You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
3.2 KiB

{# depends on the `current_lang` variable
set in the article templates, and other custom pages template
such as gallery and index using `article.lang` or `page.lang`.
so it must be added after this variable is set using block insertion.
This method allow to conserve lang preference switching between article and pages,
Note that we can not have direct template with this method.
<div class="top-header mono">
<h1><a href="/"></a></h1>
<nav class="lang-menu">
{% if article %}
{# the active one is the one that is currently not in the translation list #}
{# this means we have to order those items in css, if we want a fixed order
otherwise the current one is always going to be the first #}
<li id="lang__{{ article.lang}}" class="active">
<a href="{{ article.url }}">
<span>{{ article.lang }}</span>
{% for translation in article.translations %}
<li id="lang__{{ translation.lang}}">
<a href="{{ translation.url }}" hreflang="{{ translation.lang }}">
<span>{{ translation.lang }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% elif page %}
{# exactly the same but with page object #}
<li id="lang__{{ page.lang}}" class="active">
<a href="{{ page.url }}">
<span>{{ page.lang }}</span>
{% for translation in page.translations %}
<li id="lang__{{ translation.lang}}">
<a href="{{ translation.url }}" hreflang="{{ translation.lang }}">
<span>{{ translation.lang }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<nav class="nav-menu">
<ul class="nav-menu__pages">
{% for cat, arts in categories %}
<li id="nav__{{ cat }}" {% if category and cat == category %} class="active" {% endif %}>
{% if current_lang == DEFAULT_LANG %}
{# take the last dated article #}
<a href="{{ arts[0].url }}"><span>{{ multilang[cat] }}</span></a>
{% else %}
{% for translation in arts[0].translations %}
{% if translation.lang == current_lang %}
<a href="{{ translation.url }}">
<span>{{ multilang[cat] }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for p in pages %}
{% if not p.partial %}
<li id="nav__{{ p.slug }}" {% if page and p.slug == page.slug %} class="active"{% endif %}>
{% if current_lang == DEFAULT_LANG %}
<a href="{{ p.url }}"><span>{{ p.title }}</span></a>
{% else %}
{% for translation in p.translations %}
{% if translation.lang == current_lang %}
<a href="{{ translation.url }}">
<span>{{ translation.title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="nav-menu__footer">
<button class="open-footer">?</button>