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"{\"Euphorbiaceae\": [\"Get Your User Flair Here!\", \"My euphorbia is ill. What should I do? My other euphorbia died from this spreading all over it. \\ud83d\\ude2d\", \"Time to head inside for a bit\", \"Euphorbia? ID info in comments\", \"been trying to ID this for a while. Any ideas?\"], \"Plumbaginaceae\": [\"\"], \"Gesneriaceae\": [\"Kohlerias\", \"Aeschynanthus tengchungensis\", \"Primulina Dryas\", \"Codonanthe Devosiana Paula\", \"Some gesneriads that\\u2019s are doing well for me at summer\\u2019s end\"], \"Brassicaceae\": [\"\"], \"Ericaceae\": [\"\"], \"Agavaceae\": [\"\"], \"Alliaceae\": [\"\"], \"Melastomataceae\": [\"r/Melastomataceae Lounge\", \"Monolena dressleri\", \"Group of Sonerila. One of the more famous Melastome genera. All of these are thriving, I absolutely adore this genus.\", \"An introduction\"], \"Orchidaceae\": [\"\"], \"Araceae\": [\"Got Lucky With This One\", \"How does one identify the type of Araceae this is?\", \"Can someone help me figure out what is going on with my mini monstera? I have cats but I don\\u2019t think these leaf marks look like nibbles, looks like there is something wrong with it\", \"Hi ! What Arum is this please ?\", \"Rhaphidophora decursiva\"], \"Caryophyllaceae\": [\"\"], \"Aristolochiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Cactaceae\": [\"\"], \"Aspleniaceae\": [\"\"], \"Asteraceae\": [\"Asteraceae has been created\"], \"Woodsiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Begoniaceae\": [\"Quick summary of \\\"Conservation of Begonia germplasm through seeds\\\" by S. R. Haba\", \"Optimal seed germination temperatures of Begonia bidentata, B. cucullata, B. dentatiloba, B. hirtella. Location: Reserva Biologica do Tingua, Duque de Caxias municipality, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil.\", \"Habitat description of Begonia herveyana and B. maxwelliana in Melaka and Perak states, Peninsular Malaysia.\", \"Begonia tuanii (sect. Platycentrum), a new species from Lao Cai Province, North Vietnam.\", \"Habitat description of Begonia multangula, B. baliensis, B. longifolia. Locations: Bukit Tapak, Batukaru Nature Reserve, Bali, Indonesia and Reboisation Forest Area at \\u201cEka Karya\\u201d Botanical Garden, Bali, Indonesia.\"], \"Bixaceae\": [\"\"], \"Leguminosae\": [\"\"], \"Callitrichaceae\": [\"\"], \"Grammitidaceae\": [\"\"], \"Capparaceae\": [\"\"], \"Sapotaceae\": [\"\"], \"Caesalpiniaceae\": [\"\"], \"Poaceae\": [\"r/Poaceae Lounge\", \"Me and you living in this, smol n cute\", \"I think of so many things to do here, for starters: spend the rest of our lives here\", \"Look! A person of culture\", \"This could be us, but you playin\"], \"Acanthaceae\": [\"\"], \"Iridaceae\": [\"\"], \"Boraginaceae\": [\"\"], \"Marattiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Commelinaceae\": [\"r/Commelinaceae Lounge\"], \"Dioscoreaceae\": [\"\"], \"Annonaceae\": [\"Sugar apple (Annona squamosa) planted in a pot. from flower to fruit . Said to be the best fruit in the world.\", \"Soursop tree (annona muricata), with closeup of the flower and the young fruit growing.\"], \"Dryopteridaceae\": [\"\"], \"Bombacaceae\": [\"\"], \"Lamiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Apiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Ephedraceae\": [\"\"], \"Eriocaulaceae\": [\"\"], \"Myrtaceae\": [\"\"], \"Clusiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Geraniaceae\": [\"\"], \"Zingiberaceae\": [\"r/zingiberaceae Lounge\"], \"Asclepiadaceae\": [\"r/asclepiadaceae Lounge\"], \"Bignoniaceae\": [\"\"], \"Bromeliaceae\": [\"\"], \"Rubiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Pontederiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Malpighiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Hydrangeaceae\": [\"\"], \"Balsaminaceae\": [\"\"], \"Fabaceae\": [\"\"], \"Scrophulariaceae\": [\"\"], \"Arecaceae\": [\"Palm Tree dying. Help ID and suggestions for revival\", \"I like growing palms from seed in the PNW. Here's one of my Mexican Fan Palms, Brahea armata\", \"Palm Tree ID Help\", \"Can anyone tell me what type of palm tree this is?\", \"Is my palm doomed and other questions...\"], \"Hyacinthaceae\": [\"\"], \"Magnoliaceae\": [\"\"], \"Lauraceae\": [\"\"], \"Loganiaceae\": [\"\"], \"Nepenthaceae\"