import string import unicodedata import logging logger = logging.getLogger('summa.preprocessing.cleaner') try: from pattern.en import tag"'pattern' package found; tag filters are available for English") HAS_PATTERN = True except ImportError:"'pattern' package not found; tag filters are not available for English") HAS_PATTERN = False import re from .snowball import SnowballStemmer from .stopwords import get_stopwords_by_language from summa.syntactic_unit import SyntacticUnit # Utility functions adapted from Gensim v0.10.0: # # SEPARATOR = r"@" RE_SENTENCE = re.compile('(\S.+?[.!?])(?=\s+|$)|(\S.+?)(?=[\n]|$)') AB_SENIOR = re.compile("([A-Z][a-z]{1,2}\.)\s(\w)") AB_ACRONYM = re.compile("(\.[a-zA-Z]\.)\s(\w)") AB_ACRONYM_LETTERS = re.compile("([a-zA-Z])\.([a-zA-Z])\.") UNDO_AB_SENIOR = re.compile("([A-Z][a-z]{1,2}\.)" + SEPARATOR + "(\w)") UNDO_AB_ACRONYM = re.compile("(\.[a-zA-Z]\.)" + SEPARATOR + "(\w)") STEMMER = None STOPWORDS = None def set_stemmer_language(language): global STEMMER if not language in SnowballStemmer.languages: raise ValueError("Valid languages are: " + ", ".join(sorted(SnowballStemmer.languages))) STEMMER = SnowballStemmer(language) def set_stopwords_by_language(language, additional_stopwords): global STOPWORDS words = get_stopwords_by_language(language) if not additional_stopwords: additional_stopwords = {} STOPWORDS = frozenset({ w for w in words.split() if w } | { w for w in additional_stopwords if w }) def init_textcleanner(language, additional_stopwords): set_stemmer_language(language) set_stopwords_by_language(language, additional_stopwords) def split_sentences(text): processed = replace_abbreviations(text) return [undo_replacement(sentence) for sentence in get_sentences(processed)] def replace_abbreviations(text): return replace_with_separator(text, SEPARATOR, [AB_SENIOR, AB_ACRONYM]) def undo_replacement(sentence): return replace_with_separator(sentence, r" ", [UNDO_AB_SENIOR, UNDO_AB_ACRONYM]) def replace_with_separator(text, separator, regexs): replacement = r"\1" + separator + r"\2" result = text for regex in regexs: result = regex.sub(replacement, result) return result def get_sentences(text): for match in RE_SENTENCE.finditer(text): yield # Taken from Gensim RE_PUNCT = re.compile('([%s])+' % re.escape(string.punctuation), re.UNICODE) def strip_punctuation(s): return RE_PUNCT.sub(" ", s) # Taken from Gensim RE_NUMERIC = re.compile(r"[0-9]+", re.UNICODE) def strip_numeric(s): return RE_NUMERIC.sub("", s) def remove_stopwords(sentence): return " ".join(w for w in sentence.split() if w not in STOPWORDS) def stem_sentence(sentence): word_stems = [STEMMER.stem(word) for word in sentence.split()] return " ".join(word_stems) def apply_filters(sentence, filters): for f in filters: sentence = f(sentence) return sentence def filter_words(sentences): filters = [lambda x: x.lower(), strip_numeric, strip_punctuation, remove_stopwords, stem_sentence] apply_filters_to_token = lambda token: apply_filters(token, filters) return list(map(apply_filters_to_token, sentences)) # Taken from Gensim def deaccent(text): """ Remove accentuation from the given string. """ norm = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", text) result = "".join(ch for ch in norm if unicodedata.category(ch) != 'Mn') return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", result) # Taken from Gensim PAT_ALPHABETIC = re.compile('(((?![\d])\w)+)', re.UNICODE) def tokenize(text, lowercase=False, deacc=False): """ Iteratively yield tokens as unicode strings, optionally also lowercasing them and removing accent marks. """ if lowercase: text = text.lower() if deacc: text = deaccent(text) for match in PAT_ALPHABETIC.finditer(text): yield def merge_syntactic_units(original_units, filtered_units, tags=None): units = [] for i in range(len(original_units)): if filtered_units[i] == '': continue text = original_units[i] token = filtered_units[i] tag = tags[i][1] if tags else None sentence = SyntacticUnit(text, token, tag) sentence.index = i units.append(sentence) return units def clean_text_by_sentences(text, language="english", additional_stopwords=None): """ Tokenizes a given text into sentences, applying filters and lemmatizing them. Returns a SyntacticUnit list. """ init_textcleanner(language, additional_stopwords) original_sentences = split_sentences(text) filtered_sentences = filter_words(original_sentences) return merge_syntactic_units(original_sentences, filtered_sentences) def clean_text_by_word(text, language="english", deacc=False, additional_stopwords=None): """ Tokenizes a given text into words, applying filters and lemmatizing them. Returns a dict of word -> syntacticUnit. """ init_textcleanner(language, additional_stopwords) text_without_acronyms = replace_with_separator(text, "", [AB_ACRONYM_LETTERS]) original_words = list(tokenize(text_without_acronyms, lowercase=True, deacc=deacc)) filtered_words = filter_words(original_words) if HAS_PATTERN: tags = tag(" ".join(original_words)) # tag needs the context of the words in the text else: tags = None units = merge_syntactic_units(original_words, filtered_words, tags) return { unit.text : unit for unit in units } def tokenize_by_word(text, deacc=False): text_without_acronyms = replace_with_separator(text, "", [AB_ACRONYM_LETTERS]) return tokenize(text_without_acronyms, lowercase=True, deacc=deacc)