# Random_forest Exploring random forest algorithm during residency Meise. In this repository experiments with the random forest algorithm: a commented implementation to develop an understanding of its workings and a visualizer of the generated models. The implementation was taken from [Machine Learning Mastery](https://machinelearningmastery.com/implement-random-forest-scratch-python/) ## Files The repository has an annotated version of the algorithm, a dataset with trainingdata and a visualizer. *commenting_code_model/random_forest_model_altered.py* an implementation of the Random Forest model. Commented during [Anaïs Bercks' residency in Meise](https://algoliterarypublishing.net/activities.html), and slighty altered to store the generated model into a json file. *commenting_code_model/iris_data.csv* data set on Iris petals *commenting_code_model/visualizer/visualizer.py* the script visualizing a model generated by the *random_forest_model_altered.py* script. ## Running Run the script *commenting_code_model/random_forest_model_altered.py* to generate random forests. The generated models will be json files in the same directory as the model. Optionally run the *commenting_code_model/visualizer/visualizer.py* to generate visualizations. Those visualizations will the placed in the visualizer folder. ## Requirements The implementations are written in python and require python 3, find information on how to [install python here](https://www.python.org/downloads/) The visualizer uses graphviz to generate the visualization. Find information on how to [install graphviz here](https://graphviz.org/download/) The visualizer also requires the [graphviz python bindings](https://pypi.org/project/graphviz). The easiest way to install them is through pip: ``` pip3 install graphviz ```