import json import sys import random from tree_maker import Tree from fpdf import FPDF # ref # declare input data inputfile = ( "/home/mara/webdev/sortingtree/cleaned_data/year_name_fam_subset.json" ) in_data = open(inputfile, "r") data = in_data.close() data_json = json.loads(data) reddit_file = open( "/home/mara/webdev/sortingtree/cleaned_data/fam_reddit_subset.json" ) reddit_data = reddit_file.close() reddit_json = json.loads(reddit_data) # declare pdf format and margins margin = 15 zine = FPDF(orientation="L", unit="mm", format="A4") # set font for all text # zine.add_font( # 'CasaleNBP', '', r"./fonts/CasaletwoNbp-Bp4V.ttf", uni=True) # tree_font = 'CasaleNBP' zine.add_font( 'Kp', '', r"./fonts/KpProgrammerAlternatesNbp-Zg1q.ttf", uni=True) tree_font = 'Kp' font_size = 15 zine.set_font(tree_font, '', font_size) zine.set_margins(margin, margin, margin) zine.add_page() zine.set_xy(zine.w/2+margin, margin) tree = Tree(zine) root = tree.keys_sorting(data_json) def make_bin_tree(output, zine, tree, root): global data_json global margin tree.draw_year_name(data_json, root, zine.h, zine.w, margin) zine.output(output) print("PDF saved as {}".format(output)) def make_bin_tree_reddit(output, zine, tree, root, reddit_json): global data_json global margin tree.draw_year_name_reddit( data_json, reddit_json, root, zine.h, zine.w, margin) zine.output(output) print("PDF saved as {}".format(output)) def make_bin_tree_position_nodes(output, zine, tree, root): global data_json global margin tree.preorder_position_nodes(data_json, root, zine.h, zine.w, margin) print("PDF saved as {}".format(output)) def make_bin_tree_weird_position_nodes(output, zine, tree, root): global data_json global margin tree.weird_position_nodes(data_json, root, zine.h, zine.w, margin) print("PDF saved as {}".format(output)) if __name__ == '__main__': # input text and output pdf if len(sys.argv) > 1: if len(sys.argv) == 4: output = sys.argv[3] inputfile = sys.argv[2] version = sys.argv[1] else: version = sys.argv[1] output = "./trees/test_%d.pdf" % int(version) else: version = random.randint(1, 100) inputfile = "./trees/array.txt" output = "./trees/test_%d.pdf" % int(version) # make_bin_tree(output, zine, tree, root) # make_bin_tree_reddit(output, zine, tree, root, reddit_json) # make_bin_tree_position_nodes(output, zine, tree, root) make_bin_tree_weird_position_nodes(output, zine, tree, root) # TODO: add functions of the following tree methods # tree.draw_year(json_data, root, x, y, zine.h, zine.w, margin, steps=30) # tree.print_nodes(root) # tree.draw_year_name_reddit( # treejson_data, root, x, y, max_height, margin, width) # tree.print_bin_tree(root, x, y, max_height, margin, width, steps=max_height/3) # tree.print_tree_terminal(root) # tree.design_tree(json_data, font_size, margin, steps=10) # root = zine.tree_sorting([4, 8, 7, 9, 10, 1, 20, 5, 15, 11]) # root = zine.tree_sorting(["BIN", "ARY", "IS", "FOR", "SORTING", "TREES"]) # sentence = "BIN ARY IS FOR SORTING TREES" # root = tree.tree_sorting(sentence.split())