You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
2.1 KiB

## Editing content
The content files are in the `content/` directory.
`markdown` file exists in different languages, they're in `content/projects` (the texts presentation of the different projects) or `content/pages` (mainly the index, which is the intro + bio before the calendar).
Images can be dropped in the `content/gallery` folder, name as no importance, a plugin is going to resize them and sort them by hours of the day they were taken (using their metadata).
## Adding walk entries
The moonwalk calendar is a `.yaml` file, in `content/calendar/`.
To add a new entry:
1. open the website in a browser and go to the calendar to see what are the next New/Full moon dates
2. either copy the date by hand (with `-` between 2-digit numbers) or click on the date box on the calendar webpage (it will automatically copy it)
3. add a new entry in the `.yaml` by pasting the date (at one more indentation level than the `calendar:` key)
4. fill the other field like so:
#Full moon walk on the 18.03.22
start_time: "18:00"
start_location: "Drève du comte"
start_location_link: ""
Everytime the webpage load it will first get the New/Full moon dates from the API, then see if any entries in the calendar matches one of those date and if it does, add the corresponding informations.
## Regenerate the website after editing content
Init steps
1. clone the repository
2. install pelican
On every updates
1. make your edits to the `content/` folder
2. `add`, `commit` and `push` your changes to the directory
3. open a terminal in the root folder of this project and launch the `pelican` command to regenerate
4. copy the new files generated in the `output/` folder to the server
if a change don't appear immediatly it's possible you have to hard refresh (using `ctrl`+`shift`+`r`).
<!-- ## Notes
* if location changes to another country it is possible that the previous walk doesn't correspond to their yaml (because the hour shift, make it jump one day before or after)
* we could do an automatic newsletter or RSS flux ? -->