Title: Forest bathing workshop Date: 18-11-2021 # Forest Bathing workshop with students of ESA Saint-Luc, Bruxelles ## Introducing the context - connecting to the macro-cosmos: - walk in silence - mute phones - open up to experiments, even if there can be some resistance - Bois de la Cambre / ForĂȘt de Soignes: - 5km walk - max 3hs ## Introducing some species Looking at bark, leafs, fruits, specific values in use, in Celtic use - beech - hornbeam - poplar - oak - linden - maple - chestnut ## Experiments - share a memory of a tree - choose a tree and say hello, observe its bark, look up to the leaves, down to the roots, be conscious about the wood wide web - how does a tree manage to have its leafs change colour and fall down (this workshop was in autumn) - photosynthesis - basic exchange tree-human: oxygen & CO2 - breathing together - guided meditation: become an oak of 35Oys old, smell the soil in which it is rooted - meet a tree - find a tree that calls you - greet the tree - ask a question following Philippine practise - explore your expression with your own medium (drawing/writing/photography...) - final sharing