannot tell whether your master will be pleased +with you or not till you try. I will take you to the house." + +"I will not go--I cannot go!" she cried, starting to her feet and +standing in front of Teodoro, who was utterly astounded at the +determination of her gesture and the flash of her black eyes, which +both revealed her resolute nature. + +"Be calm, be easy--come here," he said persuasively. "It is true that +you are not very pretty--but a sensible man does not think so much as +you fancy of mere outside beauty. You are too self-conscious, little +woman." + +But Nela, paying no sort of heed to the doctor's moralities, and as +resolute in her attitude as she was in her opinion, gravely went on as +if pronouncing sentence: + +"There ought to be nothing ugly in the world.--Nothing that is ugly +ought to be allowed to live." + +"But, my child, if all we ugly people were to be obliged to take +ourselves out of the world, it would be left almost depopulated. +Poor, unhappy, little simpleton! But this notion of yours is not a +new one. Other persons had it before you, centuries ago; persons with +an imagination like yours--living, as you have lived, in the midst of +Nature, and lacking the light which your ignorance and loneliness have +deprived you of, and which they had not, because it had not then dawned +on the world.--But you must be cured of this delusion; you must reflect +that you have your portion of gifts more precious than beauty--gifts of +the mind, which neither fade with time, nor change with the caprices of +taste. Seek for them in your soul and you will find them. They will not +perish as beauty would which, seek it as you may in your looking-glass, +you will never find. But seek out these really good and precious +gifts; cultivate them, and when you see them thriving and blooming, +all this misery you are suffering will vanish--take my word for it. +And meanwhile you will soon rise superior to the wretched situation in +which you now are, and acquire a beauty which may not perhaps charm +the eye, but which will be a source of pride and happiness to yourself." + +This wise advice was either not heard or not heeded by Nela; she sat +down again by Golfin and gazed fixedly in his face. Her small eyes, +more eloquent just then than the finest could have been, seemed to say: + +"And what is the upshot of all these fine speeches, learned Sir?" + +"Now you see," Golfin went on, warming to his subject, and giving it, +in spite of himself, the character of a psychological lecture--"there +is one important question, and that is...." + +But Nela had guessed it, and covered her face with her hands. + +"There is nothing strange in it--on the contrary, it is the most +natural thing that could happen to you. You have a sensitive +temperament and an excitable imagination. You and your master had led +a life together of free and poetic communion with nature, and of most +perfect and innocent intimacy. He is as wise and clever as a man can +be, and as handsome as a statue. His beauty, when blind even, seemed +formed to delight the eyes of those who could see. His kindness of +heart too, and generous spirit are enough to charm and win the love of +any woman. It is not strange that they should have captivated you--a +child so womanly--or a woman looking so like a child.--Do you love him +so much? More than anything else in the world?" + +"Yes, yes--Señor," the girl sobbed out. + +"And you cannot bear the idea of his ceasing to love you?" + +"No--Señor." + +"And he used to say loving words to you and make you promises?..." + +"Yes, oh yes, Señor. He told me I should be his companion as long as he +lived--and--and I believed him." + +"And why should you not?" + +"He said he could not live without me, and that even if he ever could +see he would still love me. I was quite happy; I was ugly, and little, +and ill-made, but I did not care, for he could not see me; and in his +darkness he thought I was pretty.--And then...." + +"Then," said Golfin gently, for he was filled with pity. "I see the +fault is all mine." + +"Fault, no; for you did a good deed. You are very, very good. It +is good to have given him his sight. I know, I tell myself, that +it is good; but after that I must go away, quite away--for he will +see Señorita Florentina and will compare me with her--and Señorita +Florentina is as pretty as the angels, and I--it is like comparing a +piece of broken glass with the sun! Of what good can I be? I dreamed +that I ought never to have been born! Oh why was I ever born? God made +a mistake; he gave me an ugly face, and a miserable little body, and +such a large heart! But of what use to me is a large heart?--It is a +torment and nothing else. Woe is me! If I did not keep it under, it +would hate and detest a great many people. And yet I do not want to +hate people--I do not know how to hate them, and I would rather bury my +miserable heart than live to learn to hate; bury it, so that it should +not torment me any more." + +"You are tormented by jealousy, and by your sense of humiliation. Poor +little one, you are indeed alone! Neither the knowledge you lack, nor +the home you have never had, nor the work you cannot do would avail to +save you from this. But tell me, what do you feel about the protection +and kindness that Florentina offers you?" + +"Terror! Shame!" exclaimed Nela, opening her eyes wide in horror. "To +live with them--to see them constantly! For they will marry--my heart +tells me they will marry; I dreamed it, I know it." + +"But Florentina is very kind; she will love you dearly." + +"Yes, and I love her--but not at Aldeacorba!" cried the girl in wild +accents. "She came to rob me of what was mine--for he was mine--yes, +Señor, he was indeed. Florentina is like the Blessed Virgin--I will +pray to her, yes, Señor, and worship her; but I do not want her to take +away what is my own--and she will take it away--she has taken it away +already! And where am I to go to; what am I, what good am I in the +world at all? I have lost everything and I want to go to my mother." + +She walked away; but Golfin seized her as a wild beast clutches its +prey, and held her tightly by the wrist. As he did so he felt her quick +and fluttering pulse. + +"Come here," he said. "From this moment, whether you like it or no, +you are my slave. You are mine, and you are to do nothing but what I +tell you. Poor little soul, full of eager feeling, of fervent fancy, +frankness and superstition--you have a nature framed for all that is +good; but it has been ruined by the wild life you have led, by neglect +and want of training, and even the most elementary teaching! What +a hideous state of society we live in, which forgets its duties so +utterly, and leaves a precious creature like this perish!--Come here; +I am not going to let you quit my side. I have hunted you down and +caught you--caught you in a trap in the midst of the woods, in some +sylvan wilderness, and now I shall try to teach you and train you. We +will see if this rough diamond cannot be cut and polished. Ah! you do +not even know how ignorant you are; and I shall open a new world to +your mind, show you a thousand wonderful things that you have never +understood, though you have a vague and dim idea of some of them. Tell +me, cannot you feel in your soul a germ--how shall I explain myself? +a bud, of that rarest and most beautiful grace: Humility? The mother +of all the virtues; which, strange to say, makes us actually happy +when we see ourselves subordinate to others? Have you never felt the +impulse of self-denial, which makes us rejoice in sacrificing ourselves +for others, in making ourselves small that some one else may become +great?--But you will learn this, child; you will learn to lay your +ugliness at the feet of beauty, to look on with calm satisfaction and +joy at the triumphs of others, to fetter that great wild heart of yours +and bring it into subjection, so that you shall never feel envy nor +rage, but will love your neighbor as yourself, and rise superior to all +who may have injured or hurt you. You shall be made all that Nature +meant you to be when she endowed you at your birth. Hapless child! Born +in a Christian country, and not even a Christian! Your soul dwells in +a sort of poetic worship of nature.--You cannot understand me, little +one, but so it is. You are in the state of those primitive peoples +of whom the memory even hardly survives--governed by your instincts +and passions, while beauty is your dearest idol. Eighteen centuries +have been devoted in vain to spiritualizing humanity, so far as you +are concerned. And as to the selfish world which has left you to such +a fate!--What name does it deserve? You have lived in these mines, a +solitary soul, not taught a single letter, not even sent to an infant +school, though you would have learnt little enough there; not even +given the most imperfect teaching in that religion of which your nation +boasts. Why, you have never been inside a church except to stare at +some ceremony which to you had no meaning; you cannot even mutter a +prayer that you understand; you know nothing of the world, or of God, +or your own soul.... + +"But you shall know all this; you shall be a different creature. You +shall no longer be hapless little Nela, but a good, and honest, and +useful woman." + +It would be rash to assert that Nela had understood all this speech, +which Golfin declaimed with such vehemence and fervor that he entirely +forgot the person to whom he was speaking. But the little outcast +felt a curious fascination, and the spirit of her friend's utterances +sank gently into her soul, and soothed it, and compelled her to +blind assent. His power over the untaught girl was that fateful and +irresistible control which a superior mind exercises over an inferior +one. Sad but unresisting, her head drooped against the surgeon's +shoulder. + +"Come along," Golfin said resolutely. + +Nela trembled from head to foot; a cold sweat stood on her face, and +Golfin felt that her hands were icy-cold, and her pulses beating +violently; but he failed to attribute this physical condition to her +mental anguish; he held her hand more firmly and repeated: "Come--it is +cold here." + +His power over her was so great that she rose as he did, and they went +a little way together. But then Nela stopped, and fell on her knees. + +"Oh, Señor!" she cried in an agony: "Do not take me away with you." + +She was very pale, and looked wrecked by physical and mental misery. +Golfin tried to pull her up; but her helpless frame did not stir by +any strength of her own. It was clear she must be carried like a +senseless corpse. + +"One day," said Golfin, "not very long since, almost in this very +place, I took you on my shoulders to carry you. Now I must do the same +it seems." + +He lifted her in his arms; her hot breath seemed to burn his face. She +was drooping, fading, dying like a plant torn up from the soil, and +with its roots laid bare. + +As they got nearer to Aldeacorba, Golfin felt some life returning to +the dead weight in his arms. Nela raised her head, and threw up her +hands in despair, but she said nothing. + +They went in; all was silent. A maid servant came to meet them, and by +Teodoro's desire she conducted him noiselessly to Florentina's room. + +Florentina was alone. By the light of a fast-dying lamp she was +kneeling on the floor, her elbows resting on the seat of a chair, and +praying with absorbed devotion. She was startled at seeing a man at her +door at so late an hour, but her alarm at once gave way to surprise, +when she saw the burden Golfin bore in his strong arms. + +Her astonishment was too great for speech when the doctor, carefully +depositing his load on a sofa, said: + +"I have caught her you see.--What do you say to that? Am I a good +butterfly hunter?" + + + + +CHAPTER XX. + +A NEW WORLD. + + +We must now go back a few days. + +When Teodoro Golfin first removed the bandage for a few moments from +Pablo Penáguilas' eyes, the boy uttered a cry of terror. Every impulse +made him shrink from all he saw; he put out his hands as though by +pushing away one object he could get away farther from the rest. +Luminous space was to him like a vast void into which he felt as if he +must fall; and the instinct of self-preservation made him close his +eyes to feel himself safe. However, his father, the surgeon, and the +rest of them, persuaded him to try once more, for all were equally +anxious; he looked again, but his terror was no less. The images +of all he saw, rushed into his brain with such sudden violence and +confusion--with a sort of storm and assault, as it were--that he felt +as if they were falling upon him bodily. The distant mountains seemed +to lie within reach, and the persons and objects that were near him +seemed, literally, to strike his eyes. + +Golfin noted these phenomena with the most eager interest; this was +the second case of cure of congenital blindness which he had had the +opportunity of studying. The others hardly dared to be glad; they +were so bewildered and alarmed by the agitating effects produced on +the patient by the first exercise of the function of sight. To Pablo +himself it was a series of delightful experiments. His nerves and his +imagination were so seriously excited the surgeon thought it prudent to +compel him to rest. + +"Now," he said, smiling, "you have seen enough for to-day. You cannot +step out of darkness into light, into the wide domain of the sun, as +you would walk into a theatre. This is a new birth, with pain as well +as joy in it." + +Presently the young fellow was so eager to try his newly-found power +once more, that Golfin consented to open a crack, as it were, upon the +outer world. + +"My whole mind," said Pablo, trying to explain his first impressions, +"seems bathed in beauty--a beauty I had never dreamed of before. What +were the things which rushed in upon me and filled me with terror? It +was the sense of size, of space, which I had never before conceived +of but in a very imperfect manner, and which dawned upon me clear and +terrible; as if I were being dragged up to the highest mountains and +down to the deepest abyss. It is all grand and beautiful, but it makes +me tremble. But I want to feel it all once more. All the glory and +loveliness that I gazed at has made me feel bewildered and humbled; it +was like some serene and majestic presence bending down to meet me. +The whole universe seemed to be rushing towards me and I was startled +and terror stricken--the sky looked like a vast space, watching, +listening--I cannot put it into words.--It was vacancy, but strangely +full of expression. All that landscape of sky and mountains looked at +me, came down upon me--but it was all so cold, and grand, and stern. +Let me see something delicate, something gentle and lovable--Nela! +Where is Nela?" + +Golfin once more relieved him of the bandage, and giving him a pair of +suitable spectacles, he left him free to look about him. + +"Oh! is that Nela! Merciful Heaven!" exclaimed Pablo enchanted. + +"This is your cousin Florentina." + +"Ah!" said the lad, coloring with confusion. + +"That is my cousin. I had no idea any person could be so +beautiful.--Oh! thank God for giving me the faculty which enables me to +see anything so lovely. Cousin Florentina, you are like the most lovely +music--like the most perfect embodiment of some delicious harmony.--And +Nela, where is she?" + +"You will have time enough to see her," said Don Francisco delighted. +"Try now to be calm." + +"Florentina, Florentina!" repeated Pablo excitedly. "What is it in your +face that makes me feel as if the spirit of God himself was shining +through it? You stand in the midst of a glory which must, to be sure, +be the sun. Beams, rays seem to shine from your face.--Ah! at last I +know what the angels are like--and your dress, your hands, your hair, +seem to fill me with some new and strange sensation. What is it?" + +"He is beginning to see color," muttered Golfin to himself. "He perhaps +perceives every object surrounded by the colors of the spectrum. But he +cannot estimate degrees of distance." + +"I seem to have you inside my eyes," Pablo went on. "You seem to have +become part of my thoughts, and the sight of you comes upon me like a +memory; but a memory of what? I never saw any thing or any body before. +Can I have lived before I came into this world? I know not--but I knew +your eyes. And you, father--where are you? I have seen you--yes I have +pictured you too--you are just what I have loved. And now my uncle? You +are very much alike.--And where, where is that dear good Golfin?--bless +him!" + +"Here, minding my patient," said the surgeon coming forward. "Here I am +as ugly as sin.--As you have never seen a lion or a Newfoundland dog, +you can have no idea of my style of beauty. They say I am exactly like +those two noble beasts." + +"All good kind souls!..." said Pablo. + +"But my cousin is the prettiest--oh! infinitely the prettiest. But +Nela, for pity's sake, where is Nela?" + +They told him that his _lazarillo_ never came to the house, and that +they had been too busy to go to look for her, and he was extremely +distressed at this intelligence. They succeeded in soothing him, and as +they feared he might become feverish, they persuaded him to go to bed +and try to sleep. + +The next day he was in a state of great prostration, but his vigorous +nature triumphed over everything. He begged to have a glass of water +and when he saw it, he exclaimed: "I feel as I were drinking at the +mere sight of water." + +His expressions were equally vivid and picturesque about everything he +saw which struck his fancy strongly. After correcting the defective +sphericity of the eye by means of glasses, which he tried one after +another, Golfin began to direct his attention to the differences and +combinations of colors, and the young man's sound mind and taste never +failed in distinguishing the ugly from the beautiful. Indeed, he felt +these two attributes as two absolute and distinct ideas, without +connecting them in any way with any notion of utility or, on the other +hand, of goodness. A butterfly which flew by accident into his room +enchanted him, but an ink-bottle he thought simply horrible, though +his father explained to him that it could not be otherwise, since its +use was to hold ink to write with. When he was shown two prints, one +of the Crucifixion, and one of Galatea riding in a shell and escorted +by Tritons and Nymphs, he preferred the second--which was a great +scandal to Florentina, who promised herself that she would teach him +to hold sacred things far above everything profane. He watched their +faces with the keenest attention, and the wonderful coincidence of +facial expression with language astonished him excessively. When he +saw the maids and other women about the place, he was greatly annoyed +if they were ugly or commonplace; indeed, his cousin's beauty made +him indifferent to any other woman. In spite of this he wanted to see +them all; his curiosity was like a raging thirst which nothing could +satisfy. Every day he was disappointed at never seeing Nela; but he was +so fond of Florentina that he could not bear her to leave him for a +moment. + +On the third day Golfin said to him: "You have now made acquaintance +with a great many things--the marvels of this visible world. Now--you +must see yourself." + +He brought a mirror, and Pablo looked in it. + +"That is I!" he exclaimed with simple admiration. "It is difficult to +believe it. How have I come inside that hard still sheet of water? +What a wonderful thing glass is! It seems as if it could not be true +that men made that stony atmosphere.--My word! but I am not an ugly +fellow!--What do you say cousin? And you, when you look in this, do you +see yourself as pretty as you are? No, impossible. Look up into the sky +and you will find your image there. You may believe you see an angel +when you only look at yourself!" + +That evening, when he was alone with her and she was giving him some +little help he needed as an invalid, Pablo said to her: + +"Cousin, my father read me, I remember, a passage in history about +Christopher Columbus who discovered a New World, which no European had +ever seen before. That navigator opened the eyes of the Old World, so +that they saw another and more beautiful one. I cannot help thinking +of him as a man like Teodoro Golfin, and of Europe as a blind man to +whom America and its wonders were like a revelation of light. Well, +and I have seen a New World.--You are my America, you are that first +and lovely island where Columbus set foot on land. He never saw the +continent, with its vast forests and immense rivers, and I too perhaps +have not yet seen what is loveliest of all...." He broke off and sat +sunk in thought; then presently he asked: + +"Where is Nela?" + +"I cannot think what has come over the poor child," said Florentina. "I +suppose she does not wish to see you." + +"She is bashful and very shy," replied Pablo: "She is afraid of +troubling us in the house. Florentina, I must tell you--in confidence, +that I love her dearly; you will love her too. I have a most eager +wish to see my good little comrade and friend." + +"I will go and look for her to-morrow morning myself." + +"Yes, do--but do not be gone long. When I do not see you I feel very +lonely; I have become accustomed to see you, and these three days have +been centuries of happiness.--Do not rob me of a minute. Last night my +father told me that after having seen you I ought never to want to see +another woman." + +"What nonsense!" exclaimed the girl blushing. "There are plenty much +prettier than I am...." + +"No, no; they all say no." Pablo vehemently declared, turning his +blindfold eyes towards his cousin, as if he could see her even through +his bandages. "They used to tell me so before, and I could not believe +it; but now that I have seen the world and know what beauty is, I +believe it--yes indeed I do. You are perfectly lovely; there is no +one--there can be no one more lovely.--Give me your hand." And he +grasped it eagerly in both of his. + +"I laugh now," he went on, "to think of my absurd blind man's vanity, +of my foolish attempts to realize the true aspect of things without +seeing them. I believe that as long as I live I shall never forget the +surprise that the reality was to me. Reality! Oh, the man who knows it +not is blind indeed, a perfect idiot!--Florentina I was an idiot." + +"No, cousin, you were always very clever and so you are still. But do +not let your fancy work too vividly now. It will soon be time to go to +bed. Don Teodoro particularly said that I was not to let you talk so +late, because it keeps you from sleeping; if you do not keep quiet I +shall go away." + +"Is it night already?" + +"Yes, quite night." + +"But day or night I love to talk to you," Pablo persisted, tossing over +on his bed, on which he was lying dressed and very restless. "I will be +silent on one condition, and that is that you do not go away from my +side, and that, from time to time, you pat the bed with your hand that +I may know that you are there." + +"Very well, so I will, and this is the first sign of life," said +Florentina, laughing and patting the mattress. + +"When I hear you laugh, I feel as if a breath of sweet fresh air blew +round me, and all my senses help in some way to remind me of you. Your +image lives in my memory so vividly, that even with my eyes bandaged I +can see you still the same." + +"Will you have done chattering or must I fetch Don Teodoro?" said the +girl gaily. + +"No, no--stay quiet. I cannot be silent--if I were to be silent all my +thoughts--all I can see in my brain--would only torment me twice as +much. And you want me to go to sleep! Sleep! But I have you in here, +Florentina, making a turmoil in my brain, and driving me crazy. I am so +full of joy and rapture that I have no words to express them. All last +night I fancied I was talking to you and to Nela.--Poor little Nela! I +am most curious to see her.--Desperately curious." + +"Well, I will find her to-morrow. Now, have done with your talking; if +you do not cease I shall go." + +"No, stop. I will only talk to myself. I will say all the things I say +to you at night when I fancy we are alone together--I will remember +what you say to me." + +"I?" + +"Well, the things I can fancy I hear said in your voice--Now, do you be +silent, Señorita. I am alone now with my own imaginings." + +The next day when Florentina came up to her cousin's room, she said: + +"I brought Maraquilla up here and she ran away. Ungrateful little +thing!" + +"And you did not look for her?" + +"Where was I to look? She ran away from me. This evening I will go out +again and hunt her till I find her." + +"No, no; do not go out," said Pablo eagerly. "She will come back, she +will come of her own accord." + +"She seems out of her mind." + +"Does she know that I can see now?" + +"I myself told her. But really I am sure she has lost her wits. She +says that I am the Holy Virgin and kisses my dress." + +"That shows that you have produced the same impression on her as on +every one else. Nela is so sweet. Poor little girl! We must take care +of her, Florentina, and be kind to her--do not you think so?" + +"She is ungrateful I am afraid," said Florentina sadly. + +"No, never think so. Nela could not be ungrateful. She is a good +child--I am very fond of her. She must be found and brought here to +me." + +"I will go." + +"No--not you," said Pablo positively, taking his cousin's hand. "Your +duty, most undutiful cousin, is to take care of me. If Golfin does not +come soon to take off my bandage and put on my glasses, I shall do it +myself. I have not seen you since yesterday, and I cannot bear it--I +cannot bear it. Is Don Teodoro come?" + +"He is down stairs with your father and mine. He will come up quite +soon. Have patience; you are as bad as a school-boy." + +Pablo writhed with irritation. + +"Light, light!" he cried. "It is a crime to keep me in the dark so +long. I cannot live like this--I shall die. I want what is the bread +of life to me; I want the use of my eyes. I have not seen you to-day, +cousin, and I am wild to see you. I am hungry, thirsty to see you. +Oh! thank God for real knowledge! Thank God for having created you, +sweetest of women, a combination of every beauty.--And yet, if after +having created beauty, God had not given us hearts to feel it, how +imperfect his work would have been! Light! light!..." + +Teodoro came up and opened the gates of the outer world to him, filling +his soul with joy, and he passed a quiet day talking of a variety of +subjects. Not till the evening did his thoughts revert to that point +in his past life, which seemed to be diminishing and fading in the +distance, like vessels which on a clear day are lost on the horizon. It +was in the tone of a man who recalls some long past circumstance, that +Pablo asked: "Has not Nela made her appearance?" + +Florentina replied that she had not, and they talked of other things. + +In the course of the night, at a very late hour, Pablo heard the noise +of voices in the house. He fancied he heard those of Teodoro Golfin, of +Florentina, and of his father. But after that he slept quietly, though +haunted in his dreams by the images of all he had seen and the phantoms +of all he imagined. His dreams, which began tranquilly and smilingly, +afterwards became agitated and painful, for in some deep recess of +his soul, as though it were a vast cavern suddenly lighted up, rose +a medley array of the beautiful and the hideous forms of the outside +world--of passions awakened and memories buried--convulsing his whole +soul. The following day, as Golfin had promised, he left his room to +move about the house. + + + + +CHAPTER XXI. + +EYES THAT KILL. + + +The room which had been assigned to Florentina at Aldeacorba was the +pleasantest in the house. No one had used it since the death of Pablo's +mother; but Don Francisco, deeming his niece worthy to be lodged +there, had the room neatly arranged and added some little elegancies +which had been quite unknown to it in his wife's lifetime. The balcony +looked southwards and over the garden, so that the room was always +flooded with light and perfume, and cheered by the happy song of birds. +Florentina herself, during her few days' stay, had given it the stamp, +so to speak, of her own individuality; all sorts of small properties +and trifles betrayed the nature of the woman who lived in it, as you +may know a bird by its nest. If there are some persons who would make a +hell of a palace, so there are others who have only to enter a hovel to +make it a Paradise. + +It was that very stormy day--I say that day, for I cannot name the +date; I only know that it was a day. It had rained all the morning; +then the sky had cleared, and at last, high above the misty whiteness +of the lower atmosphere, a rainbow threw its glorious arch. One end +rested on the oaks of Ficóbriga, close to the sea, and the other on +the woods of Saldeoro. Supreme in its simplicity the rainbow can be +compared to nothing else, any more than an absolutely ideal and typical +form can be. A rainbow is the epitome, the alpha and omega, of visible +color. + +Florentina was in her room, not threading beads, nor embroidering +satin with gold thread, but cutting out garments from patterns made +of newspaper. She was squatting on the floor, in the attitudes of a +fidgetty child at play; now sitting on her heels, now on all fours, and +plying the scissors without a moment's respite. By her side was a heap +of pieces of woollen stuff, calico, cotton print, and other materials +that she had been, that very morning, to buy at Villamojada, in spite +of wind and weather; and snipping here, and cutting there, she was fast +evolving sleeves, skirts, and bodies. They were not perhaps models of +dressmaking, nor was the exactitude of the patterns to be entirely +relied on, for they also were of her own devising; however, she would +have been the first to acknowledge their shortcomings, and she hoped +that good-will might conduce to a happy result. Her worthy father had +said to her, as he saw her sitting to work: + +"Bless me, child! one would think there were no dressmakers in the +world. You cannot imagine how it annoys me to see a young lady of good +position crawling about on the floor with shears in her hands.--It +is not at all the right thing. I cannot bear that you should work to +clothe yourself even, and am I to submit to see you working for others? +What are dressmakers for--heh? What are dressmakers for?" + +"A dressmaker would do it much better than I shall," replied Florentina +laughing. "But then you see it would not be my doing, Papa; and to do +it myself is the very thing I most want." + +He left her to her own devices; but not alone, for in the middle of the +alcove, between the bed and the wardrobe, stood an old-fashioned sofa +and on the sofa lay two blankets, and at one end, on a pile of pillows, +lay a weary little head. The face was haggard and colorless--asleep. +Sunk rather, in an uneasy lethargy, broken now and again by violent +starting and terrors. However, a calmer state had supervened by +mid-day, when Florentina's father came into the room again, followed by +Golfin. The surgeon went up to the sofa and leaned over Nela, watching +her face. + +"She seems to be sleeping more quietly now," he said: "We must have no +noise." + +"What do you think of my daughter?" said Don Manuel, laughing. "Do you +see all the trouble she is taking. Now be quite impartial, Don Teodoro: +Is there any reason why she should vex me? Honestly, when there is +no necessity for taking so much trouble, why should she do so? What +pleasure can it be to me to see my daughter wasting all I give her +for pin-money; wasting it on others; and besides this mania for low +occupations--for low occupations...." + +"Let her please herself," replied Golfin, looking down admiringly at +the girl. "Every young lady has her own way of wasting her pin-money." + +"And I am not to object if her charity brings her to destitution, to +bankruptcy!" exclaimed Don Manuel, marching up and down the room in +pompous indignation, with his hands in his pockets. "Besides, is there +no better method of charity than this? She wished to show her gratitude +to God for my nephew's recovery--well and good--very proper, a very +Christian feeling. But we shall see, we shall see." + +He stopped in front of Nela and looked at her kindly. + +"Now, would it not have been better," he said, "if, instead of +bringing this poor girl into the house, my daughter had organized +one of those grand charitable affairs, which are the fashion even at +court, and which give all the best people in society an opportunity +of displaying their good feeling? Why did you not think of holding a +lottery? We could easily have sold any number of tickets among our +friends, and have collected a handsome sum of money to give away to +charitable asylums. Why, you might have got up an association among +the gentry of Villamojada and the neighborhood, or have invited all +our acquaintance at Santa Irene de Campó to join you, and have held +meetings and collected a great deal of money.--Nay, why not have got +up a bull-fight? I would have undertaken to provide the beasts and the +men.--Or amateur theatricals?--Last night Doña Sofía and I were talking +of that very thing. Learn from her, my dear, learn from her. The poor +owe more to her than I can tell you. There are all the families who +live by the employment they get in working the lotteries--there are all +the professionals and subordinates who make money by the theatrical +performances! Oh! my dear, the paupers in the workhouse are not the +only poor! Sofía told me that they made a little fortune out of the +masked balls they gave this winter. A good deal of it was spent, of +course, in gas, in renting the theatre, in service, and so forth--still +there was a morsel of bread left for the poor after all.--But, if you +do not believe me, read the statistics, child--read the statistics." + +Florentina laughed, and found no better answer than to repeat the +surgeon's apology for her: + +"Every young lady has her own way of wasting her pin-money." + +"But Don Teodoro," remonstrated Don Manuel, in great disgust: "You must +admit that no one else does it as my daughter does." + +"I quite admit it," said Golfin with meaning, and looking at the girl: +"No one is like Florentina." + +"And yet--with all her faults," said the father, drawing her to him: +"With all her faults, I love her better than my life. This little hussy +is worth her weight in gold.--Come, tell me, which do you like best, +Aldeacorba de Suso, or Santa Irene de Campó?" + +"I do not dislike Aldeacorba." + +"Ah! little puss. I see which way the wind blows. Do you know that at +this very moment my brother is talking seriously to his son? Family +affairs! Well, and something very good is to come of it all--look, Don +Teodoro, at my daughter's face; it is as red as roses in May. Now, I +am off to hear what my brother has to say--what my brother has to say." +And the worthy man departed. + +Golfin went back to Nela. + +"Did she sleep last night?" he asked. + +"Very little. I heard her sobbing and crying all night. But to-night +she shall have a good bed, for which I have sent to Villamojada, and I +will put her in the little room next to mine." + +"Poor little Nela!" said the doctor. "You cannot imagine what an +interest I feel in this hapless creature. Some people would laugh at +it, but we, at any rate, are not made of stone. What little we have +done to improve the condition of this poor child, ought to be done +for a large proportion of the human race. There are many thousands of +beings in the world in the same plight as Nela. Who knows them? where +are they? They are lost in the desert of society--for society has its +deserts--in the dark places of life, in the solitudes of field labor, +in mines, in factories. We pass them without even seeing them--we +give them alms, perhaps, but without knowing them.--How are we to be +cognizant of so base a class of humanity! At first Nela attracted +me because I thought that hers was an exceptional nature; but, as +I have thought more, I have felt that hers is after all only one of +the commonest cases. It is an instance of the condition to which a +highly-organized moral nature must be reduced, a nature apt for good, +apt for learning, apt for virtue, but which can never develop its +powers in the neglect and isolation to which it is condemned. They live +blind in spirit, just as Pablo Penáguilas lived blind in body, though +he possessed the latent faculty of sight." + +Florentina was listening with eager sympathy and intelligence to the +surgeon's speech. + +"Look at her," he went on: "There she lies; she has a beautiful fancy, +acute feelings, and can love with devotion and tenderness. She is +gifted with a remarkable aptitude for every grace of mind, while, at +the same time, she is full of the grossest superstitions; her religious +ideas are vague, monstrous, and heterodox, and her moral sense needs +guidance as much as her natural intelligence. She has had no education +but what she has been able to give herself; like a tree that gets no +nourishment but that of its own withered and fallen leaves, she owes +absolutely nothing to any one else. In all her life she has never been +taught a single lesson, never heard a word of loving counsel, nor a +precept of pious dogma; she is guided entirely by ill-understood +examples which she adapts to her own instincts and desires. Her +criticisms are all her own, and as she is full of imagination and +feeling, and the strongest native impulse of her soul is to worship +something, she has worshipped Nature, after the fashion of primitive +races. All her ideals are naturalistic--and if you do not quite +understand what I mean, dear Florentina, I must explain myself more +exactly another time. + +"She has a really artistic passion for form and beauty. Her whole +nature and her affections all centre round this idea. The gifts +and graces of the mind are to her an unknown realm of beauty, a +hardly-discovered land, of which she knows only so much as some +traveller might of a new country on whose shores he had been +shipwrecked. The great news of the gospel--the greatest achievement +of the spirit of humanity--has hardly even sounded in her ears; she +has the same faint suspicion of it that Asiatic nations may have +of European culture--and if you do not quite understand me, dear +Florentina, I must explain myself more exactly another time. + +"But she is very capable of making rapid progress in a short time, and +of rising to a higher level, nay to our own. Show her a little light +and she will fly across the centuries--she has wandered from the +track, and cannot see far, but give her light and she will find her +way again. No one yet has ever put the torch in her hand, for Pablo +Penáguilas, in his own ignorance of all external truth, contributed +largely but unconsciously to increase her errors. Such a fantastic +and extravagant idealist was not the best master for a nature like +hers. We must set truth before the poor child, who is like a being +raised from the dead of a remote past; we will teach her to know the +graces of the mind; we will bring her down to our own century; we will +give her soul a strength which as yet it has not, and put a noble +Christian conscience in the place of her savage naturalism and wild +superstitions. We have an admirable field to work in, a virgin soil +on which to sow the seed of centuries of growth. We may make time fly +fast over her head, showing her the truth it has revealed, and so +create a new being--for indeed, dear Florentina, it is the same thing +as creating a new being--and if you do not quite understand me, I must +explain myself more exactly another time." + +Florentina, though she made no pretensions to learning, thought that +she did understand what Golfin had meant by his quaint and original +harangue. She herself was about to add some remarks on the subject; but +at that moment Nela woke. Her eyes timidly wandered round the room, and +then rested alternately on the two faces that looked down at her. + +"You are not frightened?" said Florentina gently. + +"Frightened--no Señora; you are very kind--and the Señor too." + +"Are you not glad to be here? what are you afraid of?" + +Golfin took her hand. "Speak frankly and truly," he said: "Which of us +do you like best--Florentina or me?" + +Nela made no reply, and the others smiled; but the child remained +moodily grave. + +"Now, listen to me, you silly little thing," the surgeon went on: "You +have to make up your mind to live with one of us. Florentina will stay +here; I shall go away. Decide for one or the other--which do you like +best." + +Marianela looked from one to the other without finding any definite +answer; finally her eyes rested on those of Golfin. + +"I believe I am the man of her choice.--But that is not fair to +Florentina, Nela; she will be vexed." + +The poor child smiled and, putting out a feeble hand to Florentina, she +murmured: + +"I do not want to vex her." + +But even while she spoke she turned ashy pale; she strained her neck, +her eyes seemed starting out of her head--she was listening to a sound +that was full of terrors to her. She had heard footsteps. + +"He is coming!" exclaimed Golfin, sympathizing in his patient's alarm. + +"Yes, here he comes!" cried Florentina, and she flew to the door. + +It was he. Pablo had opened the door and walked softly into the +room--straight in, from the habit he had acquired during years of +blindness. He came in smiling, and his eyes, freed from the bandage, +which he had himself removed, looked straight before him. They were as +yet unaccustomed to the muscular action which makes them turn, and were +hardly aware of objects lying out of the direct line of vision. It was +literally true of him--as it is of many who never were blind in their +lives--that he only saw what was directly under his eyes. + +"Cousin!" said he going towards her: "Why have you not been to see me +to-day? I have had to come to look for you. Your father told me you +were doing some work for the poor--so I suppose I must forgive you." + +Florentina did not know what to say; she was annoyed. Pablo had not +observed either Golfin or Nela, and Florentina, intending to keep him +from approaching the sofa, went towards the window; then, picking up +some pieces of stuff, she sat down as if she were going to sew. The +full light of the sun fell upon her, shedding a vivid glow on all +her left side and giving the most charming relief to her pretty head +with its russet brown hair. Her beauty seemed radiant; like the very +personification and incarnation of light. Her hair was somewhat in +disorder, and her thin morning dress followed the graceful lines of her +slender figure, while her simple and dignified pose was worthy of the +noblest ideals of art. + +"Cousin," she said with a slight frown on her pretty brow, "Don Teodoro +has not yet given you leave to-day to take your bandage off. That is +not right." + +"He will give me leave presently," said the young man laughing. "And +it cannot hurt me; I am really quite well. And if it did do me harm, I +should not care.--No, I should not care if I became blind again, after +having seen you." + +"And what good would that be to you?" said Florentina reprovingly. + +"I was alone in my room, my father is gone out--after speaking to me +about you. You know what he said." + +"No, I know nothing about it," said the girl, with her eyes fixed on +her work. + +"But I know.--My father is very kind and reasonable, and we are very +fond of each other.... Well, when my father had left me, I took off +the bandage and looked out at the fields; I saw the rainbow and I +felt quite overcome with admiration, and with religious feeling too, +Florentina--I do not know why that grand spectacle, which I had never +seen before, should have given me so intense a feeling of the harmony +of creation. I do not know why, looking at the perfect blending of +its colors, I could not help thinking of you. I do not know why, as +I saw the rainbow, I said to myself: 'I have felt this all before.' +I felt again exactly as I felt when I first saw you, Florentina, my +darling. My heart seemed ready to burst my bosom, and I could not help +crying. I cried a great deal and my tears blinded me again for a few +minutes--I called you and you did not answer--when I could see again, +the rainbow had vanished. I went to look for you, I thought you were +in the garden--I went down stairs, up stairs, and here I am. And now, +here, I find you so lovely that I feel as if I had never seen you +rightly till to-day--never till to-day, because now I have had time +to learn to compare you with others. I have seen several women, and +they are all horrible by your side. I find it hard to believe that +you have lived through the years of my blindness.--Nay, nay. What I +believe is that you came into being at the moment when light dawned +upon my comprehension; that my own mind created you at the moment when +I first was lord of the visible world. They had often told me that +there was not a living creature to compare with you, and I would not +believe it--but I believe it now, as surely as I believe in the light +of heaven!" + +And as he spoke he fell on one knee. + +Florentina, startled and abashed, looked up from her sewing. + +"Cousin--for pity's sake!" she murmured. + +"Cousin for pity's sake!" exclaimed Pablo, with frank enthusiasm. +"Why, why, are you so lovely? My father is most reasonable; I can say +nothing against his arguments or his kindness.--Florentina, do you +know I thought I could never love you; I thought I could love some +one--not you. But what can I do? Thank God my love and my reason are +one! My father, to whom I confessed my mistake; told me that I had +loved a hideous monster. But now I can say that I worship an angel. The +ignorant blind man can see, and at last pay due homage to real beauty. +And yet I cannot help trembling--do you not see me tremble?--Seeing you +I have but one desire, and that is, to take you in my arms and clasp +you to my heart, enfolding you, holding you tightly--very tightly." + +And Pablo, who was now kneeling on both knees, clasped his arms across +his breast. + +"Oh! I do not know what I feel!" he went on, stammering, and turning +pale with agitation. "Every day I discover some new world, Florentina. +First I discovered the world of light, to-day I have discovered +another. Is it possible that you, so lovely--so divine--are to be mine, +the wife of my heart?" + +He seemed about to fall to the ground in a fainting-fit, and Florentina +leaned forward to support him. Pablo took her hand, then lifting her +wide loose sleeve, he kissed her wrist and arm with eager passion, +counting the kisses. + +"One--two--three--four--ah! I am dying!" + +"Be quiet, stop," cried Florentina, standing up, and making her cousin +rise too. "Doctor Golfin will you scold him." + +"Your bandage on, at once!" cried Teodoro: "Go to your room and keep +quiet." + +The young man, in the utmost confusion turned to that side of the room +and brought his eyes to bear on the surgeon, standing by the sofa that +was covered with blankets. + +"Are you here, Don Teodoro?" he said going up to him. + +"Yes, I am here," said Golfin very gravely. "You ought to go back to +your room and put the bandage on again. I will go with you." + +"I am perfectly well--but, of course, I will obey--only, first let me +see what is here." + +He was looking at the blankets and, between them, at a ghastly head, +anything but fair to look upon. In fact Nela's nose seemed to have +become sharper, her eyes smaller, her mouth less well-formed, her face +more freckled, her hair thinner, and her forehead lower. Her eyes were +closed, she breathed with difficulty, her livid lips were parted, and +the hapless child seemed to be at her last gasp, with the look of death +on her face already. + +"Ah!" exclaimed Pablo: "My father told me that Florentina had given +shelter to some poor creature. How good of her! You--poor child, you +may be thankful, for you have fallen into the hands of an angel!--Are +you ill? In my house you shall want for nothing; my cousin is the very +image of God on earth.--This poor child is very ill; is she not doctor?" + +"Yes ..." said Golfin, "she must be left alone and hear no more +talking." + +"Then I am gone." + +Pablo put out his hand and laid it on the head which seemed to his +unaccustomed eyes the most terrible symbol of all human misery and +wretchedness. Nela raised her eyes and fixed them on her master. Pablo +felt as if they gazed at him from the depths of a tomb, so profound was +their expression of sorrow and despair; then Nela freed one hand from +beneath the coverings--a feeble, burning, rough little hand--and took +that of the young man. At her touch Pablo shuddered from head to foot, +and uttered a cry that came from his very soul. + +There was a terrible pause--one of those lulls which precede the +catastrophes of life as they do the convulsions of nature, as though to +add to their solemnity. + +Then, in a quavering voice that thrilled the by-standers with its +tragical sadness, Nela spoke: + +"Yes, _Señorito mio_," she said, "I am Nela." + +Slowly, and as if she were lifting some too heavy weight, she raised +her master's hand to her dry lips and kissed it--kissed it again--and +then, with a third attempt, her lips remained motionless on the lad's +hand. + +They were all silent--looking at her. The first to break the silence +was Pablo. + +"Is this you ..." he said, "you...." And the thoughts that crowded on +his mind checked his utterance of any. He would have liked to discover +some new language in which to utter them, just as he had already +discovered the two new worlds--of light, and of the love of external +beauty. He could do nothing but look at her--look at Nela and remember +that darkened world in which he had lived, his passions and the dreams +and errors of his blindness all wandering and lost in its obscurity. +Florentina, wiping away her tears, leaned over Nela to look into her +face, and Golfin, watching her and knowing too well what he saw, +exclaimed in a voice like a knell: + +"It has killed her. The sight of you has killed her!"--then turning to +Pablo he said sternly: "Go, at once, to your room." + +"Dying! dying so, without any cause!" cried Florentina in despair, and +laying her hand lightly on Nela's brow. + +"María!" she said, "Marianela!" + +She called her by her name again and again, leaning over her and +looking at her, as we might look over the margin of a well at some one +who has fallen into it and who is drowning in the depth and blackness +of its waters. + +"She does not answer!" said Pablo, horror-stricken. + +Golfin, watching her ebbing vitality, perceived that her pulse still +throbbed under his touch. Pablo bent over her, and putting his lips +close to her ear, he called her once more: + +"Nela, Nela my friend--my dear!" + +She turned a little, opened her eyes, and moved her hands. She looked +as if her spirit had returned from some far away flight. Seeing Pablo's +gaze fixed upon her with anxious curiosity, she turned aside abashed +and alarmed, and tried to hide her face as if she were a guilty thing. + +"What is the matter with her?" asked Florentina vehemently. "Don +Teodoro, save her if you are a man.--If you do not save her you are a +charlatan!..." + +The young girl's charitable instincts were spurring her to positive +rage. + +"Nela!" repeated the lad in the deepest distress, and not yet recovered +from the shock which the sight of his little comrade had given him: +"You seem to be afraid of me--what have I done to you?" + +The dying girl put out her hand to clasp Florentina's, and pressed it +to her breast, and then she did the same with Pablo's; afterwards she +once more pressed them both with all the strength she could command. +Her sunken eyes looked from one to the other, but her gaze was vague +and remote; it seemed to come from some inner depth of darkness and +despair, as though she were indeed the drowning wretch in the well, +sinking lower every instant. Suddenly her breathing became difficult; +she sighed, and clutched the two hands she held with convulsive energy. + +Teodoro had turned the house upside down; had sent for medicines and +powerful stimulants, and was doing all in his power to arrest the swift +extinction of this young life. + +"It is hard," he said, "to stop a drop of water that is trickling, +falling away--down, down, and within an inch or two of the great +Sea.--But I will try." + +He sent away every one but Florentina, whom he kept in the room. But +the stimulants and irritants with which he endeavored to bring back +ebbing life to the frail body, only served to restore some little +muscular action, and in spite of this she was sinking every minute. + +"It is cruelty!" cried Golfin desperately, as he snatched away the +mustard and the irritants. "We are tormentors and torturers. It is like +setting dogs on a dying man that the pain may keep him alive to suffer. +Away with it all!" + +"And is there nothing to be done?" + +"Nothing--but what God will do." + +"But what is the matter with her?" + +"Death!" he shouted with a delirious rage of grief, ill-befitting a +medical man. + +"But what illness is it that has brought her to death?" + +"Death!" he repeated. + +"You do not understand me; I want to know of what...?" + +"Of death.--How can I tell you whether it is shame, or jealousy, or +wounded pride, or grief, or disappointed love, that has killed her? A +strange catalogue of symptoms! No, no--we know nothing--nothing but +useless details." + +"What! Doctors!" + +"I tell you we know nothing--a little on the surface that is all." + +"And this, what is this?" + +"A sudden attack of inflammation--meningitis perhaps." + +"And what is that?" + +"A name.... Death!" + +"But is it possible that any one should die--like this--without any +known cause, without any sort of disease? Oh! Don Teodoro, what is the +matter with her?" + +"How should I know?" + +"But you are a doctor?" + +"Of eyes--not of passions." + +"Passions!" exclaimed Florentina, looking down at the senseless girl. +"You--poor child--what passions are you dying of?" + +"Ask your future husband." + +Florentina stood lost in utter amazement. + +"Poor thing!" she cried with a choked sob. "Can mere grief kill in this +way?" + +"When I picked her up at _la Trascava_ she was in a high fever." + +"But that is not enough; no, not enough to kill her!" + +"You say it is not enough. God and Nature say that it is." + +"It is as if she had been stabbed." + +"Remember what those eyes--now closing forever--saw a short while +since. Remember that a blind man loved her and that he is blind no +longer; that he has seen her--seen her! The shock was a death-blow...." + +"Oh what a terrible mysterious...." + +"No, it is no mystery," cried the surgeon, almost wildly. "It is the +awful collapse of an illusion; the rude blow of reality; the miserable +destroyer which has come between two noble souls. And I--I brought that +reality home to them!" + +"Oh it is a wretched mystery!" repeated Florentina, not understanding +the current of his thoughts. + +"A mystery? No," repeated Teodoro with increasing agitation: "It is +bare reality; the sudden swallowing up of a whole world of illusions. +Reality to him meant a new life--to her, anguish, suffocation, +humiliation, sorrow, contempt, an empty life, jealousy,--Death!" + +"And all for...." + +"And all for one pair of eyes opened to see light--and reality. +Reality! I cannot get the word out of my brain. It seems to be written +there in letters of fire." + +"All for one pair of eyes.--And grief can kill so quickly--without +giving us time to try a remedy?" + +"I do not know," said Golfin, bewildered, confounded, helpless, in view +of the mystic characters of the Book of Life and Death, which science +may pore over but may not decipher its dark riddle. + +"You do not know!" cried Florentina desperately. "Then why are you a +doctor?" + +"I do not know, I do not know!" he reiterated, striking his dishevelled +head with his heavy hands.--"Yes, one thing I know, and that is that we +know nothing but the skin-deep phenomena of life. I--I am a mender of +eyes and nothing more." + +He fixed his gaze with absorbed attention on the little figure which +was hovering on the border-land between a living woman and a corpse. +"Soul!" he exclaimed in a tone of bitter questioning: "What is passing +in you now?" + +Florentina burst into tears. + +"The soul!" she murmured, and her head drooped on her breast: "It is +fled!" + +"No ..." said Teodoro, taking Nela's hand. "There is still some life +left--but so little, that it would seem as if the soul were indeed far +away and had left only the breath behind." + +"Lord have mercy!" exclaimed the young girl and began to pray. + +"Alas! hapless spirit!" murmured the surgeon. "You were but ill-lodged +indeed...." + +They both bent over her, watching her closely. + +"Her lips are moving," cried Florentina. "She is speaking." + +Yes, her lips parted; she said something--a word, two, three. + +"What is she saying?" each asked the other; but neither of them could +understand her. + +She spoke perhaps in the tongue that is known to those who live the +life eternal. + +This was the end; her lips moved no more; they remained half-open +showing a row of little white teeth. Teodoro bent over her and, kissing +Nela's forehead, he said in a steady voice: + +"Woman, you did well to quit this world." But Florentina's voice was +choked with tears and sobs as she said: "I wanted to make her happy, +and she would not be." + + + + +CHAPTER XXII. + +FAREWELL. + + +Strange and wonderful to tell! Nela, who had never in her life had a +room, nor clothes, nor shoes, nor food, nor sympathy, nor relations, +nor any earthly thing of her own, not even a name--was buried in +a style which caused no small amount of envy among the living in +Socartes. This posthumous splendor was the bitterest irony ever known +in these metalliferous regions. Señorita Florentina, acting on her +generous impulses, consoled herself for the disappointment of not +having been able to help Nela alive, by the satisfaction of doing honor +to her hapless remains after death. Some hard-hearted materialists +criticised her severely; but, for our part, we regarded it as an +additional proof of her refined kind-heartedness. + +When Nela was carried to the grave, the curious who came to gaze at +her, thought her almost pretty--wonderful to say! At least so they +said. It was the first time a compliment had ever been paid her. The +funeral was magnificent, and the priests of Villamojada opened their +mouths wide in astonishment when they found themselves receiving money +to pray for the soul of La Canela's daughter. It was bewildering, +amazing, to think that a being whose social importance had been about +equal to that of a worm or a fly, should prove the occasion of so much +burning of tapers, of so much hanging of drapery, and of making so many +choristers and sacristans hoarse. Nay, it was so astounding as to be +positively amusing; nothing else was talked of for at least six weeks. + +The surprise, and indeed--to be frank--the indignation of this worthy +little world, culminated one day when two waggons, loaded with enormous +blocks of fine white stone, were descried approaching by the high-road. +In Señana's mind, particularly, a hideous subversion of ideas took +place, a cataclysm resulting in mental chaos, when she brought herself +to believe that those fine white stones were to build Nela's tomb. If +an ox had taken to flying or her husband to making speeches, it could +not have roused her from her stupefaction. + +The parish registers of Villamojada were searched, for of course it +was indispensable that she should have a name now she was dead, though +she had done without one during her life; as is proved by this very +history, where she has borne various names. And this indispensable +requisite having been found, and duly placed on the records of the +dead, the magnificent tomb, which stood up proudly among the rustic +crosses of the graveyard at Aldeacorba, had this epitaph engraved on it: + + R. I. P. + + MARÍA MANUELA TELLEZ. + + RECALLED TO HEAVEN + + October the 12th, 186 ... + +And a wreath of flowers prettily carved in the marble, crowned the +inscription. Many months later, when Florentina and Pablo Penáguilas +had been some time married and no one--to tell the truth, for truth is +the first consideration--no one in Aldeacorba de Suso remembered Nela +any longer, some travellers of the tourist genus, in crossing that part +of the country, happened to observe the grand marble sepulchre erected +in the cemetery by the piety and affection of an exemplary friend, +and were struck with admiration. Without more ado they proceeded to +write down in their note-book these remarks, which were subsequently +published under the title of "Sketches from Cantábria," in an English +newspaper. + +"The most remarkable object to be seen at Aldeacorba is a magnificent +monument, erected in the cemetery over the grave of a young lady of +rank, famous in that part of the country for her beauty. Doña Mariquita +Manuela Tellez belonged to one of the noblest and wealthiest families +in Cantábria, that of Tellez Giron y de Trastamara. Witty, romantic, +and capricious, she took a fancy to wander about the roads, playing +the guitar and singing Calderon's odes, and she would dress herself up +in rags to enable her to mix with the herd of beggars, pick-pockets, +troubadours, bull-fighters, friars, _hidalgos_, gypsies, and muleteers, +which at the great _kermesas_, constitute that motley scene of Spanish +low life which still exists and always must exist, independent and +picturesque, in spite of the railways and newspapers which have begun +to force their way into the Spanish Peninsula. + +"The _abad_[6] of Villamojada wept as he told us of the whims, the +virtues, and the beauty of this wealthy gentlewoman, who, whenever +she appeared at the balls, banquets, or _cañas_ of Madrid, was +distinguished for her aristocratic deportment. The number of +_romanceros_, sonnets and madrigals composed in honor of this noble +damsel by all the Spanish poets, is beyond all calculation."[7] + +On reading this I saw at once that the worthy reporters had dreamed +dreams. I determined to tell the truth, and the truth, as I have told +it, has resulted in this book. + + * * * * * + +We must now bid farewell forever to this tomb. We will fix our eyes on +another object, seek out another figure--searching diligently, for he +whom we want is but a small personage, a minute insect, as it were, no +larger on the face of the earth than the Phylloxera on the vine. But we +have found him--there he is, tiny, squalid, a mere atomy. But he lives +and breathes, and will grow great in time. Listen to his story, for it +is an interesting one I promise you. + +Well, Sir.... + +But no; it does not belong to this book. If you like the history of +Marianela, in good time you shall hear that of Celipin. + + +THE END. + + + + +Footnotes: + + +[1] "Es tan linda su boca que no pide." + +[2] A Spanish silver coin, equal in value to the U. S. dollar. + +[3] A silver coin containing two reales. + +[4] The copper piece is a _cuarto_. A _real_ contains 34 _maravedis_ +and is worth about the same as the U. S. dime. The smallest Spanish +coin is the _maravedi_. Four _maravedis_ make a _cuarto_. + +[5] Trunkmaker's street. + +[6] In some provinces the rector of a parish. + +[7] The point of this passage in the original is the misuse of Spanish +words and the introduction of others which are not Spanish. Thus +_Hidalgo_ means a nobleman; and _Kermesas_, Fr., _Kermesse_, Dutch, +_Kermis_, is a name for a fair peculiar to Holland and Belgium. diff --git a/data/emilia_english.txt b/data/emilia_english.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52466c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/emilia_english.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6585 @@ +Behind the pine grove the setting sun had left a zone of fire +against which the trunks of the pine trees stood out like bronze +columns. The path was rugged and uneven, giving evidence of the +ravages wrought by the winter rains; at intervals loose stones, +looking like teeth detached from the gum, rendered it still more +impracticable. The melancholy shades of twilight were beginning to +envelop the landscape; little by little the sunset glow faded away +and the moon, round and silvery, mounted in the heavens, where the +evening star was already shining. The dismal croaking of the frogs +fell sharply on the ear; a fresh breeze stirred the dry plants and +the dusty brambles that grew by the roadside; and the trunks of the +pine trees grew momentarily blacker, standing out like inky bars +against the pale green of the horizon. + +A man was descending the path slowly, bent, apparently, on +enjoying the poetry and the peace of the scene and the hour. He +carried a stout walking-stick, and as far as one could judge in the +fading light, he was young and not ill-looking. + +He paused frequently, casting glances to the right and to the +left as if in search of some familiar landmark. Finally he stood +still and looked around him. At his back was a hill crowned with +chestnut trees; on his left was the pine grove; on his right a small +church with a mean belfry; before him the outlying houses of the +town. He turned, walked back some ten steps, stopped, fronting the +portico of the church, examined its walls, and, satisfied at last +that he had found the right place, raised his hands to his mouth and +forming with them a sort of speaking trumpet, cried, in a clear +youthful voice: + +"Echo, let us talk together!" + +From the angle formed by the walls, there came back instantly +another voice, deeper and less distinct, strangely grave and +sonorous, which repeated with emphasis, linking the answer to the +question and dwelling upon the final syllable: + +"Let us talk togethe-e-e-e-r!" + +"Are you happy?" + +"Happy-y-y-y!" responded the echo. + +"Who am I?" + +"I-I-I-I!" + +To these interrogations, framed so that the answer should make +sense with them, succeeded phrases uttered without any other object +than that of hearing them reverberated with strange intensity by the +wall. "It is a lovely night."--"The moon is shining."--"The sun has +set."--"Do you hear me, echo?"--"Have you dreams, echo, of glory, +ambition, love?" The traveler, enchanted with his occupation, +continued the conversation, varying the words, combining them into +sentences, and, in the short intervals of silence, he listened to the +faint murmur of the pines stirred by the evening breeze, and to the +melancholy concert of the frogs. The crimson and rose-colored clouds +had become ashen and had begun to invade the broad region of the +firmament over which the unclouded moon shed her silvery light. The +honeysuckles and elder-flowers on the outskirts of the pine grove +embalmed the air with subtle and intoxicating fragrance. And the +interlocutor of the echo, yielding to the poetic influences of the +scene, ceased his questions and exclamations and began to recite, in +a slow, chanting voice, verses of Becquer, paying no heed now to the +voice from the wall, which, in its haste to repeat his words, +returned them to him broken and confused. + +Absorbed in his occupation, pleased with the harmonious sounds of +the verse, he did not notice the approach of three men of odd and +grotesque appearance, wearing enormous broad-brimmed felt hats. One +of the men was leading a mule laden with a leathern sack filled, +doubtless, with the juice of the grape; and as they walked slowly, +and the soft clayey soil deadened the noise of their footsteps, they +passed close by the young man, unperceived by him. They exchanged +some whispered words with one another. "Who is he, +man?"--"Segundo."--"The lawyer's son?"--"The same."--"What is he +doing? Is he talking to himself?"--"No, he is talking to the wall of +Santa Margarita."--"Well, we have as good a right to do that as he +has."--"Begin you ----"--"One--two--here goes----" + +And from those profane lips fell a shower of vile words and +coarse and vulgar phrases, interrupting the _Oscuras Golondrinas_ +which the young man was reciting with a great deal of expression, and +producing, in the peaceful and harmonious nocturnal silence, the +effect of the clatter of brass pans and kettles in a piece of German +music. The most refined expressions were in the following style: +"D---- (here an oath). Hurrah for the wine of the Border! Hurrah for +the red wine that gives courage to man! D----" (the reader's +imagination may supply what followed, it being premised that the +disturbers of the Becquerian dreamer were three lawless muleteers who +were carrying with them an abundant provision of the blood of the +grape). + +The nymph who dwelt in the wall opposed no resistance to the +profanation and repeated the round oaths as faithfully as she had +repeated the poet's verses. Hearing the vociferations and bursts of +laughter which the wall sent back to him mockingly, Segundo, the +lawyer's son, aware that the barbarians were turning his sentimental +amusement into ridicule, became enraged. Mortified and ashamed, he +tightened his grasp on his stick, strongly tempted to break it on the +ribs of some one of them; and, muttering between his teeth, "Kaffirs! +brutes! beasts!" and other offensive epithets, he turned to the left, +plunged into the pine grove and walked toward the town, avoiding the +path in order to escape meeting the profane trio. + +The town was but a step away. The walls of its nearest houses +shone white in the moonlight, and the stones of some buildings in +course of erection, garden walls, orchards, and vegetable beds, +filled up the space between the town and the pine grove. The path +grew gradually broader, until it reached the highroad, on either side +of which leafy chestnut trees cast broad patches of shade. The town +was already asleep, seemingly, for not a light was to be seen, nor +were any of those noises to be heard which reveal the proximity of +those human beehives called cities. Vilamorta is in reality a very +small beehive, a modest town, the capital of a district. Bathed in +the splendor of the romantic satellite, however, it was not without a +certain air of importance imparted to it by the new buildings, of a +style of architecture peculiar to prison cells, which an +_Americanized_ Galician, recently returned to his native land with a +plentiful supply of cash, was erecting with all possible expedition. + +Segundo turned into an out-of-the-way street--if there be any +such in towns like Vilamorta. Only the sidewalks were paved; the +gutter was a gutter in reality; it was full of muddy pools and heaps +of kitchen garbage, thrown there without scruple by the inhabitants. +Segundo avoided two things--stepping into the gutter and walking in +the moonlight. A man passed so close by him as almost to touch him, +enveloped, notwithstanding the heat, in an ample cloak, and holding +open above his head an enormous umbrella, although there was no sign +of rain; doubtless he was some convalescent, some visitor to the +springs, who was breathing the pleasant night air with hygienic +precautions. Segundo, when he saw him, walked closer to the houses, +turning his face aside as if afraid of being recognized. With no less +caution he crossed the Plaza del Consistorio, the pride of Vilamorta, +and then, instead of joining one of the groups who were enjoying the +fresh air, seated on the stone benches round the public fountain, he +slipped into a narrow side street, and crossing a retired little +square shaded by a gigantic poplar turned his steps in the direction +of a small house half hidden in the shadow of the tree. Between the +house and Segundo there stood a lumbering bulk--the body of a +stage-coach, a large box on wheels, its shafts raised in air, +waiting, lance in rest, as it were, to renew the attack. Segundo +skirted the obstacle, and as he turned the corner of the square, +absorbed in his meditations, two immense hogs, monstrously fat, +rushed out of the half-open gate of a neighboring yard, and at a +short trot that made their enormous sides shake like jelly, made +straight for the admirer of Becquer, entangling themselves stupidly +and blindly between his legs. By a special interposition of +Providence the young man did not measure his length upon the ground, +but, his patience now exhausted, he gave each of the swine a couple +of angry kicks, which drew from them sharp and ferocious grunts, as +he ejaculated almost audibly: "What a town is this, good Heavens! +Even the hogs must run against one in the streets. Ah, what a +miserable place! Hell itself could not be worse!" + +By the time he had reached the door of the house, he had, to some +extent, regained his composure. The house was small and pretty and +had a cheerful air. There was no railing outside the windows, only +the stone ledges, which were covered with plants in pots and boxes; +through the windows shaded by muslin curtains a light could be seen +burning, and in the silent façade there was something peaceful and +attractive that invited one to enter. Segundo pushed open the door +and almost at the same instant there was heard in the dark hall the +rustling of skirts, a woman's arms were opened and the admirer of +Becquer, throwing himself into them, allowed himself to be led, +dragged, carried bodily, almost, up the stairs, and into the little +parlor where, on a table covered with a white crochet cover, burned a +carefully trimmed lamp. There, on the sofa, the lover and the lady +seated themselves. + +Truth before all things. The lady was not far from thirty-six or +thirty-seven, and what is worse, could never have been pretty, or +even passably good-looking. The smallpox had pitted and hardened her +coarse skin, giving it the appearance of the leather bottom of a +sieve. Her small black eyes, hard and bright like two fleas, matched +well her nose, which was thick and ill-shaped, like the noses of the +figures of lay monks stamped on chocolate. True, the mouth was +fresh-colored, the teeth white and sound like those of a dog; but +everything else pertaining to her--dress, manner, accent, the want of +grace of the whole--was calculated rather to put tender thoughts to +flight than to awaken them. With the lamp shining as brightly as it +does, it is preferable to contemplate the lover. The latter is of +medium height, has a graceful, well-proportioned figure, and in the +turn of his head and in his youthful features there is something that +irresistibly attracts and holds the gaze. His forehead, which is high +and straight, is shaded and set off by luxuriant hair, worn somewhat +longer than is allowed by our present severe fashion. His face, thin +and delicately outlined, casts a shadow on the walls which is made up +of acute angles. A mustache, curling with the grace which is peculiar +to a first mustache, and to the wavy locks of a young girl, shades +but does not cover his upper lip. The beard has not yet attained its +full growth; the muscles of the throat have not yet become prominent; +the Adam's apple does not yet force itself on the attention. The +complexion is dark, pale, and of a slightly bilious hue. + +Seeing this handsome youth leaning his head on the shoulder of +this woman of mature age and undisguised ugliness, it would have been +natural to take them for mother and son, but anyone coming to this +conclusion, after a single moment's observation, would have shown +scant penetration, for in the manifestations of maternal affection, +however passionate and tender they may be, there is always a +something of dignity and repose which is wanting in those of every +other affection. + +Doubtless Segundo felt a longing to see the moon again, for he +rose almost immediately from his seat on the sofa and crossed over to +the window, his companion following him. He threw open the sash, and +they sat down side by side in two low chairs whose seats were on a +level with the flower-pots. A fine carnation regaled the sense with +its intoxicating perfume; the moon lighted up with her silvery rays +the foliage of the poplar that cast broad shadow over the little +square. Segundo opened the conversation this wise: + +"Have you made any cigars for me?" + +"Here are some," she answered, putting her hand into her pocket +and drawing from it a bundle of cigars. "I was able to make only a +dozen and a half for you. I will complete the two dozen to-night +before I go to bed." + +There was a moment's silence, broken by the sharp sound made by +the striking of the match and then, in a voice muffled by the first +puff of smoke, Segundo went on: + +"Why, has anything new happened?" + +"New? No. The children--putting the house in order--and +then--Minguitos. He made my head ache with his complaining--he +complained the whole blessed evening. He said his bones ached. And +you? Very busy, killing yourself reading, studying, writing, eh? Of +course!" + +"No, I have been taking a delightful walk. I went to Peñas-albas +and returned by way of Santa Margarita. I have seldom spent a +pleasanter evening." + +"I warrant you were making verses." + +"No, my dear. The verses I made I made last night after leaving +you." + +"Ah! And you weren't going to repeat them to me. Come, for the +love of the saints, come, recite them for me, you must know them by +heart. Come, darling." + +To this vehement entreaty succeeded a passionate kiss, pressed on +the hair and forehead of the poet. The latter raised his eyes, drew +back a little and, holding his cigar between his fingers after +knocking off the ashes with his nail, proceeded to recite. + +The offspring of his muse was a poem in imitation of Becquer. His +auditor, who listened to it with religious attention, thought it +superior to anything inspired by the muse of the great Gustave. And +she asked for another and then another, and then a bit of Espronceda +and then a fragment or two of Zorrilla. By this time the cigar had +gone out; the poet threw away the stump and lighted a fresh one. Then +they resumed their conversation. + +"Shall we have supper soon?" + +"Directly. What do you think I have for you?" + +"I haven't the least idea." + +"Think of what you like best. What you like best, better than +anything else." + +"Bah! You know that so far as I am concerned, provided you don't +give me anything smoked or greasy----" + +"A French omelet! You couldn't guess, eh? Let me tell you--I +found the receipt in a book. As I had heard that it was something +good I wanted to try it. I had always made omelets as they make them +here, so stiff, that you might throw one against the wall without +breaking it. But this--I think it will be to your taste. As for me, I +don't like it much, I prefer the old style. I showed Flores how to +make it. What was in the one you ate at the inn at Orense? Chopped +parsley, eh?" + +"No, ham. But what difference does it make what was in it?" + +"I'll run and take it out of the pantry! I thought--the book says +parsley! Wait, wait." + +She overturned her chair in her haste. An instant later the +jingling of her keys and the opening and closing of a couple of doors +were heard in the distance. A husky voice muttered some +unintelligible words in the kitchen. In two minutes she was back +again. + +"Tell me, and those verses, are you not going to publish them? Am +I not going to see them in print?" + +"Yes," responded the poet, slowly turning his head to one side +and sending a puff of smoke through his lips. "I am going to send +them to Vigo, to Roberto Blanquez, to insert them in the _Amanecer_." + +"I am delighted! You will become famous, sweetheart! How many +periodicals have spoken of you?" + +Segundo laughed ironically and shrugged his shoulders. + +"Not many." And with a somewhat preoccupied air he let his gaze +wander over the plants and far away over the top of the poplar whose +leaves rustled gently in the breeze. The poet pressed his companion's +hand mechanically, and the latter returned the pressure with +passionate ardor. + +"Of course. How do you expect them to speak of you when you don't +put your name to your verses?" she said. "They don't know whose they +are. They are wondering, likely----" + +"What difference does the name make? They could say the same +things of the pseudonym I have adopted as of Segundo García. The few +people who will trouble themselves to read my verses will call me the +Swan of Vilamorta." + + + + + II. + + +Segundo García, the lawyer's son, and Leocadia Otero, the +schoolmistress of Vilamorta, had met each other for the first time in +the spring at a pilgrimage. Leocadia had gone with some girls to whom +she had taught their letters and plain sewing. Before the chorus of +nymphs Segundo had recited verses for more than two hours in an oak +grove far from the noise of the drum and the bagpipes, where the +strains of the music and the voices of the crowd came softened by +distance. The audience was as silent as if they were hearing mass, +although certain passages of a tender or passionate nature were the +occasion, among the children, of nudges, pinches, laughter +instantaneously suppressed; but from the black eyes of the +schoolmistress, down her cheeks, pitted by the smallpox and pale with +emotion, flowed two large, warm tears, followed so quickly and in +such abundance by others that she was obliged to take out her +handkerchief to wipe them away. And returning by starlight, +descending the mountain on whose summit stood the sanctuary, by +sylvan footpaths carpeted with grass and bordered with heather and +briars, the order of march was as follows: first the children, +running, jumping, pushing one another among the heather and greeting +every fall with shouts of laughter; Leocadia and Segundo behind, +arm-in-arm, pausing from time to time to talk in subdued tones, +almost in whispers. + +A sad and ugly story was told about Leocadia Otero. Although, +without actually saying so, she had given it to be understood that +she was a widow, it was whispered that she had never been married; +that the puny Dominguito, the little cripple who was always sick, was +born while she lived in the house of her uncle and guardian at +Orense, after the death of her parents. What was certain was that her +uncle had died shortly after the birth of the child, bequeathing to +his niece a couple of fields and a house in Vilamorta, and Leocadia, +after passing the necessary examinations, had obtained the village +school and gone to settle in that town. She had lived in it now for +more than thirteen years, observing the most exemplary conduct, +watching day and night over Minguitos, and living with the utmost +frugality in order to rebuild the dilapidated house, which she had +finally succeeded in doing shortly before her meeting with Segundo. +Leocadia was a woman of notably industrious habits; in her wardrobe +she had always a good supply of linen, in her parlor bamboo furniture +with a rug before the sofa, grapes, rice, and ham in her pantry, and +carnations and sweet basil in her windows. Minguitos was always as +neat as a new pin; she herself, when she raised the skirt of her +habit of Dolores, of good merino, displayed underneath voluminous +embroidered petticoats, stiff with starch. For all which reasons, +notwithstanding her ugliness and her former history, the +schoolmistress was not without suitors--a wealthy retired muleteer, +and Cansin, the clothier. She rejected the suitors and continued +living alone with Minguitos and Flores, her old servant, who now +enjoyed in the house all the privileges of a grandmother. + +The iniquitous wrong suffered by her in early youth had produced +in Leocadia, absorbed as she was in her bitter recollections, a +profound horror of marriage and an insatiable thirst for the +romantic, the ideal, which is as a refreshing dew to the imagination +and which satisfies the emotions. She had the superficial knowledge +of a village schoolmistress--rudimentary, but sufficient to introduce +exotic tastes into Vilamorta; that is to say, a taste for literature +in its most accessible forms--novels and poetry. She devoted to +reading the leisure hours of her monotonous and upright life. She +read with faith, with enthusiasm, uncritically; she read believing +and accepting everything, identifying herself with each one of the +heroines, in turn, her heart echoing back the poet's sighs, the +troubadour's songs, and the laments of the bard. Reading was her one +vice, her secret happiness. When she requested her friends at Orense +to renew her subscription to the library for her they laughed at her +and nicknamed her the "Authoress." She an authoress! She only wished +she were. If she could only give form to what she felt, to the world +of fancy she carried in her mind! But this was impossible. Never +would her brain succeed in producing, however hard she might squeeze +it, even so much as a poor _seguidilla_. Poetry and sensibility were +stored up in the folds and convolutions of her brain, as solar heat +is stored up in the coal. What came to the surface was pure +prose--housekeeping, economy, stews. + +When she met Segundo, chance applied the lighted torch to the +formidable train of feelings and dreams shut up in the soul of the +schoolmistress. She had at last found a worthy employment for her +amorous faculties, an outlet for her affections. Segundo was poetry +incarnate. He represented for her all the graces, all the divine +attributes of poetry--the flowers, the breeze, the nightingale, the +dying light of day, the moon, the dark wood. + +The fire burned with astounding rapidity. In its flames were +consumed, first her honorable resolution to efface by the +blamelessness of her conduct the stigma of the past, then her strong +and deep maternal affection. Not for an instant did the thought +present itself to Leocadia's mind that Segundo could ever be her +husband; although both were free the difference in their ages and the +intellectual superiority of the young poet placed an insurmountable +barrier in the way of the aspirations of the schoolmistress. She fell +in love as into an abyss, and looked neither before nor behind. + +Segundo had had in Santiago, during his college days, youthful +intrigues, adventures of a not very serious nature, such as few men +escape between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, occasionally +taking part, also, in what in that romantic epoch were called +_orgies_. Notwithstanding all this, however, he was not vicious. The +son of a hysterical mother, whose strength was exhausted by repeated +lactations, and who at last succumbed to the debility induced by +them, Segundo's spirit was much more exacting and insatiable than his +body. He had inherited from his mother a melancholy temperament and +innumerable prejudices, innumerable instinctive antipathies, +innumerable superstitious practices. He had loved her, and he +cherished her memory with veneration. And more tenacious even than +his loving remembrance of his mother was the invincible antipathy he +cherished for his father. It would not be true to say that the lawyer +had been the murderer of his wife, and yet Segundo clearly divined +the slow martyrdom endured by that fine nervous organization, and had +always before his eyes, in his hours of gloom, the mean coffin in +which the dead woman was interred, shrouded in the oldest sheet that +was to be found. + +Segundo's family consisted of his father, an aunt, advanced in +years, two brothers, and three sisters. The lawyer García enjoyed the +reputation of being wealthy--in reality this fortune was +insignificant--a village fortune accumulated penny by penny, by +usurious loans and innumerable sordid privations. His practice +brought him in something, but ten mouths to feed and the professional +education of three sons swallowed up not a little. The eldest of the +boys, an officer in an infantry regiment, was stationed in the +Philippine Islands, and, far from expecting any money from him, they +were thankful if he did not ask for any. Segundo, the second in age +as well as in name, had just been graduated--one lawyer more in +Spain, where this fruit grows so abundantly. The youngest was +studying at the Institute at Orense, with the intention of becoming +an apothecary. The girls spent the days running about in the gardens +and cornfields, half the time barefooted, not even attending +Leocadia's school to save the slight expense that would be incurred +in procuring the decent clothing which this would necessitate. As for +the aunt--Misía Gáspara--she was the soul of the house, a narrow and +sapless soul, a withered old woman, silent and ghost-like in +appearance, still active, in spite of her sixty years, who, without +ceasing to knit her stockings with fingers as yellow as the keys of +an old harpsichord, sold barley in the granary, wine in the cellar, +lent a dollar at fifty per cent. interest to the fruit-women and +hucksters of the market, receiving their wares in payment, measured +out the food, the light, and their clothing to her nieces, fattened a +pig with affectionate solicitude, and was respected in Vilamorta for +her ant-like abilities. + +It was the lawyer's aspiration to transmit his practice and his +office to Segundo. Only the boy gave no indication of an aptitude for +stirring up law-suits and prosecutions. How had he achieved the +miracle of passing with honor in the examinations without ever having +opened a law-book during the whole term, and failing in attendance at +the college whenever it rained or whenever the sun shone? Well, by +means of an excellent memory and a good natural intelligence; +learning by heart, when it was necessary, whole pages from the +text-books, and remembering and reciting them with the same ease, if +not with as much taste, as he recited the "Doloras" of Campoamor. + +On Segundo's table lay, side by side, the works of Zorrilla and +Espronceda, bad translations of Heine, books of verse of local poets, +the "Lamas-Varela," or, _Antidote to Idleness_, and other volumes of +a no less heterogeneous kind. Segundo was not an insatiable reader; +he chose his reading according to the whim of the moment, and he read +only what was in conformity with his tastes, thus acquiring a +superficial culture of an imperfect and varied nature. Quick of +apprehension, rather than thoughtful or studious, he had learned +French without a teacher and almost by intuition, in order to read in +the original the works of Musset, Lamartine, Proudhon, and Victor +Hugo. His mind was like an uncultivated field in which grew here and +there some rare and beautiful flower, some exotic plant; of the +abstruse and positive sciences, of solid and serious learning, which +is the nurse of mental vigor--the classics, the best literature, the +severe teachings of history--he knew nothing; and in exchange, by a +singular phenomenon of intellectual relationship, he identified +himself with the romantic movement of the second third of the +century, and in a remote corner of Galicia lived again the +psychological life of dead and gone generations. So does some +venerable academician, over-leaping the nineteen centuries of our +era, delight himself now with what delighted Horace and live +platonically enamored of Lydia. + +Segundo composed his first verses, cynical and pessimistic in +intention, ingenuous in reality, before he had reached the age of +seventeen. His classmates applauded him to the echo. He acquired in +their eyes a certain prestige, and when the first fruits of his muse +appeared in a periodical he had, without going beyond the narrow +circle of the college, admirers and detractors. Thenceforth he +acquired the right to indulge in solitary walks, to laugh rarely, to +surround his adventures with mystery, and not to play or take a drink +for good-fellowship's sake except when he felt in the humor. + +And he seldom felt in the humor. Excitation of the senses, of a +purely physical nature, possessed no attraction for him; if he drank +at times through bravado, the spectacle of drunkenness, the +winding-up of student orgies--the soiled tablecloth, the maudlin +disputes, his companions lying under the table or stretched on the +sofa, the shamelessness and heartlessness of venal women--repelled +him and he came away from such scenes filled with disgust and +contempt, and at times a reaction proper to his complex character +sent him, a sincere admirer of Proudhon, Quinet, and Renan, to the +precincts of some solitary church, where he drew in with delight long +breaths of the incense-laden air. + +The lawyer García made no protest against his son's literary +inclinations because he regarded them as a passing amusement proper +to his age, a youthful folly, like dancing at a village feast. He +began to grow uneasy when he saw that Segundo, after graduation, +showed no inclination to help him in the conduct of his tortuous +law-suits. Was the boy, then, going to turn out good for nothing but +to string rhymes together? It was no crime to do this, but--when +there was not a pile of law-papers to go through and stratagems to +think of to circumvent the opposing party. Since the lawyer had +observed this inclination of his son he had treated him with more +persistent harshness and coldness than before. Every day at table or +whenever the occasion offered, he made cutting speeches to him about +the necessity of earning one's own bread by assiduous labor, instead +of depending upon others for it. These continual sermons, in which he +displayed the same captious and harassing obstinacy as in the conduct +of his law-suits, frightened Segundo from the house. In Leocadia's +house he found a place of refuge, and he submitted passively to be +adored; flattered in the first place by the triumph his verses had +obtained, awakening admiration so evidently sincere and ardent, and +in the second place attracted by the moral well-being engendered by +unquestioning approval and unmeasured complacency. His idle, dreamy +brain reposed on the soft cushions which affection smoothes for the +beloved head; Leocadia sympathized with all his plans for the future, +developing and enlarging them; she encouraged him to write and to +publish his verses; she praised him without reserve and without +hypocrisy, for, for her, whose critical faculty was situated in her +cardiac cavities, Segundo was the most melodious singer in the +universe. + +Gradually the loving prevision of the schoolmistress extended to +other departments of Segundo's existence. Neither the lawyer García +nor Aunt Gáspara supposed that a young man, once his education was +finished, needed a penny for any extraordinary expense. Aunt Gáspara, +in particular, protested loudly at every fresh outlay--after filling +her nephew's trunk one year she thought he was provided with shirts +for at least ten years to come: clothes had no right to tear or to +wear out, without any consideration, in that way. Leocadia took note +of the wants of her idol; one day she observed that he was not well +supplied with handkerchiefs and she hemmed and marked a dozen for +him; the next day she noticed that he was expected to keep himself in +cigars for a year on half a dollar, and she took upon herself the +task of making them for him, furnishing the material herself gratis. +She heard the fruit-women criticising Aunt Gáspara's stinginess; she +inferred from this that Segundo had a poor table, and she set herself +to the task of devising appetizing and nutritious dishes for him; in +addition to all which she ordered books from Orense, mended his +clothes, and sewed on his buttons. + +All this she did with inexpressible delight, going about the +house with a light, almost youthful step, rejuvenated by the sweet +maternity of love, and so happy that she forgot to scold the +school-children, thinking only of shortening their tasks that she +might be all the sooner with Segundo. There was in her affection much +that was generous and spiritual, and her happiest moments were those +in which, as they sat side by side at the window, his head resting on +her shoulder, she listened, while her imagination transformed the +pots of carnations and sweet basil into a virgin forest, to the +verses which he recited in a well-modulated voice, verses that seemed +to Leocadia celestial music. + +The medal had its obverse side, however. The mornings were full +of bitterness when Flores would come with an angry and frowning face, +her woolen shawl twisted and wrinkled and falling over her eyes, to +say in short, abrupt phrases: + +"The eggs are all used; shall I get more? There is no sugar; +which kind shall I buy--that dear loaf sugar that we bought last +week? To-day I got coffee, two pounds of coffee, as if we had a gold +mine. I won't buy any more cordial--you can go for it yourself--I +won't." + +"What are you talking about, Flores? What is the matter with +you?" + +"I say that if you like to give Ramon, the confectioner, +twenty-four reals a bottle for _anisette_, when it is to be had for +eight at the apothecary's, you can do so, but that I am not going to +put the money in that thief's hand; he will be asking you five +dollars a bottle for it next." + +Leocadia would come out of her reverie with a sigh, and go to the +bureau drawer for the money, not without thinking that Flores was +only too right; her savings, her couple of thousand reals laid by for +an emergency, must be almost gone; it was better not to examine into +the condition of the purse; better put off annoyances as long as +possible. God would provide. And she would scold the old woman with +feigned anger. + +"Go for the bottle; go--and don't make me angry. At eight the +children will be here and I have my petticoat to iron yet. Make +Minguitos his chocolate; you would be better employed in seeing that +he has something to eat. And give him some cake." + +"Yes. I'll give him some, I'll give him some. If I didn't give +the poor child something----" grumbled the servant, who at Minguitos' +name felt her anger increase. In the kitchen could be heard the +furious knock given to the chocolate-pot to settle it on the fire and +the angry sound of the mill, afterward, beating the chocolate into +froth. Flores would enter the room of the deformed boy, who had not +yet left his bed, and taking his hand in hers, say: + +"Are you warm, child? I have brought you your chocolate; do you +hear?" + +"Will mamma give it to me?" + +"I will give it to you." + +"And mamma--what is she doing?" + +"Ironing some petticoats." + +The little humpback would fix his eyes on Flores, raising his +head with difficulty from between the double arch of the breast and +back. His eyes were deep set, with large pupils; on his mouth, with +its prominent jaws, rested a melancholy and distorted smile. Throwing +his arms around the neck of Flores, and putting his lips close to her +ear: + +"Did the _other one_ come yesterday?" he asked. + +"Yes, child, yes." + +"Will he come again to-day?" + +"He'll come. Of course he'll come! Stop talking, _fillino_, stop +talking and take your chocolate. It's as you like it--thin and with +froth." + +"I don't think I have any appetite for it. Put it there beside +me." + + + + + III. + + +In Vilamorta there was a Casino, a real Casino, small indeed, and +shabby, besides, but with its billiard-table, bought at second-hand, +and its _boy_, an old man of seventy, who once a year dusted and +brushed the green cover. For the only reunions in the Casino of +Vilamorta were those of the rats and the moths who assembled daily, +to amuse themselves by eating away the woodwork. The chief centers of +reunion were the two apothecaries' shops, that of Doña Eufrasia, +fronting the Plaza and that of Agonde in the high street. Doña +Eufrasia's shop, nestling in the shadowy corner of an archway, was +dark; in the hours of meeting it was lighted by a smoky kerosene +lamp; its furniture consisted of four grimy chairs and a bench. + +From the street all that was to be seen were dark mass-cloaks, +overcoats, broad-brimmed hats, two or three clerical tonsures that +shone at a distance like metal clasps against the dark background of +the shop. Agonde's shop, on the contrary, was brightly illuminated +and gloried in the possession of six glass globes of brilliant +coloring and fantastic effect, three rows of shelves laden with +imposing and scientific-looking white porcelain jars bearing Latin +inscriptions in black letters, a divan, and two leather-covered +armchairs. The two contrasting shops were also antagonistic; they had +declared war to the knife against each other. + +Agonde's shop, liberal and enlightened in its opinions, said of +the reactionary shop that it was a center of unending conspiracies, +where _El Cuartel Real_ and all the rebel proclamations had been read +during the civil war, and where for the past five years +ammunition-belts were being diligently prepared for a Carlist party +that never took the field; and according to the reactionary shop, +that of Agonde was the headquarters of the Freemasons; where lampoons +were printed on a little handpress and where gambling was shamelessly +carried on. The meetings in the reactionary shop broke up with +religious punctuality at ten, in winter, and eleven in summer, while +the liberal shop continued to cast on the sidewalk until midnight the +light of its two bright lamps and the blue, red, and emerald-green +reflections of its glass globes; for which reasons the members of the +liberal reunion called those of the other party _owls_, while those +of the reactionary clique gave their opponents the name of _members +of the Casino of the Gaming Table_. + +Segundo never put his foot over the threshold of the reactionary +shop and, since the beginning of his acquaintance with Leocadia +Otero, he had shunned that of Agonde also, for his vanity was wounded +by the jests and gibes of the apothecary, who was noted for his +waggish humor. One evening as Saturnino Agonde was crossing the Plaza +of the Alamo at an unusually late hour--on his way the devil only +knew whither--he had caught sight of Leocadia and Segundo seated at +the window, and had heard the psalmody of the verses which the poet +was declaiming. From that time Segundo had seen depicted on the +countenance of Agonde, a practical man of a sanguine temperament, +such contempt for sentimental trifling and for poetry that he +instinctively avoided him as far as it was possible to do so. +Occasionally, however, whenever he desired to read _El Imparcial_, to +know what was going on, he would stop in at the shop for a few +moments. He did so on the day after his conversation with the echo. + +The meeting was very animated. Segundo's father was leaning back +on the sofa with a newspaper resting on his knees; his +brother-in-law, the notary Genday, Ramon, the confectioner, and +Agonde were hotly disputing with him. At the further end of the shop +Carmelo, the tobacconist, Don Fermin, alias _Tropiezo_,[1] the +physician, the secretary of the Municipality and the Alcalde sat +playing _tresillo_ at a small table. When Segundo entered, he +remarked something unusual in the air of his father and of the group +that surrounded him, but certain that he would presently be told the +cause, he silently dropped into an armchair, lighted a cigar, and +took up the copy of _El Imparcial_ that was lying on the counter. + + [1] Trip. + +"Well, the papers here say nothing, absolutely nothing, about +it," exclaimed the confectioner. + +From the tresillo table came the voice of the doctor confirming +Ramon's doubts; the doctor, too, was of the opinion that the event in +question could not happen without due notice of it being given in the +papers. + +"You would die rather than believe anything," replied Agonde. "I +am certain of it, I tell you, and it seems to me that when I am +certain of it----" + +"And I too," affirmed Genday. "If it is necessary to call +witnesses to prove it, they are there. I know it from my own brother, +who heard it from Mendez de las Vides; you can judge whether I have +the news on good authority or not. Do you want further proof? Well, +two armchairs, a handsome gilt bedstead, a great deal of china and a +piano have been ordered from Orense for Las Vides. Are you +convinced?" + +"In any case they will not come as soon as you say," objected +Tropiezo. + +"They will come at the time I have said. Don Victoriano wants to +spend the holidays and the vintage season here; they say he longs to +see his native place again, and that he has spoken of nothing all the +winter but the journey." + +"He is coming to die here," said Tropiezo; "I heard that he was +in a very bad state of health. You are going to be left without a +leader." + +"Go to----What a devil of a man, what an owl, always predicting +misfortunes! Either hold your tongue, or talk sense. Attend to the +game, as you ought to." + +Segundo was gazing abstractedly at the glass globes of the shop, +his attention seemingly occupied with the blue, green, and red points +of light that sparkled in their center. He understood now the subject +of their conversation--the expected arrival of Don Victoriano Andres +de la Comba, the minister, the great political leader of the country, +the radical representative of the district. What mattered to Segundo +the arrival of this pretentious coxcomb! And giving himself up to the +enjoyment of his cigar, he allowed the noisy dispute to go on +unheeded. Afterward he became absorbed in the reading of an article +in _El Imparcial_, in which a new poet was warmly eulogized. + +Meanwhile at the tresillo table matters were becoming +complicated. The apothecary, who sat behind the Alcalde, was giving +him advice--a delicate and difficult task. + +The tobacconist and Don Fermin held all the good cards; they had +the man between them--a ticklish position. The Alcalde was a thin +shriveled-up old man, of a very timid disposition, who, before he +ventured to play a card, would think a hundred years about it, +calculating all the contingencies and all the possible combinations +of which cards are capable. He did not want now to play that _solo_. +It would be a great mistake! But the impetuous Agonde encouraged him, +saying: "Come! I buy it." Thus urged, the Alcalde came to a decision, +but not without having first entered a protest: + +"Very well, I'll play it, but it is a piece of folly, +gentlemen--so that you may not say I am afraid." + +And all that he had foreseen happened; he found himself between +two fires: on the one side his king of hearts is trumped, on the +other his opponent takes his knave of trumps with his queen. Don +Fermin wins the trick without knowing how, while the tobacconist, who +is smiling maliciously, keeps all his good cards. The Alcalde lifts +his eyes appealingly to Agonde. + +"Didn't I tell you so? A nice fix we have got ourselves into! We +shall lose the hand; it is lost already." + +"No, man, no. What a coward you are--always afraid of everything. +There you are hesitating as long about throwing a card as if your +life depended on it. Play a trump! play a trump! That is the way +cowards always lose--they are afraid to play their trumps." + +The opponents winked at each other maliciously. + +"_De posita non tibi_," exclaimed the tobacconist. + +"_Si codillum non resultabit_," assented Don Fermin. + +The Alcalde, quaking with fear, proceeded, by Agonde's advice, to +look through the tricks his partners had taken, in order to see how +many trumps had been already played. Tropiezo and the tobacconist +protested: + +What a mania he had for examining the cards! + +The Alcalde, somewhat tranquillized, resolved at last to put an +end to his uncertainty, and with a few bold and decisive plays the +hand ended, each player winning three tricks. + +"A tie!" exclaimed the tobacconist and the apothecary almost +simultaneously. + +"You see! Playing as badly as you could you haven't lost the +hand," said Agonde. "They needed all their cards to win what they +did." + +They were all absorbed in the game--whose interest was now at its +height--with the exception of Segundo, who had abandoned himself to +one of those idle reveries in which the activity of the imagination +is stimulated by bodily ease. The voices of the players reached his +ears like a distant murmur; he was a hundred leagues away; he was +thinking of the article he had just been reading, of which certain +expressions particularly encomiastic--mellifluous phrases in which +the critic artfully glossed over the faults of the poet--had remained +stamped on his memory. When would his turn come to be judged by the +Madrid press? God alone knew. He lent his attention once more to the +conversation. + +"We must at least give him a serenade," declared Genday. + +"A serenade, indeed!" responded Agonde. "A great thing that! +Something more than a serenade--we must have some sort of a +procession--a demonstration which will show that the people here are +with him. We must appoint a committee to receive him with rockets and +bands of music. Let those plotters at Doña Eufrasia's have something +to rage about." + +The name of the other shop produced a storm of exclamations, +jests, and stamping of feet. + +"Have you heard the news?" asked the waggish Tropiezo. "It seems +that Nocedal has written a very flattering letter to Doña Eufrasia, +saying that as he represents Don Carlos in Madrid so she, by reason +of her merits, ought to represent him in Vilamorta." + +Homeric bursts of laughter and a general huzza greeted this +remark. + +"Well, that may be an invention; but it is true, true as gospel, +that Doña Eufrasia sent Don Carlos her likeness with a complimentary +inscription." + +"And the regiment? Have they fixed on the day on which it is to +take the field?" + +"Of course. They say that the Abbot of Lubrego is to command it." + +The hilarity of the assembly was redoubled, for the Abbot of +Lubrego was nearing his seventieth year, and was so feeble that he +could scarcely hold himself on his mule. A boy at this moment entered +the shop, swinging in his hand a glass bottle. + +"Don Saturnino!" he cried, in a shrill voice. + +"What is it you want?" answered the druggist, mimicking his +tones. + +"Give me some of what this smells like." + +"All right," said Agonde, putting the bottle to his nose. "What +does this smell like, Don Fermin?" + +"Let me see--it smells something like--laudanum, eh?--or arnica?" + +"Arnica let it be, it is less dangerous. I hope it will have a +good effect." + +"It is time to retire, gentlemen," said the Lawyer García, +consulting his silver timepiece. + +Genday stood up and Segundo followed his example. + +The tresillo party proceeded to settle accounts; calculating +winnings and losses, centavo by centavo, by means of white counters +and yellow counters. After the close atmosphere of the shop the cool +air of the street was grateful; the night was mild and clear; the +stars shone with a friendly light and Segundo, who was quick to +perceive the poetic aspect of things, felt tempted to leave his +father and his uncle without ceremony and walk along the road, alone, +according to his custom, to enjoy the beauty of the night. But his +Uncle Genday linked his arm through his, saying: + +"You are to be congratulated, my boy." + +"Congratulated, uncle?" + +"Weren't you crazy to get away from here? Didn't you want to take +your flight to some other place? Haven't you a hatred for office +work?" + +"Good man," interposed the lawyer; "he is crazy enough as it is, +and you want to unsettle his mind still more----" + +"Hold your tongue, you fool! Don Victoriano is coming here, we +will present the boy to him and ask him to give him a place. And he +will give him one, and a good one too; for whether he thinks so or +not, if he does not do what we ask him, the pancake will cost him a +loaf. The district is not what he imagines it to be, and if his +adherents do not keep their eyes open the clergy will play a trick +upon them." + +"And Primo? And Mendez de las Vides?" + +"They are no match for the priest. The day least expected they +will be made a show of; they will hang their heads for shame. But +you, my boy--think well about it. You are not in love with the law?" + +Segundo shrugged his shoulders with a smile. + +"Well, turn the matter over in your mind; think what would suit +you best. For you must be something; you must stick your head in +somewhere. Would you like a justiceship? a place in the post-office? +in one of the departments?" + +They had turned the corner of the Plaza on their way to García's +house and were passing under Leocadia's window when the fragrance of +the carnations penetrated to Segundo's brain. He felt a poetic +revulsion of feeling and, dilating his nostrils to inhale the +perfume, he exclaimed: + +"Neither justice nor post-office employee. Say no more on that +point, uncle." + +"Don't insist, Clodio," said the lawyer bitterly. "He wants to be +nothing, nothing but a downright idler, to spend his life scribbling +rhymes. Neither more nor less. The money must be handed out for the +Institute, the University, the shirt-front, the frock coat, the +polished boots, and then, when one thinks they are ready to do for +themselves, back they come, to be a burden to one, to smoke and to +eat at one's expense. I have three sons to spend my money, to squeeze +me dry, and not one to give me any help. That is all these young +gentlemen are good for." + +Segundo stopped, twisting the end of his mustache, with a frown +on his face. They all stood still at the corner of the little plaza, +as people are wont to do when a conversation changes to a dispute. + +"I don't know what puts that into your head, father," declared +the poet. "Do you suppose that I propose to myself never to be +anything more than Segundo García, the lawyer's son? If you do, you +are greatly mistaken. You may be very anxious to be rid of the burden +of supporting me, but you are not half as anxious as I am to relieve +you of it." + +"Well, then, what are you waiting for? Your uncle is proposing a +variety of things to you and none of them suits you. Do you want to +begin by being Minister?" + +The poet began to twist his mustache anew. + +"There is no use in being impatient, father. I would make a very +bad post-office clerk and a still worse justice. I don't want to tie +myself down to any fixed career, in which everything is arranged +beforehand and moves by routine. In that case I should be a lawyer +like you or a notary like Uncle Genday. If we really find Don +Victoriano disposed to do anything for me, ask some position--no +matter what--without fixed duties, that will enable me to reside in +Madrid. I will take care of the rest." + +"You will take care of the rest. Yes, yes, you say well. You will +draw upon me for little sums, eh? like your brother in the Philippine +Islands. Let me tell you for your guidance, then, that you needn't do +so. I didn't steal what I have, and I don't coin money." + +"I am not asking anything from you!" cried Segundo, in a burst of +savage anger. "Am I in your way? I will get out of it, then; I will +go to America. That ends it." + +"No," said the lawyer, calming down. "Provided you exact no more +sacrifices from me." + +"Not one! not if I were starving!" + +The lawyer's door opened; old Aunt Gáspara in her petticoat, +looking like a fright, had come to let them in. Tied around her head +was a cotton handkerchief which came so far over her face as almost +to conceal her sour features. Segundo drew back at this picture of +domestic life. + +"Aren't you coming in?" asked his father. + +"I am going with Uncle Genday." + +"Are you coming back soon?" + +"Directly." + +Walking down the square he communicated his plans to Genday. The +latter, a short man, with a fiery temper, signified his approbation +by movements quick and restless as those of a lizard. His nephew's +ideas were not displeasing to him. His active, scheming mind, the +mind of an electoral agent and a clever notary, accepted vast +projects more readily than the methodical mind of the lawyer García. +Uncle and nephew were much of the same way of thinking as to the best +manner of profiting by Don Victoriano's influence; conversing in this +way they reached Genday's house, and the servant of the latter--a +fresh-looking girl--opened the door for her master with all the +flattering obsequiousness of a confirmed old bachelor's maid-servant. +Instead of returning home Segundo, preoccupied and excited, walked +down the plaza to the highroad, stopped at the first clump of +chestnut trees he came to, and seating himself on the step of a +wooden cross which the Jesuits had erected there during the last +mission, gave himself up to the harmless diversion of contemplating +the evening star, the constellations, and all the splendors of the +heavenly bodies. + + + + + IV. + + +During the tiresome _siestas_ of Vilamorta, while the visitors to +the springs digested their glasses of mineral water and compensated +themselves for the loss of their morning sleep by a restorative nap, +the amateur musicians of the popular band practiced by themselves the +pieces they were shortly to execute together. From the shoemaker's +shop came the melancholy notes of a flute; in the baker's resounded +the lively and martial strains of the horn; in the tobacconist's +moaned a clarionet; in the cloth-shop, the suppressed sighs of an +ophicleide filled the air. Those who thus devoted themselves to the +worship of Euterpe were clerks in shops, younger sons, the youthful +element of Vilamorta. These snatches of melody rose with piercing +sonorousness on the drowsy warm atmosphere. When the news spread that +Don Victoriano Andres de la Comba and his family were expected to +arrive within twenty-four hours in the town, to leave it again +immediately for Las Vides, the brass band was tuned to the highest +pitch and ready to deafen, with any number of waltzes, dances, and +quicksteps, the ears of the illustrious statesman. + +In the town an unusual animation was noticeable. Agonde's house +was opened, ventilated, and swept, clouds of dust issuing through the +windows, at one of which, later on, appeared Agonde's sister, with a +fringe of hair over her forehead and wearing a pearl-shell necklace. +The housekeeper of the parish priest of Cebre, a famous cook, went +busily about the kitchen, and the pounding of the mortar and the +sizzling of oil could be heard. Two hours before the time of the +arrival of the stage-coach from Orense, that is to say at three +o'clock in the afternoon, the committee of the notabilities of the +Combista-radical party were already crossing the plaza, and Agonde +stood waiting on the threshold of his shop, having sacrificed to the +solemnity of the occasion his classic cap and velvet slippers, and +wearing patent-leather boots and a frock coat which made him look +more bull-necked and pot-bellied than ever. The coach from Orense was +entering the town from the side next the wood, and, at the tinkling +of the bells, the clatter of the hoofs of its eight mules and ponies, +the creaking of its unwieldy bulk, the inhabitants of Vilamorta +looked out of their windows and came to their doors; the reactionary +shop only remained closed and hostile. When the cumbrous vehicle +turned into the square the excitement increased; barefooted children +climbed on the coach steps, begging an _ochavo_ in whining accents; +the fruit-women sitting in the arches straightened themselves up to +obtain a better view, and only Cansin, the clothier, his hands in his +trousers' pockets, his feet thrust into slippers, continued walking +up and down his shop with an Olympic air of indifference. The +overseer reined in the team, saying in soothing accents to a +rebellious mule: + +"E-e-e-e-e-e-h! There, there, Canóniga." + +The brass band, drawn up before the town-hall, burst into a +deafening prelude, and the first rocket whizzed into the air sending +forth a shower of sparks. The crowd rushed _en masse_ toward the door +of the coach, to offer their hands, their arms, anything, and a stout +lady and a priest, with a cotton checked handkerchief tied around his +temples, alighted from it. Agonde, more amused than angry, made signs +to the musicians and the rocket-throwers to desist from their task. + +"He is not coming yet! he is not coming yet!" he shouted. In +effect, there were no other passengers in the omnibus. The overseer +hastened to explain: + +"They are just behind, not two steps off, as one might say. In +Count de Vilar's carriage, in the barouche. On the Señora's account. +The luggage is here. And they paid for the seats as if they had +occupied them." + +It was not long before the measured trot of Count de Vilar's pair +of horses was heard and the open carriage, of an old-fashioned style, +rolled majestically into the plaza. Reclining on the back seat was a +man enveloped, notwithstanding the heat, in a cloth cloak; at his +side sat a lady in a gray linen duster, the fanciful brim of her +traveling-hat standing out sharply against the pure blue of the sky. +In the front seat sat a little girl of some ten years and a +_mademoiselle_, a sort of transpyrenean nursery governess. Segundo, +who had kept in the background at the arrival of the diligence, this +time was less stubborn and the hand which, covered with a long Suède +glove, was stretched out in quest of a support, met with the +energetic and nervous pressure of another hand. The Minister's lady +looked with surprise at the gallant, gave him a reserved salutation +and, taking the arm Agonde offered her, walked quickly into the +apothecary's. + +The statesman was slower in alighting. His adherents looked at +him with surprise. He had changed greatly since his last visit to +Vilamorta--then in the midst of the revolution--some eight or ten +years before. His iron-gray hair, whiter on the temples, heightened +the yellow hue of his complexion; the whites of his eyes, too, were +yellow and streaked with little red veins; and his furrowed and +withered countenance bore unmistakable traces of the anxieties of the +struggle for social position, the vicissitudes of the political +bench, and the sedentary labors of the forum. His frame hung loosely +together, being wanting in the erectness which is the sign of +physical vigor. When the handshakings began, however, and the +"Delighted to see you----" "At last----" "After an age----" resounded +around him, the dying gladiator revived, straightened himself up, and +an amiable smile parted his thin lips, lending a pleasing expression +to the now stern mouth. He even opened his arms to Genday, who +squirmed in them like an eel, and he clapped the Alcalde on the back. +García, the lawyer, tried to attract attention to himself, to +distinguish himself among the others, saying in the serious tone of +one who expresses an opinion in a very delicate matter: + +"There, upstairs, upstairs now, to rest and to take some +refreshment." + +At last the commotion calmed down, the great man entering the +apothecary's, followed by García, Genday, the Alcalde, and Segundo. + +They seated themselves in Agonde's little parlor, respectfully +leaving to Don Victoriano the red rep sofa, around which they drew +their chairs in a semi-circle. Shortly afterward the ladies made +their appearance, and, now without her hat, it could be seen that +Señora de Comba was young and beautiful, seeming rather the elder +sister than the mother of the little girl. The latter, with her +luxuriant hair falling down her back and her precocious womanly +seriousness, had the aspect of a sickly plant, while her mother, a +smiling blonde, seemed overflowing with health. They spoke of the +journey, of the fertile borders of the Avieiro, of the weather, of +the road; the conversation was beginning to languish, when Agonde's +sister entered opportunely, preceded by the housekeeper of the +priest, carrying two enormous trays filled with smoking cups of +chocolate, for supper was a meal unknown to the hosts. When the trays +were set on the table and the chocolate handed around, the company +grew more animated. The Vilamortans, finding a congenial subject on +which to exercise their oratorical powers, began to press the +strangers, to eulogize the excellence of the viands, and calling +Señora de la Comba by her baptismal name, and adding an affectionate +diminutive to that of the little girl, they launched forth into +exclamations and questions. + +"Is the chocolate to your taste, Nieves?" + +"Do you like it thin or thick?" + +"Nieves, take that morsel of cake for my sake; you will find it +excellent; only we have the secret of making it." + +"Come, Victoriniña, don't be bashful; that fresh butter goes very +well with the hot bread." + +"A morsel of toasted sponge-cake. Ah-ha! You don't have cake like +that in Madrid, eh?" + +"No," answered the girl, in a clear and affected voice. "In +Madrid we eat crullers and doughnuts with our chocolate." + +"It is the fashion here to take sponge-cake with it, not +crullers. Take that one on the top, that brown one. That's nothing, a +bird could eat it." + +Don Victoriano joined in the conversation, praising the bread, +saying he could not eat it, as it had been absolutely prohibited to +him, for his malady required that he should abstain from starch and +gluten in every form--indeed, he had bread sent him from France, +bread prepared _ad hoc_ without those elements--and as he spoke, he +turned toward Agonde, who nodded with an air of intelligence, showing +that he understood the Latin phrase. And Don Victoriano regretted +doubly the prohibition now, for there was no bread to be compared to +the Vilamorta bread--which was better of its kind than cake, yes +indeed. The Vilamortans smiled, highly flattered, but García, with an +eloquent shake of the head, said that the bread was deteriorating, +that it was not now what it had formerly been, and that only Pellejo, +the baker of the plaza, made it conscientiously, having the patience +to select the wheat, grain by grain, not letting a single wormeaten +one pass. It was for this reason that his loaves turned out so sweet +and substantial. Then a discussion arose as to whether bread should +be porous or the contrary, and as to whether hot bread was wholesome. + +Don Victoriano, reanimated by these homely details, talked of his +childhood, of the slices of bread spread with butter or molasses +which he used to eat between meals, and when he added that his uncle, +the priest, occasionally administered a sound drubbing to him, a +smile once more softened the deep lines of his face. This expansion +of feeling gave a sweeter expression to his countenance, effacing +from it the traces left by years of strife, the scars of the wounds +received in the battle of life, illuminating it with a reflection +from his vanished youth. How he longed to see again a grapevine in +Las Vides from which he had robbed grapes a hundred times when he was +a child. + +"And you will rob them again now," exclaimed Clodio Genday gayly. +"We must tell the master of Las Vides to put a guard over the vine of +Jaen." + +The jest was received with demonstrations of hilarity, and the +girl laughed with her shrill laugh at the idea of her papa robbing a +grapevine. Segundo only smiled. His eyes were fixed on Don +Victoriano, and he was thinking of what his life had been. He went +over in his mind the history of the great man: At Segundo's age Don +Victoriano, too, was an obscure lawyer, buried in Vilamorta, eager to +break from the shell. He had gone to Madrid, where a celebrated +jurisconsult had taken him as his assistant. The jurisconsult was a +politician, and Victoriano followed in his footsteps. How did he +begin to prosper? This period was shrouded in obscurity. Some said +one thing, some another. Vilamorta found him, when it least expected, +its candidate and representative. Once in Congress Don Victoriano's +importance grew steadily, and when the Revolution of September came +it found him in a sufficiently exalted position to be improvised a +minister. The brief ministry gave him neither time to wear out his +popularity nor to give proof of special gifts, and, with his prestige +almost intact, the Restoration admitted him as a member of a +fusionist cabinet. He had just laid down the portfolio and come to +re-establish his shattered health in his native place, where his +influence was strong and incontestible, thanks to his alliance with +the illustrious house of Mendez de las Vides. Segundo asked himself +if a lot like Don Victoriano's would satisfy his aspirations. Don +Victoriano had wealth--stocks in banks and shares in railways among +whose directors the name of the able jurisconsult figured. Our +versifier raised his eyebrows disdainfully and glanced at the +Minister's wife; that graceful beauty certainly did not love her +lord. She was the daughter of a younger son of the house of Las +Vides--a magistrate; she had probably married her husband, allured by +his position. No; most assuredly the poet did not envy the +politician. Why had this man risen to the eminent position he +occupied? What extraordinary gifts did he possess? A diffuse +parliamentary orator, a passive minister, with some forensic +ability--sum total, a mediocrity. + +While these reflections were passing through Segundo's mind, +Señora de Comba amused herself by examining minutely the dress and +the appearance of everyone present. She took in every detail, under +her half-closed lids, of the toilet of Carmen Agonde, who was arrayed +in a tight-fitting deep blue bodice that sent the blood to her +plethoric cheeks. She next lowered her mocking glance to the +patent-leather boots of the pharmacist, and then raised them again to +Clodio Genday's fingers, stained by the cigar, and the purple and +white checked velvet waistcoat of the lawyer García. Finally, her +glance fell on Segundo, in critical examination of his attire. But +another glance, steady and ardent, cast it back like a shield. + + + + + V. + + +Agonde rose early on the following morning, and descended shortly +afterward to his shop, leaving his guests wrapped in their slumbers, +and Carmen charged, the moment they should stir, to pour the +chocolate into their mouths. The apothecary desired to enjoy the +effect produced in the town by Don Victoriano's sojourn in his house. +He was reclining in his leather-covered easy-chair when he saw +Tropiezo riding past on his gray mule, and called out to him: + +"Hello! Hello! Where are you bound for so early?" + +"For Doas, man. I have not a minute to spare." And saying this +the doctor alighted from his mule, which he tied to an iron ring +fastened in the wall. + +"Is the case so urgent?" + +"Urgent? That it is. The old woman, the grandmother of Ramon, the +confectioner. It appears she has already received the last +sacrament." + +"And it is only now they have sent for you?" + +"No; I went to see her yesterday, and I applied two dozen +leeches, that drew their fill of blood from her. She looked like a +dying kid; she was very weak, and as thin as a wafer. Perhaps if I +had given her something that I thought of, instead of applying +leeches----" + +"Ah! a trip," interrupted Agonde maliciously. + +"Life is a series of trips," responded the doctor, shrugging his +shoulders. "And upstairs?" he added, raising his eyes interrogatively +to the ceiling. + +"Snoring like princes." + +"And he--how does he look?" asked Don Fermin, lowering his voice +and dwelling on every word. + +"He?" repeated Agonde, following his example. "So-so. Oldish. And +very gray." + +"But what is the matter with him? Let us hear. For as to being +sick, he is that." + +"He has--a new disease--a very strange one, one of the latest +fashion." And Agonde smiled maliciously. + +"New?" + +Agonde half-closed his eyes, bent toward Tropiezo, and whispered +something in his ear. + +Tropiezo burst into a laugh; suddenly he looked very serious, and +tapping his nose repeatedly with his forefinger: + +"I know, I know," he said emphatically. "And the waters here, and +some others in France, are the only cure for that disease. If he +drinks a few glasses from the spring, he will be himself again." + +Tropiezo emitted his dictamen leaning on the counter, forgetful +of the mule that was stamping impatiently at the door. + +"And the Señora--what does she say of her husband's state of +health?" he suddenly asked, with a wink. + +"What should she say of it, man? Probably she does not know that +it is serious." + +A look of derision lighted up the inexpressive features of the +physician; he glanced at Agonde and smothering another burst of +laughter, began: + +"The Señora--" + +"Chut!" interrupted the apothecary furiously. The whole Comba +family were making an irruption into the shop through the small door +of the porch. Mother and daughter formed a charming group, both +wearing wide-brimmed hats of coarse straw adorned with enormous bows +of flame-colored bunting. Their écru cotton gowns embroidered with +red braid completed the rustic character of their costumes, reminding +one of a bunch of poppies and straw. The girl's luxuriant dark hair +hung loose over her shoulders, and the fair locks of the mother +curled in a tangled mass under the shade of her broad-brimmed hat. +Nieves did not wear gloves nor was there visible on her face a trace +of powder, or of any other of the cosmetics whose use is imputed +unjustly by the women of the provinces to the Madridlenians; on the +contrary, her rosy ears and neck showed signs of energetic friction +with the towel and cold water. As for Don Victoriano, the ravages +made in his countenance by care and sickness were still more apparent +in the morning light; it was not, as Agonde had said, age that was +visible there; it was virility, but tortured, exhausted, wounded to +death. + +"Why! Have you had chocolate already?" asked Agonde, in +confusion. + +"No, friend Saturnino, nor shall we take it, with your +permission, until we return. Don't trouble yourself on our account. +Victoriniña has ransacked your pantry--your closets----" + +The child half opened a handkerchief which she held by the four +corners, disclosing a provision of bread, cake, and the cheese of the +country. + +"At least let me bring you a whole cheese. I will go see if there +is not some fresh bread, just out of the oven----" + +Don Victoriano objected--let him not be deprived of the pleasure +of going to breakfast in the poplar-grove near the spring, just as he +had done when a boy. Agonde remarked that those articles of food were +not wholesome for him, to which Tropiezo, scratching the tip of his +ear, responded sceptically: + +"Bah! bah! bah! Those are new-fangled notions. What is wholesome +for the body--can't they understand that--is what the body craves. If +the gentleman likes bread--and for your malady, Señor Don Victoriano, +there is nothing like the waters here. I don't know why people go to +give their money to those French when we have better things at home +than any they can give us." + +The Minister looked at Tropiezo with keen interest depicted on +his countenance. He called to mind his last visit to Sanchez del +Abrojo and the contraction of the lips with which the learned +practitioner had said to him: + +"I would send you to Carlsbad or to Vichy, but those waters are +not always beneficial. At times they hasten the natural course of a +disease. Rest for a time, and diet yourself--we will see how you are +when you return in the autumn." And what a look Sanchez del Abrojo +put on when he said this! An impenetrable, sphinx-like expression. +The positive assertion of Tropiezo awoke tumultuous hopes in Don +Victoriano's breast. This village practitioner must know a great deal +from experience, more perhaps than the pompous doctors of the +capital. + +"Come, papa," said the child impatiently, pulling him by the +sleeve. + +They took the path toward the grove. Vilamorta, naturally given +to early rising, was more full of activity at this hour than in the +afternoon. The shops were open, the baskets of the fruit-venders were +already filled with fruit. Cansin walked up and down his +establishment with his hands in his pockets, affecting to have +noticed nothing, so as not to be obliged to bid good-morning to +Agonde and acknowledge his triumph. Pellejo, covered with flour, was +haggling with three shopkeepers from Cebre, who wanted to buy some of +his best wheat. Ramon, the confectioner, was dividing chocolate into +squares on a large board placed on the counter and rapidly stamping +them with a hot iron before they should have time to cool. + +The morning was cloudless and the sun was already unusually hot. +The party, augmented by García and Genday, walked through orchards +and cornfields until they reached the entrance to the walk. Don +Victoriano uttered an exclamation of joy. It was the same double row +of elms bordering the river, the foaming and joyous Avieiro, that ran +on sparkling in gentle cascades, washing with a pleasant murmur the +rocks, worn smooth by the action of the current. He recognized the +thick osier plantations; he remembered all his longings of the day +before and leaned, full of emotion, on the parapet of the walk. The +scene was almost deserted; half a dozen melancholy and +bilious-looking individuals, visitors to the springs, were walking +slowly up and down, discussing their ailments in low tones, and +eructating the bicarbonate of the waters. Nieves, leaning back on a +stone bench, gazed at the river. The child touched her on the +shoulder, saying: + +"Mamma, the young man we saw yesterday." + +On the opposite bank Segundo García was standing on a rock, +absorbed in meditation, his straw hat pushed far back on his head, +his hand resting on his hip, doubtless with the purpose of preserving +his equilibrium in so dangerous a position. Nieves reproved the +little girl, saying: + +"Don't be silly, child. You startled me. Salute the gentleman." + +"He is not looking this way. Ah! now he is looking. Salute him, +you, mamma. He is taking off his hat, he is going to fall! There! now +he is safe." + +Don Victoriano descended the stone steps leading to the spring. +The abode of the naiad was a humble grotto--a shed supported on rough +posts, a small basin overflowing with the water from the spring, some +wretched hovels for the bathers, and a strong and sickening odor of +rotten eggs, caused by the stagnation of the sulphur water, were all +that the fastidious tourist found there. Notwithstanding this, Don +Victoriano's soul was filled with the purest joy. In this naiad he +beheld his youth, his lost youth--the age of illusions, of hopes +blooming as the banks of the Avieiro. How many mornings had he come +to drink from the fountain, for a jest, to wash his face with the +water, which enjoyed throughout the country the reputation of +possessing extraordinary curative virtue for the eyes. Don Victoriano +stretched out his hands, plunged them into the warm current, feeling +it slip through his fingers with delight, and playing with it and +caressing it as one caresses a loved being. But the undulating form +of the naiad escaped from him as youth escapes from us--without the +possibility of detaining it. Then the ex-Minister felt a thirst +awaken in him to drink the waters. Beside him on the edge of the +basin was a glass; and the keeper, a poor old man in his dotage, +presented it to him with an idiotic smile. Don Victoriano drank, +closing his eyes, with indescribable pleasure, enjoying the +mysterious water, charmed by the magic arts of memory. When he had +drained the glass he drew himself up and ascended the stairs with a +firm and elastic step. Victoriniña, who was breakfasting on bread and +cheese in the avenue, was astonished when her father took a piece of +bread from her lap, saying gayly: + +"We are all God's creatures." + + + + + VI. + + +Almost as much as by Don Victoriano's arrival was Vilamorta +excited by the arrival of Señor de las Vides, accompanied by his +steward, Primo Genday. This event happened on the afternoon of the +memorable day on which Don Victoriano had infringed the commands of +science by eating half a pound of fresh bread. At three o'clock, +under a blazing sun, Genday the elder and Mendez entered the plaza, +the latter mounted on a powerful mule, the former on an ordinary nag. + +Señor de las Vides was a little old man as dry as a vine branch. +His carefully shaven cheeks, his thin lips and aristocratically +pointed nose and chin, his shrewd, kind eyes, surrounded by +innumerable crows' feet, his intellectual profile, his beardless +face, called loudly for the curled wig, the embroidered coat and the +gold snuff-box of the Campomanes and Arandas. With his delicate and +expressive countenance the countenance of Primo Genday contrasted +strongly. The steward's complexion was white and red, he had the fine +and transparent skin, showing the full veins underneath, of those who +are predisposed to hemiplegy. His eyes were of a greenish color, one +of them being attached, as it were, to the lax and drooping lid, +while the other rolled around with mischievous vivacity. His silvery +curls gave him a distant resemblance to Louis Philippe, as he is +represented on the coins which bear his effigy. + +By a combination not unusual in small towns Primo Genday and his +brother Clodio served under opposite political banners, both being in +reality of one mind and both pursuing the same end; Clodio ranged +himself on the side of the radicals, Primo was the support of the +Carlist party, and in cases of emergency, in the electoral contests, +they clasped hands over the fence. When the hoofs of Primo Genday's +nag resounded on the paving-stones, the windows of the reactionary +shop were opened and two or three hands were waved in friendly +welcome. Primo paused, and Mendez continued on his way to Agonde's +door, where he dismounted. + +He was received in Don Victoriano's arms, and then disappeared +among the shadows of the staircase. The mule remained fastened to the +ring, stamping impatiently, while the onlookers on the plaza +contemplated with respect the nobleman's old-fashioned harness of +embossed leather, ornamented with silver, bright with use. One after +another other mules and horses were brought to join the first comer. +And the crowd assigned them their riders with considerable judgment. +The chestnut nag of the alguazil, a fine animal, with a saddle and a +silk headstall, was no doubt for the Minister. The black donkey with +the side-saddle--who could doubt that it was for the Señora? The +other gentle white donkey they would give to the little girl. The +Alcalde's ass was for the maid. Agonde would ride the mare he always +rode, the Morena, that had more malanders on her head than hairs in +her tail. During this time the radicals, García, Clodio, Genday, and +Ramon, were discussing the respective merits of the animals and the +condition of their trappings and calculating the probabilities of +their being able to reach Las Vides before nightfall. The lawyer +shook his head, saying emphatically and sententiously: + +"They are taking their time about it if they expect to do that." + +"And they are bringing the alguazil's horse for Don Victoriano!" +exclaimed the tobacconist. "Tricky as the very devil! There will be a +scene. When you rode him, Segundo, did he play you no trick?" + +"Me, no. But he is lively." + +"You shall see, you shall see." + +The travelers were now coming out of the house, and the cavalcade +began to form. The ladies seated themselves in their side-saddles and +the men settled their feet in their stirrups. Then the scene +predicted by the tobacconist took place, to the great scandal and the +further delay of the party. As soon as the alguazil's nag became +aware of the presence of a female of his race he began to snuff the +air excitedly, neighing fiercely. Don Victoriano gathered up the +reins, but, before the animal had felt the iron in his mouth, he +became so unmanageable, first rearing, then kicking violently, and +finally turning his head around to try to bite his rider's legs, that +Don Victoriano, somewhat pale, thought it prudent to dismount. +Agonde, furious, dismounted also. + +"What an infernal animal!" he cried. "Here, brutes--who told you +to bring the alguazil's horse? One would suppose you didn't know it +was a wild beast. You--Alcalde, or you, García--quick, go for +Requinto's mule; it is only two steps from here. Señor Don +Victoriano, take my mule. And that tiger, to the stable with him!" + +"No," interrupted Segundo, "I will ride him as he is already +saddled. I will go with you as far as the cross." + +And Segundo, providing himself with a strong switch, caught the +nag by the mane and at a bound was in the saddle. Instead of leaning +his weight on the stirrup he pressed the animal's sides between his +legs, raining a shower of blows at the same time on his head. The +animal, which was already beginning to curvet and prance again, gave +a snort of pain, and now, quivering and subdued, obeyed his rider's +touch. The cavalcade put itself in motion as soon as Requinto's mule +was brought, after handshakings, waving of hats, and even a timid +_viva_, from what quarter no one knew. The cortége proceeded along +the highway, the mare and the mules heading the procession, the +donkeys following behind, and at their side the nag, kept in order by +dint of switching. The sun was sinking in the west, turning the dust +of the road into gold; the chestnut trees cast lengthened shadows on +the ground, and from the osier-brake came a pleasant breeze laden +with moisture from the river. + +Segundo rode along in silence; Victoriniña, delighted to be +riding on a donkey, smiled, making fruitless efforts to hide with her +frock her sharp knee-bones, which the shape of the saddle compelled +her to raise and uncover. Nieves, leaning back in her saddle, opened +her rose-lined écru lace parasol, and, as they started, drew from her +bosom a diminutive watch, which she consulted for the hour. A few +moments of embarrassed silence followed. At last Segundo felt that it +was necessary to say something: + +"How are you doing, Victoriniña?" he said to the child. "Are you +comfortable?" + +"Yes, quite comfortable." + +"I warrant you would rather ride on my horse. If you are not +afraid I will take you before me." + +The girl, whose embarrassment had now reached its height, lowered +her eyes without answering; her mother, smiling graciously, however, +now joined in the conversation. + +"And tell me, García, why don't you address the child as _thou_? +You treat her with so much ceremony! You will make her fancy she is a +young lady already." + +"I should not dare to do so without her permission." + +"Come, Victoriniña, tell this gentleman he has your permission." + +The child took refuge in that invincible muteness of growing +girls whom an exquisite and precocious sensibility renders painfully +shy. A smile parted her lips, and at the same time her eyes filled +with tears. Mademoiselle said something gently to her in French; +meanwhile Nieves and Segundo, laughing confidentially at the +incident, found the way smoothed for them to begin a conversation. + +"When do you think we shall arrive at Las Vides? Is it a pretty +place? Shall we be comfortable there? How will it agree with +Victoriano? What sort of a life shall we lead? Shall we have many +visitors? Is there a garden?" + +"Las Vides is a beautiful place," said Segundo. "It has an air of +antiquity--a lordly air, as it were. I like the escutcheon, and a +magnificent grapevine that covers the courtyard, and the camellias +and lemon trees in the orchards, that look like good-sized chestnut +trees, and the view of the river, and, above all, a pine grove that +talks and even sings--don't laugh--that sings; yes, Señora, and +better than most professional singers. Don't you believe it? Well, +you shall see for yourself presently." + +Nieves looked with lively curiosity at the young man and then +hastily turned her glance aside, remembering the quick and nervous +hand-pressure of the day before, when she was alighting from the +carriage. For the second time in the space of a few hours this young +man had surprised her. Nieves led an extremely regular life in +Madrid--the life of the middle classes, in which all the incidents +are commonplace. She went to mass and shopped in the morning; in the +afternoon she went to the Retiro, or made visits; in the evening she +went to her parents' house or to the theater with her husband; on +rare occasions to some ball or banquet at the house of the Duke of +Puenteanchas, a client of Don Victoriano's. When the latter received +the portfolio it made little change in Nieves' way of life. She +received a few more salutations than before in the Retiro; the clerks +in the shops were more attentive to her; the Duchess of Puenteanchas +said some flattering things to her, calling her "pet," and here ended +for Nieves the pleasure of the ministry. The trip to Vilamorta, the +picturesque country of which she had so often heard her father speak, +was a novel incident in her monotonous life. Segundo seemed to her a +curious detail of the journey. He looked at her and spoke to her in +so odd a way. Bah, fancies! Between this young man and herself there +was nothing in common. A passing acquaintance, like so many others to +be met here at every step. So the pines sang, did they? A misfortune +for Gayarre! And Nieves smiled graciously, dissembling her strange +thoughts and went on asking questions, to which Segundo responded in +expressive phrases. Night was beginning to fall. Suddenly, the +cavalcade, leaving the highroad, turned into a path that led among +pine groves and woods. At a turn of the path could be seen the +picturesque dark stone cross, whose steps invited to prayer or to +sentimental reverie. Agonde stopped here and took his leave of the +party, and Segundo followed his example. + +As the tinkling of the donkeys' bells grew fainter in the +distance Segundo felt an inexplicable sensation of loneliness and +abandonment steal over him, as if he had just parted forever from +persons who were dear to him or who played an important part in his +life. "A pretty fool I am!" said the poet to himself. "What have I to +do with these people or they with me? Nieves has invited me to spend +a few days at Las Vides, _en famille_. When Nieves returns to Madrid +this winter she will speak of me as 'That lawyer's son, that we met +at Vilamorta.' Who am I? What position should I occupy in her house? +An altogether secondary one. That of a boy who is treated with +consideration because his father disposes of votes." + +While Segundo was thus caviling, the apothecary overtook him, and +horse and mule pursued their way side by side. In the twilight the +poet could distinguish the placid smile of Agonde, his red cheeks, +looking redder in contrast to the lustrous black mustache, his +expression of sensual amiability and epicurean beatitude. An enviable +lot was the apothecary's. This man was happy in his comfortable and +well-ordered shop, with his circle of friends, his cap and his +embroidered slippers, taking life as one takes a glass of cordial, +sipping it with enjoyment, in peace and harmony, along with the other +guests at the banquet of life. Why should not Segundo be satisfied +with what satisfied Agonde perfectly? Whence came this longing for +something that was not precisely money, nor pleasure, nor fame, nor +love--which partook of all these, which embraced them all and which +perhaps nothing would satisfy? + +"Segundo." + +"Eh?" he answered, turning his head toward Agonde. + +"How silent you are, my boy! What do you think of the Minister?" + +"What would you have me think of him?" + +"And the Señora? Come, you have noticed her, I warrant. She wears +black silk stockings, like the priests. When she was mounting the +donkey----" + +"I am going to take a gallop as far as Vilamorta. Do you care to +join me, Saturnino?" + +"Gallop with this mule? I should arrive there with my stomach in +my mouth. Gallop you, if you have a fancy for doing so." + +The nag galloped for half a league or so, urged by his rider's +whip. As they drew near the canebrake by the river, Segundo slackened +his horse's gallop to a very slow walk. It was now almost dark and +the cool mists rose, moist and clinging, from the bosom of the +Avieiro. Segundo remembered that it was two or three days since he +had put his foot in Leocadia's house. No doubt the schoolmistress was +now fretting herself to death, weeping and watching for him. This +thought brought sudden balm to Segundo's wounded spirit. How tenderly +Leocadia loved him! With what joy did she welcome him! How deeply his +poetry, his words, moved her! And he--why was it that he did not +share her ardor? Of this exclusive, this absolute, boundless love, +Segundo had never deigned to accept even the half; and of all the +tender terms of endearment invented by the muse he chose for Leocadia +the least poetical, the least romantic; as we separate the gold and +silver in our purse from the baser coin, setting aside for the beggar +the meanest copper, so did Segundo dispense with niggard hand the +treasures of his love. A hundred times had it happened to him, in his +walks through the country, to fill his hat with violets, with +hyacinths and branches of blackberry blossoms, only to throw them all +into the river on reaching the village, in order not to carry them to +Leocadia. + + + + + VII. + + +While she distributed their tasks among the children, saying to +one, "Take care to make this hem straight," to another, "Make this +seam even, the stitch smaller," to a third, "Use your handkerchief +instead of your dress," and to still another, "Sit still, child, +don't move your feet," Leocadia cast a glance from time to time +toward the plaza in the hope of seeing Segundo pass by. But no +Segundo was to be seen. The flies settled themselves to sleep, +buzzing, on the ceiling; the heat abated; the afternoon came, and the +children went away. Leocadia felt a profound sadness take possession +of her and, without waiting to put the house in order, she went to +her room and threw herself on the bed. + +The glass door was pushed gently open, and some one entered +softly. + +"Mamma," said the intruder, in a low voice. + +The schoolmistress did not answer. + +"Mamma, mamma," repeated the hunchback, in a louder voice. +"Mamma!" he shouted at last. + +"Is that you? What do you want?" + +"Are you ill?" + +"No, child." + +"As you went to bed----' + +"I have a slight headache. There, leave me in peace." + +Minguitos turned round and walked in silence toward the door. As +her eyes fell on the protuberance of his back, a sharp pang pierced +the heart of the schoolmistress. How many tears that hump had cost +her in other days. She raised herself on her elbow. + +"Minguitos!" she called. + +"What is it, mamma?" + +"Don't go away. How do you feel to-day? Have you any pain?" + +"I feel pretty well, mamma. Only my chest hurts me." + +"Let me see; come here." + +Leocadia sat up in the bed and, taking the child's head between +her hands, looked at him with a mother's hungry look. Minguitos' face +was long and of a melancholy cast; the prominent lower jaw was in +keeping with the twisted and misshapen body that reminded one of a +building shaken out of shape by an earthquake or a tree twisted by a +hurricane. Minguitos' deformity was not congenital. He had always +been sickly, indeed, and it had always been remarked that his head +seemed too heavy for his body, and that his legs seemed too frail to +support him. Leocadia recalled one by one the incidents of his +childhood. At five years old the boy had met with an accident--a fall +down the stairs; from that day he lost all his liveliness; he walked +little and never ran. He contracted a habit of sitting Turkish +fashion, playing marbles for hours at a time. If he rose his legs +soon warned him to sit down again. When he stood, his movements were +vacillating and awkward. When he was quiet he felt no pain, but when +he turned any part of his body, he experienced slight pains in the +spinal column. The trouble increased with time; the boy complained of +a feeling as if an iron band were compressing his chest. Then his +mother, now thoroughly alarmed, consulted a famous physician, the +best in Orense. He prescribed frictions with iodine, large doses of +phosphates of lime, and sea-bathing. Leocadia hastened with the boy +to a little sea-port. After taking two or three baths, the trouble +increased; he could not bend his body; his spinal column was rigid +and it was only when he was in a horizontal position that he felt any +relief from his now severe pains. Sores appeared on his skin, and one +morning when Leocadia begged him with tears to straighten himself, +and tried to lift him up by the arms, he uttered a horrible cry. + +"I am broken in two, mamma--I am broken in two," he repeated with +anguish, while his mother, with trembling fingers sought to find what +had caused his cry. + +It was true! The backbone had bent outward, forming an angle on a +level with his shoulderblades, the softened vertebræ had sunk and +_cifosis_, the hump, the indelible mark of irremediable calamity, was +to deform henceforth this child who was dearer to her than her life. +The schoolmistress had had a moment of animal and sublime anguish, +the anguish of the wild beast that sees its young mutilated. She had +uttered shriek after shriek, cursing the doctor, cursing herself, +tearing her hair and digging her nails into her flesh. Afterward +tears had come and she had showered kisses, delirious, but soothing +and sweet, on the boy, and her grief took a resigned form. During +nine years Leocadia had had no other thought than to watch over her +little cripple by night and by day, sheltering him in her love, +amusing with ingenious inventions the idle hours of his sedentary +childhood. A thousand incidents of this time recurred to Leocadia's +memory. The boy suffered from obstinate dyspnoea, due to the pressure +of the sunken vertebræ on the respiratory organs, and his mother +would get up in the middle of the night and go in her bare feet to +listen to his breathing and to raise his pillows. As these +recollections came to her mind Leocadia felt her heart melt and +something stir within her like the remains of a great love, the warm +ashes of an immense fire, and she experienced the unconscious +reaction of maternity, the irresistible impulse which makes a mother +see in her grown-up son only the infant she has nursed and protected, +to whom she would have given her blood, if it had been necessary, +instead of milk. And uttering a cry of love, pressing her feverish +lips passionately to the pallid temples of the hunchback, she said, +falling back naturally into the caressing expressions of the dialect: + +"_Malpocadiño._ Who loves you? say, who loves you dearly? Who?" + +"You don't love me, mamma. You don't love me," the boy returned, +half-smiling, leaning his head with delight on the bosom that had +sheltered his sad childhood. The mother, meantime, wildly kissed his +hair, his neck, his eyes--as if to make up for lost time--lavishing +upon him the honeyed words with which infants are beguiled, words +profaned in hours of passion, which overflowed in the pure channel of +maternal love. + +"My treasure--my king--my glory." + +At last the hunchback felt a tear fall on his cheek. Delicious +assuagement! At first, the tears were large and round, scorching +almost, but soon they came in a gentle shower and then ceased +altogether, and there remained where they had fallen only a grateful +sense of coolness. Passionate phrases rushed simultaneously from the +lips of mother and son. + +"Do you love me dearly, dearly, dearly? As much as your whole +life?" + +"As much, my life, my treasure." + +"Will you always love me?" + +"Always, always, my joy." + +"Will you do something to please me, mamma? I want to ask +you----" + +"What?" + +"A favor. Don't turn your face away!" + +The hunchback observed that his mother's form suddenly grew stiff +and rigid as a bar of iron. He no longer felt the sweet warmth of her +moist eyelids, and the gentle contact of her wet lashes on his cheek. +In a voice that had a metallic sound Leocadia asked her son: + +"And what is the favor you want? Let me hear it." + +Minguitos murmured without bitterness, with resignation: + +"Nothing, mamma, nothing. I was only in jest." + +"But what was the favor you were going to ask me?" + +"Nothing, nothing, indeed." + +"No, you wanted to ask something," persisted the schoolmistress, +seizing the pretext to give vent to her anger. "Otherwise you are +very deceitful and very sly. You keep everything hidden in your +breast. Those are the lessons Flores teaches you; do you think I +don't notice it?" + +Saying this, she pushed the boy away from her, and sprang from +the bed. In the hall outside almost at the same moment was heard a +firm and youthful step. Leocadia trembled, and turning to Minguitos, +stammered: + +"Go, go to Flores. Leave me alone. I do not feel well, and you +make me worse," + +Segundo's brow was clouded, and as soon as the joy of seeing him +had subsided Leocadia was seized with the desire to restore him to +good humor. She waited patiently for a fitting opportunity, however, +and when this came, throwing her arms around his neck, she began with +the complaint: Where had he kept himself? Why had he stayed away so +long? The poet unburdened himself of his grievances. It was +intolerable to follow in the train of a great man. And allowing +himself to be carried away by the pleasure of speaking of what +occupied his mind he described Don Victoriano and the radicals, he +satirized Agonde's reception of his guests, his manner of +entertaining them, spoke of the hopes he founded in the protection of +the ex-Minister, giving them as a reason for the necessity of paying +court to Don Victoriano. Leocadia fixed her dog-like look on +Segundo's countenance. + +"And the Señora and the girl--what are they like?" + +Segundo half-closed his eyes the better to contemplate an +attractive and charming image that presented itself to his mental +vision, and to reflect that in the existence of Nieves he played no +part whatsoever, it being manifest folly for him to think of Señora +de Comba, who did not think of him. This reflection, natural and +simple enough, aroused his anger. There was awakened within him a +keen longing for the unattainable, that insensate and unbridled +desire with which the likeness of a beautiful woman dead for +centuries may inspire some dreamer in a museum. + +"But answer me--are those ladies handsome?" the schoolmistress +asked again. + +"The mother, yes"--answered Segundo, speaking with the careless +frankness of one who is secure of his auditor. "Her hair is fair, and +her eyes are blue--a light blue that makes one think of the verses of +Becquer." And he began to recite: + + "'Tu pupila es azul, y cuando ries + Su claridad suave me recuerda----'" + +Leocadia listened to him at first with eyes cast down; afterward +with her face turned away from him. When he had finished the poem she +said in an altered voice, with feigned calmness. + +"They will invite you to go there." + +"Where?" + +"To Las Vides, of course. I hear they intend to have a great deal +of company." + +"Yes; they have given me a pressing invitation, but I shall not +go. Uncle Clodio insists upon it that I ought to cultivate the +friendship of Don Victoriano so that he may be of use to me in Madrid +and help me to get a position there. But, child, to go and play a +sorry part is not to my liking. This suit is the best I have, and it +is in last year's fashion. If they play tresillo or give tips to the +servants--and it is impossible to make my father understand this--and +I shall not try to do so: God forbid. So that they shall not catch a +sight of me in Las Vides." + +When she heard what his intentions were, Leocadia's countenance +cleared up, and rising, radiant with happiness, she ran to the +kitchen. Flores was washing plates and cups and saucers by the light +of a lamp, knocking them angrily together and rubbing savagely. + +"The coffee-pot--did you clean it?" + +"Presently, presently," responded the old woman. "Anyone would +think that one was made of wood, that one is never to get tired--that +one can do things flying." + +"Give it to me, I will clean it. Put more wood on the fire; it is +going out and the beefsteak will be spoiled." And so saying Leocadia +washed the coffee-pot, cleaning the filter with a knitting-needle, +and put some fresh water down to boil in a new saucepan, throwing +more wood on the fire. + +"Yes, heap on wood," growled Flores, "as we get it for nothing!" + +Leocadia, who was slicing some potatoes for the beefsteak, paid +no attention to her. When she had cut up as many as she judged +necessary, she washed her hands hastily in the jar of the drain, full +of dirty water, on whose surface floated large patches of grease. She +then hurried to the parlor where Segundo was waiting for her, and +soon afterward Flores brought in the supper, which they ate, seated +at a small side-table. By the time they had got to the coffee Segundo +began to be more communicative. This coffee was what Leocadia most +prided herself on. She had bought a set of English china, an +imitation lacquer-box, a _vermeil_ sugar-tongs and two small silver +spoons, and she always placed on the table with the coffee a +liquor-stand, supplied with cumin, rum, and anisette. At the third +glass, of cumin, seeing the poet amiable and propitious, Leocadia put +her arm around his neck. He drew back brusquely, noticing with strong +repulsion the odor of cooking and of parsley with which the garments +of the schoolmistress were impregnated. + +At this moment precisely Minguitos, after letting his shoes drop +on the floor, was drawing the coverlet around him with a sigh. +Flores, seated on a low chair, began to recite the rosary. The sick +child required, to put him to sleep, the monotonous murmur of the +husky voice which had lulled him to rest, ever since his mother had +ceased to keep him company at bedtime. The Ave Marias and Gloria +Patris, mumbled rather than pronounced, little by little dulled +thought and, by the time the litany was reached, sleep had stolen +over him, and, half-unconscious, it was with difficulty he made the +responses to the barbarous phrases of the old woman: "Juana celi--Ora +pro nobis--Sal-es-enfermorun--nobis--Refajos +pecadorum--bis--Consolate flitorum--sss----" + +The only response was the labored, restless, uneven breathing +that came through the sleeping boy's half-closed lips. Flores softly +put out the tallow candle, took off her shoes, in order to make no +noise, and stole out gently, feeling her way along the dining-room +wall. From the moment in which Minguitos fell asleep there was no +more rattling of dishes in the kitchen. + + + + + VIII. + + +It was late before the Swan blew out the tallow candle which Aunt +Gáspara placed every day, always with much grumbling, in his brass +candlestick. Seated at the little table littered with books, he had +before him a sheet of paper half covered with lines of unequal +length, variegated with blots and corrections, little heaps of sand, +and here and there a flourish. Segundo would not have slept all night +if he had not first written down the poem which, from the moment he +had left the cross, had been running through his brain. Only that, +before taking up the pen, he seemed to have the poem already composed +in his head, so that all he had to do was to turn the spigot and it +would flow out in a stream, and when he took the pen in his hand the +verses, instead of rushing forth, hid themselves or vanished. A few +strophes fell on the paper, rounded, fluent, finished, with +harmonious and opportune rhymes, with a certain sweetness and +sonorousness extremely delightful to the author himself, who +scribbled them down hastily before they should take flight. Of +others, however, only the first two lines occurred to him, and, +perhaps, the fourth--this last rounded, effective; but the third line +was wanting and he must hunt for it, fill up the space, graft on the +syllables to eke out the meter. The poet paused and looked up at the +ceiling, biting the ends of his mustache, and then the idle pen +traced, obeying the mechanical impulse of the hand, a cocked hat, a +comet, or some other equally irrelevant design. Sometimes after +rejecting seven or eight rhymes he would content himself with the +ninth, which was neither better nor worse than the others. When a +superfluous syllable would cause a line to halt, he must look for +another adverb, another adjective. And the accents! If the poet could +only enjoy the privilege, of saying, eternél, for instance, instead +of etérnel, it would be so easy to write verses! + +Confounded technical difficulties! The divine fire of inspiration +glowed and burned in Segundo's mind, but as soon as he tried to +transfer it to the paper, to give expression to what he felt--to +condense, in words, a world of dreams, a psychic nebula--his mind +became a blank. To unite the form with the idea, to imprison feeling +in the golden links of rhyme! Ah, what a light and flowery chain in +appearance, and how hard to weave in reality! How deceptive the +natural grace, the facile harmony of the master! How easy it seems to +express simple, familiar images, to utter the chimeras of the +imagination and the heart in easy and flowing meter, and yet how +impossible it is, for him who is not called Becquer, to give his +verse those palpitating, diaphanous, azure wings on which the +Becquerian butterfly soars! + +While the Swan continues his task of effacing and correcting, +Leocadia is in her bedroom, preparing to retire. On other nights she +went to her room with a smile on her lips, her face glowing, her eyes +humid and half-closed, with deep circles under them, her hair in +disorder. And on those nights she was in no hurry to retire; she +would busy herself arranging the articles on her bureau, she would +even look at herself in the glass of her cheap toilet table. To-night +her lips were dry, her cheeks pale, she went at once to bed, loosened +her clothing, and let it fall on the floor, put out the light and +buried her face in the cool, thick cotton sheets. She did not wish to +think, all she wished was to forget and to sleep. She tried to lie +still. A thousand needles seemed to pierce her flesh; she turned +around, in search of a cool spot, then turned again in search of +another, and presently she threw off the sheets. She felt a horrible +restlessness, a savor of bitterness in her mouth. In the silence of +the night she could hear the tumultuous beating of her heart; if she +lay on her left side its noise almost deafened her. She tried to fix +her thoughts on indifferent subjects, and repeated to herself with +monotonous and persistent regularity--"To-morrow is Sunday, the +children will not come." In vain; her brain boiled, her blood burned +as before. Leocadia was jealous. + +Measureless, nameless torture! Hitherto the poor schoolmistress +had not known the accompaniment of love, jealousy, whose barbed sting +pierces the soul, whose consuming fire dries up the blood, whose +chill freezes the heart, whose restless anguish makes the nerves +quiver. Segundo scarcely noticed the young girls of Vilamorta; as for +the peasant girls, they did not exist for him, he did not even regard +them as women; so that Leocadia had attributed the poet's hours of +coldness to the bad offices of the muses. But now! She recalled the +poem, "A los ojos azules," and his manner of reciting it. Those +honeyed verses were to her gall and wormwood. Tears sprang to her +eyes, and she broke into convulsive sobs which shook her frame and +made the bedstead creak and the cornhusks of the mattress rustle. +Still her overwrought brain did not suspend its activity. There was +not a doubt but that Segundo was in love with Señora de Comba; but +she was a married woman. Bah! in Madrid and in novels all the married +women have lovers. And then, who could resist Segundo, a poet who was +the rival of Becquer, who was young, handsome, ardent, when he wished +to be so? + +What could Leocadia do to avert this great calamity? Was it not +better to resign herself to it? Ah, resignation, that is easily said! +Why had God denied her the power to express her feelings? Why had she +not knelt before Segundo, begging him for a little love, describing +to him and communicating to him the flame that consumed the marrow of +her bones? Why had she remained mute when she had so many things to +say? Segundo would not go to Las Vides; so much the better. He had no +money; better still. He would accept no position, he would not leave +Vilamorta, better and better. But what did it matter if after all +Segundo did not love her; if he had turned away from her with a +gesture which she could still see in the darkness, or rather in the +lurid light of jealousy. + +How warm the night was! How restless she felt! She got out of bed +and threw herself on the floor, thinking to find some relief in the +coolness of the boards. Instead of feeling any alleviation she was +seized with a fit of trembling. A lump seemed to rise in her throat +that prevented her from breathing. She made an effort to stand up but +found that she was not able; she felt a hysterical attack coming on, +but she tried to restrain her cries, her sobs, her contortions, in +order not to awaken Flores. For a time she succeeded; but at last the +nervous crisis conquered; her rigid limbs writhed, she dug her nails +into her throat, she rolled about and beat her temples against the +floor. Then a cold perspiration broke out over her body, and for a +moment she lost consciousness. When she returned to herself she was +calm but exhausted. She rose to her feet, went back to bed, drew the +clothing over her and sank into a sort of stupor, in which there was +neither thought nor feeling. The beneficent sleep of early morning +had wrapped her senses in oblivion. + +She woke late, unrested, exhausted, and, as it were, stupefied. +She could scarcely manage to dress herself; it seemed to her as if a +year had passed since the night before, and as for her jealous rage, +her projects of resistance--how could she have thought of such +things? All that mattered to her, all she desired, was that Segundo +should be happy, that he should achieve his high destiny, that he +should be famous. The rest was madness, a convulsion, an attack of +the nerves to which she had given way, overcome by the sense of her +loneliness. + +The schoolmistress opened the bureau-drawer in which she kept her +savings and the money for the household expenses. Beside a pile of +stockings was a slim and flabby purse. A short time ago it had +contained a few thousand reals, all she possessed in money. Scarcely +thirty dollars remained, and out of these she must pay Cansin for a +black merino dress, the confectioner for liqueurs, and some friends +at Orense for purchases made on her account. And she would not +receive her little income until November. A brilliant prospect truly! + +After a moment of anguish caused by the struggle between her +economical principles and her resolution, Leocadia washed her face, +smoothed her hair, put on her dress and her silk manto and left the +house. Being Sunday, the streets were full of people, and the cracked +bell of the chapel kept up an incessant ringing. The plaza was full +of bustle and animation. Before Doña Eufrasia's door, three or four +mules, whose clerical riders were in the shop, were impatiently +trying to protect themselves from the persistent attacks of the flies +and hornets, shaking their heads, stamping their hoofs, and switching +their flanks with their rough tails. And the fruit-venders, too, in +the intervals between selling their wares and chatting and laughing +with one another, were watchful to chase away the troublesome insects +that settled on the cherries and tomatoes wherever the skin was +broken, leaving uncovered the sweet pulp or the red flesh. But the +grand conclave of the flies was held in the confectionery of Ramon. +It was nauseating to see the insects buzzing blindly in the hot +atmosphere, entangling their legs in the caramels, and then making +desperate efforts to free themselves from their sweet captivity. A +swarm of flies were buzzing around a méringue pie which adorned the +center of the shelf, and Ramon having grown tired of defending it +against their attacks, the invading army rifled it at their pleasure; +around the plate lay the bodies of the flies which had perished in +the attack; some dry and shriveled, others swollen and with white and +livid abdomens. + +Leocadia entered the back shop. Ramon was there, with his +shirt-sleeves rolled up, exposing his brawny arms, shaking a saucepan +gently to cool the egg-paste which it contained; then he proceeded to +cut the paste with a hot knife, the sugar fizzing and sending forth a +pleasant odor as it came in contact with the hot metal. The +confectioner passed the back of his hand across his perspiring brow. + +What did Leocadia want? Brizar anisette, eh? Well, it was all +sold. "You, Rosa, isn't it true that the anisette is all sold?" + +The confectioner's wife was seated in a corner of the kitchen, +feeding a sickly-looking infant. She fixed her gloomy, morbidly +jealous gaze on the schoolmistress and cried in a harsh voice: + +"If you come for more anisette, remember the three bottles that +are still unpaid for." + +"I will pay them now," answered the schoolmistress, taking a +handful of dollars from her pocket. + +"Never mind that now, there is no hurry," stammered the +confectioner, ashamed of his wife's rudeness. + +"Take it, Ramon. Why, it was to give it to you that I came." + +"If you insist; but the deuce a hurry I was in." + +Leocadia hastened away. Not to have remembered the confectioner's +wife! Who would ask anything from Ramon before that jealous tigress, +who, small as she was, and sickly as she looked, ruled her burly +husband with a rod of iron. Perhaps Cansin---- + +The clothier was displaying his goods to a group of countrywomen, +one of whom persisted in declaring the bunting she was looking at to +be cotton, rubbing it between her fingers to prove herself in the +right. Cansin, on his side, was rubbing the cloth with exactly +opposite views. + +"How should it be cotton, woman, how should it be cotton?" he +cried in his shrill voice, putting the cloth close to the buyer's +face. Cansin appeared so angry that Leocadia did not venture to +address him; she passed on, quickening her steps. She thought of her +other suitor, the tavern-keeper. But she suddenly remembered, with a +feeling of repulsion, his thick lips, his cheeks that seemed to drip +blood. Turning over in her mind every possible means by which she +might obtain the money she needed, a thought occurred to her. She +rejected it, she weighed it, she accepted it. Quickening her pace, +she walked toward the abode of the lawyer García. + +At her first knock Aunt Gáspara opened the door. What a meaning +contraction of the brow and lips, what a sour face greeted her! +Leocadia, abashed and covered with confusion, stood still on the +threshold. The old woman, like a vigilant watch-dog, barred the +entrance, ready to bark or bite at the first sign of danger. + +"What did you want?" she growled. + +"To speak to Don Justo. May I?" said the schoolmistress humbly. + +"I don't know. I'll see." + +And the dragon without further ceremony shut the door in +Leocadia's face. Leocadia waited. At the end of ten minutes a harsh +voice called to her: + +"Come on!" + +The heart of the schoolmistress bounded within her. To go through +the house in which Segundo was born! It was dark and shabby, cold and +bare, like the abode of a miser, in which the furniture is made to do +service until it falls to pieces with old age. Crossing a hall, +Leocadia saw through a half-open door some garments belonging to +Segundo hanging on a peg, and recognized them with a secret thrill. +At the end of the hall was the lawyer's office, an ill-kept, untidy +room, full of papers and dusty and uninteresting-looking books. Aunt +Gáspara withdrew, and Leocadia remained standing before the lawyer, +who, without inviting her to be seated, said to her with a suspicious +and hostile air, and in the severe tones of a judge: + +"And what can I do for you, Señora Doña Leocadia?" + +A formula accompanied inwardly by the observation: + +"I wager that the scheming schoolmistress has come to tell me +that she is going to marry that crazy boy and that I shall have to +support them both." + +Leocadia fixed her dejected gaze on García's face, trying to +discover in his dry and withered features some resemblance to the +features of a beloved countenance. His face, indeed, resembled +Segundo's in all but the expression, which was very different; that +of the father's being as cautious and suspicious as the son's was +dreamy and abstracted. + +"Señor Don Justo----" stammered the schoolmistress. "I am sorry +to trouble you. I hope you will not take this visit amiss--they told +me that you----Señor--I need a loan----" + +"Money!" roared the lawyer, clenching his fists. "You ask me for +money!" + +"Yes, Señor, on some property----" + +"Ah!" (sudden transition in the lawyer, who became all softness +and amiability). "But how stupid I am! Come in, come in and sit down, +Doña Leocadia. I hope you are quite well. Why, anyone might find +himself in a difficulty. And what property is it? Talking together +people come to an understanding, Señora. Perhaps the vineyard of La +Junqueira, or the other little one, El Adro? Of late years they have +yielded little----" + +The business was discussed and the promissory note was signed. +Aunt Gáspara meanwhile walked uneasily and with ghost-like tread, up +and down the hall outside. When her brother issued from the room and +gave her some orders she crossed herself hastily several times on the +forehead and the breast. She then descended stealthily to the cellar, +and, after some little delay, returned and emptied on the lawyer's +table the contents of her apron, whence rolled four objects covered +with dust and cobwebs, from which proceeded, as they struck the +table, the peculiar sound produced by coin. These objects were an +earthern savings-bank, a stocking, a leathern sack, and a little +muslin bag. + +That afternoon Leocadia said to Segundo: + +"Do you know what, sweetheart? It is a pity that for the sake of +a new suit or some such trifle you should lose the chance of +establishing yourself and obtaining what you wish. See, I have a +little money here that I have no particular use for. Do you want it, +eh? I will give it to you now and you can return it to me by and by." + +Segundo drew himself up and, with a genuine outburst of offended +dignity, exclaimed: + +"Never propose anything like that to me again. I accept your +attentions at times so as not to see you breaking your heart at my +refusal, but that you should clothe me and support me--no, that is +too much." + +Half an hour later the schoolmistress renewed her entreaties +affectionately, availing herself of the opportunity, seeing the Swan +somewhat pensive. Between him and her there ought to be no _mine_ or +_thine_. Why should he hesitate to accept what it afforded her so +great a pleasure to give? Did her future by chance depend upon those +few paltry dollars? With them he could present himself decently at +Las Vides, publish his verses, go to Madrid. It would make her so +happy to see him triumph, eclipse Campoamor, Nuñez de Arce, and all +the rest! And what was there to prevent Segundo from returning her +the money, and with interest, too? Talking thus, Leocadia filled a +handkerchief tied at the four corners with ounces and _doblillos_ and +_centenes_ and handed it to the poet, saying in a voice rendered +husky by her emotion: + +"Will you slight me?" + +Segundiño took the unbeautiful, ungraceful head of the +schoolmistress between his hands, and looking fixedly in the eyes +that looked at him humid with happiness he said: + +"Leocadia, I know that you are the one human being in this world +who loves me truly." + +"Segundiño, my life," she stammered, beside herself with +happiness, "it isn't worth mentioning. Just as I give you that--as I +hope for salvation--I would give you the blood from my veins!" + +And what would Aunt Gáspara have said had she known that several +of the ounces from the stocking, the savings-bank, the sack, and the +bag would return immediately, loyal and well-trained, to sleep, if +not under the rafters of the cellar, at least under the roof of Don +Justo? + + + + + IX. + + +The grapevine of Las Vides which has such pleasant recollections +for Don Victoriano Andres de la Comba, bears those large, substantial +grapes of the light red and pale green hues which predominate in +Flemish vineyards, which are known in the neighborhood by the name of +_náparo_ or _Jaen_ grapes. Its clusters hang in long corymbs of a +gracefully irregular shape, half hiding themselves among the thick +foliage. The vine casts a cool shade, and the murmur of a slender +stream of water that falls into a rough stone basin in which +vegetables lie soaking, adds to the air of peacefulness of the scene. + +The massive building looks almost like a fortress; the main +building is flanked by two square towers, low-roofed and pierced by +deep-set windows; in the middle of the central building, above a long +iron balcony, stands out the large escutcheon with the armorial +bearings of the Mendez--five vine-leaves and a wolf's head dripping +blood. This balcony commands a view of the mountain slope and of the +river that winds below; at the side of one of the towers is a wooden +gallery, open to the sun, which projects over the garden, and where, +thanks to the southern exposure, fine carnations grow luxuriantly in +old pots filled with mold, and wooden boxes overflow with sweet +basil, Santa Teresa's feathers, cactus, asclepias, and mallows--a +sun-loving, rich, Arabian flora of intoxicating sweetness. The +interior of the house is merely a series of whitewashed rooms with +the rafters exposed and almost without furniture, excepting the +central room, called the balcony-room, which is furnished with chairs +with straw seats and wooden, lyre-shaped backs, of the style of the +Empire. A mirror from which the quicksilver has almost disappeared, +with a broad ebony frame ornamented with allegorical figures of +gilded brass representing Phoebus driving his chariot, hangs above +the sofa. The pride of Las Vides is not the rooms, but the cellar, +the immense wine-vault, dark, and echoing, and cool as the aisle of a +cathedral, with its large vats ranged in a line on either side. This +apartment, unrivaled in the Border, is the one which Señor de las +Vides shows with most pride--this and his bedroom, which has the +peculiarity of being impregnable, as it is built in the body of the +wall and can be entered only through a narrow passage which scarcely +affords room for a man to turn around. + +Mendez de las Vides resembled in no way the traditional type of +the ignorant lord of the manor who makes a cross for his signature, a +type very common in that inland country. On the contrary, Mendez +prided himself on being learned and cultured. He wrote a good +hand--the small, close handwriting characteristic of obstinate old +age; he read well, settling his spectacles on his nose, holding the +newspaper or the book at a distance, emphasizing the words in a +measured voice. Only his culture was confined to a single epoch--that +of the Encyclopedists, with whom his father became acquainted late in +life, and he himself a century after their time. He read Holbach, +Rousseau, Voltaire, and the fourteen volumes of Feijóo. He bore the +stamp and seal of this epoch even in his person. In religion he was a +deist, never neglecting, however, to go to mass and to eat fish in +Holy Week; in politics he was inclined to uphold the prerogatives of +the crown against the church. Since the arrival of Don Victoriano, +however, some movement had taken place in the stratified ideas of the +hidalgo of Las Vides. He admired English independence, the regard +paid to the right of the individual combined with a respect for +tradition and the civilizing influence of the aristocratic classes--a +series of Saxon importations more or less felicitous but to which Don +Victoriano owed his political success. Uncle and nephew spent hour +after hour discussing these abstruse problems of social science, +while Nieves worked, listening with the hope of hearing the trot of +some horse sound on the stones of the path announcing some visitor, +some distraction in her idle existence. + +To make the journey to Las Vides, Segundo borrowed the vicious +nag of the alguazil. From the cross onward the road grew precipitous +and difficult. Smooth, slippery rocks obstructed the way at times, so +that the rider was obliged to hold a tight rein to keep the animal, +whose hoofs slipped continually, drawing sparks from the stone, from +falling headlong down the descent. The ground, parched by the heat, +was rugged and uneven. The houses seemed to cling to the +mountain-side, threatening to lose their hold at every moment and +topple over into the river, and the indispensable pot of carnations, +whose flowers peeped through the rails of the wooden balconies, +reminded one of the flower with which a gypsy carelessly adorns her +hair. Sometimes Segundo's way led through a pine grove, and he +inhaled the balsamic odor of the resin and rode over a carpet of dry +leaves which deadened the sound of his horse's hoofs; suddenly, +between two fences, a narrow path, bordered by blackberry bushes, +foxglove and honeysuckle would open before him, and not unfrequently +he experienced the delightful sense of well-being produced by the +coolness cast by umbrageous foliage during the heat of the day, as he +rode through some verdant tunnel--under some lofty grape arbor +supported on wooden posts, beholding above his head the bunches +already ripening, and listening to the noisy twittering of the +sparrows and the shrill whistle of the blackbird. Lizards ran along +the moss-covered walls. When two or more paths met Segundo would rein +in his horse, to inquire the way to Las Vides of the women who toiled +wearily up the steep path, bending under their load of pine wood, or +the children playing at the doors of the houses. + +Far below ran the Avieiro, that, from the height at which Segundo +regarded it, looked like a steel blade flashing and quivering in the +sunshine. Before him was the mountain where, like the steps of a +colossal amphitheater, rose one above another massive walls of +whitish stone, erected for the support of the grapevines, the white +stripes showing against the green background, forming an odd +combination in which stood out here and there the red roof of some +dovecote or some old homestead, the whole surmounted by the darker +green of the pine woods. Segundo at last saw below him the tiles of +Las Vides. He descended a steep slope and found himself before the +portico. + +Under the grapevine were Victorina and Nieves. The child was +amusing herself jumping the rope, which she did with extraordinary +agility, the feet close together, without moving from one spot, the +rope turning so rapidly that the graceful form of the jumper seemed +to be enveloped in a sort of mist. Through the interstices in the +foliage of the grapevine came large splashes of sunshine suddenly +flooding the girl's form with light, in which her hair, her arms and +her bare legs gleamed, for she wore only a loose navy blue blouse +without sleeves. When she caught sight of Segundo she gave a little +cry, dropped the rope and disappeared. Nieves, to make amends, rose +from the bench where she had been working, with a smile on her lips +and a slight flush of surprise on her cheeks, and extended her hand +to the newcomer, who made haste to dismount from his horse. + +"And Señor Don Victoriano, how is he?" he asked. + +"Oh, he is somewhere in the neighborhood; he is very well, and +very much interested in the labors of the country--very contented." +Nieves said these words with the abstracted air with which we speak +of things that possess only a slight interest for us. Segundo +observed that the glance of the Minister's wife rested on his fine +suit, which he had just received from Orense; and the idea that she +might think it pretentious or ridiculous disturbed him so greatly for +a time that he regretted not having worn his ordinary clothes. + +"You frightened away Victorina," continued Nieves, smiling. +"Where can the silly child have disappeared to? No doubt she ran away +because she had on only a blouse. You treat her like a woman, and she +is growing unbearable. Come." + +Nieves gathered up the skirt of her morning gown of white +cretonne spotted with rosebuds, and made her way intrepidly into the +kitchen, which was on a level with the yard. Following the little +Louis XV. heels covered by the Breton lace of her petticoat, Segundo +passed through several rooms--the kitchen, the dining-room, the +Rosary room, so called because in it Primo Genday said prayers with +the servants, and finally the balcony room. Here Nieves stopped, +saying: + +"I will call to them if they chance to be in the vineyard." + +And leaning out of the window, she cried: + +"Uncle! Victoriano! Uncle!" + +Two voices responded. + +"What is it? We are coming." + +Finding nothing opportune to say, Segundo was silent. Her +conscience at rest, now that she had called the elders, Nieves turned +toward him and said, with the graciousness of a hostess who knows +what are the duties of her position: + +"How good this is of you! We had not thought you would care to +come before the vintage. And now that the holidays are +approaching--indeed I supposed we should see you in Vilamorta before +seeing you here, as Victoriano has determined to take a fortnight's +course of the waters." + +She leaned against the wall as she spoke, and Segundo tapped the +toe of his boot with his whip. From the garden came the voice of +Mendez: + +"Nieves! Nieves! Come down, if it is all the same to you." + +"Excuse me, I am going for a parasol." + +She soon returned, and Segundo offered her his arm. They +descended into the garden through the gallery, and after the +customary greetings were over Mendez protested against Segundo's +returning that afternoon to Vilamorta. + +"The idea! A pretty thing that would be! To expose yourself to +the heat twice in the same day!" + +And Señor de las Vides, availing himself of an opportunity which +no rural proprietor ever lets slip, took possession of the poet and +gave himself up to the task of showing him over the estate. He +explained to him at the same time his viticultural enterprises. He +had been among the first to employ sulphur fumigation with success, +and he was now using new manures which would perhaps solve the +problem of grape cultivation. He was making experiments with the +common wine of the Border, trying to make with it an imitation of the +rich Bordeaux; to impart to it, with powdered lily-root, the bouquet, +the fragrance, of the French wines. But he had to contend against the +spirit of routine, fanaticism, as he said, confidentially lowering +his voice and laying his hand on Segundo's shoulder. The other +vine-growers accused him of disregarding the wholesome traditions of +the country, of adulterating and making up wine. As if they +themselves did not make it up. Only that they did so, using common +drugs for the purpose--logwood and nightshade. He contented himself +with employing rational methods, scientific discoveries, the +improvements of modern chemistry, condemning the absurd custom of +using pitch in the skins, for although the people of the Border +approved of the taste of pitch in the wine, saying that the pitch +excited thirst, the exporters disliked, and with reason, the +stickiness imparted by it. In short, if Segundo would like to see the +wine vaults and the presses---- + +There was no help for it. Nieves remained at the door, fearing to +soil her dress. When they came out they proceeded to inspect the +garden in detail. The garden, too, was a series of walls built one +above another, like the steps of a stairs, sustaining narrow belts of +earth, and this arrangement of the ground gave the vegetation an +exuberance that was almost tropical. Camellias, peach trees, and +lemon trees grew in wild luxuriance, laden at once with leaves, +fruits, and blossoms. Bees and butterflies circled and hummed around +them, sipping their sweets, wild with the joy of mere existence and +drunken with the sunshine. They ascended by steep steps from wall to +wall. Segundo gave his arm to Nieves and at the last step they paused +to look at the river flowing below. + +"Look there," said Segundo, pointing to a distant hill on his +left. "There is the pine grove. I wager you have forgotten." + +"I have not forgotten," responded Nieves, winking her blue eyes +dazzled by the sun; "the pine grove that sings. You see that I have +not forgotten. And tell me, do you know if it will sing to-day? For I +should greatly like to hear it sing this afternoon." + +"If a breeze rises. With the air as still as it is now, the pines +will be almost motionless and almost silent. And I say _almost_, for +they are never quite silent. The friction of their tops is sufficient +to cause a peculiar vibration, to produce a murmur----" + +"And does that happen," asked Nieves jestingly, "only with the +pines here or is it the same with all pines?" + +"I cannot say," answered Segundo, looking at her fixedly. +"Perhaps the only pine grove that will ever sing for me will be that +of Las Vides." + +Nieves lowered her eyes, and then glanced round, as if in search +of Don Victoriano and Mendez, who were on one of the steps above +them. Segundo observed the movement and with rude imperiousness said +to Nieves: + +"Let us join them." + +They rejoined their companions and did not again separate from +them until they entered the dining-room, where Genday and Tropiezo +were awaiting them. The last to arrive was the child, now modestly +attired in a piqué frock and long stockings. + +The table at which they dined was placed, not in the center, but +at one side of the dining-room; it was square and at the sides, +instead of chairs, stood two oaken benches, dark with age, as seats +for the guests. The head and foot of the table were left free for the +service. Sober by nature, Segundo noticed with surprise the +extraordinary quantity of food consumed by Don Victoriano, observing +at the same time that his face was thinner than before. Now and then +the statesman paused remorsefully, saying: + +"I am eating ravenously." + +The Amphitryon protested, and Tropiezo and Genday expounded in +turn liberal and consoling doctrines. "Nature is very wise," said +Señor de las Vides, who had not forgotten Rousseau, "and he who obeys +her cannot go astray." Primo Genday, fond of eating, like all +plethoric people, added with a certain theological unction: "In order +that the soul may be disposed to serve God the reasonable +requirements of the body must first be attended to." Tropiezo, on his +side, pushed out his lower lip, denying the existence of certain +new-fangled diseases. Since the world began there had been people who +suffered as Don Victoriano was suffering and no one had ever thought +of depriving them of eating and drinking, quite the contrary. For the +very reason that the disease was a wasting one it was necessary to +eat well. Don Victoriano allowed himself to be easily persuaded. +Those dishes of former times, those antiquated, miraculous +cruet-stands in which the oil and the vinegar came from the same tube +without ever mingling, that immense loaf placed on the table as a +center-piece, were for him so many delightful relics of the past, +which reminded him of happy hours, the irresponsible years of +existence. At the dessert, when Primo Genday, still heated with a +political discussion in which he had characterized the liberals as +uncircumcised, suddenly grew very serious and proceeded to recite the +Lord's Prayer, the Minister, a confirmed rationalist, was surprised +at the devoutness with which he murmured--"Our daily bread." +_Caramba_, those memories of the days when one was young! Don +Victoriano grew young again in going over those recollections of his +boyish days. He even called to mind ephemeral engagements, +flirtations of a fortnight with young ladies of the Border who, at +the present time, must be withered old maids or respectable mothers +of families. A pretty fool he was! The ex-Minister laid down his +napkin and rose to his feet. + +"Do you sleep the siesta?" he asked Segundo. + +"No, Señor." + +"Nor I either; let us go and smoke a cigar together." + + + + + X. + + +They seated themselves near the window in the pa rlor in a couple +of rocking-chairs brought from Orense. The garden and the vineyard +breathed a lazy tranquillity, a silence so profound that the dull +sound of the ripe peaches breaking from the branch and falling on the +dry ground could be plainly heard. Through the open window came odors +of fruit and honey. In the house unbroken silence reigned. + +"Will you have a cigar?" + +"Thanks." + +The cigars were lighted and Segundo, following Don Victoriano's +example, began to rock himself. The rhythmical movement of the +rocking-chairs, the drowsy quiet of the place, invited to a serious +and confidential conversation. + +"And you, what do you do in Vilamorta? You are a lawyer, are you +not. I think I have heard that it is your intention to succeed your +father in his practice--a very intelligent man." + +Segundo felt that the occasion was propitious. The smoke of the +cigars, diffusing itself through the atmosphere, softened the light, +disposing him to confidence and dispelling his habitual reserve. + +"The thought of beginning now the career my father is just ending +horrifies me," he said, in answer to the ex-Minister's question. +"That sordid struggle to gain a little money, more or less, those +village intrigues, that miserable plotting and planning, that +drawing-up of documents--I was made for none of those things, Señor +Don Victoriano. It is not that I could not practice. I have been a +fair student and my good memory always brought me safely through in +the examinations. But for what does the profession of law serve? For +a foundation, nothing more. It is a passport, a card of admission to +some office." + +"Well----" said Don Victoriano, shaking the ashes from his cigar, +"what you say is true, very true. What is learned at the University +is of scarcely any use afterward. As for me, if it had not been for +my apprenticeship with Don Juan Antonio Prado, who taught me to make +a practical use of my legal knowledge and to know how many teeth +there are in a comb, I should not have distinguished myself greatly +by my Compostelan learning. My friend, what makes a man of one, what +really profits one is this terrible apprenticeship, the position in +which a boy finds himself when a pile of papers is set before him, +and a pompous gentleman says to him, 'Study this question to-day and +have ready for me by to-morrow a formulated opinion on it.' There is +the rub! That is what makes you sweat and bite your nails! There +neither laziness nor ignorance will avail you. The thing must be +done, and as it cannot be done by magic----" + +"Even in Madrid and on a large scale the practice of the law has +no attractions for me. I have other aspirations." + +"Let us hear what they are." + +Segundo hesitated, restrained by a feeling of shyness, as if he +had been going to narrate a dream or to descant on the delights of +love. He followed with his eyes for a few moments the blue smoke +curling upward and finally, the semi-obscurity of the room, secluded +as a confessional, dissipated his reserve. + +"I wish to follow the profession of literature," he returned. + +The statesman stopped rocking himself and took his cigar from his +mouth. + +"But my boy, literature is not a profession!" he said. "There is +no such thing as the profession of literature! Let us understand each +other--have you ever been out of Vilamorta? I mean beyond Santiago +and the neighboring towns?" + +"No, Señor." + +"Then I can understand those illusions and those childish +notions. They still believe here that a writer or a poet, from the +mere fact of his being such, may aspire to--and what do you write?" + +"Poetry." + +"You don't write prose at all?" + +"An occasional essay or newspaper article. Very little." + +"Bravo! Well, if you trust to poetry to make your way in the +world--I have remarked something curious in this place and I am going +to tell you what it is. Verses are still read here with interest, and +it seems the girls learn them by heart. But in the capital I assure +you there is scarcely anyone who cares for poetry. You are twenty or +thirty years behind the age here--at the height of the romantic +period." + +Segundo, annoyed, said with some vehemence: + +"And Campoamor? And Nuñez de Arce? And Grilo? Are they not famous +poets? Are they not popular?" + +"Campoamor? They read him because he is very witty, and he sets +the girls thinking and he makes the men laugh. He has his merit, and +he amuses while he philosophizes. But remember that neither he nor +Nuñez de Arce lives by writing verses. Much prosperity that would +bring them! As to Grilo--well, he has his admirers among ladies of +rank, and the Queen Mother publishes his poems, and as far as we can +judge he has plenty of money. But convince yourself that no one will +ever grow rich by following the road that leads to Parnassus. And +this is when masters are in question, for of poets of a secondary +rank, young men who string rhymes together with more or less +facility, there are probably now in Madrid some two or three hundred. +Have you ever heard of any of them? No; nor I either. A few friends +praise them when they publish anything in some insignificant review. +But there is no need to go on. In plain words, it is time lost." + +Segundo silently vented his anger on his cigar. + +"Don't take what I say as an offense," continued Don Victoriano. +"I know little about literature, although in my youthful days I wrote +_quintillas_, like everybody else. Besides, I have seen nothing of +what you have written, so that my opinion is impartial and my advice +sincere." + +"My ambition," began Segundo at last, "is not confined +exclusively to lyric poetry. Perhaps later I might prefer the +drama--or prose. Who knows? I only want to try my fortune." + +Don Victoriano rose and stepped out into the balcony. Suddenly he +returned, placed both hands on Segundo's shoulders, and putting his +clean-shaven face close to the face of the poet, said with a pity +which was not feigned: + +"Poor boy! How many, many disappointments are in store for you!" + +And as Segundo, astonished at this sudden effusion, remained +silent, he continued: + +"Novice as you are, you have no means of knowing what you are +doing. I am sorry for you. You are deluding yourself. In the present +state of society, in order to attain eminence in anything, you must +sweat blood like Christ in the garden of Gethsemane. If it is lyric +poetry that is in question, God help you! If you write comedies or +farces, you have an enviable fate before you--to flatter the actors, +to have your manuscript lie neglected in the corner of a drawer, to +have half an act cut out at a stroke; and then the dread of the first +night, and of what comes after it--which may be the worst of all. If +you become a journalist, you will not have ten minutes in the day to +yourself, you will make the reputation of others, and you will never +see even so much as the shadow of your own. If you write books--but +who reads in Spain? And if you throw yourself into politics--ah, then +indeed!" + +Segundo, his eyes cast down, his gaze wandering over the pine +knots in the boarded floor, listened without opening his lips to +those convincing accents that seemed to tear away one by one the +rose-leaves of his illusions, with the same strident sound with which +the nail of the speaker flicked away the ash of his cigar. At last he +raised his contracted face and looking at the statesman said, not +without a touch of sarcasm in his voice: + +"As for politics, Señor Don Victoriano, it seems to me that you +ought not to speak ill of that. It has treated you well; you have no +cause of complaint against it. For you politics has not been a +stepmother." + +Don Victoriano's countenance changed, showing plainly the ravages +disease had made in his organism; and rising to his feet a second +time, he threw away his cigar and, walking up and down the room with +hasty steps, he burst forth passionately, in words that rushed from +his lips in a sudden flood, in an impetuous and unequal stream, like +the stream of blood gushing from a severed artery: + +"Don't touch that point. Be silent about that, boy. How do you, +how does anybody know what those things are until he has thrown +himself headlong into them and is caught fast and cannot escape! If I +were to tell you--but it is impossible to tell one's whole life, day +by day, to describe a battle which has lasted for years, without rest +or respite. To struggle in order to make one's self known, to go on +struggling to keep one's self from being forgotten, to pass from law +to politics, from a wheel set with knives to a bed of live coals, to +fight in Congress without faith, without conviction, because one must +fight to keep the place one has won; and with all this not to have a +free hour, not a tranquil moment, not have time for anything. One +achieves fortune when one no longer has the inclination to enjoy it; +one marries and has a family and--one has hardly liberty to accompany +one's wife to the theater. Don't talk to me. A hell, a hell upon +earth is what politics is. Would you believe" (and here he uttered a +round oath) "that when my little girl was beginning to walk, I +proposed to myself one day to have the pleasure of taking her out +walking--a caprice, a whim. Well, I was going downstairs with the +child in my arms, very contented, when lo, I found myself face to +face with the Marquis of Cameros, a candidate for representative from +Galicia, who had come to ask me for fifteen or twenty +letters--written in my own hand so that they might prove more +efficacious. And I was such a fool, man, I was such a fool, that +instead of throwing the Marquis down the stairs, as I ought to have +done, I walked back my two flights, gave the child to her nurse, and +shut myself up in my office to prepare the election. And it was the +same thing always; tell me, then, have I reason or not to abominate +such folly, such humbug? Ah, what pains we are at to make ourselves +miserable!" + +There could be no doubt of it; in the voice of the statesman +there was the sound of repressed tears; in his throat smothered +curses and blasphemies struggled for utterance. Segundo, to do +something, threw open the window leading to the balcony. The sun was +low in the heavens; the heat had grown less intense. + +"And worst of all--the consequences!" continued Don Victoriano, +pausing in his walk. "You strive and struggle without pausing to +reflect what will be the effect upon your health. You fight, like the +knights of old, with visor down. But as you are not made of iron, but +only of flesh and blood, when you least expect it, you find yourself +sick, sick, wounded, without knowing where. You do not lose blood, +but you lose the sap of life, like a lemon that is squeezed." And the +ex-Minister laughed bitterly. "And you want to stop, to rest, to get +back health at any cost, and you find that it is too late; you have +not a drop of moisture left in your body. Well, keep on until there +is an end to you. Much your labors and your triumphs have profited +you! You have drawn down on yourself a doom from which there is no +escape!" + +He spoke with gesticulations, thrusting his hands into his +trousers pockets in an outburst of confidence, expressing himself +with as little reserve as if he had been alone. And in reality he was +talking to himself. His words were a monologue, the spoken utterance +of the gloomy thoughts which Don Victoriano, thanks to heroic +efforts, had hitherto been able to conceal in his own breast. The +strange malady from which he suffered gave rise to horrible +nightmares; he dreamed that he was turning into a loaf of sugar and +that his intellect, his blood, his life, were flowing away from him, +through a deep, deep channel, converted into syrup. In his waking +moments his mind refused to accept, as one refused to accept a +humiliation, so strange a malady. Sanchez del Abrojo must be +mistaken; his was some functional, transitory disorder, an ordinary +ailment, the result of his sedentary life, and Tropiezo's +old-fashioned remedies would perhaps after all prove more efficacious +than those of science. And if they did not? The statesman felt a cold +chill run through him that made his hair stand on end and constricted +his heart. To die when he was scarcely past forty, with his mental +powers unimpaired, with so many things begun, so many accomplished! +And no doubt this consuming thirst, this insatiable voracity, this +debilitating sensation of melting away, of fusion, of dissolving, +were all fatal symptoms. + +Suddenly Don Victoriano remembered the presence of Segundo, which +he had almost forgotten. And laying both hands on his shoulders a +second time, and fixing on the poet's eyes, his dry eyes, scorched by +repressed tears, he cried: + +"Do you wish to hear the truth, and to receive good advice? Have +you ambitions, aspirations, hopes? Well, I have had disappointments, +and I desire to do you a service by recounting them to you now. Don't +be a fool; stay here all your life; help your father, take up his +practice when he lays it down, and marry that blooming daughter of +Agonde. Never leave this land of fruits, of vines, whose climate is +so delightful. What would I not give now never to have left it! No, +my boy, remain quietly here; end a long life here surrounded by a +numerous progeny. Have you observed how healthy your father is? It is +a pleasure to see him, with his teeth so sound and perfect. I have +not a single tooth that is not decayed; they say that it is one of +the symptoms of my malady. Why, if your mother were living now you +would be having little brothers and sisters." + +Segundo smiled. + +"But, Señor Don Victoriano," he said, "to act out your ideas +would be to vegetate, not to live." + +"And what greater happiness than to vegetate," responded the +statesman, looking out of the window. "Do you think those trees there +are not to be envied?" + +The garden, indeed, seen in the light of the setting sun, had a +certain air of voluptuous bliss, as if it were enjoying a happy +dream. + +The lustrous leaves of the lemon trees and the camellias, the +gummy trunks of the fruit trees, seemed to drink in with delight the +fresh evening breeze, precursor of the vivifying dews of night. The +golden atmosphere took on in the distance faint lilac tints. +Innumerable noises began to make themselves heard, preludes to songs +of insects, to the concerts of the frogs and toads. + +The pensive tranquillity of the scene was broken in upon by the +quick trot of a mule, and Clodio Genday, out of breath, flung himself +out of his saddle, and reeled into the garden. Gesticulating with his +hands, with his head, with his whole body, he called, screamed, +vociferated: + +"Oh, I have a nice piece of news for you, a nice piece of news! I +will be there directly, I will be there directly!" + +They went to the head of the stairs leading to the garden, to +meet him, and when he rushed upon them, like an arrow shot from a +bow, they saw that he wore neither collar nor cravat, and that his +dress was in the utmost disorder. + +"A mere bagatelle, Señor Don Victoriano--that they are playing a +trick upon us; that they have played it already, that unless we take +prompt measures we shall lose the district. You would not believe it, +if I were to tell you of all the plans they have been laying, for a +long time past, at Doña Eufrasia's shop. And we simpletons suspecting +nothing. And all the priests are in the plot; the parish priests of +Lubrego, of Boan, of Naya, and of Cebre. They have set up as a +candidate Señorito de Romero of Orense, who is willing to loosen his +purse-strings. But where is Primo, that good-for-nothing, that +scarecrow, who never found out a word of all this?" + +"We will look for him, man. What do you tell me, what do you tell +me? I never thought they would have dared----" + +And Don Victoriano, animated and excited, followed Clodio, who +went shouting through the parlor: + +"Primo! Primo!" + +A little later Segundo saw the two brothers and the ex-Minister +going through the garden disputing and gesticulating violently. +Clodio was making charges against Primo, who tried to defend himself, +while Don Victoriano acted as peacemaker. In his fury Clodio shook +his clenched fist in Primo's face, almost laying violent hands upon +him, while the culprit stammered, crossing himself hastily: + +"Mercy, mercy, mercy! Ave Maria!" + +The poet watched them as they passed by, remarking the +transformation that had taken place in Don Victoriano. As he turned +away from the window he saw Nieves standing before him. + +"And those gentlemen," she said to him graciously, "have they +left you all alone? The pines must at this time be singing. There is +a breeze stirring." + +"Undoubtedly they will be singing now," returned the poet. "I +shall hear them as I ride back to Vilamorta." + +Nieves' movement of surprise did not pass unnoticed by Segundo, +who, looking her steadily in the face, added coldly and proudly: +"Unless you should command me to remain." + +Nieves was silent. She felt that courtesy required that she +should make some effort to detain her guest, while at the same time +to ask him to remain, they two being alone, seemed to her inexpedient +and liable to misconstruction. At last she took a middle course, +saying with a forced smile: + +"But why are you in such a hurry? And will you make us another +visit?" + +"We shall see each other later in Vilamorta. Good-by, Nieves, I +will not disturb Don Victoriano. Say good-by to him for me and tell +him he may count upon my father's services and upon mine." + +Without taking Nieves' outstretched hand or looking at her he +descended into the courtyard. He was settling his feet in the +stirrups when he saw a little figure appear close beside him. It was +Victorina, with her hands full of lumps of sugar, which she offered +the nag. The animal eagerly pushed out its under lip, which moved +with the intelligent undulations of an elephant's trunk. + +Segundo interposed: + +"Child, he will bite you; he bites." + +Then he added gayly: + +"Do you want me to lift you up here? You don't? I wager I can +lift you!" + +He lifted her up and seated her on the saddle-cloth, before him. +She struggled to free herself and in her struggles her beautiful hair +fell over the face and shoulders of Segundo, who was holding her +tightly around the waist. He observed with some surprise that the +girl's heart was beating tumultuously. Turning very pale Victorina +cried: + +"Mamma, mamma!" + +At last she succeeded in releasing herself and ran toward Nieves, +who was laughing merrily at the incident. Half-way she stopped, +retraced her steps, threw her arms around the horse's neck and +pressed on his nose a warm kiss. + + + + + XI. + + +Eight or ten days intervened between Segundo's visit to Las Vides +and the return of Don Victoriano and his family to Vilamorta. Don +Victoriano desired to drink the waters and at the same time to take +measures to frustrate the dark machinations of Romero's partisans. +His plan was a simple one--to offer Romero some other district, where +he would not have to spend a penny, and thus removing the only rival +who had any prestige in the country he would avoid the mortification +of a defeat through Vilamorta. It was important to do this before +October, the period at which the electoral contest was to take place. +And while Genday, García, the Alcalde and the other Combistas managed +the negotiation, Don Victoriano, installed in Agonde's house, drank +two or three glasses of the salubrious waters every morning, after +which he read his correspondence, and in the afternoon, when the +sultry heat invited to a siesta, he read or wrote in the cool parlor +of the apothecary. + +Segundo frequently accompanied him in these hours of retirement. +They talked together like two friends, and the statesman, far from +insisting on the ideas he had expressed in Las Vides, encouraged the +poet, offering him to endeavor to obtain a position for him in Madrid +which should enable him to carry out his plans. + +"A position that will not take up much of your time, nor require +much mental labor--I will see, I will see. I will be on the lookout +for something." + +Segundo observed unmistakable signs of improved health in the +wrinkled face of the Minister. Don Victoriano was experiencing the +transitory benefit which mineral waters produce at first, stimulating +the organism only to waste it all the more rapidly, perhaps, +afterward. Both digestion and circulation had become more active, and +perspiration, even, entirely suppressed by the disease, had become +re-established, dilating the pores with grateful warmth and +communicating to the dry fibers the elasticity of healthy flesh. As a +candle flares up brightly before going out, so Don Victoriano seemed +to be recovering strength when in reality he was wasting away. +Fancying health was returning to him, he breathed with delight the +narrow atmosphere of party intrigues, taking pleasure in disputing +his district inch by inch, in winning over adherents and receiving +demonstrations of sympathy, and secretly flattered by the absurd +proposal made by his parishioners to the parish priest of Vilamorta, +that incense should be burned before him. In the evening he amused +himself patriarchally among Agonde's visitors, listening to the +comical stories told of the clique at Doña Eufrasia's shop and +enjoying the ripple of excitement occasioned by the proximity of the +feasts. Little by little the innocent tresillo table of Agonde had +become transformed into something much more wicked. Now, instead of +four persons being seated at it, there was only one, around whom, +their eyes fixed on his hands, the others stood grouped. The banker's +left hand grasped the cards tightly while with the ball of his thumb +he pushed up the last card until first the spot could be descried, +then the number, then the knob of a club, the point of a diamond, the +blue tail of a horse, the turreted crown of a king, and other hands +took up stakes or took money from the pocket and laid it down on the +fateful pieces of cardboard with the words: + +"On the seven! On the four! The ace is in sight!" + +Through respect for Don Victoriano, Agonde refrained from dealing +the cards when the latter was present, bridling with difficulty the +only passion that could warm his blood and excite his placid nature, +giving up his place to Jacinto Ruedas, a famous strolling gambler, +known everywhere, who followed the scent of the gaming-table as +others follow the scent of a banquet, a rare type, something between +a swindler and a spy, who made low jests in a hoarse voice. The +chroniclers do not state whether the civil authorities, that is to +say, the judge of Vilamorta, made any attempt to interfere with the +unlawful diversion in which the visitors to the pharmacy indulged, +but it is an ascertained fact that, the judge having one leg shorter +than the other, the pounding of his crutch on the sidewalk gave +timely warning of his approach to the players. And as for the +municipal authority, it is known to a certainty that one day, or to +speak with more exactness, one night, he entered the apothecary's +back shop like a bomb, holding in his hand money which he threw on a +card, crying: + +"Gentlemen, I am queen!" + +"Be an ass, if you like!" responded Agonde, pushing him away with +marked disrespect. + +This year Don Victoriano's presence and the open hostilities +waged between his partisans and those of Romero gave a martial +character to the feasts. The Combists desired to render them more +splendid and brilliant than ever before and the Romerists to render +them a failure, as far as it was possible. In the main room of the +townhall the monster balloon, which occupied the whole length of the +apartment, was being repaired; its white sides were being covered +with inscriptions, figures, emblems, and symbols, and around the +floor were scattered tin kettles filled with paste, pots of +vermilion, Sienna, and ochre, balls of packthread and cut paper +figures. From the giant balloon sprung daily broods of smaller +balloons, miniature balloons, made with remnants and fancifully +decorated in pink and blue. At the meetings at Doña Eufrasia's they +spoke contemptuously of these preparations and commented on the +audacity of the inn-keeper's son, a mere dauber, who undertook to +paint Don Victoriano's likeness on one of the divisions of the large +balloon. The Romerist young ladies, compressing their lips and +shrugging their shoulders, declared that they would attend neither +the fire-works nor the ball, not if their adversaries were to offer +novenas with that purpose to every saint in heaven. + +On the other hand, the young ladies of the Combist party formed a +sort of court around Nieves. Every afternoon they called for her to +take her out walking; chief among these were Carmen Agonde, +Florentina, the daughter of the Alcalde, Rosa, a niece of Tropiezo, +and Clara, the eldest of García's daughters. This latter was running +about barefooted, spending her time gathering blackberries in her +apron, when she received the astounding news that her father had +ordered a gown for her from Orense, that she might visit the +Minister's lady. And the gown came with its fresh bows and its stiff +linings and the girl, her face and hands washed, her hair combed, her +feet covered with new kid boots, her eyes cast down and her hands +crossed stiffly before her, went to swell Nieves' train. Victorina +took Clara García under her especial protection, arranged her dress +and hair and made her a present of a bracelet, and they became +inseparable companions. + +They generally walked on the highroad, but as soon as Clara grew +more intimate with Victorina she protested against this, declaring +that the paths and the by-ways were much more amusing and that much +prettier things were to be met with in them. And she pressed +Victorina's arm saying: + +"Segundo knows lovely walks!" + +As chance would have it, that same afternoon, returning to the +town, they caught sight of a man stealing along in the shadow of the +houses, and Clara, who was on the other side of the way, ran over to +him, and threw her arm around his waist, crying: + +"Hey, Segundo; you can't escape from us now, we have caught you." + +The poet gave a brotherly push to Clara, and ceremoniously +saluting Nieves, who returned his salutation with extreme cordiality, +he said to her: + +"The idea of this girl--I am sure she has been making herself +troublesome to you. You must excuse her." + +They sat down on one of the benches of the Plaza, to enjoy the +fresh air, and when, on the following day the party walked out after +the siesta, Segundo joined them, studiously avoiding Nieves as if +some secret understanding, some mysterious complicity existed between +them. He mingled among the girls and, laying aside his habitual +reserve, he laughed and jested with Victorina, for whom he gathered, +as they walked along the hedges, ripe blackberries, acorns, early +chestnut burrs, and innumerable wild flowers, which the girl put into +a little Russian leather satchel. + +Sometimes Segundo led them along precipitous paths cut in the +living rock, bordered by walls, supporting grapevines through which +the expiring rays of the sun could scarcely penetrate. Again he would +take them through bare and arid woods until they reached some old oak +grove, some chestnut tree, inside whose trunk, decayed and split with +age, Segundo would hide himself while the girls hand in hand danced +around it. + +One day he took them to the stone bridge that crossed the +Avieiro, under whose arches the black water, cold and motionless, +seems to be dreaming a sinister dream. And he told them how in this +spot, where, owing to the water being deeper there and less exposed +to the sun's rays, the largest trout gathered, a corpse had been +found floating last month near the arch. He took them to hear the +echo also, and all the girls were wild with delight, talking all +together, without waiting for the wall to repeat their cries and +shouts of laughter. On another afternoon he showed them a curious +lake regarding which innumerable fables were told in the +country--that it had no bottom, that it reached to the center of the +earth, that submerged cities could be seen under its surface, that +strange woods floated and unknown flowers grew in its waters. The +so-called lake was in reality a large excavation, probably a Roman +mine that had been flooded with water, which, imprisoned within the +chain of hillocks of argillaceous tophus heaped up around it by the +miners' shovels, presented a sepulchral and fantastic aspect, the +weird effect of the scene being heightened by the somber character of +the marsh vegetation which covered the surface of the immense pool. +When it began to grow dark the children declared that this lugubrious +scene made them horribly afraid; the girls confessed to the same +feeling, and started for the highroad running at the top of their +speed, leaving Segundo and Nieves behind. This was the first time +they had found themselves alone together, for the poet avoided such +occasions. Nieves looked around uneasily and then, meeting Segundo's +eyes fixed, ardent and questioning upon hers, lowered her gaze. Then +the gloom of the landscape and the solemnity of the hour gave her a +contraction of the heart, and without knowing what she was doing she +began to run as the girls had done. She heard Segundo's footsteps +behind her, and when she at last stopped, at a little distance from +the highroad, she saw him smile and could not help smiling herself at +her own folly. + +"Heavens! What a silly fright!" she cried, "I have made myself +ridiculous. I am as bad as the children! But that blessed pool is +enough to make one afraid. Tell me, how is it that they have not +taken views of it? It is very curious and picturesque." + +They returned by the highroad; it was now quite dark and Nieves, +as if wishing to efface the impression made by her childish terror, +showed herself gay and friendly with Segundo; two or three times her +eyes encountered his and, doubtless through absent-mindedness, she +did not turn them aside. They spoke of the walk of the following day; +it must be along the banks of the river, which was more cheerful than +the pond; the scenery there was beautiful, not gloomy like that of +the pool. + +In effect the road they followed on the next day was beautiful, +although it was obstructed by the osier plantations and canebrakes +and the intricate growth of the birches and the young poplars, which +at times impeded their progress. Every now and then Segundo had to +give his hand to Nieves and put aside the flexible young branches +that struck against her face. Notwithstanding all his care, he was +unable to save her from wetting her feet and leaving some fragments +of the lace of her hat among the branches of a poplar. They stopped +at a spot where the river, dividing, formed a sort of islet covered +with cats-tails and gladioli. A rivulet running down the +mountain-side mingled its waters silently and meekly with the waters +of Avieiro. At the river's edge grew plants with dentated leaves and +a variety of ferns and graceful aquatic plants. Segundo knelt down on +the wet ground and began to gather some flowers. + +"Take them, Nieves," he said. + +She approached and, kneeling on one knee, he handed her a bunch +of flowers of a pale turquoise blue, with slender stems, flowers of +which she had hitherto seen only imitations, as adornments for hats, +and that she had fancied had only a mythical existence; flowers of +romance, that she had thought grew only on the banks of the Rhine, +which is the home of everything romantic; flowers that have so +beautiful a name--_Forget-me-not_. + + + + + XII. + + +Nieves was what is called an exemplary wife, without a dark page +in her history, without a thought of disloyalty to her husband, a +coquette only in her dress and in the adornment of her person, and +even in these practicing no alluring arts, content to obey slavishly +the dictates of fashion. + +Her ideal, if she had any, was to lead a comfortable, elegant +existence, enjoying the consideration of the world. She had married +when she was very young, Don Victoriano settling on her some +thousands of dollars, and on the wedding-day her father had called +her into his magisterial office and, keeping her standing before him +as if she were a criminal, had charged her to respect and obey the +husband she had chosen. She obeyed and respected him. + +And her obedience and respect were a torture to Don Victoriano, +who sought in marriage a compensation for the long years he had spent +in his law office; years of loneliness during which his arduous +labors and confinement to business had prevented him from forming any +tender tie or cultivating gentle affections, permitting him at the +most some hasty pleasure, some reckless and exciting adventure, which +did not satisfy his heart. He fancied that the beautiful daughter of +the President of the Court would requite him for all the tender joys +he had missed and he found with vain and bitter disappointment that +Nieves saw in him only the grave husband who is accepted with +docility, without repugnance, nothing more. Respecting against his +will the peace of this superficial being, he neither could nor dared +disturb it, and he fretted his soul with unavailing longings, +hastening to the crisis of maturity and multiplying the white patches +that streaked his black hair. + +When the child was born Don Victoriano hoped to repay himself +with interest in new and holy caresses, to take solace in a pure +oasis of affection. But the requirements of his position, the hurry +of business, the complex obligations and the implacable cares of his +existence, interposed themselves between him and a father's joys. He +saw his daughter only from a distance, barely succeeding, when the +coffee was brought in, in having her for awhile on his knee. And then +came the first warnings of his disease. + +From the time in which his malady declared itself with all its +afflicting symptoms, Nieves had still less of her husband's society +than before; it seemed to her as if she had returned to the rosy days +of her girlhood, when she flitted about like a butterfly and played +at lovers with her companions, who wrote her fictitious love-letters +of an innocent nature, which they put under her pillow. + +She never had had much amusement since that time. A great deal of +amusement was to be found in the routine of a methodical Madrid life! +Yes, there was a period during which the Marquis de Cameros, a rich +young client of Don Victoriano's, had come to the house with some +frequency, and he had even been asked to dine with them three or four +times, without ceremony. Nieves remembered that the Marquis had cast +many furtive glances at her, and that they had always met him, by +chance, at whatever theater they went to. It did not go beyond this. + +Nieves was now in the bloom of her second youth--between +twenty-nine and thirty--terrible epoch in a woman's life; and if it +brought her no red passion flowers, at least she wished to adorn +herself with the romantic forget-me-nots of the poet. It seemed to +Nieves that in the porcelain vase of her existence a flower had been +wanting, and the fragile blue spray came to complete the beauty of +the drawing-room toy. Bah! What harm was there in all this? It was a +childish adventure. Those flowers, preserved between the leaves of a +costly prayer-book, inspired her only with thoughts as pallid and +sapless as the poor petals now pressed and dry. + +She had fastened the blue spray in her bosom. How well it looked +among the folds of the écru lace! + +"Tell me, mamma," Victorina had said to her that night before +going to bed, "did Segundo give you those pretty flowers?" + +"Oh, I don't remember--yes, I think that García picked them for +me." + +"Will you give them to me to keep in my little satchel?" + +"Go, child, go to bed quickly. Mademoiselle, see that she says +her prayers!" + + + + + XIII. + + +The proximity of the feasts put an end to long walks. The +promenaders confined themselves to walks on the highroad, returning +soon to the town, where the plaza was crowded with busy people. The +promenaders included the young ladies of the Combist party, gayly +attired, parish priests, ill-shaven, of sickly aspect and dejected +looking, gamblers of doubtful appearance and strangers from the +Border--all types which Agonde criticised with mordacity, to Nieves' +great amusement. + +"Do you see those women there? They are the Señoritas de Gondas, +three old maids and a young lady, whom they call their niece, but as +they have no brother----Those other two are the Molendes, from Cebre, +very aristocratic people, God save the mark! The fat one thinks +herself superior to Lucifer, and the other writes poetry, and what +poetry! I tell Segundo García that he ought to propose to her; they +would make an excellent pair. They are staying at Lamajosa's; there +they are in their element, for Doña Mercedes Lamajosa, when any +visitor comes, in order that it may be known that they are noble, +says to her daughters: 'Girls, let one of you bring me my knitting; +it must be in the press, where the letters-patent of nobility are.' +Those two handsome, well-dressed girls are the Caminos, daughters of +the judge." + +On the eve of the fair the musicians paraded the streets morning +and afternoon, deafening everybody with the noise of their triumphal +strains. The plaza in front of the townhall was dotted with booths, +which made a gay confusion of brilliant and discordant colors. Before +the townhall were erected some odd-looking objects which with equal +probability might be taken for instruments of torture, children's +toys, or scarecrows, but which were in reality fireworks--trees and +wheels which were to burn that night, with magnificent pomp, favored +by the stillness of the atmosphere. From the window of the building +issued, like a Titanic arm, the pole on which was to be hoisted the +gigantic balloon, and along the balustrade ran a series of colored +glasses, forming the letters V. A. D. L. C.--a delicate compliment to +the representative of the district. + +It was already dark when Don Victoriano, accompanied by his wife +and daughter, set out for the townhall to see the fireworks. It was +with difficulty they made their way through the crowd which filled +the plaza, where a thousand discordant noises filled the air--now the +timbrel and castanets in some dance, now the buzz of the _zanfona_, +now some slow and melancholy popular _copla_, now the shout of some +aggressive and quarrelsome drunkard. Agonde gave his arm to Nieves, +made way for her among the crowd, and explained to her the programme +of the night's entertainment. + +"Never was there seen a balloon like this year's," he said; "it +is the largest we have ever had here. The Romerists are furious." + +"And how has my likeness turned out?" asked Don Victoriano with +interest. + +"Oh! It is superb. Better than the likeness in _La +Illustracion_." + +At the door of the townhall the difficulties increased, and it +was necessary to trample down without mercy the country-people--who +had installed themselves there, determined not to budge an inch lest +they should lose their places--before they were able to pass in. + +"See what asses they are," said Agonde. "It makes no difference +whether you step over them or not, they won't rise. They have no +place to sleep and they intend to pass the night here; to-morrow they +will waken up and return to their villages." + +They made their way as best they could over this motley heap in +which men and women were crowded together, intertwined, entangled in +repulsive promiscuity. Even on the steps of the stairs +suspicious-looking groups were lying, or some drunken peasant snored, +surfeited with _pulpo_, or some old woman sat counting her coppers in +her lap. They entered the hall, which was illuminated only by the dim +light shed by the colored glasses. Some young ladies already occupied +the space in front of the windows, but the Alcalde, hat in hand, with +innumerable apologies, made them draw their chairs closer together to +make room for Nieves, Victorina, and Carmen Agonde, around whom an +obsequious circle gathered; chairs were brought for the ladies, and +the Alcalde took Don Victoriano to the Secretary's office, where a +tray, with some bottles of Tostado and some atrocious cigars, awaited +him. The young ladies and the children placed themselves in front, +leaning on the railing of the balcony, running the risk of having +some rocket fall upon them. Nieves remained a little behind, and drew +her silver-woven Algerian shawl closer around her, for in this empty, +gloomy hall the air was chill. At her side was an empty chair, which +was suddenly occupied by a figure whose outlines were dimly +distinguishable in the darkness. + +"Why, García," she cried, "it is a cure for sore eyes. We haven't +seen you for two days." + +"You don't see me now, either, Nieves," said the poet, leaning +toward her and speaking in a low voice. "It would be rather difficult +to see one here." + +"That is true," answered Nieves, confused by this simple remark. +"Why have they not brought lights?" + +"Because it would spoil the effect of the fireworks. Don't you +prefer this species of semi-obscurity?" he added, smiling, before he +uttered it, at the choice phrase. + +Nieves was silent. Unconsciously she was fascinated by the +situation, in which there was a delicate blending of danger and +security which was not without a tinge of romance; she felt a sense +of security in the proximity of the open window, the young girls +crowded around it, the plaza, where the multitude swarmed like ants, +and whence came noises like the roaring of the sea, and songs and +confused cries full of tender melancholy; but at the same time the +solitude and the darkness of the hall and the species of isolation in +which she found herself with the Swan afforded one of those chance +occasions which tempt women of weak principles, who are neither so +imprudent as to throw themselves headlong into danger, nor so +cautious as to fly from its shadow. + +Nieves remained silent, feeling Segundo's breath fanning her +cheek. Suddenly both started. The first rocket was streaking the sky +with a long trail of light, and the noise of the explosion, deadened +though it was by distance, drew a cheer from the crowd in the plaza. +After this advanced guard came, one after another, at regular +intervals, with measured, hollow, deafening sound, eight bombs, the +signal announced in the programme of the feasts for the beginning of +the display. The window shook with the report and Nieves did not +venture to raise her eyes to the sky, fearing, doubtless, to see it +coming down with the reverberation of the bombs. After this the noise +of the flying fireworks, chasing one another through the solitudes of +space, seemed to her soft and pleasant. + +The first of these were ordinary rockets, without any novelty +whatever--a trail of light, a dull report, and a shower of sparks. +But soon came the surprises, novelties, and marvels of art. There +were fireworks that exploded, separating into three or four cascades +of light that vanished with fantastic swiftness in the depths of +space; from others fell with mysterious slowness and noiselessness +violet, green, and red lights, as if the angels had overturned in the +skies a casket of amethysts, emeralds, and rubies. The lights +descended slowly, like tears, and before they reached the ground +suddenly went out. The prettiest were the rockets which sent down a +rain of gold, a fantastic shower of sparks, a stream of drops of +light as quickly lighted as extinguished. The delight of the crowd in +the plaza, however, was greatest at the fireworks of three explosions +and a snake. These were not without beauty; they exploded like simple +rockets, sending forth a fiery lizard, a reptile which ran through +the sky in serpentine curves, and then plunged suddenly into +darkness. + +The scene was now wrapped in darkness, now flooded with light, +when the plaza would seem to rise to a level with the window, with +its swarm of people, the patches of color of the booths and the +hundreds of human faces turned upward, beaming with delight at this +favorite spectacle of the Galicians, a race which has preserved the +Celtic love and admiration for pyrotechnic displays, for brilliantly +illuminated nights in which they find a compensation for the cloudy +horizon of the day. + +Nieves, too, was pleased by the sudden alternations of light and +darkness, a faithful image of the ambiguous condition of her soul. +When the firmament was lighted up she watched with admiration the +bright luminaries that gave a Venetian coloring to these pleasant +moments. When everything was again enveloped in darkness she ventured +to look at the poet, without seeing him, however, for her eyes, +dazzled by the fireworks, were unable to distinguish the outlines of +his face. The poet, on his side, kept his eyes fixed persistently on +Nieves, and he saw her flooded with light, with that rare and +beautiful moonlight glow produced by fireworks, and which adds a +hundredfold to the softness and freshness of the features. He felt a +keen impulse to condense in one ardent phrase all that the time had +now come for saying, and he bent toward her--and at last he +pronounced her name! + +"Nieves!" + +"Well?" + +"Had you ever seen fireworks like these before?" + +"No; it is a specialty of this province. I like them greatly. If +I were a poet like you I would say pretty things about them. Come, +invent something, you." + +"Like them happiness brightens our existence, for a few brief +moments, Nieves--but while it brightens, while we feel it----" + +Segundo inwardly cursed the high-sounding phrase that he found +himself unable to finish. What nonsense he was talking! Would it not +be better to bend down a little lower and touch with his lips----But +what if she should scream? She would not scream, he would venture to +swear. Courage! + +In the balcony a great commotion was heard. Carmen Agonde called +to Nieves: + +"Nieves, come, come! The first tree--a wheel of fire----" + +Nieves rose hastily and went and leaned over the balustrade, +thinking that it would not do to attract attention sitting all the +evening chatting with Segundo. The tree began to burn at one end, not +without difficulty, apparently, spitting forth an occasional red +spark; but suddenly the whole piece took fire--a flaming wheel, an +enormous wafer of red and green light, which turned round and round, +expanding and shaking out its fiery locks and making the air resound +with a noise like the report of fire-arms. It was silent for a few +brief instants and seemed on the point of going out, a cloud of rosy +smoke enveloped it, through which shone a point of light, a golden +sun, which soon began to turn with dizzying rapidity, opening and +spreading out into an aureole of rays. These went out one by one, and +the sun, diminishing in size until it was no larger than a coal, +lazily gave a few languid turns, and, sighing, expired. + +As Nieves was returning to her seat she felt a pair of arms +thrown around her neck. They were those of Victorina who, intoxicated +with delight at the spectacle of the fireworks, cried in her thin +voice: + +"Mamma, mamma! How lovely! How beautiful! And Carmen says they +are going to set off more trees and a wheel----" + +She stopped, seeing Segundo standing beside Nieves' chair. She +hung her head, ashamed of her childish enthusiasm, and, instead of +returning to the window, she remained beside her mother, lavishing +caresses upon her to disguise the shyness and timidity which always +took possession of her when Segundo looked at her. Two other pieces +were burning at two of the corners of the plaza, a pin-wheel and a +vase, that sent forth showers of light, first golden, then blue. The +child, notwithstanding her admiration for the fireworks, did not +appear to have any intention of going to the window to see them, +leaving Nieves and Segundo alone. The latter remained seated for some +ten minutes longer, but seeing that the child did not leave her +mother's side, he rose quickly, seized by a sudden frenzy, and walked +up and down the dimly-lighted hall with hasty steps, conscious that +for the moment he was not sufficiently master of himself to maintain +outward calmness. + +By Heaven, he was well employed! Why had he been fool enough to +let slip so favorable an opportunity! Nieves had encouraged him; he +had not dreamed it; no; glances, smiles, slight but significant +indications of liking and good-will; all these there had been, and +they all counseled him to end so ambiguous and doubtful a situation. +Ah! If this woman only loved him! And she should love him, and not in +jest and as a pastime, but madly! Segundo would not be satisfied with +less. His ambitious soul scorned easy and ephemeral triumphs--all or +nothing. If the Madridlenian thought of flirting with him she would +find herself mistaken; he would seize her by her butterfly wings and, +even at the cost of breaking them, he would hold her fast; if one +wished to retain a butterfly in his possession he must pierce it +through the heart or press it to death. Segundo had done this a +thousand times when he was a boy; he would do it now again; he was +resolved upon it; whenever a light or mocking laugh, a reserved +attitude or a tranquil look, showed Segundo that Señora de Comba +maintained her self-possession, his heart swelled with rage that +threatened to suffocate him; and when he saw the child beside her +mother, who was keeping up an animated conversation with the little +girl, as if she were keeping her there as a protection, he determined +that he would not let the night pass without knowing what were her +feelings toward him. + +He returned to Nieves, but she had now risen and the child was +drawing her by the hands to the window; this was the solemn and +critical moment; the monster balloon had just been attached to the +pole for the purpose of inflating it; and from the plaza came a loud +buzz, a buzz of eager expectation. A phalanx of Combist artisans, +among whom figured Ramon, the confectioner, were clearing a space +around it sufficiently large to allow of the fuse burning freely, so +that the difficult operation might be accomplished. The silhouettes +of the workmen, illuminated by the light of the fuse, could be seen +moving about, bending down, rising up, dancing a sort of mad dance. +The darkness was no longer illuminated by the glare of the rockets, +and the human sea looked black as a lake of pitch. + +Still folded in innumerable folds, its sides clinging together, +the balloon swayed feebly, kissing the ground with its lips of wire, +between which the ill-smelling fuse was beginning to burn brightly. +The manufacturers of the colossal balloon proceeded to unfold it +gently and affectionately, lighting below it other fuses to aid the +principal one and hasten the rarification of air in its paper body. +This began to distend itself, the folds opening out with a gentle, +rustling sound, and the balloon, losing its former limp and lank +appearance, began to be inflated in places. As yet the figures on its +sides appeared of unnatural length, like figures reflected from the +polished, convex surface of a coffee urn; but already several borders +and mottoes began to make their appearance here and there, acquiring +their natural proportions and positions and showing clearly the +coarse red and blue daubs. + +The difficulty was that the mouth of the balloon was too large, +allowing the rarefied air to escape through it; and if the fuses were +made to burn with greater force there was danger of setting the paper +on fire and instantly reducing the superb machine to ashes--a +terrible calamity which must be prevented at all costs. Therefore +many arms were eagerly stretched out to support it, and when the +balloon leaned to one side many hands made haste to sustain it--all +this to the accompaniment of cries, oaths, and maledictions. + +In the plaza the surging crowd continued to increase, and the +eager expectancy became momentarily greater. Carmen Agonde, with her +mellow laugh, recounted to Nieves the plots that went on behind the +scenes. Those who were trying to push their way to the front in order +to overturn the fuses and prevent the ascent of the balloon belonged +to the Romerist party; a good watch the maker of the fireworks had +been obliged to keep to prevent them from wetting his powder trees; +but the greatest hatred was to the balloon, on account of its bearing +Don Victoriano's likeness; they had vowed and determined that so +ridiculous and grotesque an object should not ascend into the air +while they had life to prevent it; and that they themselves would +construct another balloon, better than that of the townhall, and that +this should be the only one to ascend. For this reason they applauded +and uttered shouts of derision every time the gigantic balloon, +unable to rise from the earth, fell down feebly to the right or to +the left, while Don Victoriano's partisans directed their efforts on +the one hand to protect from all injury the enormous bulk of the +balloon, on the other to inflate it with warm air to make it rise. + +Nieves' eyes were fixed attentively on the monster, but her +thoughts were far away. Segundo had succeeded in pushing his way +through the crowd in front of the window and was now sitting beside +her, on her right. No one was observing them now, and the poet, +without preface, passed his arm around Nieves' waist, placing his +hand boldly on the spot where, anatomically speaking, the heart is +situated. Instead of the elastic and yielding curve of the form and +the quickened pulsation of the organ, Segundo felt under his hand the +hard surface of one of those long corset-breastplates full of +whalebones, and furnished with steel springs, which fashion +prescribes at the present day--an apparatus to which Nieves' form +owed much of its slender grace. Infernal corset! Segundo could have +wished that his fingers were pincers to pierce through the fabric of +her gown, through the steel whalebones, through her inner garments, +through the flesh and through the very ribs and fasten themselves in +her heart, and seize it red-hot and bleeding and crush, tear, +annihilate it! Why could he not feel the throbbings of that heart? +Leocadia's heart, or even Victorina's, bounded like a bird's when he +touched it. And Segundo, enraged, pressed his hand with greater +force, undeterred by the fear of hurting Nieves, desiring, on the +contrary, to strangle her. + +Surprised at Segundo's audacity, Nieves remained silent, not +daring to make the slightest movement, lest by doing so she should +attract attention, and protesting only by straightening her form and +raising her eyes to his with a look of anguish, soon lowering them, +however, unable to resist the expression in the eyes of the poet. The +latter continued to search for the absent heart without succeeding in +feeling anything more than the throbbing of his own arteries, of his +pulse compressed against the unyielding surface of the corset. But +fatigue finally conquered, his fingers relaxed their pressure, his +arm fell down powerless, and rested without strength or illusion on +the form, at once flexible and unyielding, the form of whalebone and +steel. + +Meanwhile the balloon, in defiance of the Romerist intriguers, +continued to expand, as its enormous body was filled with gas and +light, illuminating the plaza like a gigantic lantern. It swayed from +side to side majestically, and on its immense surface could be read +plainly all the inscriptions and laudatory phrases invented by the +enthusiastic Combists. The effigy, or rather the colossal figure of +Don Victoriano, which filled one of its sides completely, followed +the curve of the balloon and stood out, so ugly and disproportioned +that it was a pleasure to see it; it had two frying-pans for eyes, +the pupils being two eggs fried in them, no doubt; for mouth a +species of fish or lizard and for beard a tangled forest or map of +blots of sienna and lampblack. Giant branches of green laurel crossed +each other above the head of the colossus, matching the golden palms +of his court dress, represented by daubs of ocher. And the balloon +swelled and swelled, its distended sides grew ever tenser and tenser, +and it pulled impatiently at the cord that held it, eager to break +away and soar among the clouds. The Combists yelled with delight. +Suddenly a murmur was heard, a low murmur of expectation. + +The cord had been dexterously cut and the balloon, majestic, +magnificent, rose a few yards above the ground, bearing with it the +apotheosis of Don Victoriano, the glory of his laurels, mottoes and +emblems. In the balcony and in the plaza below resounded a salvo of +applause and triumphal acclamations. Oh, vanity of human joys! It was +not one Romerist stone only but three at least that at this instant, +directed with unerring aim, pierced the sides of the paper monster, +allowing the hot air, the vital current, to escape through the +wounds. The balloon contracted, shriveled up like a worm when it is +trodden upon, and finally, doubling over in the middle, gave itself +up a prey to the devouring flames lighted by the fuse which in a +second's space enveloped it in a fiery mantle. + +At the same moment that the balloon of the official candidate +expired thus miserably, the little Romerist balloon, its swelling +sides daubed with coarse designs, rose promptly and swiftly from a +corner of the plaza, resolved not to pause in its ascent until it had +reached the clouds. + + + + + XIV. + + +Nieves spent a restless night and when she awoke in the morning +the incidents of the preceding evening presented themselves to her +mind vaguely and confusedly as if she had dreamed them; she could not +believe in the reality of Segundo's singular hardihood, that taking +possession of her, that audacious outrage, that she had not known how +to resent. How compromising the position in which the daring of the +poet had placed her! And what if anyone had noticed it? When she bade +good-night to the girls who had been sitting with her at the window, +they had smiled in a way that was--well, odd; Carmen Agonde, the fat +girl with the sleepy eyes and placid temper, gave evidence at times +of a strain of malice. But, no; how could they have observed +anything? The shawl she had worn was large and had covered her whole +figure. And Nieves took the shawl, put it on and looked at herself in +the mirror, using a handglass to obtain a complete view of her +person, in order to assure herself that, enveloped in this garment, +it was impossible for an arm passed around her waist to be seen. She +was engaged in this occupation when the door opened and someone +entered. She started and dropped the glass. + +It was her husband, looking more sallow than ever, and bearing +the traces of suffering stamped on his countenance. Nieves' heart +seemed to turn within her. Could it be possible that Don Victoriano +suspected anything? Her apprehensions were soon relieved, however, +when she heard him speak, with ill-disguised pique, of the insulting +behavior of the Romerists and the destruction of the balloon. The +Minister sought an outlet for his mortification by complaining of the +pain of the pin-prick. + +"But did you ever see the like, child? What do you think of it?" +he said. + +He then went on to complain of the noise of the fair, which had +lasted all night and had not allowed him to close his eyes. Nieves +agreed that it was extremely annoying; she, too, had been unable to +sleep. The Minister opened the window and the noise reached them +louder and more distinct. It resembled a grand chorale, or symphony, +composed of human voices, the neighing of horses and mules, the +grunting of pigs, the lowing of cows, calves, and oxen, hucksters' +criers, noises of quarreling, songs, blasphemies, and sounds of +musical instruments. The flood-tide of the fair had submerged +Vilamorta. + +From the window could be seen its waves, a surging sea of men and +animals crowded together in inextricable confusion. Suddenly among +the throng of peasants a drove of six or eight calves would rush with +helpless terror; a led mule had cleared a space around him, dealing +kicks to right and left, screams and groans of pain were heard on all +sides, but those behind continued pushing those in front and the +space was filled up again. The venders of felt hats were a curious +sight as they walked about with their merchandise on their heads, +towers of twenty or thirty hats piled one above another, like Chinese +pagodas. Other venders carried for sale, on a portable counter slung +from their necks by ribbons, balls of thread, tape, thimbles, and +scissors; the venders of distaffs and spindles carried their wares +suspended around their waists, from their breast, everywhere, as +unskillful swimmers carry bladders, and the venders of frying-pans +glittered in the sun like feudal warriors. + +The confused din, the ceaseless movement of the multitude, and +the mingling together of human beings and animals, made the brain +dizzy, and the ear was wearied by the plaintive lowing of the cows +under the drivers' lash, the terrified cries of women, the brutal +hilarity of drunken men who issued from the taverns with hats pushed +far back on their heads, seeking an outlet for their superabundant +energy by assaulting the men or pinching the girls. The latter, +screaming with terror, escaped from the drunkards to fall, perhaps, +on the horns of some ox or to receive a blow from the snout of some +mule that bathed their foreheads and temples in its frothy saliva. +But most terrifying of all was it to see infants carried high above +their mothers' heads, braving, like frail skiffs, the dangers of this +stormy sea. + +Nieves remained for half an hour or so looking out of the window, +and then, sight and hearing both weary, she withdrew. In the +afternoon she watched the scene again for a while. The buying and +selling was less brisk, and the better classes of the Border began to +make their appearance at the fair. Agonde, who, absorbed in the +desperate gambling that went on in the back shop, had kept himself +invisible during the day, now went upstairs and, while he wiped the +perspiration from his brow, pointed out to Nieves the notabilities of +the place, as they passed by, naming to her in turn the archpriests, +the parish priests, the physicians, and the gentry. + +"That very thin man, riding that horse that looks as if it had +been strained through a colander, with silver trimmings in his saddle +and silver spurs, is Señorito de Limioso, a scion of the house of the +Cid--God save the mark! The Pazo of Limioso is situated in the +neighborhood of Cebre. As for money, they have not an _ochavo_; they +own a few barley-fields, and a couple of grapevines past yielding, +that bring them in a trifle. But do you suppose that Señorito de +Limioso would go into an inn to dine? No, Señora; he carries his +bread and cheese in his pocket, and he will sleep--Heaven knows +where. As he is a Carlist they may let him stretch himself on the +floor of Doña Eufrasia's back shop, with the saddle of his nag for a +pillow, for on a day like this there are no mattresses to spare. And +you may be sure that his servant's belt bulges out in the way it +does, because he carries the nag's feed in it." + +"You exaggerate, Agonde." + +"Exaggerate? No, indeed. You have no idea what those gentlemen +are. Here they are called _Seven on a horse_, because they have one +horse for all seven which they ride in pairs, in turn, and when they +are near the town they stop to ride in, one by one, armed with whip +and spur, and the nag comes in seven different times, each time with +a different rider. Why, see those ladies coming there, the one on a +donkey, the other on a mule--the Señoritas de Loiro. They are friends +of the Molendes. Look at the bundles they carry before them; they are +the dresses for to-night's ball." + +"But are you really in earnest?" + +"In earnest? Yes, indeed, Señora. They have them all here, every +article--the bustle, or whatever it may be called, that sticks out +behind, the shoes, the petticoats, and even the rouge. And those are +very refined, they come to the town to dress themselves; most of the +young ladies, a few years ago, used to dress themselves in the pine +wood near the echo of Santa Margarita. As they had no house in the +town to stay at, and they were not going to lose the ball, at +half-past ten or eleven they were among the pines, hooking their +low-necked dresses, fastening on their bows and their gewgaws, and as +fine as you please. All the gentry together, Nieves, if you will +believe me, could not make up a dollar among them. They are people +that, to avoid buying lard, or making broth, breakfast on wine and +water. They hang up the loaf of wheaten bread among the rafters so +that it may be out of reach and may last forever. I know them +well--vanity, and nothing more." + +The apothecary spoke angrily, multiplying instances, and +exaggerating them in the telling, with the rage of the plebeian who +eagerly seizes an opportunity to ridicule the poor aristocracy, +relating anecdotes of everyone of the ladies and gentlemen--stories +of poverty more or less skillfully disguised. Don Victoriano laughed, +remembering some of the stories, now become proverbial in the +country, while Nieves, her anxiety set at rest by her husband's +laughter, began to think without terror, with a certain secret +complacency, rather, of the episodes of the fireworks. She had feared +to see Segundo among the crowd, but, as the night advanced and the +brilliant colors of the booths faded into the surrounding darkness, +and lights began to appear, and the singing of the drunkards grew +hoarser, her mind became tranquil, and the danger seemed very remote, +almost to have disappeared. In her inexperience she had fancied at +first that the poet's arm would leave its trace, as it were, on her +waist, and that the poet would seize the first opportunity to present +himself before her, exacting and impassioned, betraying himself and +compromising her. But the day passed by, serene and without incident, +and Nieves experienced the inevitable impatience of the woman who +waits in vain for the appearance of the man who occupies her +thoughts. At last she remembered the ball. Segundo would certainly be +there. + + + + + XV. + + +And she adorned herself for the town ball with a certain +illusion, with the same care as if she were dressing for a soirée at +the palace of Puenteancha. + +Naturally the gown and the ornaments were very different from +what they would have been in the latter case, but they were selected +with no less care and consideration--a gown of white China crêpe, +high-necked, and without a train, trimmed with Valenciennes lace, +that fell in clinging folds, whose simplicity was completed by long +dark Suède gloves wrinkled at the wrist, reaching to the elbow. A +black velvet ribbon, fastened by a diamond and sapphire horseshoe, +encircled her neck. Her beautiful fair hair, arranged in the English +fashion, curled slightly over the forehead. + +She was almost ashamed of having selected this toilette when she +crossed the muddy plaza, leaning on Agonde's arm, and heard the poor +music, and found the entrance of the townhall crowded with +country-people sitting on the floor, whom it was necessary to step +over to reach the staircase. On the landings ran the lees of the +fair--a dark wine-colored rivulet. Agonde drew her aside. + +"Don't step there, Nieves; take care," he said. + +She felt repelled by this unsightly entrance, calling to mind the +marble vestibule and staircase of the palace of Puenteancha, carpeted +down the center, with plants arranged on either side. At the door of +the apartment which she was now entering was a counter laden with +cakes and confectionery, at which the wife of Ramon, the +confectioner, holding in her arms the inevitable baby, presided, +casting angry glances at the young ladies who had come to amuse +themselves. + +Nieves was given a seat in the most conspicuous part of the room, +in front of the door. The whitewashed walls were not very clean, nor +was the red cloth which covered the benches very fresh, nor did the +badly snuffed candles in the tin chandelier produce a brilliant +illumination. Owing to the large number of people present the heat +was almost insupportable. In the center of the apartment the men +stood grouped together--the youth of Vilamorta, visitors to the +springs, strangers, gamblers, and the gentry from the neighboring +country, mingling in one black mass. Every time the band struck up +anew, deafening the ear with its sonorous strains, the indefatigable +dancers would leave the group and hurry off in search of their +partners. + +Nieves watched the scene with amazement. The young ladies, with +their large chignons and their clusters of curls, their faces daubed +with coarse rice-powder, their bodices cut low around the throat, +their long trains of cheap materials, continually trodden upon and +torn by the heavy boots of the gallants, their clumsy, tastelessly +arranged flowers, and their short-wristed gloves of thick kid, too +small for their hands, all seemed to her strange and laughable. She +remembered Agonde's descriptions, the toilet made in the pine grove, +and fanned herself with her large black fan as if to drive off the +pestilent air in which the whirl of the dance enveloped her. The +dancers pursued their task earnestly, diligently, as if they were +contending for a prize to be awarded to the one who should first get +out of breath, moving, not with their own motion only, but impelled +by the jostling, pushing, and crowding of those around them. And +Nieves, accustomed to the elegant and measured dancing of the +soirées, wondered at the courage and resolution displayed by the +dancers of Vilamorta. Some of the girls, whose flounces had been torn +by some gallant's boot-heel, turned up their skirts, quickly tore off +the whole trimming, rolled it into a ball, which they threw into a +corner, and then returned, smiling and contented, to the arms of +their partners. In vain the men wiped the perspiration from their +faces; their collars and shirt-fronts grew limp, their hair clung to +their foreheads; the silk bodices of the ladies began to show stains +of perspiration, and the marks of their partners' hands. And the +gymnastics continued, and the dust and the particles of perspiration +vitiated the atmosphere, and the floor of the room trembled. There +were handsome couples, blooming girls and gallant young men, who +danced with the healthy gayety of youth, with sparkling eyes, +overflowing with animation; and there were ridiculous couples, short +men and tall women, stout women and beardless boys, a baldheaded old +man and a stout, middle-aged woman. There were brothers who danced +with their sisters through shyness, because they had not the courage +to invite other young ladies to dance, and the secretary of the town +council, married for many years to a rich Orensen who was old and +very jealous, danced all the evening with his wife, dancing polkas +and waltzes in the time of a _habanera_ to keep from dying by +asphyxiation. + +When Nieves entered the ballroom, the other women looked at her, +first with curiosity, then with surprise. How strange to come so +simply dressed! Not to wear a train a yard and a half long, nor a +flower in her hair, nor bracelets nor satin shoes. Two or three +ladies from Orense, who had cherished the expectation of making a +sensation in the ball of Vilamorta, began to whisper among +themselves, criticising the artistic negligence of her attire, the +modesty of the white, high-necked bodice, and the grace of the small +head, with its elegantly arranged hair, vaporous as the engravings in +_La Illustracion_. The Orensens determined to copy the fashion-plate, +the Vilamortans and the women of the Border, on the contrary, +criticised the Minister's lady bitterly. + +"She is dressed almost as if she would dress at home." + +"She does it because she doesn't want to wear her good clothes +here. Of course for a ball here----She thinks probably that we know +nothing. But she might at least have dressed her hair a little +better. And how easy it is to see that she is bored; look, why, she +seems to be asleep." + +"And a little while ago she seemed as if she couldn't sit still a +moment--she kept tapping the floor with her foot as if she were +impatient to be gone." + +And it was true; Nieves was bored. And if the young ladies who +censured her could only have known the cause! + +She could see Segundo nowhere, anxiously as she looked for him, +at first with furtive glances, then openly and without disguise. At +last García came to salute her, and then she could restrain herself +no longer, and making an effort to speak in a natural and easy tone, +she asked: + +"And the boy? It is a wonder he is not here." + +"Who? Segundo? Segundo is--so eccentric. If you could only guess +what he is doing now. Reading verses or composing them. We must leave +him to his whims." + +And the lawyer waved his hands with a gesture that seemed to say +that the eccentricities of genius must be respected, while in his own +mind he said: + +"He is most likely with that damned old woman." + +The truth is that nothing in the world would have induced the +poet, under the circumstances, to come to a ball like the present +one, to be obliged to dance with the young country girls of his +acquaintance, to perspire and to be pulled about like the other young +men. And his absence, the result of his æsthetic feeling, produced a +marvelous effect on Nieves, effacing the last remnant of fear, +stimulating her coquettish instincts, and piquing her curiosity. + +At the same time, in the radical circle that surrounded Don +Victoriano and his wife, the approaching departure of the Minister +and Nieves for Las Vides to be present at the vintage was +discussed--a project that delighted the Minister as an unexpected +holiday delights a schoolboy. The persons whom the hidalgo had +invited or intended to invite for the festive occasion were named, +and when Agonde uttered Segundo's name Nieves raised her eyes, and a +look of animation lighted up her face, while she said to herself: + +"He is fully capable of not going." + + + + + XVI. + + +A great day for Las Vides is the day appointed by the town +council for the inauguration of the vintage. The whole year is passed +in looking forward to and preparing for the beautiful harvest time. +The vine is still clothed in purple and gold, but it has already +begun to drop a part of its rich garniture as a bride drops her veil, +the wasps settle in clusters on the grapes, announcing to man that +they are now ripe. The last days of September, serene and peaceful, +are at hand. To the vintage without delay! + +Neither Primo Genday nor Mendez takes a moment's rest. The bands +of vintagers who come from distant parishes to hire themselves out +must be attended to, must have their tasks assigned them; the work of +gathering in the grapes must be organized so that it may be +advantageously and harmoniously conducted. For the labors of the +vintage resemble, somewhat, a great battle in which an extraordinary +expenditure of energy is required from the soldier, a waste of muscle +and of blood, but in which he must be supplied, in return, with +everything necessary to recruit his strength during his moments of +repose. In order that the vintagers might engage in their arduous +labors with cheerfulness and alacrity, it was necessary to have at +hand in the cellar the cask of must from which the carters might +drink at discretion when they returned exhausted from the task of +carrying the heavy _coleiro_, or basket, filled with grapes up the +steep ascents; it was necessary that they should have an abundant +supply of the thick wine flavored with mutton suet, the sardines and +the barley-bread, when the voracious appetite of the bands demanded +them; to which end the fire was always kept burning on the hearth at +Las Vides and the enormous kettles in which the mess was cooked were +always kept filled. + +When in addition to this the presence of numerous and +distinguished guests be considered, some idea may be formed of the +bustle of the manor-house during these incomparable days. Its walls +sheltered, besides the Comba family, Saturnino and Carmen Agonde, the +young and amiable curate of Naya, the portly arch-priest of Loiro, +Tropiezo, Clodio Genday, Señorita de Limioso and the two Señoritas de +Molende. Every class was here represented, so that Las Vides was a +sort of microcosm or brief compendium of the world of the +province--the priests attracted by Primo Genday, the radicals by the +head of the house of Mendez. And all these people of conditions so +diverse, finding themselves associated together, gave themselves up +to the enjoyment of the occasion in the greatest possible harmony and +concord. + +To the merriment of the vintagers the merriment of the guests +responded like an echo. It was impossible to resist the influence of +the Bacchic joyousness, the delirious gayety which seemed to float in +the atmosphere. Among all the delightful spectacles which Nature has +to offer, there is none more delightful than that of her fruitfulness +in the vintage time, the baskets heaped full of clusters of ruddy or +dark red grapes, which robust men, almost naked, like fauns, carry +and empty into the vat or wine-press; the laughter of the vintagers +hidden among the foliage, disputing, challenging each other from vine +to vine to sing, a gayety which is followed by a reaction at +nightfall--as is usually the case with all violent expressions of +feeling in which there is a great expenditure of muscular strength; +the merry challenges ending in some prolonged Celtic wail, some +plaintive _a-laá-laá_. The pagan sensation of well-being, the +exhilaration produced by the pure air of the country, the mere joy of +existence, communicated themselves to the spectators of these +delightful scenes, and at night, while the chorus of fauns and +Bacchantes danced to the sound of the flute and the timbrel, the +gentry diverted themselves with childish frolics in the great house. + +The young ladies slept all together in a large, bare apartment, +the Rosary-room, the male guests being lodged by Mendez in another +spacious room called the screen-room, because in it was a screen, as +ugly as it was antique; the arch-priest only being excluded from this +community of lodging, his obesity and his habit of snoring making it +impossible for any person of even average sensibility to tolerate him +as a roommate; and the gay and mischievous party being thus divided +into two sections, there came to be established between them a sort +of merry warfare, so that the occupants of the Rosary-room thought of +nothing but playing tricks on the occupants of the screen-room, from +which resulted innumerable witty inventions and amusing skirmishes. +Between the two camps there was a neutral one--that of the Comba +family, whose slumbers were respected and who were exempt in the +matter of practical jokes, although the feminine band often took +Nieves as their confidante and counselor. + +"Nieves, come here, Nieves; see, how foolish Carmen Agonde is; +she says she likes the arch-priest, that barrel, better than Don +Eugeniño, the parish priest of Naya, because it makes her laugh, she +says, to see him perspiring and to look at the rolls of fat in the +back of his neck. And say, Nieves, what trick shall we play to-night +on Don Eugeniño? And on Ramon Limioso, who has been daring us all +day?" + +It was Teresa Molende, a masculine-looking black-eyed brunette, a +good specimen of the mountaineer, who spoke thus. + +"They must pay for the trick they played on us yesterday," added +her sister Elvira, the sentimental poetess. + +"What was that?" + +"You must know that they locked Carmen up. They are the very +mischief! They shut her up in Mendez's room. What is there that they +won't think of! They tied her hands behind her back with a silk +handkerchief, tied another handkerchief over her mouth, so that she +couldn't scream, and left her there like a mouse in a mouse-trap. And +we, hunting and hunting for Carmen, and no Carmen to be seen. And +there we were thinking all sorts of things until Mendez went up to +his room to go to bed and found her there. Of course they had that +silly creature to deal with, for if it had been I----" + +"They would shut you up too," declared Carmen. + +"Me!" exclaimed the Amazon, drawing up her portly figure. "They +would be the ones to get shut up!" + +"But they entrapped me into it," affirmed Carmen, looking as if +she were just ready to cry. "See, Nieves, they said to me: 'Put your +hands behind you, Carmiña, and we'll put a five-dollar piece in +them,' and I put them behind me, and they were so treacherous as to +tie them together." + +Nieves joined in the laughter of the two sisters. It could not be +denied that this simplicity was very amusing. Nieves seemed to be in +a new world in which routine, the worn-out conventionalities of +Madrid society, did not exist. True, such noisy and ingenuous +diversions might at times verge on impropriety or coarseness, but +sometimes they were really entertaining. From the moment the guests +rose from table in the afternoon nothing was thought of but frolic +and fun. Teresa had proposed to herself not to allow Tropiezo to eat +a meal in peace, and with the utmost dexterity she would catch flies +on the wing, which she would throw slyly into his soup, or she would +pour vinegar into his glass instead of wine, or rub pitch on his +napkin so that it might stick to his mouth. For the arch-priest they +had another trick--they would draw him on to talk of ceremonies, a +subject on which he loved to expatiate, and when his attention was +engaged, take away his plate slyly, which was like tearing a piece of +his heart out of his breast. + +At night, in the parlor of the turbid mirrors, in which were the +piano and the rocking-chairs, a gay company assembled; they sang +fragments of _El Juramento_, and _El Grumete_; they played at +hide-and-seek, and, without hiding, played _brisea_ with _malilla_ +counters; when they grew tired of cards, they had recourse to +forfeits, to mind-reading, and other amusements. And the frolicsome +rustic nature once aroused, they passed on to romping games--fool in +the middle, hoodman-blind, and others which have the zest imparted by +physical exercise--shouts, pushes and slaps. + +Then they would retire to their rooms, still excited by their +sports, and this was the hour when their merriment was at its height, +when they played the wildest pranks; when they fastened lighted +tapers to the bodies of crickets and sent them under the bedroom +doors; when they took the slats out of Tropiezo's bedstead so that +when he lay down he might fall to the ground and bruise his ribs. In +the halls could be heard smothered bursts of laughter and stealthy +footsteps, white forms would be seen scurrying away, and doors would +be hastily locked and barricaded with articles of furniture, while +from behind them a mellow voice could be heard crying: + +"They are coming!" + +"Fasten the door well, girls! Don't open, not if the king himself +were to knock!" + + + + + XVII. + + +Segundo was the last of the guests to arrive at Las Vides. As he +cared but little for games and as Nieves did not take any very active +part in them either, they would often have found themselves thrown +for society upon each other had it not been for Victorina, who, from +the moment Segundo appeared, never left her mother's side, and Elvira +Molende who, from the very instant of his arrival, clung to the poet +like the ivy to the wall, directing on him a battery of sighs and +glances, and treating him to sentimental confidences and rhapsodies +sweet enough to surfeit a confectioner's boy. From the moment in +which Segundo set foot in Las Vides, Elvira lost all her animation, +and assumed a languishing and romantic air, which made her cheeks +appear hollower and the circles under her eyes deeper than ever. Her +form acquired the melancholy droop of the willow and, giving up +sports and pranks, she devoted herself exclusively to the Swan. + +As it was moonlight, and the evenings were enjoyable out of +doors, as soon as the sun had set, and the labors of the day were +ended, and the vintagers assembled for a dance, some of the guests +would assemble together also in the garden, generally at the foot of +a high wall bordered with leafy camellias, or they would stop and sit +down for a chat at some inviting spot on their way home from a walk. +Elvira knew by heart a great many verses, both good and bad, +generally of a melancholy kind--sentimental and elegiac; she was +familiar with all the flowers of poetry, all the tender verses which +constituted the poetic wealth of the locality, and uttered by her +thin lips, in the silvery tones of her gentle voice, with the soft +accents of her native land, the Galician verses, like an Andalusian +moral maxim in the sensual mouth of a gypsy, had a peculiar and +impressive beauty--the sensibility of a race crystallized in a poetic +gem, in a tear of love. These plaintive verses were interrupted at +times by mocking bursts of laughter, as the gay sounds of the +castanets strike in on the melancholy notes of the bagpipes. The +poems in dialect acquired a new beauty, their freshness and sylvan +aroma seemed to augment by being recited by the soft tones of a +woman's voice, on the edge of a pine wood and under the shadow of a +grapevine, on a serene moonlight night; and the rhyme became a vague +and dreamy melopoeia, like that of certain German ballads; a labial +music interspersed with soft diphthongs, tender _ñ_'s, _x_'s of a +more melodious sound than the hissing Castilian _ch_. Generally, +after the recitations came singing. Don Eugenio, who was a Borderer, +knew some Portuguese _fados_, and Elvira was unrivaled in her +rendering of the popular and melancholy song of Curros, which seems +made for Druidical nights, for nights illuminated by the solemn light +of the moon. + +Segundo's heart thrilled with gratified vanity when Elvira +recited shyly, in alternation with the verses of the popular and +admired poets of the country, songs of the Swan, which had appeared +in periodicals of Vigo or Orense. Segundo had never written in +dialect, and yet Elvira had a book in which she pasted all the +productions of the unknown Swan; Teresa, joining in the animated +conversation with the best intentions in the word, betrayed her +sister: + +"She writes verses too. Come, child, recite something of your +own. She has a copy-book full of things invented, composed by +herself." + +The poetess, after the indispensable excuses and denials, recited +two or three little things, almost without poetic form, weak, sincere +in the midst of their sentimental falseness--verses of the kind which +reveal no artistic faculty, but which are the sure indication that +the author or authoress feels an unsatisfied desire, longs for fame +or for love, as the inarticulate cry of the infant expresses its +hunger. Segundo twisted his mustache, Nieves lowered her eyes and +played with the tassels of her fan, impatient and somewhat bored and +nervous. This occurred two or three days after the arrival of Segundo +who, in spite of all his attempts, had not yet been able to succeed +in saying a word in private to Nieves. + +"How uncultured these young ladies are!" said Señora de Comba to +herself, while aloud she said, "How lovely, how tender! It sounds +like some of Grilo's verses." + + + + + XVIII. + + +It was something different from poetry that formed the theme of +conversation of the head of the house of Las Vides, the Gendays, and +the arch-priest, installed on the balcony under the pretext of +enjoying the moonlight, but in reality to discuss the important +question of the vintage. + +A fine crop! Yes, indeed, a fine crop! The grape had not a trace +of oïdium; it was clean, full, and so ripe that it was as sticky to +the touch as if it had been dipped in honey. There was not a doubt +but that the new wine of this year was better than the old wine of +last year. Last year's vintage was an absolute failure! Hail to-day, +rain to-morrow! The grape with so much rain had burst before it was +time to gather it, and had not an atom of pulp; the result was a wine +that scarcely left a stain on the shirt-sleeves of the muleteers. + +At the recollection of so great a calamity, Mendez pressed his +thin lips together, and the arch-priest breathed hard. And the +conversation continued, sustained by Primo Genday, who, with much +verbosity, spitting and laughter, recounted details of harvests of +twenty years before, declaring: + +"This year's crop is exactly like the crop of '61." + +"Exactly," assented Mendez. "As for the Rebeco, it will not give +a load less this year, and the Grilloa--I don't know but that it will +give us six or seven more. It is a great vine, the Grilloa!" + +After these cheerful prognostications of a rich harvest, Mendez +described with satisfaction to his attentive audience some +improvements which he had introduced into the cultivation of the +vine. He had most of his casks secured with iron hoops; they were +more expensive than wooden ones, but they lasted longer and they +saved the troublesome labor of making new hoops for each harvest; he +was thinking too, by way of experiment, of setting up a wine-press, +doing away with the repulsive spectacle of the trampling of the +grapes by human feet, and in order that the pressed skins and the +pulp of the grapes might not go to waste, he would distill from them +a refined alcohol which Agonde would buy from him at its weight in +gold. + +Lulled by the grave voices discussing important agricultural +questions on the balcony, Don Victoriano, somewhat fatigued by his +expedition to the vineyards, sat smoking in the rocking-chair, buried +in painful meditations. Since his return from the springs he had been +growing weaker day by day; the temporary improvement had vanished; +the debility, the unnatural appetite, the thirst, and the desiccation +of the body had increased. He remembered that Sanchez del Abrojo had +told him that a slight perspiration would be of the greatest benefit +to him, and when he observed, after he had been drinking the waters +for a few days, the re-establishment of this function, his joy knew +no bounds. But what was his terror when he found that his shirt, +stiff and hard, adhered to his skin as if it had been soaked in +syrup. He touched a fold of the sleeve with his lips and perceived a +sweetish taste. It was plain! He perspired sugar! The glucose +secretion was, then, uncontrollable, and by a tremendous irony of +fate all the bitterness of his existence had come to end in this +strange elaboration of sweet substances. + +For some days past he had noticed another alarming symptom. His +sight was becoming affected. As the aqueous humor of the eye dried up +the crystalline lens became clouded, producing the cataract of +diabetes. Don Victoriano had chills. He regretted now having put +himself into the homicidal hands of Tropiezo and drunk the waters. +There was not a doubt but that he was being wrongly treated. From +this day forth a strict regimen, a diet of fruits, fecula, and milk. +To live, to live, but for a year, and to be able to hide his malady! +If the electors saw their candidate blind and dying, they would +desert to Romero. The humiliation of losing the coming election +seemed to him intolerable. + +Bursts of silvery laughter, and youthful exclamations proceeding +from the garden, changed the current of his thoughts. Why was it that +Nieves did not perceive the serious condition of her husband's +health? He wished to dissemble before the whole world, but before his +wife----Ah, if his wife belonged to him she ought to be beside him +now, consoling and soothing him by her caresses instead of diverting +herself and frolicking among the camellias, like a child. If she was +beautiful and fresh and her husband sickly, so much the worse for +her. Let her put up with it, as was her duty. Bah! What nonsense! +Nieves did not love him, had never loved him! + +The noise and laughter below increased. Victorina and Teresa, the +verses being exhausted, had proposed a game of hide-and-seek. +Victorina was crying at every moment, "Teresa's it!" "Segundo's it!" + +The garden was very well adapted for this exercise because of its +almost labyrinthine intricacy, owing to the fact of its being laid +out in sloping terraces supported on walls and separated by rows of +umbrageous trees, communicating with each other by uneven steps, as +is the case with all the estates in this hilly country. Thus it was +that the play was very noisy, as the seeker had great difficulty in +finding those who were hiding. + +Nieves endeavored to hide herself securely, through laziness so +as not to have to run after the others. Chance provided her with a +superb hiding-place, a large lemon tree situated at one end of a +terrace, near some steps which afforded an easy means of escape. She +hid herself here in the densest part of the foliage, drawing her +light gown closely around her so that it might not betray her. She +had been only a few moments in her hiding-place when a shadow passed +before her and a voice murmured softly: + +"Nieves!" + +"Oh!" she cried, startled. "Who has found me out here?" + +"No one has found you; there is no one looking for you but me," +cried Segundo vehemently, penetrating into Nieves' hiding-place with +such impetuosity that the late blossoms which whitened the branches +of the giant tree showered their petals over their heads, and the +branches swayed rhythmically. + +"For Heaven's sake, García!" she cried, "for Heaven's sake, don't +be imprudent--go away, or let me go. If the others should come and +find us here what would they say? For Heaven's sake, go!" + +"You wish me to go?" said the poet. "But, Señora, even if they +should find me here, there would be nothing strange in that; a little +while ago I was with Teresa Molende behind the camellias there; +either we are playing or we are not playing. But if you desire it--to +please you----But before I go I wish to ask you a question----" + +"Somewhere else--in the parlor," stammered Nieves, lending an +anxious ear to the distant noises and cries of the game. + +"In the parlor! Surrounded by everybody! No, that cannot be. No, +now, do you hear me?" + +"Yes, I hear you," she returned in a voice rendered almost +inaudible by terror. + +"Well, then, I adore you, Nieves; I adore you, and you love me." + +"Hist! Silence, silence! They are coming. I think I hear steps." + +"No, it is the leaves. Tell me that you love me and I will go." + +"They are coming! For Heaven's sake! I shall die of terror! +Enough of jesting, García, I entreat you----" + +"You know perfectly well that I am not jesting. Have you +forgotten the night of the fireworks? If you did not love me you +would have released yourself from my arm on that night, or you would +have cried out. You look at me sometimes--you return my glances. You +cannot deny it!" + +Segundo was close to Nieves, speaking with fiery impetuosity, but +without touching her, although the fragrant, rustling branches of +their shelter closed around them, inviting them to closer proximity. +But Segundo remembered the cold hard whalebones, and Nieves drew +back, trembling. Yes, trembling with fear. She might cry out, indeed, +but if Segundo persisted in remaining how annoying it would be! What +a mortification! What gossip it would give rise to! After all the +poet was right--the night of the fireworks she had been culpably weak +and she was paying for it now. And what would Segundo do if she gave +him the _yes_ he asked for? He repeated his proud and vehement +assertion: + +"You love me, Nieves. You love me. Tell me that you love me, only +once, and I will go." + +Not far off could be heard the contralto voice of Teresa Molende +calling to her companions: + +"Nieves--where is she? Victorina, Carmen, come in, the dew is +falling!" + +And another shrill voice, that of Elvira, woke the echoes: + +"Segundo! Segundo! We are going in!" + +In fact that almost imperceptible mizzle, which refreshes the +sultry nights of Galicia, was falling; the lustrous leaves of the +lemon tree in which Nieves sat, shrinking back from Segundo, were wet +with the night dew. The poet leaned toward her and his hands touched +her hands chilled with cold and terror. He crushed them between both +his own. + +"Tell me that you love me, or----" + +"But, good Heavens, they are calling me! They are noticing my +absence. I am cold!" + +"Tell me the truth then. Otherwise there is no human power that +can tear me from here--come what will. Is it so hard to say a single +word?" + +"And what do you want me to say, tell me?" + +"Do you love me, yes or no?" + +"And you will let me go--go to the house?" + +"Anything you wish--but first tell me, do you love me?" + +The _yes_ was almost inaudible. It was an aspiration, a prolonged +_s_. Segundo crushed her wrists in his grasp. + +"Do you love me as I love you? Answer plainly." + +This time Nieves, making an effort, pronounced an unequivocal +_yes_. Segundo released her hands, raised his own to his lips with a +passionate gesture of gratitude, and springing down the stairs, +disappeared among the trees. + + + + + XIX. + + +Nieves drew a long breath. She felt dazed. She shook her wrists, +hurt by the pressure of Segundo's fingers, and arranged her hair, wet +with the night dew, and disordered by the contact of the branches. +What had she said after all? Anything, no matter what, to escape from +so compromising a situation. She was to blame for having withdrawn +from the others and hidden herself in so retired a spot. And with +that desire to give publicity to unimportant actions which seizes +people when they have something to conceal she called out: + +"Teresa! Elvira! Carmen! Carmen!" + +"Nieves! where are you, Nieves?" came in answer from various +quarters. + +"Here, beside the big lemon tree. Wait for me, I am coming!" + +When they entered the house, Nieves, who had to some extent +recovered her composure, began to reflect on what had passed and +could not but wonder at herself. To say _yes_ to Segundo. She had +uttered the word partly under compulsion, but she had uttered it. How +daring the poet had been. It seemed impossible that the son of the +lawyer of Vilamorta should be so determined. She was a lady of +distinction, highly respected, her husband had just been Minister. +And García's family, what were they--nobodies; the father wore +collars frayed at the edges that were a sight to see; they kept no +servant; the sisters ran about barefooted half the time. Even Segundo +himself--he had an unmistakable provincial air and a strong Galician +accent. He could not indeed be called ugly; there was something +remarkable in his face and in his manner. He spoke with so much +passion! As if he commanded instead of entreating! What a masterful +air he had! And there was something flattering to one's vanity in +having a suitor of this kind, so ardent and so daring. Who had ever +fallen in love with Nieves before? There were three or four who had +made gallant speeches to her--one who had watched her through his +opera-glass. Everyone in Madrid treated her with that indifference +and consideration which respectable ladies inspire. + +For the rest, this persistency of Segundo's was to a certain +extent compromising. Would people notice it? Would her husband notice +it? Bah! Her husband thought only of his ailments, of the elections. +He scarcely ever spoke to her of anything else. But what if he +should notice it? How horrible, good Heavens! And the girls who had +been playing hide and seek, might they not suspect something? Elvira +seemed more languishing and sighed more frequently than usual. Elvira +admired Segundo. He--no, he did not pay the slightest attention to +her. And Segundo's verses sounded well, they were beautiful; they +were worthy of a place in _La Ilustracion_. In short, as they would +be obliged to return to Madrid before the elections, there was hardly +any real danger. She would always preserve a pleasant recollection of +the summer. The thing was to avoid--to avoid---- + +Nieves did not venture to tell herself what it was necessary to +avoid, nor had she settled this point when she entered the parlor, +where the game of tresillo was already going on. Señora de Comba +seated herself at the piano and played several quick airs--polkas and +rigadoons, for the girls to dance. When she stopped they cried out +for another air. + +"Nieves, the _muñeira_!" + +"The _riveirana_, please!" + +"Do you know the whole of it, Nieves?" + +"The whole of it--why, did I not hear it in the feasts?" + +"Let us have it then, come." + +"Who will dance it?" + +"Who knows how to dance it?" + +Several voices answered immediately: + +"Teresa Molende; ah! it is a pleasure to see her dance it." + +"And who will be her partner?" + +"Ramonciñe Limioso here, he dances it to perfection." + +Teresa laughed in the deep, sonorous tones of a man, declaring +solemnly that she had forgotten the muñeira--that she never knew it +well. From the tresillo table came a protest--from the master of the +house, Mendez: Teresina danced it to perfection. Let her not try to +excuse herself; no excuse would avail her; there was not in all the +Border a girl who danced the riveirana with more grace; it was true +indeed that the taste and the skill for these old customs of the +country were fast disappearing. + +Teresa yielded, not without once more affirming her incompetence. +And after fastening up her skirt with pins, so that it might not +impede her movements she stopped laughing and assumed a modest and +ingenuous air, veiling her large lustrous eyes under her thick +lashes, dropping her head on her breast, letting her arms fall by her +sides, swaying them slightly, rubbing the balls of the thumbs and the +forefingers together, and thus, moving with very short steps, her +feet close together, keeping time to the music, she made the tour of +the room, with perfect decorum, her eyes fixed on the floor, stopping +finally at the head of the room. While this was taking place, +Señorito de Limioso took off his short jacket, remaining in his +shirt-sleeves, put on his hat, and asked for an indispensable +article. + +"Victorina, the castanets." + +The child ran and brought two pairs of castanets. The Señorito +secured the cord between his fingers and after a haughty flourish, +began his rôle. Teresita's partner was as lean and shriveled as Don +Quixote himself, and, like the Manchego hidalgo, it was undeniable +that he had a distinguished and stately air, scrupulously as he +imitated the awkward movements of a rustic. He took his place before +Teresa and danced a quick measure, courteously but urgently wooing +her to listen to his suit. At times he touched the floor with the +sole of his foot, at others with his heel or toe only, almost +twisting his ankles out of joint with the rapidity of his movements, +while he played the castanets energetically, the castanets in +Teresa's hands responding with a faint and timid tinkle. Pushing his +hat back on his head the gallant looked boldly at his partner, +approached his face to hers; pursued her, urged his suit in a +thousand different ways, Teresa never altering her humble and +submissive attitude nor he his conquering air, his gymnastics, and +his resolute movements of attack. + +It was primitive love, the wooing of the heroic ages, represented +in this expressive Cantabrian dance, warlike and rude; the woman +dominated by the strength of the man and, better than enamored, +afraid; all which was more piquant in view of the Amazon-like type of +Teresa and the habitual shyness and circumspection of the Señorito. +There was an instant, however, in which the gallant peeped through +the barbarous conqueror, and in the midst of a most complicated and +rapid measure he bent his knee before the beauty, describing the +figure known as _punto del sacramento_. It was only for a moment +however; springing to his feet he gave his partner a tender push and +they stood back to back, touching each other, caressing each other, +and amorously rubbing shoulder against shoulder and spine against +spine. In two minutes they suddenly drew apart and with a few +complicated movements of the ankles and a few rapid turns, during +which Teresa's skirts whirled around her, the riveirana came to an +end and a storm of applause burst from the spectators. + +While the Señorito wiped the perspiration from his brow and +Teresa unpinned her skirt, Nieves, who had risen from the piano, +looked around and noticed Segundo's absence. Elvira made the same +observation but aloud. Agonde gave them the clew to the mystery. + +"No doubt he is at this moment in the pine grove or on the +river-bank. There is scarcely a night in which he does not make +eccentric expeditions of the kind; in Vilamorta he does the same +thing." + +"And how is the door to be closed if he does not come? That boy +is crazy," declared Primo Genday. "We are not all going to do without +our sleep, we who have to get up early to our work, for that +featherhead. Hey, do you understand me? I will shut up the house and +let him manage in the best way he can. Ave Maria!" + +Mendez and Don Victoriano protested in the name of courtesy and +hospitality, and until midnight the door of Las Vides remained open, +awaiting Segundo's return. As he had not come by that time, however, +Genday went himself to bar the door muttering between his teeth: + +"Ave Mar-- Let him sleep out of doors if he has a fancy for doing +so." + +Segundo, in fact, was at this time on his way to the pine grove. +He was in a state of intense excitement, and he felt that it would be +impossible for him in his present mood to meet anyone or to take part +in any conversation. Nieves, so reserved, so beautiful, had said yes +to him. The dreams of an ideal love which had tormented his spirit +were not, then, destined never to be realized, nor would fame be +unattainable when love was already within his ardent and eager grasp. +With these thoughts passing through his mind he ascended the steep +path and walked enraptured through the pine grove. At times he would +lean against the dark trunk of some pine, his brow bared to the +breeze, drinking in the cool night air, and listening, as in a dream, +to the mysterious voices of the trees and the murmur of the river +that ran below. Ah, what moments of happiness, what supreme joys, +were promised him by this love, which flattered his pride, excited +his imagination and satisfied his egotism, the delicate egotism of a +poet, avid of love, of enjoyments which the imagination idealizes and +the muse may sing without degradation! All that he had pictured in +his verses was to be realized in his life; and his song would ring +forth more clearly and inspiration would flow more freely, and he +would write, in blood, verses that would cause his readers' hearts to +thrill with emotion. + +In defiance of duty and reason Nieves loved him--she had told him +so. The poet smiled scornfully when he thought of Don Victoriano, +with the profound contempt of the idealist for the practical man +inept in spiritual things. Then he looked around him. The pine grove +had a gloomy air at this hour. And it was cold. Besides it must be +late. They would be wondering at his absence in Las Vides. Had Nieves +retired? With these thoughts passing through his mind he descended +the rugged path and reached the door ten minutes after the careful +hand of Genday had secured the bolt. The _contretemps_ did not alarm +Segundo; he would have to scale some wall; and the romance of the +incident almost pleased him. How should he effect an entrance? + +Undoubtedly the easiest way would be by the garden, into which he +could lower himself from the brow of the hill--a question of a few +scratches, but he would be in his own room in ten minutes' time, +without encountering the dogs that were keeping watch in the yard, or +any member of the household, as that side of the house, the side +where the dining-room was situated, was uninhabited. And upon this +course he decided. He turned back and ascended the top of the hill, +not without some difficulty. From thence he could command a view of +the gallery and a good part of the garden. He studied the nature of +the declivity, so as to avoid falling on the wall and perhaps +breaking his leg. The hill was bare and without vegetation and the +figure of the Swan stood out boldly against the background of the +sky. + +When Segundo fixed his eyes on the gallery for the purpose of +deciding on the safest place for a descent, he saw something that +troubled his senses with a sweet intoxication, something that gave +him one of those delightful surprises which make the blood rush to +the heart to send it coursing back joyful and ardent through the +veins. In the semi-obscurity of the gallery, standing among the +flower-pots, his keen gaze descried, without the possibility of a +doubt as to the reality of the vision, a white figure, the silhouette +of a woman, whose attitude seemed to indicate that she too had seen +him, had observed him, that she was waiting for him. + +Fancy swiftly sketched out and filled in the details of the +scene--a colloquy, a divine colloquy of love with Nieves, among the +carnations and the vines, alone, without any other witnesses than the +moon, already setting, and the flowers, envious of so much happiness. +And with a swift movement he rolled down the steep declivity, landing +on the hard wall. The fruit trees hid the path from him, and two or +three times he lost his way; at last he found himself at the foot of +the staircase leading to the gallery, and he raised his eyes to +satisfy himself as to the reality of the lovely apparition. A woman +dressed in white was indeed waiting there, leaning over the wooden +balustrade of the balcony; but the distance did not now admit of any +optical illusion; it was Elvira Molende, in a percale wrapper, her +hair hanging loose about her shoulders, as if she were an actress +rehearsing the rôle of _Sonnambula_. How eagerly the poor girl was +leaning over the balustrade! The poet would swear that she even +called his name softly, with a tender lisp. + +And he passed on. He made the tour of the garden, entered the +courtyard by the inner door, which was not closed at night, and +knocked loudly at the door of the kitchen. The servant opened it for +him, cursing to himself the young gentlemen who stayed up late at +night because they were not obliged to rise early in the morning to +open the cellar for the grape-tramplers. + + + + + XX. + + +As the time occupied in the gathering of the grapes and the +elaboration of the wine in the spacious cellar of Mendez was so +prolonged, and as in that part of the country everyone has his own +crop, however small, to gather in, part of the guests went away, +desirous of attending to their own vineyards. Señorito de Limioso +needed to see for himself how, between oïdium, the blackbirds, the +neighbors, and the wasps, not a single bunch of grapes had been left +him; the Señoritas de Molende had to hang up with their own hands the +grapes of their famous Tostado, renowned throughout the country; and +for similar reasons Saturnino Agonde, the arch-priest, and the curate +of Naya took their leave one by one, the court of Las Vides being +reduced to Carmen Agonde, maid of honor, Clodio Genday, Aulic +councilor, Tropiezo, court physician, and Segundo, who might well be +the page or the troubadour charged to divert the châtelaine with his +ditties. + +Segundo was consumed with a feverish impatience hitherto unknown +to him. Since the day of the interview in the lemon tree Nieves had +shunned every occasion of being alone with him; and the feverish +dream that haunted his sleep, the intolerable anguish which consumed +him, was that he had advanced no further than the fugitive _yes_, +which he sometimes even doubted he had heard. He could not endure +this slow torture, this ceaseless martyrdom; he would have been less +unhappy if instead of encouraging him Nieves had requited his love +with open scorn. It was not the brutal desire for positive victories +which thus tormented him; all he wished was to convince himself that +he was really loved, and that under that steely corset a tender heart +throbbed. And so mad was his passion that when he found it impossible +to approach Nieves, he was seized by an almost irresistible impulse +to cry out, "Nieves, tell me again that you love me!" Always, always +obstacles between the two; the child was always at her mother's side. +Of what avail was it to be rid of Elvira Molende who, since the +memorable night on which she had kept guard in the gallery, had +looked at the poet with an expression that was half satirical, half +mournful? The departure of the poetess removed an obstacle, indeed, +but it did not put an end to his difficulties. + +Segundo suffered in his vanity, wounded by the systematic reserve +of Nieves, as well as in his love, his ardent longing for the +impossible. It was already October; the ex-Minister spoke of taking +his departure immediately, and although Segundo counted on +establishing himself in Madrid later on through his influence, and +meeting Nieves again, an infallible instinct told him that between +Nieves and himself there existed no other bond of union than their +temporary sojourn in Las Vides, the poetic influences of the season, +the accident of living under the same roof, and that if this dream +did not take shape before their separation it would be as ephemeral +as the vine leaves that were now falling around them, withered and +sapless. + +Autumn was parting with its glories; the wrinkled and knotted +vine stalks, the dry and shrunken vine branches, lay bare to view, +and the wind moaned sadly, stripping their leaves from the boughs of +the fruit trees. One day Victorina asked Segundo: + +"When are we going to the pine grove to hear it sing?" + +"Whenever you like, child. This afternoon if your mother wishes +it." + +The child conveyed the proposition to Nieves. For some time past +Victorina had been more than usually demonstrative toward her mother, +leaning her head upon Nieves' breast, hiding her cheek in her neck, +passing her hands over her hair and her shoulders while she would +repeat softly, in a voice that seemed to ask for a caress: + +"Mamma! mamma!" + +But the eyes of the miniature woman, half-veiled by their long +lashes, were fixed with loving, longing glance, not on her mother, +but on the poet, whose words the child drank in eagerly, turning very +red if he chanced to make some jesting remark to her or gave any +other indication of being aware of her presence. + +Nieves objected a little at first, not wishing to appear +credulous or superstitious. + +"But what has put such an idea into your head?" + +"Mamma, when Segundo says that the pines sing, they sing, mamma, +there is not a doubt of it." + +"But you don't know," said Nieves, bestowing on the poet a smile +in which there was more sugar than salt--"that Segundo writes poetry, +and that people who write poetry are permitted to--to invent--a +little?" + +"No, Señora," cried Segundo. "Do not teach your child what is not +true. Do not deceive her. In society it often happens that we utter +with the lips sentiments that are far from the heart, but in poetry +we lay bare the feelings of the inmost soul, feelings which in the +world we are obliged to hide in our own breasts, through respect--or +through prudence. Believe me." + +"Say, mamma, are we going there to-day?" + +"Where?" + +"To the pine grove." + +"If you are very anxious to go. What an obstinate child! But +indeed I too am curious to hear this orchestra." + +Only Nieves, Victorina, Carmen, Segundo, and Tropiezo took part +in the expedition. The elders remained behind smoking and looking on +at the important operation of covering and closing some of the vats +which contained the must, now fermented. As Mendez saw the party +about to start, he called out in a tone of paternal warning: + +"Take care with the descent. The pine needles in this hot weather +are as slippery as if they had been rubbed with soap. The ladies must +be helped down. You, Victorina, don't be crazy; don't go rushing +about there." + +The famous pine grove was distant some quarter of a league, but +they spent fully three-quarters of an hour in making the ascent, +along a path as steep, narrow, and rugged as the ascent to heaven is +said to be, and which long before reaching the wood was carpeted with +the polished, smooth, dry pine needles, which, if they rendered the +descent more easy than was agreeable, compensated for it by making +the ascent extremely difficult, causing the foot to slip, and +fatiguing the ankles and the knees. Nieves stopped from time to time +to take breath, and was at last fain to avail herself of the support +of the plump arm of Carmen Agonde. + +"_Caramba_, this is like practicing gymnastics! Whoever escapes +being killed when we are going back will be very lucky." + +"Lean well on me, lean well on me," said the sturdy country girl. +"Many a limb has been broken here already, no doubt. This ascent is +terrible!" + +They reached the summit at last. The prospect was beautiful, with +that species of beauty that borders on sublimity. The pine wood +seemed to hang over an abyss. Between the trunks of the trees could +be caught glimpses of the mountains, of an ashen blue blending into +violet in the distance; on the other side of the pine wood, that +which overlooked the river, the ground fell abruptly in a steep, +almost perpendicular descent, while far below flowed the Avieiro, not +winding peacefully along, but noisy and foaming, roused into rage by +the barrier opposed to its progress by some sharp black rocks and +separating into numerous currents that curled around the bowlders +like angry green snakes covered with silver scales. To the roaring +and sobbing of the river the pine wood kept accompaniment with its +perpetual plaint intoned by the summits of the trees, which swayed +and vibrated to the kisses of the breeze, dolorous kisses that drew +from them an incessant moan. + +The excursionists, impressed by the tragic aspect of the scene, +remained mute. Only the child broke the silence, speaking in tones as +hushed as if she were in a church. + +"Well, it is true, mamma! The pines sing. Do you hear them? It +sounds like the chorus of bishops in 'L'Africaine.' They even seem to +speak--listen--in bass voices--like that passage in the +'Huguenots----'" + +Nieves agreed that the murmur of the pines was in truth musical +and solemn. Segundo, leaning against a tree, looked down at the river +foaming below; Victorina approached him, but he stopped her and made +her go back. + +"No, my child," he said; "don't come near; it is a little +dangerous; if you should lose your footing and roll down that +declivity----Go back, go back." + +As nothing further occurred to them to say about the pines, the +excursionists began to think of returning home; Nieves was a little +uneasy about the descent, and she wished to undertake it before the +sun should set. + +"Now, indeed, we shall break some of our bones, Don Fermin," she +said to the doctor. "Now, indeed, you may begin to get your bandages +and splints ready." + +"There is another road," said Segundo, emerging from his +abstraction. "And one which is much less toilsome and much more level +than this." + +"Yes, talk to us now about the other road," cried Tropiezo, true +to his habit of voting with the opposition. "It is even worse than +the one by which we came." + +"How should it be worse, man? It is a little longer, but as it is +not so steep it is the best in the end. It skirts the pine wood." + +"Do you want to tell me which is the best road--me who know the +whole country as well as I know my own house? You cannot go by that +road; I know what I am saying." + +"And I say that you can, and I will prove it to you. For once in +your life don't be stubborn. I came by it not many days ago. Do you +remember, Nieves, the night we played hide-and-seek in the garden, +the night they barred me out and I got over the wall?" + +Had it not been for the thick shade cast by the pine trees and +the fading daylight, it would have been seen that Nieves blushed. + +"Let us take whichever road is easiest and most level," she said, +evading an answer. "I am very awkward about walking over rough +roads." + +Segundo offered his arm, saying jestingly: + +"That blessed Tropiezo knows as much about roads as he does about +the art of healing. Come, and you shall see that we will be the +gainers by it." + +Tropiezo, on his side, was saying to Carmen Agonde, shaking his +head obstinately: + +"Well, we will please ourselves and go by the cut, and arrive +before they do, safe and sound, with the help of God." + +Victorina, according to her custom, was going to her mother's +side, when the doctor called out to her: + +"Here, take hold of the end of my stick or you will slip. Your +mamma will have enough to do to keep herself from falling. And God +save us from a _trip_," he added, laughing loudly at his jest. + +The voices and footsteps receded in the distance, and Segundo and +Nieves continued on their way in silence. The precipitous character +of the path along which they walked inspired Nieves with something +like fear. It was a little path cut on the slope of the pine wood, on +the very edge of the precipice, almost overhanging the river. +Although Segundo gave Nieves the least dangerous side, that next the +wood, leaving himself scarcely a foothold, so that he was obliged to +place one foot horizontally before the other, in walking, this did +not set her fears at rest or make the adventure seem any the less +dangerous to her. Her terror was increased a hundredfold when she saw +that they were alone. + +"Are they not coming?" she asked anxiously. + +"We will overtake them in less than ten minutes. They are going +by the other road," answered Segundo, without adding a single word of +endearment, or even pressing the arm which trembled with terror +within his. + +"Let us go on, then," said Nieves, in tones of urgent entreaty. +"I am anxious to be home." + +"Why?" asked the poet, suddenly standing still. + +"I am tired--out of breath----" + +"Well, you shall rest and take a drink of water if you desire +it." + +And with rash hardihood Segundo, without waiting for an answer, +drew Nieves down the slope and, skirting the rock, stopped on a +narrow ledge which projected over the river. By the fading sunset +light they discried a crystal thread of water trickling down the +black front of the rock. + +"Drink, if you wish--in the palm of your hand, for we have no +glass," said Segundo. + +Nieves mechanically released Segundo's arm, scarcely conscious of +what she was doing, and took a step toward the stream; but the ground +at the base of the rock, kept moist by the dripping of the water, was +overgrown with humid vegetation as slippery as sea-weed, and as she +set her foot upon it she slipped and lost her balance. In her +vertigo, she saw the river roaring menacingly below, the sharp rocks +waiting to receive her and mangle her flesh, and she already felt the +chill air of the abyss. A hand clutched her by her gown, by her +flesh, perhaps; held her up and drew her back to safety. She dropped +her head on Segundo's shoulder and the latter, for the first time, +felt Nieves' heart beat under his hand. And how quickly it beat! It +beat with fear. The poet bent over her, and on her very lips breathed +this question: + +"Do you love me? tell me, do you love me?" + +The answer was inaudible, for even if the words had been formed +in her throat her sealed lips were unable to articulate them. During +this short space of time, which was for them an eternity, there +flashed across Segundo's brain a thought potent and destructive as +the electric spark. The poet stood fronting the precipice, Nieves +with her back toward it, kept from falling over its edge only by the +arm of her savior. A movement forward, a stronger pressure of his +lips to hers, would be sufficient to make them both lose their +balance and precipitate them into the abyss. It would be a beautiful +ending--worthy of the ambitious soul of a poet. Thinking of it +Segundo found it alluring and desirable, and yet the instinct of +self-preservation, an animal impulse, but one more powerful than the +romantic idea, placed between the thought and the action an +insuperable barrier. He pleased himself, in imagination, with the +picture of the two bodies clasped in each other's arms, borne along +by the current of the river. He even saw in fancy the scene of the +discovery of the corpses, the exclamations; the profound impression +that such an event would cause in the district; and _something_, some +poetic feeling that stirred and thrilled in his youthful soul, urged +him to take the leap; but at the same time a cold fear congealed his +blood, obliging him to proceed slowly, not toward the abyss, but in +an opposite direction, toward the path. + +All this, short enough in the telling, was instantaneous in the +thinking. Segundo felt a cold chill strike through him, putting to +flight thoughts of love as well as of death. It was the chill +communicated to him by the lips of Nieves, who had fainted in his +arms. + +He dipped his handkerchief in the spring and applied it to her +temples and wrists. She half opened her eyes. They could hear +Tropiezo talking, Carmen laughing; they were coming doubtless in +search of them, to triumph over them. Nieves, when she came back to +consciousness and found herself still alone, did not make the +slightest effort to free herself from the poet's embrace. + + + + + XXI. + + +As if by tacit agreement the hero and heroine of the adventure +made light of the danger they had run, to their companions in the +excursion in the first place, and afterward to the elders at Las +Vides. Segundo observed a certain reticence regarding the particulars +of the occurrence. Nieves, on the contrary, was more talkative than +usual, speaking with nervous loquacity, going over the most +insignificant details a hundred times. She had slipped; García had +reached out his hand to her; she had caught it, and as she +was--well--timid, she had been a little frightened, although there +was not the slightest occasion for being so. But the obstinate +Tropiezo, with mild scorn, contradicted her. Good Heavens, how +mistaken she was! No danger? Why, it was only by a miracle that +Nieves was not now floating in the Avieiro. The ground there was as +slippery as soap, and the stones below were as sharp as razors, and +the current was so strong that----Nieves denied the danger, making an +effort to laugh; but the terror of the accident had left unmistakable +traces upon her countenance, changing its warm healthy pallor to a +sickly hue, producing dark circles under her eyes, and making her +features twitch convulsively. + +Segundo longed to say a few words to her, to ask her to grant him +an interview; he comprehended that he must avail himself of these +first moments, while her soul was still under the softening influence +of gratitude and fright which made her cold heart palpitate beneath +the whalebone of her stays. In the brief scene of the precipice the +arrival of Tropiezo had allowed Nieves no time to respond explicitly +to the poet's ardor, and Segundo wished to come to some agreement +with her, to devise some means of seeing each other and talking to +each other alone, to establish the fact at once that all these +anxieties, these vigils, these intrigues, were love and requited +love--a mutual passion, in short. When and how should he find the +desired opportunity of establishing an understanding with Nieves? + +It may be said that in the history of every love affair there +exists a first period in which obstacles accumulate and difficulties, +seemingly insurmountable, arise, driving to despair the lover who has +made up his mind to conquer them, and that there comes, too, a second +period in which the mysterious force of desire and the power of the +will sweep away these obstacles, and circumstances, for the moment +favorable, aid the lovers. So it happened on the night of this +memorable day. As Victorina had been somewhat frightened, hearing of +the danger her mother had been in, she had been sent to bed early, +and Carmen Agonde had remained with her to put her asleep by telling +her stories. The principal witnesses being thus removed and the +elders plunged in one of their interminable viticultural, +agricultural, and sociological discussions, Nieves, who had gone out +on the balcony for air--for she felt as if she had a lump in her +throat which prevented her from breathing--had an opportunity to chat +for ten minutes with Segundo, who was standing near the window, not +far from the rocking-chairs. + +Occasionally they would raise their voices and speak on +indifferent subjects--the afternoon's accident, the strange singing +of the pines. And low, very low, the diplomatic negotiation of the +poet followed its course. An interview, a conversation with some +degree of freedom. Why, of course it could be! Why could it not take +place in the gallery that very night? No one was going to think of +going there to spy out what was passing. He could let himself down +easily into the garden----He could not? She was very timid----It +would be wrong? Why?--She was tired and not very well----Yes, he +understood. She would prefer the daytime, perhaps. Well, the other +would be better, but----Without fail? At the hour of the siesta? In +the parlor? No; nobody ever went there; everyone was asleep. On her +word of honor?--Thanks. Yes, it was necessary to dissemble so as not +to attract attention. + +Meantime the gentlemen at the tresillo table talked of the +vintage and its consequences. The poor country girls earned a good +deal of money at the work. Apropos of which Don Victoriano gave +expression to some of his favorite ideas, referring to English +legislature, and eulogizing the wisdom of that great nation whose +laws regulating labor give evidence of a careful study of the +problems it involves, and of some regard for the welfare of women and +children. With these serious disquisitions the evening ended, every +owl retiring to his olive tree. + +Nieves, seated at her toilet table, her open dressing-case and a +small silver-framed mirror before her, was taking out, one by one, +the tortoise-shell hair-pins which fastened her hair. Mademoiselle +gathered them together and arranged them neatly in a box and braided +Nieves' hair, after which the latter threw herself back in her seat +and drew a deep breath; suddenly she looked up. + +"If you could make me a cup of lime tea," she said, "in your own +room, without troubling anybody?" + +The Frenchwoman left the room and Nieves leaned her elbow +thoughtfully on the table, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand, +without moving her eyes from the mirror. Her face was deathly pale. +No, this life could not continue; if it did it would carry her to her +grave. She was very nervous--what terrors! What anxiety, what moments +of anguish she had suffered! She had seen death face to face, and had +had more frights, more fears, more misery in a single day than in all +the previous years of her existence put together. If this were love +in truth there was little that was pleasing in it; such agitations +were not suited to her. It was one thing to like to be pretty, and to +be told so, and even to have a passionate adorer, and another to +suffer these incessant anxieties, these surprises that bring one's +heart to one's mouth and expose one to the risk of disgrace and +destroy one's health. And the poets say that this is happiness. It +may be so for them--as for the poor women----And why had she not the +courage to tell Segundo that there must be an end to this, to say to +him: "I can endure these alarms no longer. I am afraid. I am +miserable!" Ah, she was afraid of him, too. He was capable of killing +her; his handsome black eyes sent forth at times electric sparks and +phosphoric gleams. And then he always took the lead, he dominated +her, he mastered her. Through him she had been on the point of +falling into the river, of being dashed to pieces on the rocks. Holy +Virgin! Why, only half an hour ago did he not almost force her to +agree to a meeting in the gallery? Which would be a great piece of +madness, since it would be impossible for her to go to that part of +the house without her absence being noticed by Mademoiselle, or +someone else, and its cause being discovered. Good Heavens! All this +was terrible, terrible! And to-morrow she must go to the parlor at +the hour of the siesta. Well, then, she would take a bold resolution. +She would go, yes, but she would go to clear up this +misunderstanding, to give Segundo some plain talk that would make him +place some restraint upon himself; that he should love her, very +good; she had no objection to that, that was well enough; but to +compromise her in this way, that was a thing unheard of; she would +entreat him to return to Vilamorta; they would soon go to Madrid. Ah, +how long that blessed Mademoiselle delayed with the lime tea. + +The door opened to admit, not Mademoiselle, but Don Victoriano. +There was nothing to surprise her in his appearance; he slept in a +sort of cabinet near his wife's room and separated from it by a +passageway, and every night before retiring he gave a kiss to the +child, whose bed was beside her mother's; nevertheless Nieves felt a +chill creep over her, and she instinctively turned her back to the +light, coughing to hide her agitation. + +The truth was that Don Victoriano looked very serious, even +stern. He had not indeed been very cheerful or communicative ever +since his illness had assumed a serious character; but in addition to +his air of dejection there was an indefinable something, a darker +gloom on his face than usual, a cloud pregnant with storm. Nieves, +observing that he did not approach the child's bed, cast down her +eyes and affected to be occupied in smoothing her hair with the ivory +comb. + +"How do you feel, child? Have you recovered from your fright?" +asked her husband. + +"No; I am still a little----I have asked for some lime tea." + +"You did well. See, Nieves----" + +"Well--well?" + +"See, Nieves, we must go to Madrid at once." + +"Whenever you wish. You know that I----" + +"No, the thing is that it is necessary, indispensable. I must put +myself seriously under treatment, child; for if things continue as +they are now it will soon be all over with me. I had the weakness to +put myself in the hands of that ass, Don Fermin. God forgive me for +it! and I fear," he added, smiling bitterly, "that I have made a +fatal mistake. Let us see if Sanchez del Abrojo will get me out of +the scrape--I doubt it greatly." + +"Heavens, how apprehensive you are!" exclaimed Nieves, breathing +freely once more and availing herself of the resource offered to her +by Don Victoriano's illness. "Anyone would think you had an incurable +disease. When you are once in Madrid and Sanchez has you under his +care--in a couple of months you will not even remember this trifling +indisposition." + +"Bravo! child, bravo! I don't wish to hurt your feelings or to +seem unkind, but what you say proves that you neither look at me, nor +care a straw about my health, nor pay any attention to me whatever, +which--forgive me--is not creditable to you. My disease is a serious, +a very serious one--it is a disease that carries people off in fine +style. I am being converted into sugar, my sight is failing, my head +aches, I have no blood left, and you, serene and gay, sporting about +like a child. A wife who loved her husband would not act in this way. +You have troubled yourself neither about the state of my body nor the +state of my mind. You are enjoying yourself, having a fine time, and +as for the rest--a great deal it matters to you!" + +Nieves rose to her feet, tremulous, almost weeping. + +"What are you saying? I--I----" + +"Don't distress yourself, child; don't cry. You are young and +well; I am wasted and sickly. So much the worse for me. But listen to +me. Although I seem to you dry and serious, I loved you tenderly, +Nieves, I love you still, as much as I love that child who is +sleeping there, I swear it to you before God! And you might--you +might love me a little--like a daughter--and take some interest in +me. The trouble would not be for long now--I feel so sick." + +Nieves drew near him with an affectionate movement and he touched +her forehead with his parched lips, pressing her to him at the same +time. Then he added: + +"I have still another observation to make, another sermon to +preach to you, child." + +"What is it?" murmured his wife smiling, but terrified. + +"That boy García--don't be alarmed, child, there is no need for +that--that boy looks at you sometimes in a very curious way, as if he +were making love to you. No, I am not doubting you. You are and you +have always been an irreproachable wife--I am not accusing you, nor +do I attach any importance to such folly. But, although you may not +believe it, the young men here are very daring; they are shyer in +appearance than those of the capital, but they are bolder in reality. +I spent my youthful years here, and I know them. I am only putting +you on your guard so that you may keep that jackanapes within bounds. +For the rest of the time we are to remain in this place, avoid those +long walks and all those other rusticities which they indulge in +here. A lady like you among these people is a sort of queen, and it +is not proper that they should take the same liberties with you as +with the Señoritas de Molende or others like them--but I have already +told you that such a thought has not even crossed my mind. It is one +thing that this village Swan should have fallen in love with you, and +have given you his hand to help you over the rocks, and another that +I should insult you, child!" + +Shortly afterward Mademoiselle entered with the steaming cup of +tea. And greatly Nieves needed it. Her nerves were in a state of the +utmost tension. She was on the verge of a hysterical attack. She even +felt nausea when she took the first few spoonfuls. Mademoiselle +offered her some anti-hysterical drops. Nieves drank the remedy, and +with a few yawns and two or three tears the attack passed off. She +thought she would go to bed, and went into her bedroom. There she saw +something which renewed her uneasiness--Victorina, instead of being +asleep, lay with eyes wide open. She had probably heard every word of +the conversation. + + + + + XXII. + + +She had in fact heard it all, from beginning to end. And the +words of the conjugal dialogue were whirling around in her brain, +mingling confusedly together, stamping themselves in characters of +fire on her virgin memory. She repeated them to herself, she tried to +understand their meaning, she weighed them, she drew conclusions from +them. + +No one can tell which is the precise moment that divides day from +night, sleeping from waking, youth from maturity, and innocence from +knowledge. Who can fix the moment in which the child, passing into +adolescence, observes in herself that undefinable something which may +perhaps be called consciousness of sex, in which vague presentiment +is changed into swift intuition, in which, without an exact notion of +the realities of life, she divines all that experience will +corroborate and accentuate later on, in which she understands the +importance of a sign, the significance of an act, the character of a +relationship, the value of a glance, and the meaning of a reticence. +The moment in which her eyes, hitherto open only to external life, +acquire power to scrutinize the inner life also, and losing their +superficial brilliancy, the clear reflection of her ingenuous purity, +acquire the concentrated and undefinable expression which constitutes +the _glance of a grown person_. + +This moment arrived for Victorina at the age of eleven, on the +night we have mentioned, overhearing a dialogue between her father +and mother. Motionless, with bated breath, her feet cold, her head +burning, the child heard everything, and afterward, in the dim light +of the bedroom, united broken links, remembering certain incidents, +and at last understood without attaching much importance to what she +understood, reasoning, however, with singular precocity, owing, +perhaps, to the painful activity with which imagination works in the +silence of night and the repose of the bed. + +It is certain that the child slept badly, tossing about +restlessly in her monastic little bed. Two ideas, especially, seemed +to pierce her brain like nails. Her father was ill, very ill, and he +was annoyed and displeased, besides, because Segundo had fallen in +love with her mamma. With her mamma. Not with her! With her who +preserved all the flowers he had given her like relics. + +The sorrows of childhood know neither limit nor consolation. When +we are older and more storms have passed over us, and we have seen +with astonishment that man can survive griefs which we had thought +unsurvivable, and that the heavens do not fall because we have lost +what we love, it may almost be said that absolute despair, which is +the heritage of childhood, does not exist. It was evident to +Victorina that her father was dying and that her mother was wicked, +and Segundo a villain, and that the world had come to an end--and +that she too, she too, desired to die. If it were possible for the +hair to turn white at eleven, Victorina would have become white on +the night in which suffering changed her from a bashful, timid, +blushing child to a moral being, capable of the greatest heroism. + +Nor did Nieves enjoy the balmy sweets of slumber. Her husband's +words had made her thoughtful. Was Don Victoriano's illness a fatal +one? It might be so! He looked greatly altered, poor fellow. And +Nieves felt a touch of grief and apprehension. Why, who could doubt +that she loved her husband, or that she should regret his death? She +did not feel for him any passionate love, such as is described in +novels--but affection--yes. Heaven grant the malady might be a +trifling one. And if it were not? And if she were to be left a wi---- +She did not dare to complete the word even in her thoughts. To think +of such a thing seemed like indulging in wicked desires. No, but the +fact was that women, when their husbands die, were--Holy Virgin! It +must be a terrible grief. Well, but _if it happened_? +Segundo--Heavens, what folly! Most assuredly such an absurdity had +never entered his head. The Garcías--nobodies. And here a vivid +picture of all Segundo's relations and their manner of living +presented itself to her mind. + +She would willingly have absented herself from the rendezvous on +the following day, because her husband had begun to suspect something +and the situation was a compromising one, although in the place +designated for the interview the meeting between them might always be +attributed to chance. On the other hand if she failed to meet him, +Segundo, who was so enamored, was fully capable of creating a +scandal, of going to look for her in her room, of forcing an entrance +into it through the window. + +After all, thinking well over the matter, she judged it most +prudent to comply with her promise and to entreat Segundo to--forget +her--or at least not to compromise her. That was the best course to +pursue. + +Nieves passed the morning in a state of complete prostration; she +scarcely tasted a morsel at breakfast and during the meal she kept +her eyes turned away from Segundo, fearing lest her husband should +surprise some furtive glance of intelligence between them. To make +matters worse, Segundo, desirous of reminding her with his eyes of +her promise, looked at her on this day oftener than usual. +Fortunately Don Victoriano's attention seemed to be all given to +satisfying his voracious appetite for eating and drinking. The meal +being finished everyone retired as usual to take the siesta. Nieves +went to her room. She found Victorina there, lying on the bed. For +greater precaution she asked her: + +"Are you going to sleep the siesta, my pet?" + +"To sleep, no. But I am comfortable here." + +Nieves looked at herself in the glass and saw that she was pale. +She washed her teeth, and after satisfying herself by a rapid glance +that her husband was resting in the other room, she stole softly into +the parlor. She was trembling. This atmosphere of storm and danger, +grateful to the sea-fowl, was fatal to the domestic bird. It was no +life to be always shuddering with fear, her blood curdled by fright. +It was not to live. It was not to breathe. She would end by becoming +crazy. Had she not fancied just now that she heard steps behind her, +as if someone were following her? Two or three times she had stopped +and leaned, fainting, against the wall of the corridor, vowing in her +own mind that she would never put herself in such a dilemma again. + +When she reached the parlor she stopped, half startled. It was so +silent and drowsy in the semi-obscurity, with the half-closed +shutters through which entered a single sunbeam full of dancing +golden motes, with its sleepy mirrors that were too lazy to reflect +anything from their turbid surfaces, its drowsy asthmatic clock, +whose face looked like a human countenance watching her and coughing +disapprovingly. Suddenly she heard quick, youthful foot-steps and +Segundo, audacious, impassioned, threw himself at her feet and +clasped his arms around her. She tried to restrain him, to advise +him, to explain to him. The poet refused to heed her, he continued +pouring forth exclamations of gratitude and love and then, rising to +his feet, he drew her toward him with the irresistible force of a +passion which does not stop to consider consequences. + +When Don Victoriano saw the child enter his room, white as wax, +livid, almost, darting fire from her eyes, in one of those +horror-inspired attitudes which can neither be feigned nor imitated, +he sprang from the bed where he had been lying awake smoking a cigar. +The child said to him, in a choking voice: + +"Come, papa! come, papa!" + +What were the thoughts that passed through her father's mind? It +was never known why he followed his daughter without putting to her a +single question. On the threshold of the parlor father and child +paused. Nieves uttered a shrill scream and Segundo, with an +impassioned and manly gesture, placed himself before her to shield +her with his body. An unnecessary defense. In the figure of the man +standing on the threshold there was nothing of menace; what there was +in it to inspire terror was precisely its air of stupor and +helplessness; it seemed a corpse, a specter overwhelmed with impotent +despair--the face, green rather than sallow, the eyes opened, dull +and fixed, the hands and feet trembling. The man was making fruitless +efforts to speak; paralysis had begun with the tongue; he tried in +vain to move it in his mouth, to form sounds. Horrible conflict! The +words struggled for utterance but remained unuttered; his face +changed from livid to red, the blood becoming congested in it, and +the child, clasping her father around the waist, seeing this combat +between the spirit and the body, cried: + +"Help! help! Papa is dying!" + +Nieves, not daring to approach her husband, but comprehending +that something very serious was the matter, screamed too for help. +And at the various doors appeared one after another Primo Genday and +Tropiezo in their shirt-sleeves, and Mendez with a cotton +handkerchief tied over his ears. + +Segundo stood silent in the middle of the room, uncertain what +course to pursue. To leave the room would be cowardly, to +remain----Tropiezo shook him. + +"Go, flying, to Vilamorta, boy!" he said. "Tell Doroteo, the +cabman, to go to Orense and bring back a doctor with him--the best he +can find. I don't want to make a trip this time," he added with a +wink. "Run, hurry off!" + +The Swan approached Nieves, who had thrown herself on the sofa +and was weeping, her face covered with her dainty handkerchief. + +"They want me to go for a doctor, Nieves. What shall I do?" + +"Go!" + +"Shall I return?" + +"No--for God's sake leave me. Go bring the doctor! go bring the +doctor!" And she sobbed more violently than before. + + * * * * * + +In spite of all Segundo's haste, the physician did not arrive in +Las Vides until early on the morning of the following day. He did not +think the case an unusual one. This disease often terminated in this +way, in paralysis; it was one of the most frequent complications of +the terrible malady. He added that it would be well to remove the +patient to Orense, taking suitable precautions. The removal was +effected without much difficulty, and Don Victoriano lived for a few +days longer. Twenty-four hours after the interment Nieves and +Victorina, attired in the deepest mourning, departed for the capital. + + + + + XXIII. + + +The black pall of winter has fallen over Vilamorta. It is +raining, and in the wet and muddy main street and plaza no one is to +be seen but occasionally some countryman, riding enveloped in his +grass cloth cloak, his horse's hoofs clattering on the stone +pavement, raising showers of mud. There are now no fruit-venders for +the simple reason that there is no fruit; all is deserted, damp, +muddy, and gloomy; Cansin, in listing slippers, a comforter around +his neck, walks up and down unceasingly before his door, to prevent +chilblains; the Alcalde avails himself of a very narrow arch in front +of his house to pass away the afternoon, walking ten steps up and ten +steps down, stamping energetically to keep his feet warm--an exercise +which he affirms to be indispensable to his digestion. + +Now indeed the little town seems lifeless! There are neither +visitors to the springs nor strangers from the surrounding country, +neither fairs nor vintages. Everywhere reigns the stillness and +solitude of the tomb, and a moisture so persistent that it covers +with a minute green vegetation the stones of the houses in course of +construction. These little towns in winter are enough to make the +most cheerful person low-spirited; they are the very acme of tedium, +the quintessence of dullness--the disinclination to arrange one's +hair, to change one's dress, the interminable evenings, the +persistent rain, the gloomy cold, the ashen atmosphere, the leaden +sky! + +In the midst of this species of lethargy in which Vilamorta is +plunged there are, however, some happy beings, beings who are now at +the summit of felicity, although soon destined to end their existence +in the most tragic manner; beings who, by their natural instinct +alone, have divined the philosophy of Epicurus and practice it, and +eat, drink, and make merry, and neither fear death nor think of the +unexplored region which opens its gates to the dying, beings who +receive the rain on their smooth skins with rejoicing, beings for +whom the mud is a luxurious bath in which they roll and wallow with +delight, abandoning the discomfort and narrowness of their lairs and +sties. They are the indisputable lords and masters of Vilamorta at +this season of the year; they who with their pomps and exploits +supply the reunions at the apothecary's with food for conversation, +and entertainment for familiar gatherings in which their respective +sizes are discussed and they are studied from the point of view of +their personal qualities, heated discussions taking place as to +whether the short or the long ear, the curly tail, the hoof more or +less curved upward, and the snout more or less pointed, augur the +more succulent flesh and the more abundant fat. Comparisons are made. +Pellejo's hog is superb as far as size is concerned, but its flesh, +of an erysipelatous rosy hue, and its immense flabby belly, betray +the hog of relaxed muscle, nourished on bakehouse refuse; a +magnificent swine, that of the Alcalde, which has been fed on +chestnuts, not so large as the other, but what hams it will make! +What hams! And what bacon! And what a back, broad enough to ride +upon! This will be the swine of the season. There are not wanting +those who affirm, however, that the queen of the swine of Vilamorta +is the pig of Aunt Gáspara, García's pig. The haunches of this +magnificent animal look like a highroad; it once came near being +suffocated by its own fat; its teats touch its hoofs and kiss the mud +of the road. Who can calculate how many pounds of lard it will yield, +and the black puddings it will fill with its blood, and the sausages +that its intestines will make? + +It stops raining for a week; the cold grows more intense, frost +falls, whitening the grass of the paths and hardening the ground. +This is the signal for the hecatomb, for which the auspices are now +favorable, for, in addition to the cold, the moon is in her last +quarter; if she were on the wane the flesh would spoil. The hour has +come for wielding the knife. And through the long nights of Vilamorta +resound at the most unexpected moments desperate grunts--first grunts +of fury, that express the impotent rage of the victim at finding +himself bound to the bench, and reveal in the degenerate domestic pig +the descendant of the wild mountain boar; then of pain, when the +knife penetrates the flesh, an almost human cry when its blade +pierces the heart, and at last a series of despairing groans which +grow fainter and fainter as life and strength escape with the warm +stream of blood. + +This bloodcurdling drama was being enacted in the house of the +lawyer García at eleven o'clock on a clear frosty December night. The +girls, wild with delight, and dying with curiosity, crowded around +the expiring pig, in whose heart and throat the butcher, with rolled +up sleeves and bare arms, was about to plunge the knife. Segundo, +shut up in his bedroom, had before him some sheets of paper, more or +less covered with scrawls. He was writing verses. But as the sounds +of the tragedy reached him, he dropped his pen with dismay. He had +inherited from his mother a profound horror of the spectacle of the +killing; it usually cost his mother ten or twelve days of suffering, +during which she was unable to eat food, sickened by the sight of the +blood, the intestines and the viscera, so like human intestines and +human viscera, the greasy flitches of bacon hanging from the roof, +and the strong and stimulating odor of the black pudding and spices. +Segundo abhorred even the name of pig, and in the morbid condition of +his mind, in the nervous excitement which consumed him, it was an +indescribable martyrdom to be unable to set his foot outside the door +without stumbling against and entangling himself among the accursed +and repulsive animals, or seeing, through the half-open doors, +portions of their bodies hanging on hooks. All Vilamorta smelled of +pig-killing, of warm entrails; Segundo did not know at last where to +hide himself, and intrenched himself in his own room, closing the +doors and windows tightly, secluding himself from the external world +in order to live with his dreams and fancies in a realm where there +were no hogs, and where only pine groves, blue flowers and precipices +existed. Insufficient precaution to free himself from the torture of +that brutal epoch of the year, since here in his own house he was +besieged by the drama of gluttony and realism. The poet seized his +hat and hurried out of the room. He must flee where these grunts +could not penetrate, where those smells should not surround him. He +walked along the hall, closing his eyes in order not to see, by the +light of the candle which one of the children was holding, Aunt +Gáspara with her skeleton-like arm, bare to the elbow, stirring a red +and frothing liquid in a large earthern pan. When they saw Segundo +leaving the house the sisters burst into shouts of laughter, and +called to him, offering him grotesque delicacies, ignoble spoils of +the dying. + +Leocadia had not retired; she felt ill and she was dozing in a +chair, wrapped in a shawl and shivering with cold; she opened the +door quickly to Segundo, asking him in alarm if anything had +happened. Nothing, indeed. They were killing the pig at home--a +Toledan night; they would not let him sleep. Besides, the night was +so cold--he felt somewhat indisposed--as if he had a chill. Would she +make him a cup of coffee, or better still, a rum punch? + +"Both, my heart, this very instant!" + +Leocadia recovered her spirits and her energy as if by +enchantment. Soon there rose from the punch-bowl the sapphire flame +of the punch. In its glare the schoolmistress's face seemed very +thin. It had lost its former healthy color, a warm brown like that of +the crust of a well-baked loaf. The pangs of disappointed love were +revealed in the pallor of her cheeks, in the feverish brightness of +her eyes, the purplish hue of her lips. Grief had given her prosaic +features an almost poetic stamp; as she had grown thinner her eyes +looked larger; she was not now the robust woman, with firm flesh and +fresh-colored lips, who, pitted though she was by the smallpox, could +still draw a coarse compliment from the tavern-keeper; the fire of an +imperious, uncontrollable, and exacting passion was consuming her +inwardly--the love which comes late in life, that devouring love +which reason cannot conquer, nor time uproot, nor circumstances +change, which fixes its talons in the vitals and releases its prey +only when it has destroyed it. + +And this love was of so singular a nature that,--insatiable, +volcanic, desperate, as it was,--far from dictating acts of violence +to Leocadia and drawing from her furious reproaches, it inspired her +with a self-abnegation and a generosity without limits, banishing +from her mind every thought of self. + +The summer, the vintage season, the whole period during which she +had scarcely seen Segundo, when she knew he had not given her a +passing thought, that he was devoting himself to another woman, had +been horrible for her; and yet not a jealous word, not a complaint +had crossed her lips, nor did she once regret having given Segundo +the money; and when she saw the poet, her joy was so genuine, so +profound, that it effaced, as if by magic, the remembrance of her +sufferings and repaid her for them a hundredfold. + +Now there was an additional reason why she should lavish her +affection upon the poet. He too was suffering, he was ill. What was +the matter with him? He himself did not know: hypochondria, the grief +of separation, spleen, the impatient disgust produced by the contrast +of his mean surroundings with the dreams that filled his imagination. +A constant inappetency, depression of spirits, an uneasy sensation in +the stomach, nerves on the stretch, like the strings of a guitar. And +his love for Nieves was not like Leocadia's love, one of those +passions that absorb the whole being, affect the heart, attenuate the +flesh, and subjugate the soul. Nieves lived only in his imagination, +in his vanity, in his lyrics, in his romantic reveries, those eternal +inspirers of love. Nieves was the visible incarnation, in beautiful +and alluring form, of his longings for fame, his literary ambition. + +Leocadia had served the punch and was pouring out the coffee +when, her hand trembling with pleasure and emotion, she spilled some +of the hot liquid, scalding herself slightly; she took no notice of +the burn, however, but went on, with the same solicitude as always, +to minister to Segundo's comfort. Thinking to please and interest the +poet she asked him for news of the volume of poems which he had in +hand, and which was to spread his fame far beyond Vilamorta, so soon +as it should be published in Orense. Segundo did not show much +enthusiasm at this prospect. + +"In Orense," he said, "in Orense----Do you know that I have +changed my mind? Either I shall publish it in Madrid or I shall not +publish it at all. The loss to Spanish literature would not be so +very great." + +"And why don't you want to publish it now in Orense?" + +"I will tell you. Roberto Blanquez is right in the advice he +gives me in a letter he has just written me from Madrid. You know +that Roberto is in a situation there. He says that no one reads books +published in the provinces; that he has noticed the contempt with +which books that do not bear the imprint of some publishing house of +the capital are looked upon there. And besides, that they delay a +century here in printing a volume, and when it is printed it is full +of errors, and unattractive in appearance--in short, that they do not +take. And therefore----" + +"Well, then, let the book be published in Madrid. How much would +it cost?" + +"Child, the prices Roberto tells me are enough to frighten one. +It seems that the affair would cost a fortune. No publisher will buy +verses or even share with the author the expense of publishing them." + +Leocadia answered only by a smile. The little parlor had a look +of homelike comfort. Although winter had despoiled the balcony of its +charms, turning the sweet basil yellow and withering the carnations, +within, the hissing of the coffee-pot, the alcoholic vapor of the +punch, the quietude, the solicitous affection of the schoolmistress, +all seemed to temper and soften the atmosphere. Segundo felt a +pleasant drowsiness stealing over him. + +"Will you give me a blanket from your bed?" he said to the +schoolmistress. "There is not a spot at home where I could rest +to-night. I might sleep a little on the sofa here." + +"You will be cold." + +"I shall be in heaven. Go." + +Leocadia left the room, and returned dragging in with her an +unwieldy bulk--a mattress; then she brought a blanket; then, pillows. +Total, a complete bed. For all that was wanting--only the sheets--she +brought them also. + + + + + XXIV. + + +Leocadia did not vacillate on the following day. She knew the way +and she went straight to the lawyer's house. The latter received her +with a frowning brow. Did people think he was coining money? Leocadia +had now no land to sell; what she brought was of trifling value. If +she made up her mind to mortgage the house he would speak to his +brother-in-law Clodio, who had some money saved, and who would like +to have some such piece of property. Leocadia breathed a sigh of +regret, it was not with her as with the peasantry--she had no +attachment to land, but the house! So neat, so pretty, so +comfortable, arranged according to her own taste! + +"Pshaw, by paying the amount of the mortgage you can have it back +the moment you wish." + +So it was settled. Clodio handed out the money, tempted by the +hope of obtaining, at half its value, so cozy a nest in which to end +his bachelor existence. In the evening Leocadia asked Segundo to show +her the manuscript of his poems and to read some of them to her. +Frequent mention was made in them, with reticences and transparent +allusions, of certain blue flowers, of the murmur of a pine wood, of +a precipice, and of various other things which Leocadia knew well +were not inventions, but had their explanation in past, and to her +unknown, events. The schoolmistress divined a love story whose +heroine could be no one but Nieves Mendez. But what she could not +understand, what she could not explain, was how Señora de Comba, now +a widow, and free to reward Segundo's love, did not do so +immediately. The verses breathed profound despondency, ardent +passion, and intense bitterness. Now Leocadia understood Segundo's +sadness, his dejection, his mental anguish. How much he must suffer +in secret! Poets, by their nature, must suffer more and crueler +tortures than the rest of humanity. There was not a doubt of it--this +separation, these memories were killing Segundo slowly. Leocadia +hesitated how to begin the conversation. + +"See, listen. Those verses are beautiful and deserve to be +printed in letters of gold. It just happens, child, that I received +some money a few days ago from Orense. Do you know what I was +thinking of the other night while you were asleep in the little bed I +arranged for you? That it would be better for you to go yourself to +publish them--yonder--to Madrid." + +To her great surprise she saw that Segundo's face clouded. To go +to Madrid now! Impossible; he must first learn something of Nieves. +The last tragic scene of his love affair, the dénouement of her +sudden widowhood, raised between them a barrier difficult to pass. +Nieves was rich, and if Segundo should go to her now and throw +himself at her feet, he would not be the lover asking her to requite +his love, but the suitor to her hand, alleging anterior rights and +basing on them his aspirations to replace her defunct husband. And +Segundo, who had accepted money from Leocadia, felt his pride rebel +at the thought that Nieves might take him for a fortune-hunter, or +might scorn him for his obscurity and his poverty. But did not Nieves +love him? Had she not told him so? Why, then, did she not send him +some message. True, he had made no attempt to communicate with the +beautiful widow, or to refresh her memory. He feared to do it +awkwardly, inopportunely, and so reopen the wound caused by the death +of her husband. + +The volume of verses--an excellent idea! The volume of verses was +the one means of recovering his place in Nieves' recollection +worthily, borne on the wings of popular applause. If this volume were +read, admired, praised, it would win fame for its author; the +difference between his own and Nieves' social position, which might +now make his pretensions appear ridiculous, would disappear. "To +marry!" said Segundo to himself. Marriage seemed to him a secondary +matter. Let Nieves only love him. It was love he asked, not marriage. +Sitting at Leocadia's very table he wrote to Blanquez, giving him +instructions, and prepared the manuscript to post it, and made out +the index and the title-page with the impatient joy of one who, +expecting to win a fortune, buys a ticket in the lottery. When he was +gone Leocadia remained sunk in thought. Segundo had no desire to go +to Madrid. Then the gleam of happiness that flashed across her mind +at the thought that Segundo should establish himself in Vilamorta was +quenched by two considerations--one was that Segundo would die of +tedium here; the other that she could not long continue to supply his +wants. In mortgaging the house she had burned her last cartridge. +What should she mortgage now--herself? And she smiled sadly. In the +hall resounded the steps of the neglected little cripple, on his way +to bed, where Flores would soon lull him to sleep with her solecisms +and barbarous litanies. The mother sighed. And this being, this being +who had no support but her--what should he live on? When ruin had +overtaken her, and she could no longer give him food or shelter, what +a mute and continual reproach would the presence of the unhappy child +be to her! And how could she set him to work? + +To work! This word brought to her mind the plans she had matured +in those hours of sleeplessness and despair in which all the past is +retraced in thought and new plans are formed for the future and every +possible course of action is deliberated upon. It was plain that +Minguitos was unfitted for the material labor of cultivating the +ground, or for making shoes, or grinding chocolate, like that +good-looking Ramon; but he knew how to read and write and in +arithmetic, with a little help from Leocadia, he would be a prodigy. +To sit behind a counter kills nobody; to attend to a customer, to +answer his questions, take the money, enter down what is sold, are +rather entertaining occupations that cheer the mind than fatiguing +labors. In this way the little hunchback would be amused and would +lose a little of his terror of strangers, his morbid fear of being +laughed at. + +A few years before if anyone had proposed to Leocadia to separate +her from her child, to deprive him of the shelter of her loving arms, +she would have insulted him. Now it seemed to her so easy and natural +a solution of the question to make him a clerk in a shop. Something, +nevertheless, still thrilled in the depths of her mother's heart, +some fibers still closely attached to the soul, that bled, that hurt. +She must tear them away quickly. It was all for the good of the +child, to make a man of him, so that to-day or to-morrow---- + +Leocadia held two or three consultations with Cansin, who had a +cousin in Orense, the proprietor of a cloth shop; and Cansin, +dilating upon his influence with him, and the importance of the +favor, gave the schoolmistress a warm letter of recommendation to +him. Leocadia went to the city, saw the shopkeeper, and the +conditions on which he agreed to receive Minguitos were agreed upon. +The boy would be fed and lodged, his clothes washed, and he would +receive an occasional suit, made from the remnants of cloth left over +in the shop. As to pay, he would be paid nothing until he should have +acquired a thorough knowledge of the business--for a couple of years +or so. And was he very much deformed? Because that would not be very +pleasant for the customers. And was he honest? He had never taken any +money out of his mother's drawer, had he? + +Leocadia returned home with her soul steeped in gall. How should +she tell Minguitos and Flores? Especially Flores! Impossible, +impossible--she would create a scandal that would alarm the +neighborhood. And she had promised to take Minguitos without fail on +the following Monday! A stratagem occurred to her. She said that a +relative of hers lived in Orense and that she wished to take the +child there to make his acquaintance. She depicted the journey in +glowing colors, so that Minguitos might think he was going on a +pleasure trip. Did he not want to see Orense again? It was a +magnificent town. She would show him the hot springs, the Cathedral. +The child, with an instinctive horror of public places, of coming in +contact with strangers, sorrowfully shook his head; and as for the +old servant, as if she divined what was going on, she raged and +stormed all the week. When Sunday came and mother and son were about +to take their departure in the stage-coach Flores threw her arms +around the neck of the boy as he was mounting the step, and embraced +him with the tremulous and doting fondness of a grandmother, covering +his face with kisses, and moistening it with the saliva on her +withered lips. She spent the rest of the day sitting in the doorway, +muttering words of rage, or of tender pity, her forehead pressed +between her hands in an attitude of despair. + +Leocadia, once they were in the diligence, tried to convince the +boy that the change was for his good; describing to him the pleasant +life that awaited him in that fine shop situated in the most central +part of Orense, which was so lively, where he would have very little +to do, and where he had the hope of earning, if not to-day, +to-morrow, a little money for himself. At her first words the boy +fixed on his mother his astonished eyes, in which a look of +intelligence gradually began to dawn. Minguitos was quick of +comprehension. He drew up close to his mother, and laid his head down +on her lap without speaking. + +As he continued silent, Leocadia said to him: + +"What is the matter with you? Does your head ache?" + +"No; let me sleep so--for a little--until we reach Orense." + +And thus he remained, quiet and silent, lulled to sleep, +apparently, by the creaking of the diligence and the deafening noise +of the windows rattling in their sashes. When they reached the city +Leocadia touched him on the shoulder, saying: + +"We have arrived." + +They alighted from the stagecoach and then only did Leocadia +observe that her lap was moist and that, on the spot where the boy +had rested his forehead, sparkled two or three crystal drops. But on +finding himself among strangers, in the gloomy shop crowded with +rolls of dark cloth, the hunchback's attitude ceased to be resigned; +he caught hold of his mother's skirt with a despairing impulse, +uttering a single cry in which were concentrated all his reproaches, +all his affection: + +"M-a-a-a-m-m-a--m-a-a-a-m-m-a!" + +This cry still resounded through Leocadia's heart when, on her +arrival at Vilamorta, she saw Flores lying in wait for her in the +doorway. Lying in wait is the exact expression, for Flores threw +herself upon her, the moment she appeared, like a bulldog, like a +wild animal asking for and demanding her young. And as a man in a fit +of rage throws at his adversary whatever he finds nearest his hand so +Flores heaped on Leocadia every species of insult, all sorts of +injurious and opprobrious epithets, crying, in a voice that trembled +with rage and hatred: + +"Thief, thief, wretch! What have you done with your child, thief? +Go, drunkard, vagabond, go drink your liqueurs--and your child, +perhaps, dying of hunger! Reprobate, wolf, traitress, where is the +child? Where is the little angel? Where have you hidden him, schemer? +In such a hurry you were to get rid of him so as to be left alone +with your trumpery young gentleman! Wolf, wolf--if I had a gun, as +sure as I am standing here, I would send a charge of shot into you!" + +Leocadia, her face pale, her eyes red with weeping, put out her +hand to stop the mouth of the frenzied old woman; but the latter +caught her fingers between her toothless gums, biting them and +slavering them with the foam of her fury, and when the schoolmistress +went upstairs, the old woman followed her, crying after her in hoarse +and sinister accents: + +"You will never have the grace of God, wolf--God and the Holy +Virgin will punish you! Go, go, rejoice now because you have carried +out your evil designs! May you be forever accursed, accursed, +accursed!" + +The malediction made Leocadia shudder. The house, with Minguitos +away, seemed like a tomb. Flores had neither made the dinner nor +lighted the lamp. Leocadia, too sick at heart to do either, threw +herself on the bed, dressed as she was, and, later on, undressed +herself and went to bed without tasting a morsel of food. + + + + + XXV. + + +With what interest did Segundo read the letters of Roberto +Blanquez giving him news of his book. Roberto was a few years older +than the Swan; the difference in their ages was not so great as to +prevent their having been very good friends when they were at college +together, though it was great enough to have given Blanquez so much +more experience than the poet as to enable him to serve as his guide +and mentor. Blanquez, too, had had his poetic epoch, when he had +written Galician verses; he now devoted himself to the prose of a +modest clerkship, and wrote official articles. Madrid was +enlightening him, and, with the natural penetration of one in whose +veins flowed Galician blood, he was gradually acquiring a knowledge +of practical life. He entertained for Segundo a fanatic admiration +and a sincere attachment, one of those college attachments which last +a lifetime. Segundo wrote to him with entire confidence--some cousins +of Blanquez were acquainted with the mother of Nieves Mendez, and +through this channel Segundo occasionally received tidings of his +lady-love. Blanquez was not ignorant of the episodes of the summer. +And in the beginning his news was very satisfactory: "Nieves lives in +the greatest retirement--my cousins have given me news of her. She +scarcely ever leaves the house except to go to mass. The child is not +well. The physicians say it is the age. They are going to send her to +a convent of the Sacred Heart to be educated. They say the mother +looks superb, my boy. It seems they have been left very well off. The +book will soon appear now. Yesterday I chose the paper for the +edition and the linen paper for the hundred copies _de luxe_. The +type will be Elzevir, which is at present the most fashionable. The +title-page--they make them beautiful now, in six colors--would you +like it to represent something fanciful, something allegorical?" In +this style were Roberto's letters, source of illusions for Segundo, +sole food for his imagination through all that long and gloomy +winter, in that out-of-the-way corner of the world, in the midst of +his prosaic domestic surroundings, his mind filled with the +recollections of his unhappy passion. + +March had arrived, that uncertain month of sunshine and showers +which heralds in the spring with affluence of violets and primroses, +when the cold begins to lessen, and in the pale blue sky white clouds +float like streamers, when Segundo received that most precious of all +objects, that object the sight of which makes the heart palpitate +with joy and longing, mingled with an undefinable fear resembling, +somewhat, the feeling with which the new-made father regards his +first-born--his first printed book. It seemed to him a dream that the +book should be there, before his eyes, in his hands, with the +satin-smooth white cover on which the artist had gracefully twined +around a group of pine trees a few sprays of forget-me-nots; with its +pea-green paper, that gave it an antique air, the compositions headed +by three mysterious asterisks. Looking at his verses thus, free from +blots, finished and correct, the thought standing out clearly in +distinct black characters on the delicately tinted page, he almost +felt as if they had issued from his brain just as they were, smoothly +flowing and with perfect rhymes, without corrections or unmeaning +syllables put in to fill out the meter. + +Leocadia was even more moved by the sight of the book than its +author had been. She shed tears of joy. The fame of the poet was, in +a sense, her work! For two or three days she was happy, forgetting +the bad news which Flores brought her every Sunday from Orense; from +Orense, where Leocadia did not dare to go herself, fearing to yield +to the entreaties and melt before the prayers of the child, but where +palpitated those fibers of her heart which still bled, and which +Flores wrung with torture by her account of the sufferings of +Minguitos, who declined visibly in health, and who always complained +that they made sport of him in the shop and cast up his deformity to +him. + +Unsolvable mysteries of the human heart! Segundo, who despised +his native place, who believed--nor was he mistaken--that there was +not in Vilamorta a single person capable of judging of the merits of +a poem, could not refrain from going one evening to Saturnino +Agonde's and drawing carelessly the volume from his pocket, throwing +it on the counter and saying with affected indifference: + +"What do you think of that book, my boy?" + +On the instant he repented of his weakness, so many were the +nonsensical remarks and absurd jokes with which the beautiful volume +inspired the irreverent assemblage. He wished he had never shown it. +He had drawn all this upon himself. If the public did not treat him +better than his fellow-townsmen! Man can never isolate himself +completely from his surroundings--the circle in which he moves must +always have an interest for him. However little importance Segundo +might attach to the opinions of the Vilamortans, and although their +approbation would assuredly not have raised him in his own +estimation, their stupid mockery wounded and embittered his soul. He +went home hurt and pained. He spent a feverish night--one of those +nights in which great projects are conceived and decisive resolutions +adopted. + +His resolutions and his plans he summed up in the letter he wrote +to Blanquez. The latter did not answer by return of mail; days +passed, and Segundo went every morning to the post-office, always +meeting with the same laconic answer. At last one day he received a +voluminous registered letter. + + + + + XXVI. + + +As he opened it, several newspapers fell out, containing notices +marked by a cross of the volume of poems just published, entitled +"Songs of Absence," this being the name chosen by Segundo for his +volume of rhymes. + +These were accompanied by a letter of four pages from Roberto. +What it might contain was of such vital importance to Segundo, so +great the influence it might exercise over his future, that he laid +it aside fearing, he knew not why, to read it, wishing to defer what +he so eagerly desired. The letter lay open before him and certain +names, certain words frequently repeated, caught his eye. The name of +the widowed Señora de Comba was often mentioned in it. To calm his +agitation, which was purely nervous, he took up the newspapers, +resolving to read first the marked paragraphs. He traversed the _via +crucis_, in the fullest signification of the words. + +_El Imperial_ gave a noisy boom to Galicia and, as a proof that +the country produced poets in the same abundance as it produced +exquisite peaches and beautiful flowers mentioned, without naming +him, the author of "Songs of Absence," a beautiful volume just +published. And not a line more, not a word of criticism, nothing to +indicate that anybody in the office of the popular daily had taken +the trouble even to cut the leaves of the book. _El Liberal_, better +informed, declared, in three lines, that "Songs of Absence" gave +evidence of the author's great facility in versification. _La Epoca_, +in the most obscure corner of its department, "New Books," eulogized +the typographical elegance of the book; disapproved of the romantic +savor of the title and of the title-page, and deplored in trenchant +phrases that the poet should have sought inspiration in the barren +theme of absence when there were so many wholesome, cheerful and +fruitful subjects on which to write. _El Dia_---- + +Ah, as for _El Dia_, it gave Segundo a castigation in style: not +one of those angry, predetermined, energetic castigations, in which +the lash is taken up with both hands to crush a powerful and +dangerous adversary, but a contemptuous cut of the whip, a flick with +the nail, as it were, as one might brush away a troublesome insect; +one of those summary criticisms in which the critic does not take the +trouble to adduce proof or argument in support of his criticisms, +whose justice he deems so evident as not to require demonstration; an +execution by a few jests, but jests of a kind that extinguish a new +author, crush him, relegate him forever to the limbo of obscurity. +The critic said that now when verses of supreme merit lacked readers +it was greatly to be deplored that the press should be made to groan +with rhymes of an inferior quality; that now when Becquer had been +placed in the pantheon of the immortals it was a crime to treat him +with the disrespect of stupidly imitating him, mutilating and +counterfeiting his best thoughts; and finally, that it was to be +regretted that estimable young men, endowed, perhaps, with admirable +capabilities for trade, or for the career of an apothecary or a +notary, should spend their parents' money in costly editions of +verses which no one would either buy or read. + +Underneath this philippic Roberto Blanquez had written: "Pay no +attention to this ass. Read my article." + +And indeed in an obscure, insignificant sheet, one of those +innumerable periodicals that see the light in Madrid without Madrid +ever seeing them, Blanquez poured forth the gall of his wounded +friendship and patriotism--taking the critic to task, eulogizing +Segundo's book and declaring him the worthy compeer of Becquer, with +the difference that the former was a little sweeter, a little more +dreamy, a little more melancholy, as being the son of a land as +beautiful as it was unfortunate, and which was fairer than Andalusia, +than Switzerland, or than any other country on the face of the globe; +ending by saying that if Becquer had been born in Galicia he would +feel, think, and write like _The Swan of Vilamorta_. + +Segundo seized the bundle of newspapers and, after looking at +them for a moment fixedly and with a gloomy brow, tore them into +pieces, large at first, then small, then smaller still, which he +threw out of the window to hover for a moment in the air like +butterflies or like the silvery petals of the flower of illusion, and +then fall into the nearest pool. Segundo smiled bitterly. "There goes +fame," he said to himself. "Now I think I am calmer. Let us see what +the letter says." + +Of this letter we need cite here only certain passages, +supplementing them with the comments made on them in his mind by the +reader. + +"According to your request I went to the house of Señora de Comba +to deliver to her the copy, so carefully wrapped up and sealed, which +you sent me for that purpose."--Of course. It contained an +inscription which I did not want her to think that you might have +read.--"She has a beautiful house, hangings and natural flowers +everywhere."--Everything pertaining to her is like that, beautiful +and refined.--"But I was obliged to return several times before she +would receive me, the moment was always inopportune."--She does not +receive indiscriminately all who may chance to present +themselves.--"At last she received me, after innumerable ceremonies +and formalities. She is very beautiful close by, more beautiful, +even, than at a distance, and it seems impossible that she should +have a daughter twelve years old; she looks at most twenty-four or +twenty-five."--What news Roberto has to tell me.--"The moment I told +her I had come on your part"--Let us hear--"she became--what shall I +say?"--red--"displeased and annoyed, my boy, and in addition so +serious, that I was quite taken aback, and did not know what to +do."--Infamous! Infamous!--"She was afraid that I"--Let us hear; let +us finish, let us finish.--"She refused to receive the book, in spite +of my urgent entreaties"--but this is inconceivable. Ah, what a +woman!--"because she says it would remind her too forcibly of that +place and of the death of her husband, whom God keep in his glory; +and consequently she begs you to excuse her"--wretch!--"from opening +the package and reading your verse, for which she thanks you."--Ha! +ha! ha!--Bravo! What an actress! + +"Notwithstanding all this, as you had charged me explicitly to +deliver it to her, I determined not to take the book back with me +and, taking up my hat and saluting her, I laid your package on a +table. On the following morning, however, it came back to me +unopened, with all its seals intact."--And I did not throw her into +the Avieiro that day when our lips--the more fool I! Well, let us +finish. + +"In view of the little widow's conduct I imagine that you must +have invented all that about the window and the precipice; you must +have told it to me to fool me or, as you are so imaginative, you +dreamed that it happened and you took the dream for reality."--He +does well to mock me.--"At all events, my boy, if you were interested +in the widow, think no more about her. I know to a certainty, through +my cousins, who have it for a fact from their father, that at the +expiration of the period of her mourning she is to marry a certain +Marquis de Cameros who represented at one time a district in +Lugo."--Yes, yes, I understand.--"The thing is serious, for, +according to what my cousins say, the house linen is being +embroidered already with the coronet of a marchioness." + +The letter was torn still more slowly and into still smaller +pieces than the newspapers. With the fragments Segundo made a ball +which he threw far into the middle of the pool. "Such is love," he +said to himself, laughing bitterly. + +He began to walk up and down the room, at first with a certain +monotonous regularity, then restlessly and with fury. Clara, the +eldest of his sisters, half opened the door of the room, saying: + +"Aunt Gáspara says you are to come." + +"What for?" + +"Dinner is ready." + +Segundo took his hat and rushing into the street walked toward +the river, filled with that species of fury which one who has just +received some mental shock, some bitter disappointment, is apt to +feel at being called on to take part in any of the ordinary concerns +of life. + + + + + XXVII. + + +What a walk was his along the marshy borders of the Avieiro! At +times he hurried on without any motive for accelerating his steps, +and again, equally without motive, stood still, his gaze riveted on +some object but in reality seeing nothing. One regret, a gnawing +grief, pierced his soul when he recalled the past. As in a shipwreck +there is for each of the passengers some one particular object whose +loss he deplores more bitterly than that of all his other +possessions, so Segundo, of all his past life, regretted one instant +above every other, an instant which he would have given all he +possessed to live over again--that during which he had stood with +Nieves on the edge of the precipice, when he might have obtained a +worthy and glorious death, carrying with him into the abyss the +precious treasure of his illusions, and the form of the woman who for +that one unforgettable instant only, had truly loved him. + +"A coward then, and a coward now!" thought the poet, calling all +his resolution to his aid but finding himself unable to summon the +necessary courage to throw himself at once into the cold and muddy +waters of the river. What moments of anguish! Giddy with suffering he +seated himself on a stone on the river bank and watched with idiotic +vacancy of expression the circles formed on the bosom of the river by +the drops of rain that fell slantingly from the gray sky, as they +expanded and were lost in other circles that pressed upon them on all +sides, while new circles took their place, to be lost in their turn +in yet other circles, covering the surface of the water with a wavy +design resembling the silver work called _guilloché_. The poet did +not even notice that these same rain-drops that fell thick and fast +on the surface of the Avieiro fell also on his hat and shoulders, ran +down his forehead and, making their way between his collar and his +skin, trickled down his neck. He noticed it only when the chill they +produced made him shiver and he rose and walked slowly home, where +dinner was already over and no one thought of offering him even so +much as a cup of broth. + +Two or three days later a fever declared itself, which was at +first slight, but soon grew serious. Tropiezo called it a gastric and +catarrhal fever, and truth compels us to say that he administered +remedies not altogether inappropriate; gastric and catarrhal fevers +are, for physicians whose knowledge is derived chiefly from +experience, a perfect boon from Heaven, a glorious field in which +they may count every battle a victory; a beaten path in which they +run no risk of going astray. It will not lead them to the unknown +pole of science, but at least it will betray them into no abyss. + +As Tropiezo was leaving García's house one evening, after his +customary visit to Segundo, muffled up to the ears in his comforter, +he saw, standing beside the lawyer's door in the shadow cast by the +contiguous wall, a woman clad in an old morning gown and with her +head bare. The night was bright and Don Fermin was able to +distinguish her features, but it was not without some difficulty that +he recognized her to be Leocadia, so altered and aged did the poor +schoolmistress look. Her countenance betrayed the keenest anxiety as +she asked the doctor: + +"And what news, Don Fermin? How is Segundo getting on?" + +"Ah, good evening, Leocadia. Do you know that at first I did not +recognize you?--Well, very well; there is no cause for uneasiness. +To-day I ordered him some of the _puchero_ and some soup. It was +nothing--a cold caught by getting a wetting. But the boy seems a +little preoccupied, and he was for a time so sad and dejected that I +thought he was never going to get back his appetite. At this season +it is necessary to go warmly clad; we have a fine day, and then, when +you least expect it, back come the rain and the cold again. And +you--how are you getting on? They tell me that you have not been +well, either. You must take care of yourself." + +"There is nothing the matter with me, Don Fermin." + +"So much the better. Any news of the boy?" + +"He is in Orense, poor child. He can't get used to it." + +"He will get used to it by and by. Of course--accustomed to be +petted. Well, Leocadia, good-night. Go home, my dear woman, go home." + +Don Fermin proceeded on his way, drawing his comforter up closer +around his ears. That woman was mad; she had not taken the disease +lightly, it seemed. And how altered she was! How old she had grown in +these last few months! Old women were worse than young girls when +they fell in love. He had done wisely, very wisely in telling her +nothing about Segundo's new plans. She was capable of tearing down +the house if he had told her. No, silence, silence. A shut mouth +catches no flies. Let her find it out through someone else besides +him. And with these sensible ideas and worthy intentions Tropiezo +reached Agonde's, and before a quarter of an hour had elapsed +unbosomed himself of his news: Segundo García was going to America to +seek his fortune--as soon as he should be entirely well, of course. +He would take the steamer at Corunna. + +The occasion was a favorable one for the company to lament once +more in concert the death of Don Victoriano Andres de la Comba, +protector and father of all the Vilamortans in want of situations, a +useful representative and an untiring worker for the district. If he +were alive now most assuredly a young man of so much ability--a +poet--that night the party all agreed that Segundo had ability and +was a poet--would not be obliged to go across the raging seas in +quest of a decent situation. But since they had lost Don Victoriano, +Vilamorta was without a voice in the regions of influence and favor, +for Señorito de Romero, the present representative of the district, +belonged to the class of docile representatives who give no trouble +to the Government, who vote when their votes are wanted, and who hold +themselves cheap, valuing themselves at no more than a few tobacco +shops, and half a dozen or so of official appointments. Agonde took +his revenge that night, expatiating on his favorite theme, and +abusing the pernicious Eufrasian influence which was responsible for +the decadence of Vilamorta, on account of which its youth were +obliged to emigrate to the New World. The apothecary expounded his +theories--he liked the representative of a district to show himself +in it occasionally. Otherwise of what use was he? In his eyes the +ideal representative was that famous politician from whom the barber +of the town he represented had asked a place, basing his request on +the fact that, owing to the distribution of appointments among the +persons of his station in the town, there were no customers left for +him to shave and he was starving. The Alcalde here interposed, saying +that he had it on very good authority that Señorito de Romero +intended to interest himself in earnest for Vilamorta; the +confectioner and some others of those present confirmed this +statement, and then arose a discussion in which it was proved beyond +a doubt that a dead representative has no friends and that the new +representative of the district had already, in the very stronghold of +the former Combista radicals, friends and adherents. + + + + + XXVIII. + + +The Swan has left his native lake, or rather, his pool; he has +crossed the Atlantic on the wings of steam. Will he ever return? Will +he come back with a sallow countenance, a disordered liver, and some +thousands of dollars, in bills of exchange, in his pocketbook, to end +his life where it began, as the ship disabled by storms receives its +last repairs in the dockyard in which it was built? Will the black +vomit, that terrible malady of the Antilles, the scourge of the +Iberians who seek to emulate Columbus conquering a new world, attack +him on his arrival on the young continent? Will he remain in the +tropics, riding in his carriage, united in the bonds of matrimony to +some Creole? Will he preside one day over one of those diminutive +republics, in which the doctors are generals and the generals +doctors? Will his melancholy be cured by the salty kiss of the ocean +breeze, by the contact of virgin soil, the sharp spur of necessity, +that, pushing him into the conflict, will say to him, "Work"? + +History may perhaps at some future day relate the story of the +metamorphosis of the Swan, of his wanderings and his vicissitudes; +but years must first elapse, for it was only yesterday, as one might +say, that Segundo García quitted Vilamorta, leaving the +schoolmistress behind him dissolved in tears. And the story of the +schoolmistress is the only episode in the chronicle of the Swan which +we can at present bring to an end. + +Leocadia was the theme of much gossip in Vilamorta. She was +seriously ill, according to some, according to others, ruined, and +according to many, touched in her mind. She had been seen haunting +the neighborhood of Segundo's house on various nights during the +poet's illness; it was affirmed that she had sold her land and that +her house was mortgaged to Clodio Genday; but the strangest thing of +all, that which was most bitterly censured, was her neglect of her +son after having cared for him and watched over him from his infancy, +never going to Orense to see him, while old Flores went there +constantly, bringing back worse and worse news of the child every +time she went--that he was wasting away, that he spit blood, that he +was dying of grief, that he would not last a month. Leocadia, as she +listened, would let her chin fall upon her breast, and at times her +shoulders would move convulsively, as if she were weeping. Otherwise +she appeared calm, although she was very silent and had lost her +former activity. She helped Flores in the kitchen, attended to the +children of the school, swept and dusted--all like an automaton, +while Flores, who pitilessly spied out every occasion to find fault +with her, took pleasure in crying: + +"Woman, you have left this side of the pan dirty--woman, you +haven't mended your skirt--woman, what are you thinking about? I am +going to Orense to-day and you will have to take care of the +_puchero_." + +At the end of the summer Clodio demanded the interest on his loan +and Leocadia was unable to pay it; she was notified accordingly that, +after the necessary legal proceedings, the creditor would avail +himself of his legal right to take possession of the house. This was +a terrible blow for Leocadia. + +It will sometimes happen that a prisoner, a distinguished +personage, a king, it may be, shut up through an adverse fate within +the walls of a dungeon, stripped of his grandeur, deprived of all +that once constituted his happiness, will bear his ills for years +with resignation, calm in appearance although dejected, but if some +day, by the cruel tyranny of his jailors, this prisoner is deprived +of some bauble, some trifling object for which he had conceived an +affection, the grief pent up within his bosom will burst its bounds, +and the wildest manifestations of grief will follow. Something like +this happened to Leocadia when she learned that she must abandon +forever the beloved little house where she had spent in Segundo's +company hours unique in her existence; the little house in which she +was mistress, which had been rebuilt with her savings, the little +house lately so neat and so attractive, of which she was so proud. + +Flores heard her on several nights sobbing loudly, but when on +one or two occasions, moved by an involuntary feeling of pity, the +old woman went into her room to ask her what ailed her, if she could +do anything for her, Leocadia, covering her face with the bedclothes, +had answered in a dull voice: "There is nothing the matter with me, +woman; let me sleep. You will not even let me sleep!" + +During those days her moods varied constantly and she formed a +thousand different plans. She talked of going to live in Orense, of +giving up the school and taking sewing to do in the house; she +talked, too, of accepting the proposal of Clodio Genday, who, having +dismissed his young servant, for what reason no one knew, offered to +take Leocadia as his housekeeper, by which arrangement she would +remain in her house, Flores, of course, being dismissed. None of +these plans lasted for more than a very short time, but were all in +turn rejected to give place to others no less ephemeral; and while +the schoolmistress was thus engaged in forming and rejecting plans +the time was fast approaching when she should find herself without a +shelter. + +One market day Leocadia went to purchase various articles +urgently needed by Flores, among others a sieve and a new +chocolate-pot, the old one being no longer fit for use. The movement +of the crowd, the jostling of the hucksters, and the glare of the +autumnal sun made her head, weak from want of sleep, from fasting, +and from suffering--slightly dizzy. She stopped before a stall where +sieves were sold, a sort of variety booth, where innumerable +indispensable trifles were for sale--chocolate-beaters, frying-pans, +saucepans, kerosene lamps. In a corner were two articles of +merchandise in great request in the place--consisting of pink paper, +soft, like brown paper, and some whitish powder, resembling spoiled +flour. Leocadia's glance fell on these, and the vender, thinking she +wished to buy some, began to extol their properties, explaining that +the pink sheets moistened and placed on a plate, would not leave a +fly alive in the neighborhood, and that the white powder was +_seneca_, for killing mice, the manner of using it being to mix it +well with cheese and place the mixture, made into little balls, in +their haunts. Leocadia asked the price and told the vender to give +her a small quantity, and the woman, to appear generous, took up a +good portion on the spatula, wrapped it up in paper, and gave it to +her for a trifling sum. The drug indeed was of little value, being +very common in that part of the country, where native arsenic abounds +in the calcareous spar forming one of the banks of the Avieiro, and +arsenic, acid--rat-poison--is sold openly in the fairs, rather than +in drug shops. The schoolmistress put away the powder, bought, +through complaisance, half a dozen of the pink slips of paper, and on +her return home punctually delivered to Flores the articles she had +been commissioned to purchase. + +Flores noticed that after dinner Leocadia shut herself up in her +bedroom, where the old woman could hear her talking aloud as if she +were praying. Accustomed to her eccentricities the servant thought +nothing about the matter. When she had ended her prayer, the +schoolmistress stepped out on the balcony, where she stood gazing for +a long time at the flower-pots; she then went into the parlor and +looked for a good while also at the sofa, the chairs, the little +table, the spots which reminded her of the past. Then she went into +the kitchen. Flores declared afterward--but in such cases who is +there that does not lay claim to a prophetic instinct--that +Leocadia's manner on entering had attracted her attention. + +"Have you any fresh water?" she asked. + +"Yes." + +"Give me a glass of it." + +Flores affirmed that, as she took the glass, the hand of the +schoolmistress trembled, as if she had a chill, and the strangest +part of the matter was that, although there was no sugar in the +water, Leocadia asked for a spoon, which she put into the glass. An +hour, or perhaps an hour and a half passed, when Flores heard +Leocadia groan. She hurried to her room and saw her lying on the bed, +her face frightfully pale, making desperate and fruitless efforts to +vomit. Then a cold perspiration broke out on the forehead of the sick +woman, and she remained motionless and speechless. Flores, terrified, +ran for Don Fermin, urging him to hurry, saying this was no jesting +matter. When Don Fermin arrived out of breath, he asked: + +"What is this, Leocadia? What is the matter with you; my dear +woman, what is the matter with you?" + +Opening her dilated eyes, she murmured: + +"Nothing, Don Fermin, nothing." + +Standing on the table at the head of the bed was the glass; it +contained no water, but the bottom and the sides of the vessel were +coated with a white powder which had remained undissolved and which +the schoolmistress, not wishing to leave it there, had scraped off in +places with the spoon. It is proper to say, on this occasion also, +that the illustrious Tropiezo made no mistake in the treatment of so +simple a case. Tropiezo had already fought some battles with this +common toxic substance and knew its tricks; he had recourse, without +a moment's delay, to the use of powerful emetics and of oil. Only the +poison, having gained the start of him, had already entered into the +circulation and ran through the veins of the schoolmistress, chilling +her blood. When the nausea and the vomiting ceased several little red +spots--an eruption similar to that of scarlet-fever--made their +appearance on Leocadia's pallid face. This symptom lasted until death +came to set her sad spirit free and release it from its sufferings, +which was toward daybreak. Shortly before her death, during an +interval of freedom from pain, Leocadia, making a sign to Flores to +come nearer, whispered in her ear: "Promise me--that the child shall +not know it--by the soul of your mother--don't tell him--don't tell +him the manner of my death." + +A few days later Tropiezo was defending himself to the party at +Agonde's who, for the pleasure of making him angry, were accusing him +of being responsible for the death of the schoolmistress. + +"For one thing, they called me too late, much too late," he said; +"when the woman was almost in her death agony. For another, she had +taken a quantity of arsenic which was not large enough to produce +vomiting, but which was too small to cause merely a colic and be done +with it. Where I made the mistake was in waiting so long before +sending for the priest. I did it with the best intentions, so as not +to frighten her and hoping we might yet pull her through. When +extreme unction was administered she had no senses left to know what +was going on." + +"So that," said Agonde maliciously, "where you are called in, +either the soul or the body is sure to meet with a trip." + +The company applauded the joke, and there followed funereal jests +mingled with expressions of pity. Clodio Genday, the creditor of the +deceased, moved about uneasily in his chair. What stupid +conversation, _canario_! Let them talk of more cheerful subjects! + +And they talked of very cheerful and satisfactory subjects +indeed. Señorito de Romero had promised to put a telegraph-office in +Vilamorta; and the newspapers were saying that, owing to the +increasing importance of the viticultural interests of the Border, a +branch railroad was needed for which the engineers were soon coming +to survey the ground.