title: Contents of the book sort: 4 - Does reading lose its value when you can choose one million copies of a slightly different version of a book? - Do we show the infinity of the generated copies? If yes, how? - Does each book need the capacity to exist in infinite variations? Can we decide upon a 'static' version of a book? Is this interesting? - How can the organisation of books be presented in a fair inclusive way What 'fair' categories/characteristics can we think of for a first 'index' web page? - Do we keep the plain text as a style throughout all editions of the publishing house, reflecting the materiality of code and logging? Or do we also create 'books' that look like more classic / elaborately laid-out books. A more structured layout seems to invite a different way of coding that is written with the layout in mind, for example by splitting logs into parts. But also, the code to produce the layout becomes part of the code, making the scripts less simple and more clearly designed. (Thought: make a special stdout which writes html, rather than plaintext? Could we then use something like ANSI codes to set the styling? ) - Now the pdf does not exist on the server. It only exists in the RAM memory of the reader’s computer, and it only exists on your computer if you decide to download it. This is a response to the field of literature, where the book is considered as something fixed. This immediate download takes a step into the distribution itself. We could include the sender in the pdf! - The format of the pdf is good, because otherwise it would become something else: a media art/a webpage. It would be more about the interactivity and the experience. Now we speak back with an object that is produced by the publishing industry and tradition. We take on the dress and habits of that context: we start as a website and freeze it; what is generated is static; it is a quality that it is a pdf; a way to connect to the website and vice versa. - How would you cite this book? - Is each generated book a unique object? It can be easily copied and redistributed. Should we talk about unique objects? NFTs (non-fungible tokens, a way to integrate artworks into Blockchain, wasteful by design...) are unique objects. - The book can be present in different places: on the website, as a pdf, as a book during the walk, shared in the neighbourhood. They can become topics for a workshop: as tools and to open up algorithms to a wider audience. - Is it an idea to open up this platform as a service? This rises other questions: what about curatorship? A publishing house is assuring quality, it is more than a Print-on-demand service. - What about formats of the books? Now they switch between A4 and US A4. Will they always be A4? - Can we imagine linking the generation of the pdfs to a POD-platform like Lulu?