Html-to-print as a lay-out tool


Anaïs Berck

Open Source Publishing

Graphic design collective using only Free/Libre Open Source Software.


Research group exploring the potential of algorithmic literature.

Algoliterary encounter

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Data Workers

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Data Workers
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Tools of today


A web browser!


Scripting language.

To see if it's installed: open a terminal and type:

python3 --version

Expected output, a number like:

Python 3.6.9

If you don't have python installed it might be:

Command not found

Download python:


Python library to convert HTML + CSS to a PDF

Install through the terminal:

pip3 install weasyprint

Directly from commandline

weasyprint weasyprint-website.pdf

As library in a script

from weasyprint import HTML


CSS: Control page size

@page {
  /* width and height. In this case for an A5 */
  size: 148.5mm 210mm;
  /* OR */
  /* size: A5 portrait;  */
  padding: 0;
  marks: crop;
  bleed: 5mm;
  margin: 25mm;
  /* Bigger bleed as weasyprint draws the cropmarks within the bleed*/

CSS: Page numbers

@page {
  @bottom-center {
      On every page display the value of the page counter at the bottom center.
      The page counter is a special counter created by weasyprint.
    content: counter(page);

CSS: Fancy page numbers

@page:right {
    Use a pseudo-selector on the page to display page numbers on right pages 
    on the right.
  @bottom-right {
    content: counter(page);

@page:left {  
    Use a pseudo-selector on the page to display page numbers on left pages 
    on the left.
  @bottom-left {
    content: counter(page);

CSS: Special pages

@page:first {
    Selects the first page of the documents. Allows for example for hiding
    the page numbers on the cover and / or different page margins there.

@page:empty {
    According to the standards this selector should select empty pages.
    In my experience it doesn't always work.

CSS: Running headers

h1 {
    When a header 1 is encoutered set the value of the string
    running-header to the value of the header
  string-set: running-header content(text);

@page {
  @bottom-center {
      On every page display the value of running-header at
      that moment
    content: string(running-header);