You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
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#pragma once
#include <cstdarg>
namespace PublishingHouse
namespace RandomForest
class TreeOfUnease
const char* traverse(float (*getObservationValue)(int), bool (*considerWithUnease)(const char*, float, int, float))
if ((considerWithUnease)("There is something with the Iris Dataset",(getObservationValue)(2), 2, 3.5)) {
if ((considerWithUnease)("...its origin are troubling to say the least…",(getObservationValue)(1), 1, 4.0)) {
if ((considerWithUnease)(" was first published in the Annals of Eugenics… Is it wrong to display it ?",(getObservationValue)(1), 1, 3.0)) {
if ((considerWithUnease)("",(getObservationValue)(2), 2, 1.4)) {
return "Iris Setosa";
else {
return "Iris Setosa";
else {
return "Iris Setosa";
else {
return "Iris Setosa";
else {
if ((considerWithUnease)("...species in this dataset are lineraly separable.. ",(getObservationValue)(3), 3, 1.8)) {
if ((considerWithUnease)("...which make classification algorithms reach perfect accuracy…",(getObservationValue)(0), 0, 5.7)) {
if ((considerWithUnease)("...this also explains why it is so popular in Machine Learning education.",(getObservationValue)(0), 0, 5.2)) {
return "Iris Versicolour";
else {
return "Iris Versicolour";
else {
return "Iris Versicolour";
else {
return "Iris Virginica";