import subprocess import tempfile import os.path from settings import PAGEDJS_BINARY_PATH basepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) """ Calls the pagedjs binary. path_html path to the html sources to be read by pagedjs path_pdf output path of the generated pdf cwd path to be used as current working directory for the subprocess extra_scripts array of paths to additional javascript """ def run_pagedjs (path_html, path_pdf, cwd=None, extra_scripts=[]): args = [ PAGEDJS_BINARY_PATH ] for script in extra_scripts: args.extend([ '--additional-script', script ]) args.extend([ '-o', path_pdf, path_html ]) try: return subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=cwd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return 'Error:\n{}'.format(e.output.decode()) """ Generates a PDF based on provided HTML using pagedjs and returns the generated PDF. If optional path_out is provided the PDF is written there and the function returns the path. Optional extra_scripts is a list of strings with javascript. Scripts are sent in the same order to paged.js """ def make_pdf_from_string (html, path_out=None, extra_scripts=[]): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='algoliterary_publishing_house_') as tempdir: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, mode='w', suffix='.html', delete=False) as temphtml: # Store html in a temporary file temphtml.write(html) temphtml.close() name_in = extra_scripts_tmp = [] for script in extra_scripts: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, mode='w', suffix='.js', delete=False) as tempjs: tempjs.write(script) tempjs.close() extra_scripts_tmp.append( # Make a temporary file for the generated PDF with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, mode='w', suffix='.pdf', delete=False) as temppdf: temppdf.close() name_out = # Make the pdf run_pagedjs(name_in, name_out, cwd=basepath, extra_scripts=extra_scripts_tmp) if path_out: import shutil shutil.copy(name_out, path_out) return path_out else: with open(name_out, 'rb') as generated_pdf: return """ Generates a PDF based on provided HTML using pagedjs and returns the generated PDF. If optional path_out is provided the PDF is written there and the function returns the path. Optional extra_scripts is a list of strings with javascript. Scripts are sent in the same order to paged.js """ def make_pdf_from_url (url, path_out=None, extra_scripts=[]): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='algoliterary_publishing_house_') as tempdir: extra_scripts_tmp = [] for script in extra_scripts: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, mode='w', suffix='.js', delete=False) as tempjs: tempjs.write(script) tempjs.close() extra_scripts_tmp.append( # Make a temporary file for the generated PDF with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, mode='w', suffix='.pdf', delete=False) as temppdf: temppdf.close() name_out = # Make the pdf run_pagedjs(url, name_out, cwd=basepath, extra_scripts=extra_scripts_tmp) if path_out: import shutil shutil.copy(name_out, path_out) return path_out else: with open(name_out, 'rb') as generated_pdf: return