title: Paseo por arboles de madrid
algorithm: Markov Chain
trees: collection of trees in the neighbourhood of Barrio de Las Letras in Madrid, retrieved from Un Alcorque, un Arbol
humans: Emilia Pardo Bazán
Benito Pérez Gáldos
Jaime Munárriz
Luis Morell
An Mertens
Eva Marina Gracia
Gijs de Heij
Ana Isabel Garrido Mártinez
Alfredo Calosci
Daniel Arribas Hedo
language: Spanish
published: 2021
license: Collective Conditions for (re-)use (CC4r), June 2021
publication_url: http://paseo-por-arboles.algoliterarypublishing.net
repository: https://gitlab.constantvzw.org/anais_berck/paseo-por-arboles-de-madrid
support: This book was created as part of the residency of Anaïs Berck in Medialab Prado in Madrid, granted by the Government of Flanders as part of their 'Residency Digital Culture' program. The creation happened in company of collaborators of Medialab Prado, who assisted to various workshops.
In this book, the Markov Chain algorithm simultaneously generates a poem and a walk along trees in the neighbourhood Las Letras in the centre of Madrid. Despite the impression that there are few trees in the neighbourhood, the algorithm counts 460 of them. Markov Chain was designed in 1906 by Andrey Markov, a Russian mathematician who died in 1992. This algorithm is at the basis of many softwares that generate spam. It is used for systems that describe a series of events that are interdependent. What happens depends only on the previous step. That is why Markov Chains are also called "memoryless".