# Moonwalks.be ## Editing content The content files are in the `content/` directory, in the form of `markdown` files, in different languages. The `content/calendar` directory contains one `yaml` file with the currently planned _walks_, see next session on how to edit. The `content/projects` directory contains the texts presentation of the different projects. The `content/pages` directory contains the other website pages: the index/bio/intro, the gallery (empty because there is no text). Images can be dropped in the `content/gallery` folder, name as no importance, a plugin is going to resize them and sort them by hours of the day they were taken (using their metadata). ## Adding walk entries The moonwalk calendar is a `yaml` file, in `content/calendar/`. To add a new entry: 1. open the website in a browser and go to the calendar to see what are the next New/Full moon dates 2. either copy the date by hand (with `-` between 2-digit numbers) or click anything on the related date box on the calendar webpage (it will automatically copy the data) 3. add a new entry in the `yaml` file by pasting the date (at one more indentation level than the `calendar:` key) 4. fill with the other fields like so: ```yaml calendar: #New Moon walk on the 30.04.22 30-04-22: event_type: en: "Walk" fr: "Ballade" nl: "Wandelen" es: "Paseos" start_time: "20:00" start_location: "Drève du comte" start_location_link: "https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/14502214#map=17/50.79518/4.40096" ``` Everytime the webpage load it will first get the New/Full moon dates from the API, then see if any entries in the calendar matches one of those date and if it does, add the corresponding informations to it. ## Regenerate the website after editing content ### Init steps 1. clone the repository 2. install requirements `pip install -r requirements.txt` 3. create a file with name `.env` in the root folder containing the `ftp` logs, like this ```bash $HOST = "" $USERNAME = "" $PASSWORD = "" ``` ### For every updates of the website 1. make your edits to the `content/` folder 2. `add`, `commit` and `push` your changes to the directory 3. open a terminal in the root folder of this project and launch the `pelican` command to regenerate 4. launch `sync.sh` If a change don't appear immediatly it's possible you have to hard refresh using `ctrl`+`shift`+`r`.