diff --git a/__pycache__/pelicanconf.cpython-38.pyc b/__pycache__/pelicanconf.cpython-38.pyc index 72c1a36..39d49a6 100644 Binary files a/__pycache__/pelicanconf.cpython-38.pyc and b/__pycache__/pelicanconf.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/content/projects/moonwalks.md b/content/projects/moonwalks.md index 9fb3dca..c637206 100644 --- a/content/projects/moonwalks.md +++ b/content/projects/moonwalks.md @@ -32,3 +32,9 @@ These and other authors inspired me to organise - as a new ritual - new and full > I was coming out of a very busy day and the walk calmed me down. In the beginning I had trouble concentrating on what the invitations were, because my head was still processing all the impressions of the day, but towards the end I was totally into it. > > Delphine + + + +> There was something that touched me and still does today, but I don't know how to explain it... probably the talking to the trees, our big brothers. +> +> Aicha diff --git a/content/projects/moonwalks_es.md b/content/projects/moonwalks_es.md index 5ef265e..7bf126e 100644 --- a/content/projects/moonwalks_es.md +++ b/content/projects/moonwalks_es.md @@ -33,3 +33,9 @@ Estos y otros autores me inspiraron a organizar -como un nuevo ritual- paseos de > Salí de un día muy ajetreado y el paseo me calmó. Al principio me costó concentrarme en lo que eran las invitaciones, porque mi cabeza aún estaba procesando todas las impresiones del día, pero hacia el final estaba totalmente metida en ello. > > Delphine + + + +> Hubo algo que me conmovió y lo sigue haciendo hoy, pero no sé cómo explicarlo... probablemente haber hablado con los árboles, nuestros hermanos mayores. +> +> Aicha diff --git a/content/projects/moonwalks_fr.md b/content/projects/moonwalks_fr.md index d866e16..42b3df3 100644 --- a/content/projects/moonwalks_fr.md +++ b/content/projects/moonwalks_fr.md @@ -34,3 +34,9 @@ Ces auteurs et d'autres m'ont inspiré l'idée d'organiser - comme un nouveau ri > Je sortais d'une journée très chargée et la promenade m'a calmée. Au début, j'avais du mal à me concentrer sur les invitations, parce que ma tête était encore en train de traiter toutes les impressions de la journée, mais vers la fin, j'étais complètement dedans. > > Delphine + + + +> Il y a quelque chose qui m'a touchée et qui me marque encore aujourd'hui mais je ne sais pas expliquer... sans doute d'avoir parlé avec les arbres, nos grands frères. +> +> Aicha diff --git a/content/projects/moonwalks_nl.md b/content/projects/moonwalks_nl.md index d0b8350..e11c0e5 100644 --- a/content/projects/moonwalks_nl.md +++ b/content/projects/moonwalks_nl.md @@ -35,3 +35,9 @@ Deze en andere auteurs inspireerden me om – als een nieuw ritueel - nieuwe en > Ik kwam uit een heel drukke dag en de wandeling heeft me terug rustig gemaakt. In het begin had ik moeite om me te concentreren op wat de opdrachten waren, omdat m’n hoofd nog alle indrukken van de dag aan het verwerken was, maar naar het einde toe zat ik er helemaal in. > > Delphine + + + +> Er was iets dat me geraakt heeft en dat nu nog steeds doet, maar ik weet niet hoe het uit te leggen... het heeft zeker te maken met de communicatie met de bomen, onze grote broers. +> +> Aicha diff --git a/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc b/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc index 0f24134..17635b0 100644 Binary files a/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc and b/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/file_formats.cpython-38.pyc b/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/file_formats.cpython-38.pyc index 25aec62..52ae9c5 100644 Binary files a/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/file_formats.cpython-38.pyc and b/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/file_formats.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/generators.cpython-38.pyc b/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/generators.cpython-38.pyc index 4a3337f..e37b2c2 100644 Binary files a/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/generators.cpython-38.pyc and b/plugins/data_files/__pycache__/generators.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/plugins/gallery/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc b/plugins/gallery/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc index 232a431..b68116a 100644 Binary files a/plugins/gallery/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc and b/plugins/gallery/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/plugins/html-comment-sections/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc b/plugins/html-comment-sections/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc index 752e76a..7046fda 100644 Binary files a/plugins/html-comment-sections/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc and b/plugins/html-comment-sections/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc differ diff --git a/plugins/multilang-json-page/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc b/plugins/multilang-json-page/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc index b558529..83ef6fa 100644 Binary files a/plugins/multilang-json-page/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc and b/plugins/multilang-json-page/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc differ