You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
228 lines
7.3 KiB
228 lines
7.3 KiB
2 years ago
from itertools import combinations as _combinations
from queue import Queue
from .pagerank_weighted import pagerank_weighted_scipy as _pagerank
from .preprocessing.textcleaner import clean_text_by_word as _clean_text_by_word
from .preprocessing.textcleaner import tokenize_by_word as _tokenize_by_word
from .commons import build_graph as _build_graph
from .commons import remove_unreachable_nodes as _remove_unreachable_nodes
"""Check tags in and use only first two letters
Example: filter for nouns and adjectives:
def _get_pos_filters():
return frozenset(INCLUDING_FILTER), frozenset(EXCLUDING_FILTER)
def _get_words_for_graph(tokens):
include_filters, exclude_filters = _get_pos_filters()
if include_filters and exclude_filters:
raise ValueError("Can't use both include and exclude filters, should use only one")
result = []
for word, unit in tokens.items():
if exclude_filters and unit.tag in exclude_filters:
if (include_filters and unit.tag in include_filters) or not include_filters or not unit.tag:
return result
def _get_first_window(split_text):
return split_text[:WINDOW_SIZE]
def _set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word_a, word_b):
if word_a in tokens and word_b in tokens:
lemma_a = tokens[word_a].token
lemma_b = tokens[word_b].token
edge = (lemma_a, lemma_b)
if graph.has_node(lemma_a) and graph.has_node(lemma_b) and not graph.has_edge(edge):
def _process_first_window(graph, tokens, split_text):
first_window = _get_first_window(split_text)
for word_a, word_b in _combinations(first_window, 2):
_set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word_a, word_b)
def _init_queue(split_text):
queue = Queue()
first_window = _get_first_window(split_text)
for word in first_window[1:]:
return queue
def _process_word(graph, tokens, queue, word):
for word_to_compare in _queue_iterator(queue):
_set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word, word_to_compare)
def _update_queue(queue, word):
assert queue.qsize() == (WINDOW_SIZE - 1)
def _process_text(graph, tokens, split_text):
queue = _init_queue(split_text)
for i in range(WINDOW_SIZE, len(split_text)):
word = split_text[i]
_process_word(graph, tokens, queue, word)
_update_queue(queue, word)
def _queue_iterator(queue):
iterations = queue.qsize()
for i in range(iterations):
var = queue.get()
yield var
def _set_graph_edges(graph, tokens, split_text):
_process_first_window(graph, tokens, split_text)
_process_text(graph, tokens, split_text)
def _extract_tokens(lemmas, scores, ratio, words):
lemmas.sort(key=lambda s: scores[s], reverse=True)
# If no "words" option is selected, the number of sentences is
# reduced by the provided ratio, else, the ratio is ignored.
length = len(lemmas) * ratio if words is None else words
return [(scores[lemmas[i]], lemmas[i],) for i in range(int(length))]
def _lemmas_to_words(tokens):
lemma_to_word = {}
for word, unit in tokens.items():
lemma = unit.token
if lemma in lemma_to_word:
lemma_to_word[lemma] = [word]
return lemma_to_word
def _get_keywords_with_score(extracted_lemmas, lemma_to_word):
:param extracted_lemmas:list of tuples
:param lemma_to_word: dict of {lemma:list of words}
:return: dict of {keyword:score}
keywords = {}
for score, lemma in extracted_lemmas:
keyword_list = lemma_to_word[lemma]
for keyword in keyword_list:
keywords[keyword] = score
return keywords
def _strip_word(word):
stripped_word_list = list(_tokenize_by_word(word))
return stripped_word_list[0] if stripped_word_list else ""
def _get_combined_keywords(_keywords, split_text):
:param keywords:dict of keywords:scores
:param split_text: list of strings
:return: combined_keywords:list
result = []
_keywords = _keywords.copy()
len_text = len(split_text)
for i in range(len_text):
word = _strip_word(split_text[i])
if word in _keywords:
combined_word = [word]
if i + 1 == len_text:
result.append(word) # appends last word if keyword and doesn't iterate
for j in range(i + 1, len_text):
other_word = _strip_word(split_text[j])
if other_word in _keywords and other_word == split_text[j] \
and other_word not in combined_word:
for keyword in combined_word:
result.append(" ".join(combined_word))
return result
def _get_average_score(concept, _keywords):
word_list = concept.split()
word_counter = 0
total = 0
for word in word_list:
total += _keywords[word]
word_counter += 1
return total / word_counter
def _format_results(_keywords, combined_keywords, split, scores):
:param keywords:dict of keywords:scores
:param combined_keywords:list of word/s
combined_keywords.sort(key=lambda w: _get_average_score(w, _keywords), reverse=True)
if scores:
return [(word, _get_average_score(word, _keywords)) for word in combined_keywords]
if split:
return combined_keywords
return "\n".join(combined_keywords)
def keywords(text, ratio=0.2, words=None, language="english", split=False, scores=False, deaccent=False, additional_stopwords=None):
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise ValueError("Text parameter must be a Unicode object (str)!")
# Gets a dict of word -> lemma
tokens = _clean_text_by_word(text, language, deacc=deaccent, additional_stopwords=additional_stopwords)
split_text = list(_tokenize_by_word(text))
# Creates the graph and adds the edges
graph = _build_graph(_get_words_for_graph(tokens))
_set_graph_edges(graph, tokens, split_text)
del split_text # It's no longer used
# PageRank cannot be run in an empty graph.
if len(graph.nodes()) == 0:
return [] if split else ""
# Ranks the tokens using the PageRank algorithm. Returns dict of lemma -> score
pagerank_scores = _pagerank(graph)
extracted_lemmas = _extract_tokens(graph.nodes(), pagerank_scores, ratio, words)
lemmas_to_word = _lemmas_to_words(tokens)
keywords = _get_keywords_with_score(extracted_lemmas, lemmas_to_word)
# text.split() to keep numbers and punctuation marks, so separeted concepts are not combined
combined_keywords = _get_combined_keywords(keywords, text.split())
return _format_results(keywords, combined_keywords, split, scores)
def get_graph(text, language="english", deaccent=False):
tokens = _clean_text_by_word(text, language, deacc=deaccent)
split_text = list(_tokenize_by_word(text, deacc=deaccent))
graph = _build_graph(_get_words_for_graph(tokens))
_set_graph_edges(graph, tokens, split_text)
return graph