import argparse import os import sys import warnings from .summarizer import summarize from .keywords import keywords # Types of summarization SENTENCE = 0 WORD = 1 DEFAULT_RATIO = 0.2 def textrank(text, summarize_by=SENTENCE, ratio=DEFAULT_RATIO, words=None, additional_stopwords=None): if summarize_by == SENTENCE: return summarize(text, ratio, words, additional_stopwords=additional_stopwords) else: return keywords(text, ratio, words, additional_stopwords=additional_stopwords) def existing_file(file_name): try: with open(file_name, 'r') as file: return except Exception: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("The file provided could not be opened.") def restricted_float(x): x = float(x) if x < 0.0 or x > 1.0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{} not in range [0.0, 1.0]".format(x)) return x def parse_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, prog="textrank", description="Extract the most relevant sentences or keywords of a given text using the TextRank algorithm.") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) # New API group.add_argument('--summarize', metavar="path/to/file", type=existing_file, help="Run textrank to summarize the input text.") group.add_argument('--keywords', metavar="path/to/file", type=existing_file, help="Run textrank to extract keywords from the input text.") # Old API group.add_argument('--text', '-t', metavar="path/to/file", type=existing_file, help="(Deprecated) Text to summarize if --summary option is selected") parser.add_argument('--summary', '-s', metavar="{0,1}", type=int, choices=[SENTENCE, WORD], default=0, help="(Deprecated) Type of unit to summarize: sentence (0) or word (1)") parser.add_argument('--ratio', '-r', metavar="r", type=restricted_float, default=DEFAULT_RATIO, help="Float number (0,1] that defines the length of the summary. It's a proportion of the original text") parser.add_argument('--words', '-w', metavar="#words", type=int, help="Number to limit the length of the summary. The length option is ignored if the word limit is set.") parser.add_argument('--additional_stopwords', '-a', metavar="list,of,stopwords", help="Either a string of comma separated stopwords or a path to a file which has comma separated stopwords in every line") return parser.parse_args(args) def main(): args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) mode = None text = None if args.summarize: text = args.summarize mode = SENTENCE elif args.keywords: text = args.keywords mode = WORD elif args.summary: # Old api warnings.warn("The --summary option is deprecated. Please use either --summarize or --keywords", DeprecationWarning) text = args.text mode = args.summary if text is None: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Error: no text to summarize provided.') else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Error: --summarize or --keywords is required') additional_stopwords = None if args.additional_stopwords: if os.path.exists(args.additional_stopwords): with open(args.additional_stopwords) as f: additional_stopwords = {s for l in f for s in l.strip().split(",")} else: additional_stopwords = args.additional_stopwords.split(",") print(textrank(text, mode, args.ratio, args.words, additional_stopwords)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()