You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.1 KiB

from readline import set_completion_display_matches_hook
from pelican import signals
import re
def split_sections(generator, content):
Split the markdown content of an article or page into sections
everytime it encounter a comment of the form <!--[section-name]-->
and put those in a new `sections` attribute as a dictonnary.
The `content` attribute is left intact.
html_content = content.content
content.sections = {}
pattern = re.compile(r"<!--\[((?:(?!\]-->).)*)\]-->((?:(?!<!--\[)[\s\S])+)")
# find all matches to groups
matches = pattern.finditer(html_content)
for match in matches:
# section name
section_name =
section_content =
content.sections[section_name] = section_content
if content.sections:
sections_names = ", ".join([section_name for section_name in content.sections.keys()])
print("Sections in {t}: {s}".format(t=content.title, s=sections_names))
def register():